

úåñ' ã"ä åäåöéà äìä àú øàùå

(Summary: Tosfos differentiates between this case and a similar case in Perek Keitzad Ha'Regel.)

ìà ãîéà ì'äéä úçúéå ëøéí åëñúåú' ãùìäé ëéöã äøâì (ìòéì ëå:) ...


Implied Question: One cannot compare this to the case in 'Perek Keitzad ha'Regel (Daf 26b) of 'Underneath him were cushions and covers ... ' (where the Gemara rules that he is Patur) ...

ãàéï ìå ìçùåá ùéñì÷å äëøéí åéùáøå äëìéí.


Answer: ... because he did not need to assume that they would remove the cushions, thereby causing the vessels to break.



úåñ' ã"ä àé ãùëéç áùå÷à îàé èòîà ãàçøéí

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement, according to this text and according to an alternative one.)

ôéøåù éîúéðå òã ùéîöàäå áùå÷ çåõ ìáéúå.


Explanation #1: This means that he should wait until he meets him in the street outside his house.

åàéú ñôøéí ãâøñé 'àé ãùëéç áîúà - ãëéåï ùàéï øâéì ìöàú çåõ îòéøå, äøáä ôòîéí éîöàäå çåõ ìáéúå ...


Explanation #2: Some have the text 'If he is generally seen in town' - because, since he does not usually leave town, one will often find him outside his house.

àáì ìà ùëéç áîúà ëòéï øåëì äîçæø áòééøåú, éù ìäí øùåú ìéëðñ ùìà éìê ìå.


Explanation #2 (cont.): ... but if he is not generally to be found in town, such as for example, a peddler, they are permitted to enter his house, to catch him before he leaves.



úåñ' ã"ä áâáøà ãùëéç åìà ùëéç

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)

àé ùëéç ôùéèà ìéä ã'÷åí à'ãåëúê' îùîò, åàé ìà ùëéç, à"ë åãàé 'òåì úà' îùîò.


Clarification: Because if he is generally to be found ... , then it is obvious that 'Yes' implies 'Remain where you are'; whereas if he is not, it means 'Come in'.



úåñ' ã"ä úðéà ëî"ã ÷åí à'ãåëúê îùîò

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case.)

åò"ë áùëéç åìà ùëéç ...


Clarification: This can only be referring to a case where he is 'Shechi'ach and Lo Shechi'ach' ...

ãàé áùëéç æä ìà äéä ÷åøà ðëðñ áøùåú, ãôùéèà ã'÷åí à'ãåëúê' îùîò.


Reason: ... because if it referred to where he is Shechi'ach, then it is obvious that 'Yes' would mean 'Remain where you are', and the Tana would not call it 'Nichnas bi'Reshus'.



úåñ' ã"ä ùðé ùååøéí úîéí ùçáìå æä áæä ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains what the Mishnah is coming to teach us both according to Rebbi Akiva and according to Rebbi Yishmael.)

úéîä, ãëåìä îúðéúéï ùàéï öøéëä äéà?


Question: The entire Mishnah is superfluous?

åé"ì, ãìøáé ò÷éáà àöèøéê - ùìà úàîø ëéåï ãàéú ìéä 'éåçìè äùåø ìðéæ÷', àí ëï, ùåøå ùì æä ÷ðåé ìæä, åàí ä÷ãéùå, ÷ãåù.


Answer #1: We need it according to Rebbi Akiva - that one should not say that since, the ox goes over to the Nizak, each one's ox belongs to the other one (See Mesores ha'Shas), and if he declares it Hekdesh, it will be Hekdesh ...

÷î"ì, ãìà àîøéðï äëé.


Answer #1 (cont.): The Mishnah therefore teaches us that this is not the case.

åàôéìå ìøáé éùîòàì ðîé ð"î àí ðàáã äàçã, ùìà éàîøå äáòìéí àâáä ëì çöé ðæ÷é îùìê, åàúä úôñéã ðæ÷ê, ùðàáã ùåøé ùîùúìí îâåôå.


Answer #2: But even according to Rebbi Yishmael, there is a difference - where, in the event that Reuven's ox gets lost, he cannot claim that he will take his full half-damage from Shimon's ox, and that Shimon will lose his claim, because, since his (Reuven's) got lost, he cannot claim from its body.



úåñ' ã"ä åøáðï äæä ìîä ìé ìôåèøå ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains why, according to the Rabanan, the Torah needs to write "ka'Mishpat".)

åà"ú' ìøáðï "ëîùôè" ìîä ìé, ãáìà "ëîùôè" éãòéðï ãúí áàãí îùìí ç"ð, ãîäéëà úéúé ìùìí ð"ù?


