

תוספות ד"ה איתמר

(SUMMARY: Tosfos cites three different explanations of the argument between Rav and Shmuel as taught in Sura and Pumbedisa.)

פ"ה לשון ראשון רב אמר תרתי תלת ברטיבתא תרתי אפר מים תלת ביבשתא מים אפר ומים


Explanation #1: Rashi's first explanation is that when Rav says "two three" he means that if there are drops of wine in the vessel one must first rub it with ash and then rinse it with water (two). If it is dry, one must first rinse it with water, then scrub it with ash, and then rinse again (three).

ושמואל אמר תלת ד' תלת ברטיבתא אפר מים ואפר ואע"פ שנותן מים להעביר האפר מיא בתראי לא קחשיב ד' ביבשתא מים ואפר מים ואפר וכמו כן מיא בתראי לא קחשיב בסורא מתנו הכי


Explanation #1 (cont.): When Shmuel says "three four" he means he means that if there are drops of wine in the vessel one must first rub it with ash, rinse it with water, and then scrub with ash again (three). Even though this means he must rinse the ash away afterwards, Shmuel does not count this. If it is dry, one must first rinse it with water, then scrub it with ash, rinse again, and scrub with ash (four). Just like the first case, Shmuel does not include another rinsing afterward as being counted. This is how they taught the argument in Sura.

בפומבדיתא מתנו רב אמר תלת וד' תלת ברטיבתא אפר מים אפר ד' ביבשתא מים אפר מים אפר


Explanation #1 (cont.): In Pumbedisa they taught that when Rav says "three four" he means that if there are drops of wine in the vessel one must rub it with ash, rinse it with water, and rub it with ash again (three). If it is dry, one must first rinse it with water, then scrub it with ash, and then rinse again, and scrub it with ash again (four).

ושמואל אמר ד' וה' ד' ברטיבתא אפר מים אפר מים ה' ביבשתא ולא פליגי רב ושמואל ללישנא דפומבדיתא אלא דמר קחשיב מיא בתראי כו'


Explanation #1 (cont.): When Shmuel says "four five" he means that if there are drops of wine in the vessel one must first rub it with ash, rinse it with water, scrub it with ash again, and rinse again (four). If it is dry, one must first rinse it with water, then scrub it with ash, rinse again, and scrub with ash, and rinse again (five). Rav and Shmuel are not arguing according to this version which was taught in Pumbedisa. Shmuel merely included the last rinsing, while Rav did not.

והקשה בקונטרס ללישנא דסורא כיון דפליגי רב ושמואל דלרב סגי בחד אפר בתרוייהו ולשמואל בעינן תרי זימני אפר מאי שנא דבדרב חשיב מיא בתראי ובדשמואל לא חשיב מיא בתראי בשלמא ללישנא דפומבדיתא לא פליגי אלא במיחשב מיא בתראי


Question: Rashi asked that according to the version taught in Sura, being that Rav and Shmuel argue, as Rav only requires one cleaning of ash and Shmuel requires two cleanings of ash, why did Rav include the last rinsing while Shmuel did not? According to the version taught in Pumbedisa this is not difficult, as their entire difference is based on whether or not they included the last rinsing.

לכך נראה לרש"י בענין אחר שפירש אביו רב אמר תרתי תלת תרתי ביבשתא מים ואפר תלת ברטיבתא אפר מים אפר


Explanation #2: Rashi therefore understands that there is a different explanation, one which his father taught him. When Rav says "two three" he means that if the vessel is dry it requires rinsing and scrubbing with ash (two). If it has drops of wine, it requires scrubbing with ash, rinsing with water, and ash again (three).

ושמואל אמר תלת ברטיבתא כרב ד' ביבשתא מים אפר מים אפר


Explanation #2 (cont.): Shmuel agrees with Rav regarding a vessel with drops of wine (three). He argues regarding a dry vessel that it requires rinsing with water, scrubbing with ash, rinsing again, and ash again.

