
TOSFOS DH Dilma Asi Le'afrushei Min ha'Patur Al ha'Chiyuv v'Chulei (cont.)

úåñôåú ã"ä ãìîà àúé ìàôøåùé îï äôèåø òì äçéåá ëå' (äîùê)

åáô''÷ ãéåîà (ãó é.) âáé ñåëú äçâ áçâ çééáú [áòéøåá] åáîæåæä åáîòùø ã÷àîø äúí ãîãàåøééúà ÷àîø ãàé îãøáðï ãìîà àúà ìàôøåùé îï äôèåø òì äçéåá


Observation (cont.): And in Yoma (10a), regarding Sukah of the Chag during the Chag requires an Eruv and Mezuzah and [it is like a house to obligate taking] Ma'aser, it says there that it is mid'Oraisa, If it were mid'Rabanan (they would not decree), lest one come to separate from Patur on Chayav;

åáãîàé (äìå÷ç) [ö"ì åáìå÷ç - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îï òåáã ëåëáéí ìî''ã éù ÷ðéï çééáå çëîéí åìà çùå ìëê


And regarding Demai, and one who buys from a Nochri, according to the opinion that Yesh Kinyan, Chachamim obligated, and they were not concerned [lest one separate from Patur on Chayav].


TOSFOS DH v'Asi Leminhag Behu Minhag Chulin

úåñôåú ã"ä åàúé ìîéðäâ áäå îðäâ ãçåìéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that they must be eaten in grandeur.)

åáòéðï (æáçéí ãó ëç.) ìîùçä åìâãåìä ëãøê ùäîìëéí àåëìéï áöìé åáçøãì åáëì îúðåú ëúéá ìîùçä àôéìå áæøåò åáìçééí åá÷éáä ëãîùîò äëà


Explanation: And we require "l'Mashchah" - in grandeur, the way kings eat, roasted and with mustard. L'Mashchah is written regarding all Matanos, even the foreleg, jaw and stomach, like it connotes here;

åâáé úøåîä ìà îöéðå ùéöøéê áùåí àëéìä áâãåìä ãùîà ìà ùééê âãåìä àìà ááùø


And regarding Terumah, we do not find any eating in grandeur. Perhaps grandeur applies only to meat.


TOSFOS DH Terumas Chutz la'Aretz Betelah b'Rov

úåñôåú ã"ä úøåîú çåöä ìàøõ áèìä áøåá

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it is still forbidden to a Zar.)

ìäúéøä ìëäï èîà ÷àîø ëã÷àîø øáä îáèì ìä áøåá (åàôéìå) [ö"ì åàëéì ìéä - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] áéîé èåîàúå


Explanation #1: It is Batel to permit a Tamei Kohen to eat it, like it says that Rabah was Mevatel it in a majority and ate in when he was Tamei.

åìà ëîå ùôéøù ä÷åðèøñ ìàåëìä æø åìà áòéà àçã åîàä


Explanation #2 (Rashi): [It is Batel] to permit a Zar to eat it. We do not require 101 [parts of mixture, like we require for Terumas Eretz Yisrael].

ãáäãéà îåëç áîðçåú áôø÷ øáé éùîòàì (ãó ñæ.) (ãàñåøåú) [ö"ì ãàñåøä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìæø âáé çìú òåáã ëåëáéí áàøõ åúøåîúå áçåöä ìàøõ îåãéòéï àåúå ùäåà ôèåø çìúå ðàëìú ìæøéí åúøåîúå àéðä îãîòú


Rebuttal: It is explicitly proven in Menachos (67a) that it is forbidden to a Zar, regarding "Chalah of a Nochri in Eretz Yisrael, and his Terumah in Chutz la'Aretz, we inform him that he is exempt. Zarim may eat his Chalah, and his Terumah is not Medame'a (forbid if it is mixed with Chulin)";

(ããéé÷ äúí äà ãéùøàì îãîòú îùîò ãàéðä) [ö"ì îùîò äà ãúøåîú çå"ì ãéùøàì îãîòú åàéðä - öàï ÷ãùéí] òåìä ìàëåì ìæøéí àìà áàçã åîàä


Inference: Terumah of Chutz la'Aretz of a Yisrael is Medame'a, and it is Batel to allow Zarim to eat it only in 101!


TOSFOS DH Rabah Mevatel Lah b'Rov v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä øáä îáèì ìä áøåá ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos affirms our text.)

øáä âøñ ùäéä ëäï ãàîøéðï øáä îãáéú òìé ÷àúé


Assertion: The text says Rabah, who was a Kohen, for we say that Rabah descended from the house of Eli;

àáì øáà ìà äéä ëäï ëãîåëç áôø÷ äæøåò (çåìéï ãó ÷ìâ.) ãà''ì øáà ìùîòéä æëé ìé îúðåú ëå'


However, [the text does not say Rava,] for Rava was not a Kohen, like is proven in Chulin (133a) that Rava told his attendant "acquire Matanos for me." (If Rava was a Kohen, he could have acquired them himself! Also, Rav Yosef deduced that Hash-m was upset with Rava. If Rava was a Kohen, the attendant was like a mere Shali'ach!)


TOSFOS DH Ochel v'Holech v'Achar Kach Mafrish

úåñôåú ã"ä àåëì åäåìê åàç''ë îôøéù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether or not he must separate Min ha'Mukaf.)

îùîò ãìà áòé îå÷ó


Opinion #1 - Inference: He need not separate Min ha'Mukaf (near the Peros being exempted, for he already ate them).

