ZEVACHIM 33 (2 Sivan) - This Daf has been dedicated in memory of Harry Bernard Zuckerman, Baruch Hersh ben Yitzchak (and Miryam Toba), by his children and sons-in-law.


TOSFOS DH Amar Lei mi'Tunach (cont.)

úåñôåú ã"ä à''ì îèåðê (äîùê)

îãìà ùðä äúðà çéìå÷ æëøéí îð÷áåú äéëà ãëúéá ëäï ñúí ëâåï âáé îúðåú ëäåðä àìà âáé îðçä ãëúéá àäøï åáðéå ùîò îéðä äéëà ãëúéá ëäï ñúí ìà ùðà ëäï åìà ùðà ëäðú


Explanation (cont.): Since the Tana did not teach a difference between males and females, when it is written Kohen Stam, e.g. regarding Matanos Kehunah, rather, regarding a Minchah, about which it says "Aharon u'Vanav", this teaches that when it says Kohen Stam, there is no difference between a Kohen and Kohenes.

åàí úàîø åàé îèòí äåàéì åäåúø ìöøòúå äåúø ì÷øåéå ìîä ìé éáà òùä ùéù áå ëøú åéãçä òùä ùàéï áå ëøú áìàå äëé ðîé


Question: If it is due to "since he was permitted for his Tzara'as, he is permitted for his Keri", why do we say that an Aseh with Kares should override an Aseh without Kares? Even without this [it should be permitted]!

åéù ìåîø ãòì îçðä ìåéä ùðëðñ èáåì éåí ùì áòì ÷øé äåöøê ìåîø òùä ãôñç ãáëøú ãçé òùä åëå' ãèáåì éåí àçø (äâäú éòá"õ) àéðå ðëðñ àé îï äúåøä àé èáåì éåí ãæá ëæá ãîé àé îãøáðï îâæéøú éäåùôè


Answer: Regarding Machaneh Levi, that a Tevul Yom of a Ba'al Keri enters, it needed to say that the Aseh of Pesach with Kares overrides the Aseh, for another Tevul Yom may not enter, whether this is mid'Oraisa, if a Tevul Yom of a Zav is like a Zav, or mid'Rabanan, from Yehoshafat's decree.

åäúí ìà ùééê ìîéîø îúåê ùäåúø ìöøòúå ùäøé áùîéðé ÷àé åàéðå àìà îçåñø ëôåøéí ãìà ðàñø îòåìí áîçðä ìåéä åîä ùééê ùí ìåîø ùäåúø


There we cannot say "since he was permitted for his Tzara'as", for he is on his eighth day, and he is only Mechusar Kipurim. He was never forbidden in Machaneh Levi. One cannot say there "he was permitted"!

àáì òì îçðä ùëéðä ùîëðéñ éãéå ìáäåðåú åäåà èáåì éåí ùì ÷øé òì æä ÷àîø îúåê ùäåúø îçåñø ëéôåøéí ùì îöåøò ãáòìîà àñåø áòæøú ùëéðä åäëà äåúø äåúø ðîé ìèáåì éåí ã÷øåéå


However, regarding Machaneh Shechinah, that he enters his hands for Behonos, and he is a Tevul Yom of Keri, about this it says "since Mechusar Kipurim of Metzora was permitted", for normally he is forbidden in Ezras Shechinah, and here he was permitted, also Tevul Yom of his Keri was permitted.


TOSFOS DH Hagahah mi'Chlal d'Travaihu Sevira Lehu Tum'ah Dechuyah Hi b'Tzibur

úåñôåú ã"ä äâä''ä îëìì ãúøåééäå ñáéøà ìäå èåîàä ãçåéä äéà áöéáåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with what Rava said elsewhere.)

åäà ãàîø øá úçìéôà îùîéä ãøáà æàú àåîøú äåúøä äéà áöéáåø áô''÷ ãéåîà (ãó å:)


Implied question: Rav Tachlifa said in the name of Rava "this shows that Tum'ah is Hutrah b'Tzibur", in Yoma 6b!