בפומבדיתא מתנו רב אמר תלת ביבשתא מים אפר מים ד' ברטיבתא אפר מים אפר מים ושמואל אמר ברטיבתא כרב וה' ביבשתא ולא פליגי סורא ופומבדיתא


Explanation #2 (cont.): In Pumbedisa they taught that Rav says regarding a dry vessel that one must rinse, use ash, and rinse again (three). Regarding a vessel with drops of wine he must use ash, rinse, use ash again, and rinse again (four). Shmuel agrees with Rav regarding a wet vessel, but says that five steps are required for a dry vessel. According to this explanation, the Sura and Pumbedisa versions are not arguing. (They each hold there is no argument regarding wet vessels, and there is an argument whether or not the process must be repeated one more time regarding dry vessels.)

וגם זה לא נראה דאם כן הויא סברתן הפוכה דרב ושמואל שהרי רב מיקל ביבשתא יותר מרטיבתא ושמואל מיקל ברטיבתא יותר מביבשתא


Question: This explanation also does not seem correct. If this is so, Rav and Shmuel's logic are exactly the opposite of each other! Rav is more lenient regarding a dry vessel than regarding a wet vessel, whereas the opposite is true of Shmuel!

לכך נראה לר"י בענין אחר והכי פירושו רב אמר תרתי תלת ביבשתא תרתי מים אפר ברטיבתא תלת אפר מים אפר


Explanation #3: It therefore appears to the Ri that the following explanation is correct. When Rav says "two three" he means that a dry vessel must be rinsed and scrubbed with ash, while a wet vessel must be scrubbed with ash, rinsed, and scrubbed with ash again.

ושמואל אמר תלת ד' תלת ביבשתא וד' ברטיבתא שמואל בא להוסיף ולפרש מיא בתראי בין ברטיבתא בין ביבשתא


Explanation #3 (cont.): When Shmuel says "three four" he is merely adding an extra rinsing to each case, whether the vessel is wet or dry.

בפומבדיתא מתנו רב אמר תלת ארבע כפירוש ראשון שבקונטרס תלת ברטיבתא אפר מים אפר ביבשתא ד' מים אפר מים אפר


Explanation #3 (cont.): In Pumbedisa they taught that when Rav says "three four" he means what Rashi explained earlier in his first explanation. If there are drops of wine in the vessel one must rub it with ash, rinse it with water, and rub it with ash again (three). If it is dry, one must first rinse it with water, then scrub it with ash, and then rinse again, and scrub it with ash again (four).

שמואל אמר ארבע חמש ארבע ברטיבתא וחמש ביבשתא בא להוסיף ולפרש מיא בתראי בתרוייהו


Explanation #3 (cont.): When Shmuel says "four five" he is saying four steps for a wet vessel and five for a dry vessel. He is merely adding a last rinsing to each case.

ולא פליגי רב ושמואל בין ללישנא דסורא בין ללישנא דפומבדיתא אלא דרב לא חשיב מיא בתראי ושמואל חשיב מיא בתראי


Explanation #3 (cont.): Rav and Shmuel are not arguing according to both versions of Sura and Pumbedisa. Rather, Rav is not counting the last rinsing, while Shmuel is including the last rinsing.




תוספות ד"ה דכיתנא

(SUMMARY: Rabeinu Tam explains that our Gemara's law only applies to the items listed in the Gemara.)

אור"ת דמפות וסדינין שלנו ששרו ביין נסך אין צריך ליישנן מדלא קאמר כל כלי פשתן סתם אלא הני כלים שמנו חכמים שהיו בקיאין דוקא בבליעתן


Opinion: Rabeinu Tam says that our tablecloths and sheets that were soaked in Yayin Nesech do not have to be laid out to dry for twelve months. This is apparent from the fact that it does not say this law regarding all linen clothes in general. Rather, this only refers to items that the Chachamim said require this treatement. They said this because they had expertise in understanding the amount of absorbtion in these items.