îéäå äééúé éëåì ìôøù ùáàçøåðä ìàçø ùéôøéù äúøåîä (éùàø îëøéå) [ö"ì éùééø îòè ëãé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùéú÷ééí áå îå÷ó


Rebuttal and Opinion #2: I could explain that at the end, after he separates Terumah, he leaves over a little to fulfill with it [Min ha']Mukaf.

àáì á÷åðèøñ ôé' ãàåëì åäåìê åéùééø ëãé úøåîä åéôøéùðä áàçøåðä


Support (for Opinion #1): However, Rashi explained that he eats and leaves over enough for Terumah, and separates it at the end.


TOSFOS DH Hilkach Nidah Kotzah Lah Chalah v'Achil Lah Kohen Katan

úåñôåú ã"ä äéìëê ðãä ÷åöä ìä çìä åàëéì ìä ëäï ÷èï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that a minor eats it because it is a small amount.)

éù ÷öú úéîä àîàé ð÷è ëäï ÷èï åäìà àôéìå âãåì éëåì ìàåëìä àçø ùèåáì åèäø î÷øéå


Question: Why does it mention a minor Kohen? Even an adult may eat it after he immerses and become Tahor from his Keri (seminal emission, even though he is Tamei Mes)!

åàé îùåí èåøç èáéìä


Suggestion: It is due to the toil of Tevilah (adults do not want to immerse).

åäìà âí áà''é èåáìéï ìúøåîä åâí áááì äéå èåáìéí ìúøåîú çåöä ìàøõ ëãîùîò ìòéì ãìà àëéì ìä øáä áøåá àìà áéîé èåîàúå


Rejection: Also in Eretz Yisrael they immerse for Terumah. And also in Bavel they immersed for Terumah of Chutz la'Aretz, like it connotes above, that Rabah ate it [through Bitul] in a majority only when he was Tamei (but when he was Tahor, he ate it without Bitul)!

åáøéù áðåú ëåúéí (ðãä ãó ìá.) ùäèáéìåä ÷åãí ìàîä ìñåëä ùîï ùì úøåîä


And it says in Nidah (32a) that a case occurred [in Bavel] in which they immersed a baby [who became Nidah] before her mother (Yoledes Nekevah is Tamei for two weeks), in order to anoint the baby with Terumah oil!

åðøàä ìø''é îúåê ëê ãàéï ìçìä æå ùéòåø åìôé ùãáø îåòè äåà ðåúðä ìëäï ÷èï


Answer (Ri): There is no Shi'ur [how much to separate] for this Chalah. Since it is a small amount, one gives it to a minor Kohen.

åäëé îùîò ìéùðà ãù÷ìéä áøéù îñà ùäãáø îåòè äåà


Support: The wording "she takes it at the end of a poker (a pole to stoke the fire)" connotes that it is a small amount.

åàò''â ãìà îæëéø ìä àìà âáé ùøéôä


Implied question: This was said only about the Chalah that we burn!

î''î îùîò ãääéà ðîé ãðåúðä ì÷èï ãáø îåòè (åâí) [ö"ì äåà åâáé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àåúä ùðùøôú äåöøê ìäæëéø áøéù îñà ìôé ùáä îùìéëä áúðåø


Answer: In any case, it connotes that also the [Chalah] that one gives to a minor is a small amount, and regarding the one that is burned, it needed to mention "at the end of a poker" (even though surely, Chachamim would not enact a small amount to be eaten and a large amount to be burned), for via it she casts it to the oven (see the coming Tosfos).

àáì úøåîä ùìäí ùäéúä îï äúáåàä ìà äéúä øàåéä ëì ëê ìéðúï ìëäï ÷èï àôéìå ìà äéä ìä ùéòåø ù÷èï äéä îàáãä åëï ééï åùîï


Distinction - Possibility #1: However, their Terumah (of Chutz la'Aretz), which was from grain (before it was made into bread) was not so proper to give it to a minor Kohen. Even if it had no Shi'ur, (it is improper to do so) for a minor would lose it, and the same applies to wine and oil.

åòåã é''ì ùäúøåîä éù ìä ùéòåø ëâåï úøåîú îòùø


Possibility #2: Terumah has a Shi'ur, e.g. Terumas Ma'aser (therefore they did not enact to give it to a minor).


TOSFOS DH b'Reish Masa v'Shadi Lah b'Tanura

úåñôåú ã"ä áøéù îñà åùãé ìä áúðåøà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why she uses this to cast it in the oven.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãëîä ãàôùø ìàæãäåøé îìéâò áä îàçø ù÷øà òìéä ùí îéæãäø


Explanation #1 (Rashi): We are as careful as possible [that a Tamei person] not touch it after one called it [Chalah].

å÷ùéà ìôéøåùå ãäà áðâéòä àîøå ãìéú ìï áä åìâîøé ùøé ìéâò


Objection: We said that there is no problem of [a Tamei person] touching it. It is totally permitted to touch it!

àìà ð÷è øéù îñà ìôé ùãøê ìäôê áå âçìéí åòöéí ëîå ùôé' á÷åðèøñ îñà ôåøâ''à áìò''æ åéëåì ìäëðéñ éôä äçìä áúðåø áúåê äàåø


Explanation #2: Rather, it mentions "at the end of a Masa" for it is normal to use it to turn over coals and wood, like Rashi explained that Masa is Forga (a poker used to stoke coals), and [with it] one can nicely enter the Chalah in the oven, in the fire.