æàú àåîøú åìà ñáéøà ìéä


Answer: He inferred so [from the Mishnah], but he does not hold like this.


TOSFOS DH v'Lei'aved Pishpesh ha'Kol bi'Chsav v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä åìéòáã ôùôù äëì áëúá ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we may add when a verse hints to this.)

åäà ãîåñéôéí òì äòéø åòì äòæøåú


Implied question: How can they add to [Yerushalayim] and the Azaros? (David received from prophecy how big everything must be!)

äééðå äéëà ãàéëà ìîéîø ÷øà àùëçå åãøåù ëé ääéà ãñåëä (ãó ðà:)


Answer: This is when we can say that they found a verse and expounded [that we may make it bigger], like in Sukah (51b-52a. It asked how they could build balconies on the Ezras Nashim for Simchas Beis ha'Sho'evah, and brought a hint from a verse.)

åîéäå ÷ùä ãäëà ðîé àéï ìê ÷øà âãåì îæä ãðéòáéã ôùôù ì÷ééí îöåú ñîéëä ãøçîðà àîø åñîê


Question: Also here, there is no greater verse than this, that we should make a Pishpesh (small opening) to fulfill the Mitzvah of Semichah. The Torah said "v'Samach"!

åìîàé ãîñé÷ ãñîéëú àùí îöåøò ìàå ãàåøééúà ðéçà


Partial answer: According to the conclusion that Semichah of Asham Metzora is not mid'Oraisa, this is fine.

àáì ìèòîà ãùîà éøáä áôñéòåú ÷ùä ãðéòáã ôùôù ãìéëà ìîéçù


Question: However, according to the reason [that Semichah is mid'Oraisa, but we do not do so,] lest he take extra steps (enter the Azarah more than needed), this is difficult. We should make a Pishpesh (through which he can enter his hands, but not his body), for there is no concern!

åîéäå ãùîà éøáä áôñéòåú âæéøä ãøáðï áòìîà äéà å÷øé ëàï äëì áëúá


Answer: "Lest he take extra steps" is a mere decree mid'Rabanan. We apply "ha'Kol bi'Chsav" (since mid'Oraisa there is no need for a Pishpesh).

åäà ãàîø áøéù ëéñåé äãí (çåìéï ôâ:) ãëéñåé äãí àéðå ðåäâ áîå÷ãùéï îùåí ãìà àéôùø ãäéëé ìéòáéã ìáèìéä ÷à îåñéó àáðééï åëúéá äëì áëúá


Implied question: It says in Chulin (83b) that Kisuy ha'Dam does not apply to Kodshim, because it is impossible. If we will be Mevatel it (permanently leave earth for blood of Melikah to fall on it), he increases on the Binyan, and it is written ha'Kol bi'Chsav! (The Mitzvah of Kisuy ha'Dam should be like a verse hinting that we should add!)

àéï æä çùåá ëîå ÷øà ãëéåï ãìà ëúá áäãéà á÷øà ùéðäåâ ëéñåé äãí áîå÷ãùéï


Answer: This is not like a verse (that we should add), since the verse does not explicitly say that Kisuy ha'Dam applies to Kodshim.


TOSFOS DH Lei'ol v'Lismoch

úåñôåú ã"ä ìéòåì åìñîåê (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we asked so only here.)

ëéåï ãìà àéôùø áòðéï àçø åìà î÷ééîéï ñîéëä áèäøä


Explanation: [He should enter and do Semichah] since it is not possible another way, and we cannot fulfill Semichah in Taharah.

åìà ãîé ìùàø [èîàéí] ùîùìçéï ÷øáðåúéäí åìà àîøéðï ðéòåì åðéñîåê


Implied question: Why is this unlike other Temei'im, who send Korbanos [through Sheluchim, without Semichah]. We do not say that he should enter and do Semichah!