Question: According to the Rabanan, why does the Torah need to write "ka'Mishpat", seeing as without it, we know that if a Tam wounds a person, he pays Chatzi Nezek, as why would we think that it pays Nezek Shalem?

åé"ì, ãëéåï ã"äæä" àöèøéê ìîëúá, ìôåèøå îàøáò' ãáøéí, àé ìàå 'ëîùôè ùåø áùåø', ìà äåä ãøùéðï "äæä" ìôåèøå îàøáòä ãáøéí ...


Answer: Because the Torah needs to write "ha'Zeh" to exempt it from paying the four things, and were it not for 'ke'Mishpat Shor be'Shor', we would not have been able to Darshen "ha'Zeh" to exempt it from the four things.

àìà äåä ãøùéðï "äæä" ëøáé ò÷éáà - "äæä" - ëúçúåï åìà ëòìéåï, ãäëé îñúáøà èôé.


Answer (cont.): But we would have "ha'Zeh" - ke'Tachton, ve'Lo ke'Elyon" (like Rebbi Akiva) since that D'rashah is more logical.



úåñ' ã"ä ìôåèøå îàøáòä ãáøéí

(Summary: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn that from "ka'Mishpat".)

úéîä, î'ëîùôè ùåø áùåø, ëê îùôè ùåø áàãí' ùîòéðï ìéä?


Question: We already know that from 'ke'Mishpat Shor be'Shor, kach Mishpat Shor be'Adam'?

åé"ì, ãæä àéï ììîåã, îùåí ãâáé ùåø ìà ùééëé àøáòä ãáøéí, ãöòø åáåùú ìéëà, åøôåé åùáú äåé áëìì ðæ÷ ...


Answer: We would not know the current D'rashah from there, since the four things are not applicable to an ox, seeing as Tza'ar and Boshes simply don't apply, and Ripuy and Sheves are included in Nezek ...

ãëùùîåäå ëîä äéä ùåä îúçéìä åëîä äåà ùåä òëùéå, ùàí éøöä áòìéå ìà éøôàäå àìà éîëøäå îéã åé÷ðä àçø.


Answer (cont.): ... because when they assess the initial value of his ox against its current value, the owner has the option not to cure it, but to sell it immediately, and to purchase another one.

ðîöà ëùîùìí ìå, éëåì ì÷ðåú ùåø ëùìå/


Answer (cont.): 2. Answer (cont.): It therefore transpires that when he pays him, he is able to purchase an ox that is equivalent to his own.

àáì àãí òì ëøçê öøéê ìøôàåú òöîå ...


Conclusion: ... whereas a person has to heal himself ...

åùáú ðîé àéëà.


Conclusion (cont.): ... and Sheves applies to him, too.



úåñ' ã"ä äåä àîéðà öòø ìçåãéä

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the text and explains why the Limud is necessary.)

éù ñôøéí ãâøñé 'öòø åáåùú, àáì øôåé åùáú ìà'.


Alternative Text: Some have the text 'Tza'ar and Boshes', but not Ripuy and Sheves.

åà"ú, îäéëà úéúé ãìéúá ìéä ...


Question: Why would we think that he is Chayav to give him Ripuy and Sheves ...

àé î÷"å ãàãí ùàéï îùìí ëåôø ...


Refuted Answer: It cannot be from a Kal va'Chomer from Adam, who is not Chayav to pay Kofer ...

îä ìàãí ùîùìí öòø?


Refutation: ... because on the other hand, Adam pays Tza'ar ... ?

åé"ì, ãìà ùééê áéä ôéøëà ...


Answer: The question is a non-starter ...

ãîàé ãëúéá áàãí ùîùìí øôåé åùáú àéï àìà âìåé îéìúà áòìîà, ùëì æä çùéá ðæ÷, åðæ÷ îöéðå áäãéà á÷øà ùäùåø îùìí.


Reason: Since when the Torah obligates Adam to pay Ripuy and Sheves, it is merely a Giluy Milsa (revealing what is obvious), seeing as they are really included in Nezek, and Nezek the Torah specifically obligates an ox to pay.



úåñ' ã"ä ä÷ãéùå ðéæ÷ àéëà áéðééäå

(Summary: Tosfos points out a number of other issues over which Rebbi Akiva and Rebbi Yishmael argue.)

ä"î ìîéîø ãìîø éëåì ìñì÷å åìîø àéï éëåì ìñì÷å ...


Implied Question #1: The Gemara could have said that, according to one he is able to pay him off with money, and according to the other, he is not (See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim).

