BECHOROS BECHOROS 31 - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Mrs. Lily (Leah bas Pinchas) Kornfeld, who passed away on 8 Av 5765. Dedicated by their daughter and son-in-law, Diane and Andy Koenigsberg and family. May her and her husband's love for Torah and for Eretz Yisrael continue in all of her descendants.


TOSFOS DH v'Chulan she'Chazru Bahen

úåñôåú ã"ä åëåìï ùçæøå áäï ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this refers to returning to their evil ways.)

ô''ä áô''÷ ãò''æ (ãó æ.) àâæìðéí åòîé äàøõ ÷àé ùçæøå îøùòï ìîåèá


Explanation #1 (Rashi, in Avodah Zarah 7a): This refers to thieves and Amei ha'Aretz who repented from their evil.

åæäå úéîä ìîä àéï î÷áìéï àåúí ãîùîò ãàéï ú÷ðä (ìòùåú òí äàøõ çáø) [ö"ì ìòí äàøõ ìéòùåú çáø áùåí òðéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


Question #1: This is astounding! Why don't we accept them? It connotes that there is no solution for an Am ha'Aretz to become a Chaver in any way!

(ùî÷áì) [ö"ì åòåã ãìòéì úðéà áãáøé ø"î òí äàøõ ù÷éáì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] òìéå ãáøé çáéøåú ëå'


Question #2: Above, it teaches in R. Meir's words "an Am ha'Aretz who accepted matters of Chaverus..."

åòåã ãìùåï òåìîéú îùîò ùëáø (÷áìå) [ö"ì ÷áìåí - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ôòí àçøú


Question #3: "Olamis" (ever) connotes that they already accepted them another time!

åòåã ãàîø øáé éäåãä çæøå áäï áîèîåðéåú àéï î÷áìéï àåúï ùàí çæøå ìîåèá áîèîåðéåú åìà áôøäñéà (àéï î÷áìéï àåúï åëé æå éøà) [ö"ì àîàé àéï î÷áìéï àåúå ëéåï ãéøà - öàï ÷ãùéí] ùîéí áñúø


Question #4: R. Yehudah says that if Chazru covertly, we do not accept them. If they repented covertly, but not in public, why do we not accept him, since he fears Shamayim covertly?!

åàåîø ø''ú ã÷àé àøéùà ã÷úðé áúåñôúà ããîàé áôø÷ ùðé òí äàøõ ù÷áì òìéå ãáøé çáéøåú ëå' (òåáã ëåëáéí ù÷áì òìéå ãáøé çáéøåú ëå') âø ù÷éáì òìéå ãáøé úåøä ëå' ëäï ù÷áì òìéå ëäåðä ëå' ìåé ù÷áì òáåãú ìåéä ëå'


Explanation #2 (R. Tam): It refers to the Reisha, which taught in the Tosefta in Demai (2:3) an Am ha'Aretz who accepted on himself the matters of Chaverus ... a convert who accepted on himself Divrei Torah... a Kohen who accepted on himself Kehunah... a Levi who accepted on himself the Avodah of Leviyah....

åäãø ÷úðé åëåìï ùçæøå áäï ëìåîø ùçæøå ìñåøí å÷ì÷ìå îòùéäí àéï î÷áìéï àåúï òåìîéú ëéåï ãìà éëìå ìòîåã áä


And then it teaches all of them that Chazru... i.e. they returned to their evil ways and corrupted their deeds, we never accept them, since they could not persist in it;

ø' éäåãä àåîø áîèîåðéåú ëìåîø ùçæøå ìñåøí áîèîåðéåú åáâìåé ðæäøéï òì ãáøé çáéøåú àéï î÷áìéï àåúï ùâåðáéï ãòú äáøéåú åàéï òåùéï àìà ìôðéí


R. Yehudah says, covertly. I.e. they returned to their evil ways covertly, and in public they are careful about matters of Chaverus, we do not accept them, for they deceive people, and they do only for appearances;

àáì àí ìâîøé ÷ì÷ìå îòùéäí àó áôøäñéà î÷áìéï àåúï (ëùéùåá) [ö"ì ëùéùåáå - ç÷ ðúï] ãëùçåæøéï (çæøä) [ö"ì çåæøéï] ìâîøé:


However, if they totally ruined their ways even in public, we accept them when they repent, for when they repent, they totally repent.