ואין לחלק בין יין נסך שהוא צונן ובין שאר איסור רותח שנפל על המפות הכל יש להתיר בכבוס כלי שני כי ודאי ידוע שע"י כבוס גדול שחובטין כמה וכמה פעמים אי אפשר שלא יצא האיסור


Opinion (cont.): One should not differentiate between Yayin Nesech that is cold and other prohibited items that fall on these tablecloths. Everything is permitted if they are laundered in a Kli Sheini. It is well known that in a big load of laundry, where everything is hit many times, the prohibited item will clearly come out.

ושמא יש לחלק בין איסור שנדבק לשאינו נדבק כל כך כמו שמחלק בפרק התערובת (זבחים דף עט:)


Implied Question: Perhaps one can differentiate between prohibited things that are stuck to these items and prohibited things that do not get stuck. This is a difference that is indeed stated in Zevachim (79b).



תוספות ד"ה הסכין

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why our case is more stringent than that of a knife that was used to slaughter a Treifah.)

בגמרא מוקי לה לחתוך בה צונן


Explanation: The Gemara explains this is referring to a knife used to cut something cold.

ולא דמי לסכין ששחט בה טרפה דסגי בקינוח אבלוייתא פרק קמא דחולין (דף ח: ושם ד"ה והלכתא)


Implied Question: This is unlike a knife that is used to slaughter a Treifah which can be merely wiped clean with an old tough rag, as stated in Chulin (8b, see Tosfos DH "v'Hilchasa"). (Why don't they have the same law?)

דשאני סכין של עובדי כוכבים שבלוע שמנונית טובא אבל סכין ששחט בה טריפה מחמת הדם דשריק אין השמנונית נבלע


Answer: The knife of a Nochri has absorbed a lot of sticky liquids. However, a knife that was once used to slaughter a Treifah does not absorb the blood that squirted out of the animal.



תוספות ד"ה מים

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Tevilas Keilim is a special law regarding which forty Sa'ah is always required.)

אע"ג דרביעית סגי להטביל מחטין וצינוריות מדאורייתא


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that a Revi'is is enough liquid in which one can immerse needles and pipes according to Torah law. (Why shouldn't that be enough regarding Tevilas Keilim as well?)

היינו טבילת טומאה אבל טבילת כלי מדין חידוש הוא ובעי מ' סאה


Answer: This is only regarding (becoming pure from) their impurity. However, requiring the immersion of the vessels of Midyan is a novel law, and for that one requires forty Sa'ah.



תוספות ד"ה והלכתא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that in order for a vessel to require Tevilah, a material obligated in Tevilah must come in contact with the food.)

היינו כלים שמחופין באבר מבפנים אבל אם מחופין מבחוץ וכן כלי עץ המחושקין סביב ברזל מבחוץ אפילו למ"ד הכל הולך אחר המעמיד אין צריכין טבילה


Explanation: This refers to vessels that have a lead coating inside the vessel. However, if they have a lead coating outside the vessel, or if it is a wooden vessel that has some metal around the outside of the vessel, even according to the opinion that everything depends on what keeps the vessel stable one does not have to immerse it.

כיון דאין משתמשין בהן דרך המתכת דכלי סעודה האמורים בפרשה היינו שמשתמשין בהן


Explanation (cont.): This is because the metal side is not used with the food, as the Torah discussed vessels used for the meal, meaning that these materials that require Tevilah are coming in contact with the food.



תוספות ד"ה אבל שאולין

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that once a Jew buys a vessel from a Nochri, it requires Tevilah.)

אומר רבינו שמואל ישראל ששאל כלי מישראל חבירו שקנה מעובד כוכבים צריך טבילה כיון שבא לידי חיוב טבילה ביד ישראל ראשון


Opinion: Rabeinu Shmuel says that if a Jew borrowed a vessel from his friend who bought it from a Nochri, it requires Tevilah, being that it already was obligated in Tevilah when his friend bought it.



תוספות ד"ה אי משום

(SUMMARY: Tosfos says many laws regarding vessels that are either collateral, given to a Nochri worker, or sold to a Nochri.)

וכיון דלא איפשיטא מטבילין למשכנתא בלא ברכה


Opinion: Being that the Gemara does not answer the question, one must immerse the collateral without a Berachah.