åëï îëøå ðæé÷, ãìøáé éùîòàì îëåø ìøãéà ëãàîøéðï áùîòúà, åìøáé ò÷éáà àéï îëåø.


Implied Question #:2: And similarly, where the Nizak sold it, in which case, it is sold for plowing according to Rebbi Yishmael, as we learn in our Sugya (on Amud Beis), but not according to Rebbi Akiva (See Hagahos ha'G'ra).

åëï ùéáç îæé÷ àå ëéçù îæé÷, ëãàîøéðï ì÷îï ...


Implied Question #3: ... or else where the Mazik improved or made it weaker, as the Gemara will say later ...

åîéìé èåáà ããøéù á'ùåø ùðâç àøáòä åçîùä' (ãó ìå:) ðîé àéëà áéðééäå.


Implied Question #4: ... or in various other points that the Gemara Darshens in 'Shor she'Nagach Arba'ah va'Chamishah' (Daf 36b) that they differ,

àìà çã îéðééäå ð÷è.


Answer: ... only the Gemara merely picks one of the differences.



úåñ' ã"ä àéëà áéðééäå

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and queries it.)

ãìøáé éùîòàì àéï ÷ãåù.


Clarification: ... Because according to Rebbi Yishmael, it is not Kadosh.

åàí úàîø, åàîàé àéï ÷ãåù ìîàï ãàîø áôø÷ ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ãó ì:) 'ìîôøò äåà âåáä'?


Question: Why is it not Kadosh according to the opinion that holds in Perek Kol Sha'ah (Pesachim, Daf 30b) that one claims retroactively?

åé"ì, ãìîàï ãàîø ìîôøò äåà âåáä äééðå äéëà ãâáàå ìáñåó, àáì äëà àí ðúøöä ðéæ÷ ìáñåó ì÷áì äîòåú åìà âáàå ìøáé éùîòàì, àéï ÷ãåù.


Answer: He only claims retroactively, according to that opinion, there where he ultimately claims, but in this case, where, according to Rebbi Yishmael, the Nizak agrees to accept money, and does not claim the ox, it is not Kadosh.


åîëì î÷åí ìøáé ò÷éáà ÷ãåù ...


Clarification: Nevertheless, the ox is Kadosh according to Rebbi Akiva ...

ãùåúôéï ðéðäå.


Reason #1: ... seeing as they are partners.

åòåã, ãìøáé ò÷éáà ÷ãåù äâåó åäùáç îùä÷ãéù.


Reason #2: Moreover, according to him the body and the improvement are Kadosh from the moment he (the Nizak) declares them Hekdesh.

àáì ìøáé éùîòàì àôéìå ìî"ã 'ìîôøò äåà âåáä', ùáç ãîæé÷ äåé, åìà ÷ãéù òã ùéâáðå.


Clarification (cont.): Whereas in the opinion of Rebbi Yishmael, even according to those who hold that the Nizak claims retroactively, the improvement belongs to the Mazik, and is not therefore Kadosh until the Nizak claims it.

åðøàä ãàò"â ãìøáé ò÷éáà ÷ééîà ìéä áøùåúéä îùòú äðæ÷ ÷åãí äòîãä áãéï, åçùáéðï ëàéìå áà çöé ðæ÷ ìéãå îàåúä ùòä ...


Implied Question: Presumably, even though, according to Rebbi Akiva, the ox is in his possession from the time of the damage - even before the Din Torah takes place, as we consider it as if half the damage was already in his hand from that moment

åàò"â ã÷é"ì ôìâà ðæ÷à ÷ðñà.


Chidush: Despite the fact that we Pasken 'Chatzi Nezek K'nasa'.

îëì î÷åí àí äòéãå òãéí ùùåøå ðâç áéåí à' åàúå òãéí àçøéðé åàîøå áéåí à' äééúí òîðå àìà áò"ù ðâç, ãîùìîéï ...


Answer: Nevertheless, if the witnesses testify that the ox gored on Sunday, and other witnesses came and testified that on the Sunday they were with them, but that the ox gored on Friday, they (the first witnesses) are obligated to pay ...

ãáòéãðà ã÷îñäãé âáøà ìàå áø úùìåîéï äåà ...


Answer: Because when they testified the Mazik was not yet factually obligated to pay

ãëì æîï ãìà ðúâìä äãáø ùìà äòéãå òìéå, çùéá ìàå áø úùìåîéï, àò"â ã÷í áøùåúå ãðéæ÷ áùòú äðæ÷


Reason: ... since as long as the matter on which they testified has not yet been revealed, he has the status of one who is not obligated to pay, even though the ox belongs to the Nizak from the time of the damage ...