åðøàä ãîñà äééðå îøãà ùøåãéï áå àú äôú ëãîùîò áúòðéú (ãó ëä.) âáé ãáéúäå ãø' çðéðà ã÷àîø ìä ùéááúä àééúé îñà ã÷à çøëà øéôúà å÷àîøéðï äúí àó äéà ìäáéà îøãà ðëðñä


Explanation #3: It seems that Masa is a spatula used to remove bread (which they used to stick on the oven wall), like it connotes in Ta'anis (25a) regarding R. Chanina's wife. Her neighbor said "bring a Masa, for your bread is burning!", and it says there that indeed, [R. Chanina's wife] had entered [another room] to bring a spatula.

àáì îúàøà éëåì ìäéåú ôåøâå''ï ëîå ùôé' ä÷åðèøñ áô''÷ ãçâéâä (ãó ã:) âáé [îøéí] îâãìà ãøã÷é ù÷ìúéä ìîúàøà å÷à îäãøà úðåøà ùäéúä àåçæú äàåã ùì úðåø ù÷åøéï (îëáãú) [ö"ì ôåøâå''ï åîëáãú - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àú äúðåø


However, Meta'ara can be Furgun, like Rashi explained in Chagigah (4b) regarding Miryam who raises (or braids hair of) children. She took Meta'ara and was arranging the oven. She held the shovel that we call Furgun and was sweeping the oven.

åìôé ùéù ãáøéí ùàéï îúçééáéï áçìä òã ìàçø àôééä ëâåï ñåôâðéï åãåáùðéï áô' ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ãó ìæ.) åëãàîø èçðä ìùä åàôàä åäôøéù îîðä çìä ð÷è ù÷éì ìä áøéù îñà ãëùáà ìøãåúä ùåøôä åîùìéëä áàù áøàù äîøà òöîä


Because there are matters that are not obligated in Chalah until after baking, e.g. spongy bread and bread fried in honey, in Pesachim (37a), and like it says "he grinded it, baked it and separated Chalah from it", it mentioned "she takes it at the end of a poker", for when she comes to remove it from the oven wall, she burns it and casts it in the fire with the end of the poker itself.


TOSFOS DH Pesak v'Hadar Mafresha Chalah Acharisi

úåñôåú ã"ä ôñ÷ åäãø îôøùà çìä àçøéúé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why the law of the second Chalah is not uniform.)

îùîò ùìà äçîéøå ìäôøéù çìä ùðéä àìà äéëà ãìéëà ëäï ÷èï åìà (ëäðäå) [ö"ì ãîé ìäðäå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] î÷åîåú ã÷úðé áîñëú çìä (ô''ã î''ç) ùìòåìí îôøéùéï ùúé çìåú àçú ìàåø åàçú ìëäï


Inference: They were stringent to separate a second Chalah only when there is no minor Kohen. This is unlike those places that it teaches in Chalah (4:8) that they always separate two Chalos, one for the fire and one for a Kohen;

ãàåúï î÷åîåú ÷øåáéï ìà''é åîúçæéà çìä ãéãäå ëçìú äàøõ èîàä åèòåðä ùøéôä ãâæøå òìéä ùìà ìàåëìä àôéìå ëäï èäåø âîåø îçîú ùäéà èîàä


Those places are close to Eretz Yisrael, and their Chalah looks like Tamei Chalah of Eretz Yisrael, which must be burned. They decreed not to eat it, even a Kohen who is totally Tahor, because it is Tamei;

åìëê îôøéùéï ìòåìí ùì àåø åçìä ùðéä ùìà úùúëç úåøú çìä ëãîôøù ðîé äëà


Therefore, they always separate [Chalah] for the fire, and a second Chalah, lest the law of Chalah be forgotten, like it explains also here.

àáì ëàï áááì ùæä øçå÷ îàøõ éùøàì åìà îúçæéà çìä ãéãäå ëçìú äàøõ èîàä åìà âæøå òìéå ùåí àéñåø îçîú (èåîàä òöîä åìëê äúéøåä âí ìëäï èîà ëéåï ãìà) [ö"ì èåîàú òöîä åìëê äúéøåä âí ìëäï ÷èï èîà ëéåï ãàéï èåîàä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] éåöàä òìéå îâåôå åâí äúéøå ìáèì áøåá


Distinction: However, here in Bavel, which is far from Eretz Yisrael, and its Chalah does not look like Tamei [Chalah] of Eretz Yisrael, they did not decree any Isur about it due to its own Tum'ah. Therefore, they permitted it also to a Tamei minor Kohen, since the Tum'ah does not leave his body. And they permitted also to be Mevatel it in a majority;

åäùðéä àåëì ëäï âãåì àôéìå æá ãìà îôìéâ äëà ëìì


And the second [Chalah] an adult Kohen eats, even a Zav, for we do not distinguish here at all.

ãàò''â ãáçìä ùðéä ãäúí úðï (âí æä ùí) åàñåøä ìæáéï åìæáåú åìðãåú åìéåìãåú


Implied question: A Mishnah there teaches about the second Chalah "and it is forbidden to Zavim, Zavos, Nidos and Yoldos!

(åàéï) [ö"ì àéï - öàï ÷ãùéí] ììîåã (ãäà) [ö"ì äê - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãäëà ìàåñøä ìæáéí åìæáåú ùäéà áááì øçå÷ îà''é åâí àéðä èòåðä ìäôøéù àìà äéëà ãìéëà ëäï [ö"ì ÷èï - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


Answer: We cannot learn [to] here to forbid to Zavim and Zavos, for [here] is in Bavel, far from Eretz Yisrael, and also one needs to separate [the second Chalah] only where there is no minor Kohen...

