12th Cycle dedication

CHULIN 59 - Dedicated by Rabbi Dr. Eli Turkel of Raanana, l'Iluy Nishmas his mother, Golda bas Chaim Yitzchak Ozer (Mrs. Gisela Turkel) who passed away on 25 Av 5760. Mrs. Turkel accepted Hashem's Gezeiros with love; may she be a Melitzas Yosher for her offspring and for all of Klal Yisrael.

[59a - 59 lines; 59b - 42 lines]

1)[line 1]òé÷øà ãîøéøúàIKARA DI'MEREIRASA- (O.F. ture) the root of aconite, a poisonous plant

2)[line 2]ú÷ìéTAKLEI- weights, the equivalent of half a Shekel each

3)[line 2]àìéáà øé÷ðàA'LIBA REIKANA- on an empty stomach (lit. heart)

4)[line 3]îéùúìç îùëéäMISHTALACH MASHCHEI- his skin will be shed [because of high fever] (O.F. eschalfaison)

5)[line 6]"[ëé áöì äçëîä áöì äëñó; åéúøåï ãòú] äçëîä úçéä áòìéä.""[KI B'TZEL HA'CHOCHMAH B'TZEL HA'KESEF V'YISRON DA'AS] HA'CHOCHMAH TECHAYEH BE'ALEHA."- "[For to sit in the shelter of wisdom is to sit in the shelter of money (because with wisdom one attains money); and the advantage of knowledge is that] wisdom gives life to those who have it." (Koheles 7:12)

6)[line 7]åàøáòé àîâåæéV'ARBA'EI AMGUZEI- and forty nuts

7)[line 8]åùá áåèéúà ãôøçéV'SHEV BUTISA D'FARCHEI- (O.F. caprier) and seven pits of the fruit of the caper-berry bush

8)[line 8]åùúé øáéòúà ããåáùàV'SHASI REVI'ASA D'DUVSHA- and he drinks a Revi'is of honey

9)[line 9]áú÷åôú úîåæB'TEKUFAS TAMUZ- in the summer solstice, when the weather is very hot

10)[line 10]úìéà ãìéáéäTALYA D'LIBEI- the cord on which his heart hangs (the pericardium)

11)[line 10]áø èáéàBAR TAVYA- a young deer

12)[line 11]ãäåä îôñ÷ ëøòï áúøééúàD'HAVAH MIFSAK KAR'AN BASRAISA- that its hind legs were severed

13)[line 14]ìðé÷åøéL'NIKUREI- [is the master not afraid of] bitings (of snakes)

14)[line 16]úéìçé úéìçéTILCHEI TILCHEI- pieces

15)[line 18]"[áìèùàöø øá çøèîéà ãé àðä éãòú ãé øåç àìäéï ÷ãéùéï áê å]ëì øæ ìà àðñ ìê çæåé çìîé ãé çæéú åôùøéä àîø""[BELTSHATZAR RAV CHARTUMAYA DI ANAH YID'ES DI RU'ACH ELAKIN KADISHIN BACH] V']CHOL RAZ LO ANES LACH [CHEZVEI CHELMI DI CHAZEIS, U'FISHREI EMAR.]" - "[Beltshatzar, chief of the necromancers, since I know that the Spirit of the Holy G-d is with you, and] no secret is hidden from you. [This is the vision of the dream that I saw; tell me its interpretation!]" (Daniel 4:6) (Nevuchadnetzar's Personal Dream)

(a)King Nevuchadnetzar had a dream that troubled him immensely. He told all of his wise men and sorcerer's the dream, but none of them were able to interpret it for him. He summoned Daniel, from whose expertise in this field he had already benefited once. He proceeded to relate his dream to Daniel.

(b)In his dream, Nevuchadnetzar had seen a gigantic tree whose numerous branches spread across the entire land. It bore sufficient fruit to sustain his entire kingdom. Wild beasts rested in its shade and birds dwelt in its branches.

(c)He saw an Angel descend from the heavens and call out for the tree to be cut down, together with its branches and fruit, scattering all the wild beasts and the birds that found shelter there. However, the roots were to remain intact, and they would be tied to feed from the herbs and the grass of the field like the beasts of the field for seven years.

(d)Daniel presented the king with the interpretation of the dream. The mighty tree was none other than the king himself, a symbol of his tremendous success in building up his kingdom. Hash-m had decreed, however, that he would be banished from mankind, to live for seven years among the animals of the field, to share their habitat and their food. This was in order to convince him that Hash-m was the ultimate Sovereign, and that He designated sovereignty to whomever He wishes.

(e)Daniel continued. When the seven-year period would terminate, he would be returned to his throne as before. Finally, Daniel gave the king a piece of advice. Having seen how many of his impoverished brethren were going from door to door begging for food, he suggested that Nevuchadnetzar redeem himself by giving Tzedakah generously, which he did, thereby delaying the fulfillment of his dream by one year.