TOSFOS DH Ika d'Amrei... (this is all one Dibur according to Shitah Mekubetzes Kesav Yad, Maharsha)

úåñôåú ã"ä àéëà ãàîøé... (æä ãéáåø çãù ìôé ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã, îäøù"à)

[ö"ì àéëà ãàîøé òùå ãáøéäí áîèîåðéåú - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã, îäøù"à] ùäëøðå áäí îúçìä ÷åãí ùçæøå ìñåøí ùäéå ðåäâéï ãáøé çáéøåú àó áñúø î÷áìéï àåúí ëùéùåáå


Explanation #2 (cont.): Some say that if they did their deeds covertly, that we knew them initially before they returned to their evil ways covertly, that they were conducting matters of Chaverus even covertly, we accept them when they repent;

àáì àí ìà äëøðå áäí îòåìí ùòùå ãáøé çáéøåú ëé àí áôøäñéà åáöðòä ìà äéå ðæäøéï äéèá àéï î÷áìéï àåúí ùâåðáé ãòú äáøéåú äí


However, if we know that always, they conducted matters of Chaverus only in public, but covertly they were not careful, we do not accept them, for they deceive people.


TOSFOS DH d'Ha Chazu Lei bi'Ymei Tum'aso

úåñôåú ã"ä ãäà çæå ìéä áéîé èåîàúå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks that it should be permitted without this reason.)

úéîä åúøåîä èîàä ãìà çæéà ìéä åëé ìà éäéä ðàîï åëï áùàø ëì àéñåø åäéúø


Question: Tamei Terumah is not [ever] proper for him. Is one not believed [about Taharah of his Terumah], and similarly regarding other Isur v'Heter?!

åáäãéà àîøéðï áøéù äãø (òéøåáéï ã' ñâ.) äàé öåøáà ãøáðï çæé ìéä ìðôùéä:


We explicitly say in Eruvin (63a) that a Chacham can inspect his own [Shechitah knife]!


TOSFOS DH Chutz Min ha'Bechor veha'Ma'aser she'Hana'asan l'Ba'alim

úåñôåú ã"ä îúðé' çåõ îï äáëåø åäîòùø ùäðàúï ìáòìéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is mid'Oraisa.)

àò''ô ùîôøù èòí îùåí ãäðàúï ìáòìéí òì ëøçéï îãàåøééúà äéà ëãîåëç áôø÷ ÷îà ãúîåøä (ãó ç.) åáñåó çì÷ (ñðäãøéï ãó ÷éá:) âáé òéø äðãçú


Implied question: Even though it explains the reason because the benefit is to the owner, you are forced to say that it is mid'Oraisa, like is proven in Temurah (8a), and in Sanhedrin (112b) regarding Ir ha'Nidachas;

ããøéù áäîúê îé ùðàëìéï áúåøú áäîúê éöà áëåø åîòùø ùàéï ðàëìéï áúåøú áäîúê ãúðï ëì ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï ðîëøéï áàéèìéæ çåõ îï äáëåø åäîòùø


It expounds "Behemtecha" - what is eaten like your animal. This excludes Bechor and Ma'aser, which are not eaten like your animal, like [our] the Mishnah teaches "all Pesulei ha'Mukdashim may be sold in the market, except for Bechor and Ma'aser!"


Note: The Gemara in Temurah cites our Mishnah, but the Gemara in Sanhedrin does not. Tosfos connotes that it is cited [also, or perhaps only] in Sanhedrin!

åùîà îùåí ÷øà ðô÷à ãàéï ðåäâéï áæéåï áãáø ùàéï äðàúï ìä÷ãù:


Answer: Perhaps we learn from some verse that we do not act disgracefully with something that Hekdesh does not benefit from.