îî÷åîåú ä÷øåáéí ä÷áåòéí ìäôøéù ùúé çìåú ìòåìí


... [We cannot learn to here] from places close [to Eretz Yisrael], that always separate two Chalos.

åéù ôéøåùéí [ö"ì îøù"é - áâîøà òåæ åäãø] ùîåâä áäí ãäê çìä àçøéúé ãäëà àéï ÷åøà òìéä ùí çìä ãìéú ìéä úåøú çìä åîñúáøà ãàéðä (îëàï îòîåã á) îãîòú


Remark: In some Perushim of Rashi, the text was corrected to say "the other Chalah here, one does not call it Chalah, for it does not have the law of Chalah at all. And presumably, it is not Medame'a (forbid a mixture with Chulin)."


ãàò''â ãúøåîú çåöä ìàøõ îãîòú ëãúðéà áîðçåú áô' øáé éùîòàì (ãó ñæ.)


Implied question: Terumah of Chutz la'Aretz is Medame'a, like a Beraisa in Menachos (67a) teaches!

)åùîà àôéìå äùðéä) [ðøàä ùö"ì ùîà äùðéä àôéìå] áî÷åîåú äùðåééí áîùðä àéðä îãîòú


Answer: Perhaps the second [Chalah], even in places taught in the Mishnah, is not Medame'a. (I cannot resolve the text of our Tosfos, which connotes that it is a bigger Chidush to say that the second is not Medame'a. Perhaps the text should say "even the first." Tosfos (Chulin 104a-b Sof DH Chalas) was unsure about the first. One could keep the text "v'Shema" if we change the text in the previous line to say "Af Al Gav" or "v'Af Al Gav" in place of "d'Af Al Gav.")

åðøàä ìøáé ãáéï äëà åáéï äúí àó áî÷åí ùäçîéøå ìäôøéù çìä ùðéä ìà äçîéøå ìäôøéù ùúé úøåîåú ãäà ìà îöøéê áîùðä ìäôøéù ùúéí àìà áçìåú


Assertion (Tosfos' Rebbi): Both here and there, even in a place where they were stringent to separate a second Chalah, they were not stringent to separate two Terumos, for we find in the Mishnah to separate two only regarding Chalos.

åéù ìéúï èòí ùáçìä éù éåúø ìçåù ùìà úùúëç îùåí ãùééëà áëì àãí äîâìâì òñúå àáì úøåîä àéï øâéìéï áä àìà áòìé ÷ø÷òåú åîîøçé úáåàåú


Explanation: We can give a reason, because there is more concern for Chalah lest it be forgotten, for it applies to everyone who kneads a dough. However, Terumah normally applies only to people who own land or do Miru'ach of harvests.


TOSFOS DH v'Chi Haza'ah Yesh Lanu

úåñôåú ã"ä åëé äæàä éù ìðå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the law of the second Chalah.)

åìà äéä ðøàä [ö"ì ìå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìåîø ùëùðèîàéï áîú äéå äåìëéï åîæéï áàøõ åçåæøéí åàåëìéí áúøåîä


Explanation: [Rav Nachman] did not consider it proper to say that when they became Tamei Mes, they went and received Haza'ah in Eretz Yisrael, and returned to eat Terumah...

ãîùåí èåîàú çåöä ìàøõ ìà çùå áçìú çåöä ìàøõ àáì áëì äèåîàåú ãàåøééúà àñåø ëì æîï ùìà èáì ëéåï (ãîï) [ö"ì ùäåà èîà îï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äúåøä àôéìå ìçåìéï


[In this Havah Amina] they were not concerned for Tum'ah of Chutz la'Aretz regarding Chalah of Chutz la'Aretz, but for all Tum'os mid'Oraisa, it is forbidden as long as he did not immerse, since he is Tamei mid'Oraisa even for Chulin.

ëé àéï ñáøà ùú÷ðå çìú ëäï áçåöä ìàøõ ùàéï éëåì ìàåëìä àìà àí ëï éìê åéæä áàøõ éùøàì åîèåîàú îú àé àôùø ìäæäø


[Rav Nachman did not say so,] for it is unreasonable that they enacted Chalah for a Kohen in Chutz la'Aretz that he can eat it only if he goes for Haza'ah in Eretz Yisrael, and it is impossible to be careful [to avoid] Tum'as Mes.

ãàò''â ãöøéëéï ìéæäø îçîú ëäåðúí


Implied question: They need to be careful because they are Kohanim!

îë''î îèåîàú çøá ùäéà ëçìì àôéìå òì éãé àäì ëãîåëç áðæéø áô' ëäï âãåì (ãó ðâ:) ùîàäéì òì çøá ëîàäéì òì äîú åáøéù àäìå' îåëç ùäùôåã ðòùä ëçìì ò''é àäì äîú îàåúí ìà äéå éëåìéí ìéæäø


In any case, from Tum'ah of a sword (a metal Kli that became Tamei Mes) even through Ohel, like is proven in Nazir (53b), that one who towers above a sword is like one who towers above a Mes, and in Ohalos (1:3) it is proven that a [metal] spit becomes like a corpse through Ohel ha'Mes, from those they could not be careful (because there was no Haza'ah in Chutz la'Aretz. In Eretz Yisrael, they could be Metaher Kelim that became Tamei Mes, so people could be careful even about these.)