ãî÷ééîà ñîéëä ãéãäå áèäøä


Answer: They could [bring their Korbanos after they become Tahor, and] fulfill Semichah in Taharah.


TOSFOS DH Semichas Asham Metzora Lav d'Oraisa

úåñôåú ã"ä ñîéëú àùí îöåøò ìàå ãàåøééúà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses consequences of this opinion.)

åàîøéðï à÷ôå éãééëå ãìà úéäåé òáåãä á÷ãùéí


Explanation: And we tell (the Metzora'im) to put their hands softly [on the Korban while doing Semichah], lest it be Avodah with Kodshim (in proper Semichah, one leans on the animal and it supports his weight).

åîúåê äê ùîòúà àúé ùôéø äà ãàîø áøéù äúòøåáú (ì÷îï ãó òå.) âáé ñô÷ îöåøò ùîáéà àùîå åìåâå òîå åàåîø àí îöåøò äåà æä àùîå ëå' åàåúå àùí èòåï ñîéëä åáäåðåú


Observation: Based on our Sugya, it is fine what it says below (76a) about a Safek Metzora. He brings his Asham and Log (of oil) with it, and says that if he is a Metzora, this is his Asham... (and if not, it is a Shelamim), and that Asham requires Semichah and [putting blood] on his Behonos;

åäùúà ìîä ìé ìîéúðé ñîéëä áéï éäà àùí áéï ìà éäà [àùí] áòé ñîéëä


Question: Why does it teach that it requires Semichah? Whether or not it is an Asham, it requires Semichah!

àìà îùåí ãñîéëú àùí îöåøò ìàå ãàåøééúà å÷àúé ìàùîåòéðï ãèòåï ñîéëä (ãàåøééúà) îùåí ñôé÷à ãùìîéí


Answer: Because Semichas Asham Metzora is not mid'Oraisa, it comes to teach that it requires Semichah, due to the Safek that it is a Shelamim.

åëï ìòéì áøéù îëéìúéï (ãó ã:) âáé àùí ãôøéê îä ìùìîéí ùëï èòåðéï ñîéëä îùåí àùí îöåøò ð÷è ñîéëä


Observation: Also above (4b), regarding Asham, it asks "you cannot learn from Shelamim, because it requires Semichah." It said so due to Asham Metzora (which does not require Semichah mid'Oraisa);

åìà ëôé' ä÷åðèøñ ãìà âøéñ ñîéëä ëãôøéùéú áô''÷


This is unlike Rashi explained, that the text should not say "Semichah", like I explained above (4b DH Mah).

åäà ãúðï áô' ëì äúãéø (ì÷îï ö:) ëì àùîåú áàéï áðé ùúé ùðéí åáëñó ù÷ìéí çåõ îàùí ðæéø åàùí îöåøò ìà îöé ìîéúðé ëì àùîåú èòåðéï ñîéëä çåõ îàùí ðæéø åàùí îöåøò


Implied question: A Mishnah below (90b) says that all Ashamos are in their second year, and are bought for [at least] two Shekalim of silver, except for Asham Nazir [Tamei] and Asham Metzora. Why didn't it teach that all Ashamos require Semichah, except for Asham Nazir and Asham Metzora?

ëéåï ãîãøáðï îéäà èòåï ñîéëä


Answer: It could not teach so, for mid'Rabanan [Asham Metzora] requires Semichah.

åäà ãúðï áô' ëì äîðçåú áàåú (îðçåú ãó ñà.) øáé ùîòåï àåîø ùìùä îéðéí èòåðéï ùìù îöåú ùúéí áëì àçã åàçã åäùìéùéú àéï áäï àùí îöåøò èòåï ñîéëä åúðåôä çé åàéï áå úðåôä ùçåè


Implied question: In a Mishnah in Menachos (61a), R. Shimon says that there are three matters that require three Mitzvos. Each of them requires two, but not the third - Asham Metzora requires Semichah and Tenufah (waving) in its lifetime, but not Tenufah after Shechitah. (This connotes that Semichas Asham Metzora is mid'Oraisa!)