16)[line 23]ëì òåó ùçåì÷ àú øâìéå èîàKOL OF SHE'CHOLEK ES RAGLAV TAMEI- any bird that parts the toes of its feet is Tamei

17)[line 25]å÷øöåìéíV'KARTZULAYIM- jointed hind legs for jumping

18)[line 26]åùîå çâáU'SHEMO CHAGAV- and its name must be Chagav [because in addition to possessing these four characteristics, an insect must also be known to be called "Chagav" to be permissible]

19)[line 29]ä÷áåòéï áåHA'KEVU'IN BO- those that are affixed to the fish, i.e. the scales

20)[line 29]äôåøç áäïHA'PORE'ACH BAHEN- that it swims with them

21)[line 31]ùîòìä âøäSHE'MA'ALEH GERAH- that chews its cud

22)[line 34]ðéáéNIVEI- (O.F. jencives) gums

23)[line 35]áï âîìBEN GAMAL- a young camel

24)[line 36]ùôïSHAFAN- hyrax, a small mammal, around twenty inches long that lives in the mountains of the Negev. It has a flexible tail-less body, and short feet, covered with elastic pads. It nests in the clefts of rocks, and lives in small groups. Since it has a maw like a ruminant, it is considered to bring up its cud. Others translate it as coney or Jerboa.

25)[line 36]åàøðáúV'ARNEVES- and a hare; the angora rabbit, prized for its wool. It is considered a ruminant by the Torah (Vayikra 11:6, Devarim 14:7). According to some, this is because of its unique practice of excreting soft food pellets in the early morning hours and then consuming them (scientifically termed "coprophagy") in order to process the large amounts of cellulose that it eats.

26)[line 41]ôøñåúéä çúåëåúPARSOSEHA CHATUCHOS- the animal's hooves were severed

27)[line 50]ùìéè áòåìîå éåãòSHALIT B'OLAMO YODE'A- the Ruler of the universe knows

28)[line 51]ùôéä âîåíSHE'PIHA GAMUM- [and he found an animal] whose mouth was mutilated

29)[line 51]ôøñåúéä ñãå÷åúPARSOSEHA SEDUKOS- its hooves are split

30)[line 56]àí îäìê ùúé åòøáIM MEHALECH SHESI V'EREV- if the muscle runs both lengthwise and crosswise

31)[line 56]òøåãAROD- a wild desert donkey

32)[line 59]ëðôé äòå÷õKENAFEI HA'UKATZ- (O.F. hanche) the hips or flanks of the tail; i.e. below the hipbone of Kosher animals there is a muscle that peels from the bone both vertically and laterally


33)[line 6]å÷øùV'KERESH- (O.F. dain) and a deer

34)[line 7]ëøåëåúKERUCHOS- [horns that have layers which] encircle one another

35)[line 8]çøå÷åúCHARUKOS- (O.F. crenedes) nicked, notched

36)[line 9]îôåöìåúMEFUTZALOS- (a) (O.F. forchidedes) forked (RASHI); (b) hooked (TOSFOS)

37)[line 10]öáéTZVI- (O.F. esteinboc) an ibex or wild-goat (RASHI; Rashi points out that the word "Tzvi" usually refers to a different animal, the gazelle)

38)[line 11]çãåøåúCHADUROS- cylindrical

39)[line 11]ìà ãéðà åìå ãééðàLO DINA V'LO DAYNA- there is no judgment and no judge (i.e. who can object to this reasoning?)

40)[line 13]ãîéáìò çéø÷ééäåD'MIVLA CHIRKAIHU- the grooves are very close together

41)[line 14]ãòéæà ëøëåæD'IZA CHARKOZ- a goat-like animal

42)[line 15]ãò÷åø îìà öðà ãúøáà îéðäD'AKUR MELO TZANA D'SARBA MINAH- from which a basketful of Chelev was extracted [after it had been slaughtered]

43)[line 22]èáéà ãáé òéìàéTAVYA D'VEI ILA'I- [the Keresh is] the deer of Bei Ila'i, i.e. the deer of a certain wilderness which has antlers very close together

44)[line 23]èâøñ àøéà ãáé òéìàéTIGRAS ARYA D'VEI ILA'I- the Tigris is the lion of Bei Ila'i

45)[line 24]úùò àîäúàTESHA AMHASA- nine Amos [is the span between the two ears]

46)[line 24]àåðàUNA- the lobe of a lung

47)[line 28]ëàøéä îúéìK'ARYEH MESIL- is compared to a lion

48)[line 29]ôøùà ÷èéì àøéàPARASHA KATIL ARYA- a horseman kills a lion

49)[line 33]àéáøàIVRA- indeed, in truth

50)[line 33]àúò÷ø îãåëúéäIS'AKAR MI'DUCHTEI- the lion set out from its place

51)[line 35]ðéäí çã ÷ìàNIHEM CHAD KOLA- the lion let out one roar

52)[line 35]àôéìå ëì îòáøúà åùåøà ãøåîé ðôìAFILU KOL MA'ABARTA V'SHURA D'ROMI NAFAL- and all the pregnant women of Rome miscarried, and the walls of Rome collapsed

53)[line 37]ðúåø ëëé åùéðé ãâáøéNATUR KACHEI V'SHINEI D'GAVREI- and the men's molars and front teeth fell out

54)[line 38]ðôì îëåøñééà ìàøòàNAFAL MI'KURSAYA L'AR'A- he fell from the throne to the floor

55)[line 38]áîèåúà îéðêB'MATUSA MINACH- I beg of you, I ask a favor of you