åâí àéï öøéëéï ìôøåù ëîîú ëãúðéà (áøéù úåñôúà ãàäìåú) [ö"ì áîñëú ùîçåú - äøù"ù] ëì èåîàú äîú ùàéï äðæéø îâìç òìéä àéï ëäï îåæäø òìéä


Also, [Kohanim] need not separate [from Tum'ah of a sword] like [they must separate] from a Mes, like a Tosefta in Semachos (4:21) teaches "any Tum'as Mes that a Nazir need not shave [and bring Korban Nazir Tamei and begin Nezirus again from the beginning] for it, a Kohen is not commanded about it."

åìäëé îñúáøà ùáìà äæàä åèáéìä äéå àåëìéï àåúä


Conclusion: Therefore, presumably, they ate it without Haza'ah and Tevilah.

åöøéê ìôøù îúåê äìëä æå ãäà ãúðï áîñëú çìä (ô''ã î''ç) îï äðäø òã àîðåï åìôðéí ùúé çìåú àçú ìàåø åàçú ìëäï ëå' åèáåì éåí àåëìä ø' éåñé àåîø à''ö èáéìä åàñåøä (ìæøéí) [ö"ì ìæáéí - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] ëå'


Consequence: Based on this Halachah, we must explain what the Mishnah in Chalah (4:8) teaches "from the river until Amnon and inside, two Chalos. One is for the fire, and one is for a Kohen. A Tevul Yom may eat it. R. Yosi says, Tevilah is not needed, and it is forbidden to Zavim..."

áèáåì éåí ãáòì ÷øé îééøé åùøé áìà äòøá ùîù àò''ô ùèåîàä éåöàä òìéå îâåôå


[We must explain that the first Tana] discusses a Tevul Yom of a Ba'al Keri (one who had a seminal emission), and he is permitted without Ha'arev Shemesh (i.e. before night), even though the Tum'ah came out of his body;

ãàé áèîà îú åëé äæàä éù ìðå


[If you will say that it is a Tevul Yom of] a Tamei Mes (this cannot be, for) do we have Haza'ah (in Chutz la'Aretz)?!

åø' éåñé àåîø àôéìå áòì ÷øé à''ö èáéìä


And R. Yosi says, even a Ba'al Keri does not need Tevilah.

úãò îã÷úðé ñéôà åàñåøä ìæáéí åìæáåú ìðãåú åìéåìãåú åìà çùéá áòì ÷øé


Proof: The Seifa teaches "it is forbidden to Zavim, Zavos, Nidos and Yoldos", and it does not list a Ba'al Keri;

åääéà ãñéôà ìà öøéëà àìà ìø' éåñé ëã÷àîø áéøåùìîé ìøáé éåñé ðöøëà àò''ô ùëúåá áä ìø' éäåãä ãåîä èòåú ñåôø åìø' éåñé âøñéðï


That Seifa is needed only according to R. Yosi, like it says in the Yerushalmi "we need this according to R. Yosi." Even though it is written "according to R. Yehudah", it seems that it is a printing mistake, and the text says "R. Yosi."

åàâá âøøà àôøù úçìä äîùðä (ùí) ãúðï ùìù àøöåú ìçìä îà''é òã ëæéá çìä àçú îëæéá òã äðäø åòã àîðåí ùúé çìåú àçú ìàåø åàçú ìëäï


Remark: In passing, I will explain the Reisha of the Mishnah. It teaches that there are three lands for Chalah. From Eretz Yisrael until Keziv, there is one Chalah. From Keziv until the river and until Amnon, [one separates] two Chalos. One is for the fire and one is for a Kohen;

ùì àåø éù ìä ùéòåø åùì ëäï àéï ìä ùéòåø ùî÷åí èåîàä äåà åàéï éëåìéï ìùîåø òöîï åôéøåúéäí áèäøä îçîú ùñîåê äåà ìàøõ äòîéí åçìåúéäï èòåðåú ùøéôä


The one for the fire has a Shi'ur, and the one for a Kohen has no Shi'ur. This is because it is a place of Tum'ah, and they cannot guard themselves in Taharah, because it is close to Chutz la'Aretz, and their Chalos must be burned;

åìëê îôøéùéï ùúé çìåú àçú ìàåø ùäéà çìä èîàä ãàåøééúà ùôéøåúéäï âãéìéï áà''é åàçú ìëäï ùìà úùúëç úåøú çìä


Therefore, we separate two Chalos, one for the fire, which is Chalah Tamei mid'Oraisa, for their Peros grow in Eretz Yisrael, and one is for a Kohen, lest the law of Chalah be forgotten;

åùì àåø éù ìä ùéòåø ëãîôøù áéøåùìîé îôðé ùäåà îãáøé úåøä åùì ëäï àéï ìä ùéòåø îôðé ùäåà îãáøé ñåôøéí


The one for the fire has a Shi'ur, like the Yerushalmi explains, because it is mid'Oraisa. That of the Kohen has no Shi'ur, because it is mid'Rabanan;

åäãø ÷úðé åîï [ö"ì äðäø åòã - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àîðåí åìôðéí ùúé çìåú àçú ìàåø åàçú ìëäï ùì àåø àéï ìä ùéòåø åùì ëäï éù ìä ùéòåø åîôøù áéøåùìîé åùì àåø àéï ìä ùéòåø îôðé ùäéà ðùøôú åùúéäï îãáøé ñåôøéí


Citation: Afterwards, it teaches "and from the river until Amnon and inside [one separates] two Chalos, one for the fire and one for a Kohen. The one for the fire has no Shi'ur, for it is burned, and both of them are mid'Rabanan;

åäãø ÷úðé åèáåì éåí àåëìä ø' éåñé àåîø à''ö èáéìä åàñåøä ìæáéí åìæáåú ìðãåú åìéåìãåú åðàëìú òí äæø òì äùìçï åðéúðú ìëì ëäï


And afterwards, it teaches "a Tevul Yom may eat it. R. Yosi says, Tevilah is not needed, and it is forbidden to Zavim, Zavos, Nidos and Yoldos, and it is eaten with a Zar on [the same] table, and it is given to any Kohen."