ëãîåëç áîøåáä (ì÷îï ãó òã. åùí) âáé 'îòéãðå áàéù ôìåðé ùäôéì ùï òáãå (ùì ôìåðé) åñéîà àú òéðå åàúå ñäãé åàôëéðäå åàæîéðäå' ...


Support: ... as is evident in 'Merubeh' (Daf 74ra & 74b) in connection with the case of 'Two witnesses who testify that so-and-so knocked the tooth of his Eved and blinded him, and other witnesses came and switched the order and declared them Zomemin' ...

åîå÷éí ìä ã÷ãîé à÷ãåîé, åàô"ä ôøéê 'àé ãìà òîã áãéï, ãîé ëåìå òáã áòé ìùìåîé ãàëúé ìà îçééá âáøà?' ...


Support (cont.): ... and the Gemara establishes the case where they claimed that the master performed those acts earlier than the testimony of the first witnesses, yet the Gemara asks 'If he (the master) has not yet been to Beis-Din, he ought to pay the full value of the Eved, seeing as he is not yet Chayav to pay?'

àìîà ìà çùáéðï âáøà áø úùìåîéï ëì æîï ùìà ðåãò, àò"ô ùäòáã æåëä áùçøåøå ìàìúø ...


Support (concl,): So we see that we do not consider the person Chayav to pay, as long as what he did is not known, even though the Eved gains his freedom immediately ...

ëããøùéðï "úçú òéðå", 'åìà úçú òéðå åùéðå'.


Source: .... as the Gemara Darshens there "Tachas Eino", 've'Lo Tachas Eino ve'Sheino'.

åà"ú, ãáôø÷ ðòøä (ëúåáåú ãó îà: åùí) úðï 'ìà äñôé÷ ìòîåã áãéï òã ùáâøä, ÷ðñä ìòöîä'.


Question #1: The Mishnah says in Perek Na'arah (Kesuvos, Daf 41b & 42a) that if a Na'arah who has been enticed becomes a Bogeres before she has managed to appear in eis-Din, she may keep the K'nas herself'.

åàîàé, åäà îùòú ôúåé æëä áä äàá, àìîà îùîò ãá÷ðñ ìà æëé òã ùòú äòîãä áãéï, åäëà ñáø øáé ò÷éáà ãæëé îùòú äðæ÷?


Question #1 (cont.): Why is that, considering that the father merits it from the time of the enticement? It therefore seems that one only merits a K'nas from the time of the court-case, whereas here Rebbi Akiva maintains that one acquires it from the time of the damage?

åëï áîøåáä (ãó òã: åùí) îùîò ãàé ìà ëúéá "úçú òéðå", ãîùîò 'åìà úçú òéðå åùéðå', äåä àîøéðï ãñéîà òéðå åäôéì ùéðå ãéåöà áòéðå åùéðå.


Question #2: And similarly, we find in 'Merubeh' (Daf 74B and 75a), where it implies that, if not for the Pasuk "Tachas Eino", which implies 've'Lo Tachas Eino ve'Shino', we would say that if he blinds him and knocks out his tooth, he would go out for his eye and his tooth.

àìîà ìà æëé òã ùéòîåã áãéï, åäëà ñáø øáé ò÷éáà ãæëé îùòú äðæ÷?


Question #2 (cont.): So we see that one does not merit (a K'nas) until the court-case, whereas here Rebbi Akiva holds from the time of the damage.

åòåã ãø' ò÷éáà àéú ìéä áäùåìç (âéèéï îá:) ã'éåöà áùï åòéï ãöøéê âè ùçøåø, åäúí àîø ãî"ã ãöøéê âè ùçøåø ÷ñáø ùéåöà áùéðå åòéðå?


Question #3: Moreover Rebbi Akiva holds in 'ha'Shole'ach' (Gitin, 42:) that an Eved who goes out with Shen ve'Ayin requires a Get Shichrur, and the Gemara says there that the opinion that holds that also holds that he goes out with Shen ve'Ayin?

åùîà é"ì, ãäééðå èòîà ãæåëä îùòú ðâéçä îùåí ãâìé ìï ÷øà, ãîùîò ìøáé ò÷éáà ã"îëøå" à'îæé÷ åà'ðéæ÷ ÷àé ...


Answer: Maybe the reason that he acquires from the time of the goring is only because the Pasuk indicates that it does, inasmuch as Rebbi Akiva understands that "u'Machru" refers to both the Mazik and the Nizak.

åääéà ãîøåáä (ãó òã:) ðîé âìé ÷øà ìîàï ãàéú ìéä.