ואם יש לו כלי שקנה מן העובד כוכבים המחויב טבילה יטביל זה עמו ויברך על שניהם


Opinion (cont.): If one has a vessel that he bought from a Nochri that certainly requires immersion with a Berachah, he should immerse this collateral as well and he can say a Berachah on both of them.

והנותן כלי לאומן עובד כוכבים לתקן ואפילו למאן דאמר אומן קונה בשבח כלי אין צריך טבילה כיון דאין שמו עליו דלא הוי כמעשה שהיה שהיו הכלים של מדין


Opinion (cont.): Someone who gives a vessel to a Nochri worker to fix does not have to Tovel it afterwards, even according to the opinion that a worker acquires the improvement of a vessel. This is because the Nochri is not known as owning the vessel, and it is therefore unlike the incident in the Torah where Bnei Yisrael had to Tovel the vessels of Midyan.

והמוכר כלי לעובד כוכבים וחזר ולקח ממנו צריך טבילה כיון שנקרא על שם עובד כוכבים


Opinion (cont.): If someone sells a vessel to a Nochri and then buys it back it requires Tevilah, being that it was known as the vessel of the Nochri.

אבל הממשכן כלי לעובד כוכבים וחזר ופדה אין צריך טבילה אע"ג דמספקא ליה לתלמודא אי משכנתא כזביני לענין הא ודאי פשיטא דלא הוי כזביני


Opinion (cont.): However, if someone gives a Nochri his vessel as collateral and then redeems it from him, it does not require Tevilah. Despite the fact that the Gemara is unsure whether or not giving collateral is considered a sale, in this case it is certainly unlike a sale. (The Maharsha explains that the Gemara only entertained this earlier where a Jew had possession of the collateral of a Nochri, and it was unsure whether or not the Nochri would merely leave it by the Jew. In our case, the Jew already redeemed the collateral, and it therefore certainly does not look as if it was sold to the Nochri.)



תוספות ד"ה מגעילן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that when buying a used vessel from a Nochri one can either Tovel and scald or scald and Tovel. The order is irrelevant.)

לאו דוקא מגעיל ואח"כ יטביל אלא אפילו מטביל ברישא דהך טבילה אינה בשביל טומאה דליהוי כטובל ושרץ בידו דאפילו חדשים צריכין טבילה


Explanation: This does not specifically mean that he must scald it and then immerse it. Even if he immerses it first and then scalds it, it is valid. This is because Tevilas Keilim is not due to impurity, which would make this like someone who is being Tovel while holding a Sheretz. Even new vessels (that have never been used before) require Tevilah.

ותנן נמי סכין שפה והיא טהורה אע"ג דלא טהרה לגמרי שהרי צריכה גיעול לחתוך רותח אפי' הכי מטביל לחתוך בה צונן


Explanation (cont.): The Mishnah indeed says regarding a knife that one can sharpen it with a sharpening stone and it becomes pure. This is despite the fact that it is not completely pure, as it requires scalding to be able to be used to cut boiling hot items. Even so, one can immerse it in order to enable cutting cold items.

והא דתני בברייתא מגעילן ברישא


Implied Question: The Beraisa says "he scalds them" before saying he immerses them. (Why does it say it in this order if in fact it can be done in the opposite order as well?)

משום דחמירא מפני האיסור


Answer: This is because scalding is more stringent due to the importance of getting out the absorbed prohibited items (see Avodah Berurah).



תוספות ד"ה וכולן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Beraisa according to the opinion that Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam is forbidden.)

למאן דתני מותר נקט שפיר עד שלא יטביל אבל מאן דתני אסור אין לאסור אם נשתמש בו קודם טבילה


Implied Question: According to the opinion that says Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam is permitted, it is understandable why the Beraisa says, "until the immersion was done." However, according to the opinion that it is forbidden, why should we forbid if it was used before immersion? (As long as it was after kashering it should not be forbidden!)

מיהו איכא למימר דגזור אטו קודם הגעלה וליבון


Answer: However, one could answer that there might be a decree not to use it before Tevilah due to one possibly using it before Hagalah or Libun (i.e. koshering).