åäéà äîùðä ãîééúé áøéù ëì äáùø (çåìéï ãó ÷ã.) àìà ùäù''ñ îáéàä ùí á÷åöø åëï ãøê äù''ñ ìäàøéê åì÷öø ëùîáéà îùðéåú îèäøåú åîæøòéí åîùðä äìùåï ëôé äöåøê


Remark: This is the Mishnah brought in Chulin (104a), but the Gemara brings it there abbreviated. The Gemara is wont to elaborate or abbreviate when it brings Mishnayos from Taharos and Zera'im, and changes the wording according to the need;

ëé ääéà ãñô÷ áéàä ùîáéà äù''ñ (ôñçéí ãó é.) òì îùðú ðëðñ ìá÷òä åäéà ùðåéä òì îùðä àçøú ùìîòìä äéîðä áñîåê ìä áîñ' èäøåú


Source #1: The case of Safek entry, the Gemara brings in Pesachim (10a) about the Mishnah of one who entered a valley (Taharos 5:5), and it is taught about an earlier Mishnah in Taharos (5:4);

åëï îùðä áîñëú òøìä ùîáéà áäùåëø àú äôåòì áîñëú ò''æ (ãó ñç:) (áòøìä åáëìàé) [ö"ì òøìä åëìàé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äëøí îöèøôéï ø''ù àåîø àéï îöèøôéï åäéà ùðåéä áàåøê áîñ' òøìä (ô''á î''à) åäù''ñ î÷öø ùí áîñ' ò''æ


Source #2: And similarly, the Mishnah in Orlah that it brings in Avodah Zarah (68b) "Orlah and Kil'ai ha'Kerem join; R. Shimon says, they do not join", and it is taught at length in Orlah (2:1), and the Gemara abbreviates it there in Avodah Zarah.

ëé àéï ìåîø ùàåúä îùðä ùîáéà ùí æå äéà àåúä (ùìîòìä ùùðåéä á÷åöø ôø÷) [ö"ì ùì îòéìä ùùðåéä ùí ëê á÷åöø áôø÷ - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ÷ãùé îæáç (îòéìä ãó éç.)


Implied suggestion: Perhaps the Mishnah it brings there is the Mishnah of Me'ilah taught there concisely in Me'ilah (18a)!

ëé àéï ôéøåùí ùåä ëîå ùôéøù øáéðå úí ùàåúä ùì (îòìä) [ö"ì îòéìä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áöøåó ìëæéú åìîì÷åú ãåîéà ãëì äðäå ùì àåúå äôø÷


Rejection: The Perush of those Mishnayos are not the same, like R. Tam explained. The Mishnah of Me'ilah discusses joining to a k'Zayis, and for Makos, similar to all [the Mishnayos] of that Perek;

åàåúä ùîáéà áîñëú ò''æ îééøé ìðúéðú èòí åìàñåø áîàúéí áúòøåáúä ëãîåëç âåôä ãîúðé' ãòøìä åãå÷ åúùëç


And the [Mishnah] it brings in Avodah Zarah discusses giving taste, and to forbid 200 [parts] in a mixture, like is proven in the Mishnah itself in Orlah. Investigate, and you will find [that it is so];

åìäëé îééúé áîñëú ò''æ øàéä îîðä ãàéñåø åàéñåø ìà îöèøôéï ìø' ùîòåï ìðúéðú èòí åìçîõ ãôéøù îéìúéä ãø' ùîòåï ã÷úðé òìä ø' ùîòåï àåîø àéï îöèøôéï äééðå ìéúï èòí ãáäëé àééøé úðà ÷îà


Therefore, it brings in Avodah Zarah a proof from it that Isur and Isur do not join according to R. Shimon to give taste and ferment. [R. Tam] explained R. Shimon's opinion, that it taught about it "R. Shimon says, they do not join", i.e. to give taste, for the first Tana discusses this;

åîéìúéä ãøáé ùîòåï ãîòéìä îôåøùú áâî' ãîòéìä (ãó éç.) àéï îöèøôéï à''ö öéøåó ãëì ùäåà ìîëåú


And R. Shimon's opinion in Me'ilah is explicit in the Gemara in Me'ilah (18a). "They do not join" means that they do not need to join, for [R. Shimon holds that] one is lashed for any amount.

åäàé åðéúðú ìëì ëäï äåé ôéøåùà ìëì ëäï àôéìå ìëäï òí äàøõ


Opinion #1: The Mishnah taught "it is given to any Kohen." This means any Kohen, even a Kohen Am ha'Aretz;

àò''ô ùúøåîú (òí) äàøõ àéðä ðéúðú àìà ìëäï çáø ùéùîøðä áèäøä (åáúøåîú) [ö"ì áúøåîú - îäøù"à] çå''ì ìà âæøå ùîà éàëìä áéîé èåîàúå


Even though Terumah of Eretz Yisrael is given only to a Chaver (one who fulfills Mitzvos properly), who will guard it in Taharah, they did not decree about Terumah of Chutz la'Aretz, lest he eat it when he is Tamei.