TOSFOS DH b'Ma'aser Behemah Shel Yesomim v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä áîòùø áäîä ùì éúåîéí ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he can even hold like Rava.)

àôé' ìøáà ãùøé ìâãåì áäáìòä äåöøê øá ùùú ìäòîéã áùì éúåîéí


Implied question: According to Rava, who permits an adult through Havla'ah (he pays one price for the skin, Chelev, Gidim and horns, and gets the meat for free with them), why did Rav Sheshes need to establish it to discuss orphans?

ãîùîò ìéä îúðé' áìà äáìòä ãåîéà ãôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï áàéèìéæ


Answer: It connotes to him our Mishnah is without Havla'ah, similar to [selling] Pesulei ha'Mukdashim in the market.


TOSFOS DH Mavli'o b'Chelbo

úåñôåú ã"ä îáìéòå áçìáå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what one may sell to Yisrael or give to a Nochri.)

ãàñåø ìîëåø äáùø àìà äçìá åäòåø åäâéãéï


Explanation: One may not sell the meat, only the Chelev, skin and sinews.

åéù ìã÷ã÷ îëàï ãàôé' îàï ãàñø ì÷îï (ãó ìá:) ìäîðåú òåáã ëåëáéí òì äáëåø çìáå îéäà ùøé ãëòåø çùéá ìéä ëéåï ãàñåø áàëéìä. ìéùøàì


Inference: Even the one who forbids below (32b) to give [meat of a Ba'al Mum] Bechor to a Nochri, the Chelev is permitted, for it is considered like the skin, since it is forbidden for Yisrael to eat it.

åîéäå ùîðå ùì âéã ãìà àñåø îãàåøééúà àéôùø ãàñåø


Distinction: The fat of the Gid [ha'Nasheh], which is not forbidden mid'Oraisa, perhaps it is forbidden [to give to a Nochri].

àáì äìëä ëøáé ò÷éáà ãùøé ìòåáã ëåëáéí àôé' äáùø ëîå (ùîôøù) [ö"ì ùàôøù - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ì÷îï


Pesak: However, [this is not relevant l'Halachah, for] the Halachah follows R. Akiva, who permits even the meat to a Nochri, like I will explain below (32b DH Pesak).


TOSFOS DH Im Ken Ma'aser Behemah Ma'aser Behemah Trei Zimni Lamah Li

úåñôåú ã"ä àí ëï îòùø áäîä îòùø áäîä úøé æéîðé ì''ì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why sometimes we do not ask this.)

éù î÷åîåú ããéé÷ ëé äàé âååðà áøéù ááà îöéòà (ãó á.) âáé æä àåîø àðé îöàúéä ãôøéê åäà æä åæä ÷úðé


Observation: In some places we are meticulous about this, e.g. in Bava Metzi'a (2a) regarding "this one says I found it..." [you cannot say that the Mishnah taught only one clause, for] it taught "this one... and this one..."!

åáøéù ðãøéí (ãó ã:) ôøéê àñåø àñåø ìîä ìé


And in Nedarim (4b) it asks 'why does it say "Asur" twice?'

åáøéù ñðäãøéï (ãó â.) ôøéê ùìùä ùìùä ìîä ìé


And in Sanhedrin (3a) it asks 'why does it say "three" twice?'

òåã áääåà ôéø÷à (ãó ç.) åëé úéîà ôøåùé ÷à îôøù îàé æîåï áøëú æîåï åäúðéà æîåï (ùìùä) [ö"ì áùìùä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åáøëú äæîåï áùìùä


And in Sanhedrin (8a) it says 'if you will say that it explains "what is Zimun? It is Birkas ha'Zimun", [this cannot be, for] it says Zimun is with three, and Birkas ha'Zimun is with three!'

åáô' áúøà ãîåòã ÷èï (ãó ëá:) ãîôøù (ìùîçä åìîøéòåú) [ðøàä ùö"ì åìùîçú îøéòåú] ùìùéí éåí ôøéê åäúðéà ìùîçä ùìùéí åìîøéòåú ùìùéí éåí


And in Mo'ed Katan (22b), that it explains [the Isur of an Avel for] Simchah of friendship is 30 days, it asks "but a Beraisa teaches "for Simchah 30, and for friendship 30 days!"

