[3a - 51 lines; 3b - 51 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 3b [line 22]:

"Shteihen Ketanos Nami" ùúéäï ÷èðåú ðîé

The word "Nami" ðîé is extra

[2] Rashi 3b DH Hachi Amar Rebbi Yochanan äëé àîø øáé éåçðï:

The Dibur ha'Maschil should be

"Mum Kavu'a Hevi, Hachi Amar Rebbi Yochanan" îåí ÷áåò äåé, äëé àîø øáé éåçðï

[3] Rashi 3b DH Hacha... d'Lo Chaila Alei äëà ... ãìà çééìà òìéä:

The Dibur ha'Maschil should be "Hacha... Lo Chaila Alei äëà ... ìà çééìà òìéä


1)[line 19]ðé÷ðñéä èôé çãNIKENSEI TFEI CHAD- we should fine him only the value of one additional animal (i.e. he should pay eleven times its worth instead of ten)

2)[line 20]îéìúà ãìà ùëéçà ìà âæøå áéä øáðïMILSA D'LO SHECHICHA LO GAZRU BEI RABANAN- the Chachamim did not enact a decree for an unusual situation

3a)[line 29]ìîìåéé àúàL'MELUYEI ASA- it comes to complete

b)[line 29]ìâøåòé àúàL'GERU'EI ASA- it comes to deduct

4)[line 45]îàé ùðà îðôìéí?MAI SHNA MI'NEFALIM?- in what way is it different from stillborns?

5)[line 46]"ôèø ùâø áäîä ...""PETER SHEGER BEHEMAH ..."- "... and every young firstborn animal that you will have ..." (Shemos 13:12)

6)[line 46]ùâø ááäîäSHE'GAR B'VEHEMAH- that dwells in [the womb of] an animal


7)[line 1]åäãúðï øçì ùéìãäVEHAD'TENAN RACHEL SHE'YALDAH- [moreover,] this that we have learned in a Mishnah: "A sheep that gave birth...," [Rebbi Yochanan explained that it is a permanent blemish, and the animal may be slaughtered and eaten by the Kohen]

8)[line 3]åàí éù áå î÷öú ñéîðéïV'IM YESH BO MIKTZAS SIMANIM- if it has some markings in common with its mother's species

9)[line 18]ùøåòSARU'A- an animal with an overgrown limb, which is prohibited for the Mizbe'ach (Vayikra 22:23)

10)[line 22]àéù ùåä áæøòå ùì àäøïISH SHAVEH B'ZAR'O SHEL AHARON- a person who is the same as everyone else among the offspring of Aharon (and does not stand out)

11)[line 30]áøéåúà éúéøàBERIYUSA YESEIRA- extraordinary health

12)[line 31]ëçéùåúà éúéøàKECHISHUSA YESEIRA- extraordinary frailty

13)[line 32]âéåøúàGIYORTA- a female convert

14)[line 33]îñøéï ìä àçé çéåúà ìôèåîäMASRIN LAH ACHEI CHEIVSA L'FETUMAH- her brothers (who were Nochrim) would give her animals to fatten

15)[line 39]ëìàé çéåúàCHAL'EI CHEIVSA- the animals perished

16)[line 49]ñáø øá îøé îéìúà äåà ãòáãSAVAR RAV MARI MILSA HU D'AVAD- he will think that Rav Mari merely spoke it over with the Nochri [but did not make a formal transaction]