åëï îùîò ãåîéà ãîä ùùðéðå àçø îùðä æå åàìå ðéúðéï ìëì ëäï åçùéá áäãééäå äæøåò åäìçééí åä÷áä åøàùéú äâæ åëéåöà áäï îéãé ãìà ùééê áäå àéñåø èåîàä


Support: It connotes that it is similar to what was taught after this Mishnah "and these are given to any Kohen", and it lists among them the foreleg, jaw and stomach, Reishis ha'Gez and similar matters, to which no Isur Tum'ah applies;

åîë''î àí éù çáø åòí äàøõ ìà éúï ìòí äàøõ ëãàîø áôø÷ äæøåò (çåìéï ãó ÷ì:) îðéï ùàéï ðåúðéï îúðä ìëäï òí äàøõ ùðàîø ìúú îðú (ìîçæé÷éí úåøú) [ðøàä ùö"ì ... ìîòï éçæ÷å áúåøú] ä' îçæé÷ áúåøú ä' éù ìå îðú åùàéï îçæé÷ àéï ìå îðú


And in any case, if there is a Chaver and an Am ha'Aretz, he does not give to the Am ha'Aretz, like it says in Chulin (130b) 'what is the source that we do not give a Matanah to a Kohen Am ha'Aretz? It says "Lases Menas... Lema'an Yechezku b'Toras Hash-m" - one who is Machazik in (properly observes) Toras Hash-m, he has a portion, and one who is not Machazik has no portion.'

åìà ëîå ùôéøù ä÷åðèøñ áëì äáùø (ùí ãó ÷ã:) ãìëì ëäï àúà ìàùîåòéðï ùàôéìå àéï îçæé÷ éúðå ìå çìú ç''ì


Opinion #2 (Rashi in Chulin 104b): "To any Kohen" comes to teach even if he is not Machazik, we give to him Chalas Chutz la'Aretz.

ãäà îùðä ùàçø æå àé àôùø ìåîø ëï ã÷çùéá áä îúðåú ãàîøé òìééäå ùàéï ðéúðåú àìà ìîçæé÷éí àìà åãàé äéëà ãìéëà çáø îééøé äëà


Rebuttal: Due to the Mishnah after this, one cannot say so, for it lists Matanos that we say about them they are given only to Machazikim! Rather, surely here we discuss where there is no Chaver;

à''ð àôéìå àéëà çáø àìà ùàéðå öøéê ìîúðåú éúðå ìòí äàøõ òðé ùîöååéí ìäçéåúå ùàí ìà éúðå ìå éöèøëå ìéúï ìå çåìéï


Alternatively, even if there is a Chaver but he does not need Matanos, one gives to a poor [Kohen] Am ha'Aretz, that we are commanded to sustain him. If people will not give to him, they will need to give it to him Chulin (which could have been given to poor Yisraelim).

åäùúà ãôøéùéú äà ã÷úðé èáåì éåí àåëìä äééðå èáåì éåí (÷à áòé ìä) [ö"ì ãáòì ÷øé - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] åìà áòé äòøá ùîù åàò''ô ùèåîàä éåöàä òìéå îâåôå


Consequence: Now that I explained that what was taught "a Tevul Yom may eat it" means a Tevul Yom of Ba'al Keri, that he does not need Ha'arev Shemesh, even though the Tum'ah came out of his body...

ðøàä ìåîø ãä''ä çìú äàåø áááì åãéãï àò''ô ùàñåøä ìîé ùèåîàä éåöàä îâåôå ìà áòéà äòøá ùîù åàéï ìäçîéø éåúø îçìú ëäï ãääéà îùðä


It seems that the same applies to Chalah of the fire of Bavel and of us (in Chutz la'Aretz far from Eretz Yisrael). Even though it is forbidden to one that the Tum'ah came out of his body, it does not require Ha'arev Shemesh. One need not be more stringent than Chalah of the Kohen of that Mishnah;

åîàï ãîçîéø áä ìàåñøä áèåîàú ùøõ ùøé ìèîà ùøõ ìàçø èáéìä) [ö"ì ãäà îàï ãàçîéø áä áùîòúéï ìàåñøä ìèîà îú åìèîà ùøõ ÷åãí èáéìä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùøé ìèîà ùøõ ìàçø èáéìä)


Source: The one who is stringent about it in our Sugya, to forbid it to a Tamei Mes or a Tamei Sheretz before Tevilah, he permits it to a Tamei Sheretz [right] after Tevilah.

åîéäå àéï øàéä ëì ëê ëé ùîà àò''ô ùäçîéøå áä áèîà ùøõ ÷åãí èáéìä ëîå ááòì ÷øé áèáåì éåí ãùøõ ùîà ä÷éìå áä éåúø


Rebuttal: This is not such a proof, for perhaps even though they were stringent about a Tamei Sheretz before Tevilah, just like for a Ba'al Keri, for a Tevul Yom of [Tum'as] Sheretz perhaps they were more lenient (i.e. but a Ba'al Keri needs Ha'arev Shemesh).

åáäìëåú âãåìåú ëúåá áäìëåú çìä àîø øáéðà äéìëê ðãä ÷åöä ìä çìä åàëéì ìä ëäï ÷èï àå îàï ãèáéì ì÷øéå


Pesak (Bahag, in Hilchos Chalah): Ravina said that therefore, a Nidah may separate Chalah and feed it to a minor Kohen, or to one who immersed from his Keri.

åòåã ëúåá áäìëåú âãåìåú ãçìä áà''é àéï îôøéùéï àìà çìä àçú åùåøôéï àåúä


Opinion #1 (Bahag): Chalah in Eretz Yisrael, we separate only one Chalah and burn it.