åáôø÷ áéú ëåø (á''á ãó ÷ã.) ôøéê àðé îåëø ìê àðé îåëø ìê úøé æéîðé ìîä ìé


And in Bava Basra (104a) it asks 'why does it say twice "I sell to you"?'

åúéîä ãáëîä ãåëúé ìà ôøéê ëé äàé âååðà áô''÷ ãçåìéï (ãó èæ:) âáé ðòõ ñëéï áëåúì åùçè áä ùçéèúå ëùéøä


Question: In several places [the Gemara] does not ask so - in Chulin (16b) regarding one who inserted a knife in a wall and slaughtered with it, the Shechitah is Kesherah;

ã÷àîø äúí ôøåùé ÷à îôøù îàé áîçåáø ì÷ø÷ò ñëéï ãìà îáèì ìéä åìà ôøéê ùçéèúå ëùéøä úøé æéîðé ìîä ìé


[The Gemara] says that Perushi ka'Mefaresh (the Seifa of the Beraisa explains the Reisha). It says "what is the case of something attached to the ground? It is an attached knife, which one is not Mevatel (leave it permanently in the wall)." It does not ask 'why does it say twice "his Shechitah is Kosher"?'

åáôø÷ âéã äðùä (çåìéï ãó öç.) âáé áéöéí èäåøåú ùùì÷ï òí áéöéí èîàåú ã÷àîø ôøåùé ÷à îôøù åìà ôøéê àñåøåú àñåøåú ìîä ìé


And in Chulin (98a) regarding Tahor eggs cooked with Tamei eggs, it says Perushi ka'Mefaresh, and it does not ask 'why does it say twice "they are forbidden"?'

åáô' ëì äáùø (ùí ãó ÷éâ.) âáé ãâ èäåø ùîìçå òí ãâ èîà ã÷àîø ôøåùé ÷à îôøù åìà ôøéê îåúø îåúø ìîä ìé


And in Chulin (113a) regarding Tahor fish salted with Tamei eggs", it says Perushi ka'Mefaresh, and it does not ask 'why does it say twice "it is permitted"?'

åáäâåæì ÷îà (á''÷ ãó öç:) âáé ðúï ìàåîðéï å÷ì÷ìå ã÷àîø ôøåùé ÷îôøù åìà ÷àîø çééáéï ìùìí úøé æéîðé ìîä ìé


And in Bava Kama (98b) regarding one who gave [materials or a Kli] to craftsmen, and they ruined it, it says Perushi ka'Mefaresh, and it does not ask 'why does it say twice "they must pay"?'

åáâéèéï ô' äùåìç (ã' îá:) âáé ëì ðëñé ðúåðéí ìôìåðé åôìåðé òáãé ã÷àîø ôøåùé ÷îôøù åìà ôøéê åìà ÷ðå åìà ÷ðå ìîä ìé


And in Gitin (42b) regarding "all my property is given to Ploni and Almoni my slaves", it says Perushi ka'Mefaresh, and it does not ask 'why does it say twice "they did not acquire"?'

åé''ì ãáëì äðé ãåëúé ãôøéê úøé æéîðé ìîä ìé ìà ùééê ìåîø ëì ëê ôøåùé ÷îôøù ëîå áäðê ãåëúé ãìà ôøéê


Answer: In all of these places that it asks "why does it say twice?", it is not so applicable to say Perushi ka'Mefaresh like in the places where it does not ask.


TOSFOS DH v'Af Rav Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak Savar Lah l'Ha d'Rava

úåñôåú ã"ä åàó øá ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ ñáø ìä ìäà ãøáà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he does not hold exactly like Rava.)

ôé' î÷øà àçøéðà åìà îèòîéä:


Explanation: [He holds like Rava] due to a different verse, but not for Rava's reason.