Answer (cont.): And in the case in 'Merubeh' (Daf 74b [of Shen ve'Ayin]) too. the Pasuk indicates the same thing according to the opinion that explains it that way.



úåñ' ã"ä àéëà áéðééäå

(Summary: Tosfos explains, why, according to Rebbi Akiva, it is Kadosh.)

ãìøáé ò÷éáà ÷ãåù ...


Clarification: According to Rebbi Akiva, it is Kadosh.

àó òì âá ãàé îåãä îôèø ...


Implied Question: ... even though in the event that he admits, he is Patur ...

ã÷ðñ äåà ...


Reason: .. since it is a K'nas ...

îëì î÷åí äùúà îéäà ìà äåãä.


Answer: Nevertheless, at this point, he has not admitted.



úåñ' ã"ä îùåí ãøáé àáäå

(Summary: Tosfos explains a. why the Gemara needs to cite Rebbi Avahu, b. why the ox is Kedushas Damim and c. the opinion of Rabeinu Tam, who holds that even Kedushas Damim overrides Shibud.)

àáì áìà ø' àáäå ìà ÷ãéù, îùåí ã÷ãåùú ãîéí àéï îô÷òú îéãé ùòáåã.


Clarification: Were it not for Rebbi Avahu however, it would not be Kadosh, since Kedushas Damim does not override Shibud.

åîééøé äëà ááòì îåí.


Case #1: ... and it speaks here about an ox that is blemished.

à"ð, áúí åëâåï ùä÷ãéùå ìáã÷ äáéú, ã÷ãåù ÷ãåùú ãîéí ...


Case #2: Or about a Tam that the owner declared Hekdesh to Bedek ha'Bayis, which is Kadosh Kedushas Damim ...

åëãàîøéðï (úîåøä ãó å.) 'äîúôéñ úîéîéí ìáã÷ äáéú, îä ùòùä òùåé'.


Source: ...as the Gemara states in Temurah (Daf 6a) 'If someone is Makdish unblemished animals to Bedek ha'Bayis, what he did is valid.

å÷ùä îëàï ìø"ú, ùîôøù ãáëì ÷ãåùú îèìèìéï îô÷òú îéãé ùòáåã åàôé' ÷ãåùú ãîéí?


Question: This poses a Kashya on Rabeinu Tam, who maintains that all Kedushas Metalt'lin overrides Shibud, even though if is Kedushas Damim?

åàåîø ø"ú, ãàìîåä øáðï ìùòáåãà ãðéæ÷ ...


Answer: Rabeinu Tam therefore explains that the Rabanan strengthened the Shibud of the Nizak ...

ëãàîøéðï áäçåáì (ì÷îï ö. åùí) 'àìîåä øáðï ìùòáåãéä ãáòì'.


Source: ... similar to the Gemara in 'ha'Chovel' (Daf 90a & 90b) which states that the Rabanan strengthened the husband's Shibud.



úåñ' ã"ä æàú àåîøú äîæé÷ ùòáåãå ùì çáéøå ôèåø

(Summary: Tosfos points out that this opinion is not unanimous.)

åôìéâ àãøùá"â ãîçééá áäùåìç (âéèéï îà. åùí) ìçã îàîåøàé ãäúí.


Conflicting Opinion: He argues with Raban Shimon ben Gamliel, who declares him Chayav in 'ha'Shole'ach' (Gitin, Daf 41a & 41b), according to one of the Amora'im there.



úåñ' ã"ä ùîò îéðä á"ç îàåçø ù÷ãí åâáä ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos points out that this is not the opinion of ben Nannes in Kesuvos.)

åãìà ëáï ððñ áôø÷ îé ùäéä ðùåé (ëúåáåú ãó öã.) ...


Conflicting Opinion: Not like ben Nannes in Perek Mi she'Hayah Nasuy (in Kesuvos, Daf 94a) ...

ãìãéãéä ëé äéëé ãá÷ø÷òåú òãéó á"ç îàåçø îùåí ðòéìú ãìú èôé îìå÷ç îàåçø ...


Clarification: ... according to whom - Just as by land the latter creditor takes precedence over the latter purchaser, due to the principle of 'Ne'ilas Deles' (closing the door on borrowers) ...

äëé ðîé àò"â ãîìå÷ç îàåçø âáé ìéä ðéæ÷ ëãàîø ìòéì îùåí ãàéú ìéä ÷ìà, îá"ç îàåçø ìà âáé ìéä îùåí ðòéìú ãìú.


Clarification (cont.): ... so too, even though the Nizak claims from the latter purchaser because he has a Kol, as the Gemara explained earlier, he cannot claim from the latter creditor, on account of Ne'ilas Deles.