åðøàä ãòëùéå ëéåï ùùåøôéï àåúä ìôé ùàéï ìäí äæàä áëì à''é öøéê ìäôøéù ùðéä ëîå îëæéá òã äðäø åòã àîðåí ùîôøéù çìä ùðéä ùìà úùúëç úåøú çìä


Opinion #2: It seems that nowadays, since we burn it, for they do not have Haza'ah in all of Eretz Yisrael, one must separate a second, just like from Keziv until the river and until Amnon, that he separates a second Chalah, lest the law of Chalah be forgotten.


TOSFOS DH v'Leis Hilchesa Kevasei

úåñôåú ã"ä åìéú äìëúà ëååúéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that one need not even immerse.)

áäà ãîöøéê èáéìä àìà àôéìå èáéìä ìà áòé


Explanation #1: [The Halachah does not follow Rav] regarding that he obligates Tevilah. Rather, even Tevilah is not required.

åìùåï ä÷åð' ìà îùîò ëï


Explanation #2: Rashi connotes unlike this. (Rather, even Ha'arev Shemesh is required.)


TOSFOS DH Shanah b'Shanah Eizehu Shanah she'Nichnesah b'Chavertah

úåñôåú ã"ä ùðä áùðä àéæäå ùðä ùðëðñú áçáøúä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere we expound differently.)

âáé ëùëéø ùðä áùðä (åé÷øà ëä) [ö"ì ãøùéðï - äøù"ù] ùëéøåú ùì ùðä æå àéï îùúìí àìà áùðä àçøú (á''î ñä.)


Implied question: Regarding "ki'Schir Shanah b'Shanah" we expound that wages of this year are paid only in another (the next) year!

(ãøùéðï) [ö"ì ããøùéðï - äøù"ù] áëì çã îòðééðà ã÷øà


Answer: We expound each according to what the verse discusses;

(ãâáé îòùø ãëúéá ùðä áùðä) [ö"ì åâáé îòùø ãëúéá ùðä ùðä - îøàä ëäï] ããøùéðï ì÷îï (ãó ðâ:) ùàéï îúòùø îï äçãù òì äéùï åîï äéùï òì äçãù


And regarding Ma'aser it is written "Shanah Shanah." We expound below (53b) that one may not tithe from new on old or from old on new."

åöøéê ìàå÷îà äê ùîòúà ãùðä áìà øâìéí ùáøâìéí ìçåãééäå (áëì) [ö"ì áìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] ùðä àéëà áì úàçø ëãàîø áô''÷ ãø''ä (ãó å:)


Observation: We must establish our Sugya to discuss a year [of the Bechor] without [three] festivals (in order, starting with Pesach), for in festivals alone without a year there is Bal Te'acher, like it says in Rosh Hashanah (6b).

åà''ú åäà îéáòé ìëããøùéðï áúîåøä ô' åàìå ÷ãùéí áñåôå (ãó ëà:) (åàéï) [ö"ì ãàéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] ðôñì îùðä ìçáøúä


Question: We need [Shanah b'Shanah] for like we expound in Temurah (21b) that [Bechor] is not disqualified from one year to another!

åáï òæàé ãøéù áô' ùðé ãæáçéí (ãó ëè.) åáô''÷ ãø''ä (ãó å.) äî÷øéá àåúå ìà éøöä àåúå áìà éøöä åàéï îàçø ðãøå áìà éøöä å


And Ben Azai expounds in Zevachim (29a) and in Rosh Hashanah (29a) "ha'Makriv Oso" (Pigul), "Lo Yeratzeh" - it will not be accepted, but Lo Yeratzeh does not apply to one who delays his vow;

îöøéê äúí úøé ÷øàé çã ìáëåø åçã ìùàø ÷ãùéí


And we require there two verses, one for Bechor and one for other Kodshim!

åé''ì ãäê ãùîòúéï ãäëà ðô÷à ìéä îãàçøéí ãäúí áæáçéí (ãó ëè.) åáø''ä (ãó ä:) åáúîåøä (ãó ëà:) î÷éù áëåø ìîòùø îä îòùø àéðå ðôñì îùðä ìçáøúä ëå'


Answer: This [Drashah] of our Sugya here, [Ben Azai] derives it there from Acherim's Drashah, for there in Zevachim (29a), Rosh Hashanah (5b) and Temurah (21b) we equate Bechor to Ma'aser. Just like Ma'aser is not disqualified from one year to another [also Bechor].

åáúîåøä (ùí:) ðîé ÷àîø ãàçøéí îå÷îé ÷øà ãúàëìðå ùðä áùðä (ìãäëà åäðäå) [ö"ì ìäàé ãøá äìëê îñúáø ãäðé - âîøà òåæ åäãø, ò"ô ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãäëà ðîé ñáøé ëàçøéí


And in Temurah it says also that Acherim establish the verse "Tochlenu Shanah b'Shanah" for this [Drashah] of Rav. Therefore, presumably, also these [Drashos in our Sugya] here hold like Acherim.


TOSFOS DH Havah Amina b'Chazah v'Shok Shel Todah

úåñôåú ã"ä äåä àîéðà áçæä åùå÷ ùì úåãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is unlike R. Akiva.)

ìø' ò÷éáà ìéú ìéä ëé äê ñáøà áñåó àéæäå î÷åîï (æáçéí ãó ðæ.) åîôøù ãäúí ôìéâé áäéîðå åãáø àçø àé äåé äé÷ù àå ìà:


Remark: R. Akiva argues with this reasoning in Zevachim (57a), and it explains there that they argue about [something learned from] it (a Hekesh) and something else, whether or not it is [considered] a Hekesh.