ìàå îùåí ùúäà ñîéëä ãàåøééúà


Answer: It is not because Semichah is mid'Oraisa.

åäà ãôøéê áâî' åéäà àùí îöåøò èòåï úðåôä ùçåè î÷ì åçåîø åîä æáçé ùìîé éçéã ùàéï èòåðéï úðåôä çééí èòåðéï úðåôä ëå'


Implied question: The Gemara asks (Menachos 62b) that Asham Metzora should require Tenufah after Shechitah from a Kal v'Chomer! An individual's Shelamim does not require Tenufah in its lifetime... (We can challenge this. Shelamim requires Semichah mid'Oraisa!)

ìà ùééê ìîéôøê îä ìùìîé éçéã ùëï èòåðéï ñîéëä ãàåøééúà ëéåï ãîúðåôä àúðåôä òáéã ÷ì åçåîø


Answer: We cannot challenge that an individual's Shelamim requires Semichah mid'Oraisa, because the Kal v'Chomer is from Tenufah to Tenufah.

åîéäå ÷ùä ãôøéê äúí åéäå ùìîé öéáåø èòåðéï ñîéëä î÷ì åçåîø åîä ùìîé éçéã ùàéï èòåðéï úðåôä çééí èòåðéï ñîéëä î÷ì åçåîø ëå'


Question: The Gemara asks there that Shelamim of the Tzibur (Kivsei Atzeres) should require Semichah from a Kal v'Chomer! An individual's Shelamim does not require Tenufah in its lifetime, but it requires Semichah, all the more so...

àîàé ìà ÷àîø àùí îöåøò éåëéç ùèòåï úðåôä îçééí åàéï èòåï ñîéëä


Why don't we say that Asham Metzora Yochi'ach? It requires Tenufah in its lifetime, but it does not require Semichah!

åáúåøú ëäðéí áôøùú öå àú àäøï òáéã ðîé ÷ì åçåîø ëé äàé âååðà å÷àîø àùí îöåøò éåëéç


Strengthening of question: Also in Toras Kohanim, in Parshas Tzav, it makes a Kal v'Chomer like this, and says that Asham Metzora is Yochi'ach. (Kodshei David - in Toras Kohanim, it tries to learn that Shalmei Tzibur should require Tenufah after Shechitah from a Kal v'Chomer from Shalmei Yachid. Asham Metzora is Yochi'ach; it requires Tenufah in its lifetime, but not after Shechitah. Tosfos asks that also in Menachos, we should bring Asham Metzora to refute the Kal v'Chomer.)


Note: We explain like Shitah Mekubetzes and Tzon Kodoshim, who say that the last words of this Tosfos refer to the coming words, and it is all one Dibur.


TOSFOS DH Eifuch Semichas Asham Metzora Lav mid'Oraisa

úåñôåú ã"ä àéôåê ñîéëú àùí îöåøò ìàå ãàåøééúà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this opinion.)

åãáø úéîä äåà àîàé àîøéðï ñîéëú àùí îöåøò ìàå ãàåøééúà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí)


Question: This is astounding. Why do we say that Semichah of Asham Metzora is not mid'Oraisa?

ãìòéì (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) áô''÷ (ãó éà:) éìôéðï ùàø àùîåú îãëúéá ëçèàú åëàùí îä çèàú èòåï ñîéëä àó àùí èòåï ñîéëä åàí ëï ÷ùä àôéìå àùí îöåøò ðîé


Above (11b), we learn [Semichah on] other Ashamos, since it says ka'Chatas ka'Asham - just like Chatas requires Semichah, also Asham requires Semichah. If so, this is difficult. Also Asham Metzora (Semichah should be mid'Oraisa)!

åîä ùôéøù á÷åðèøñ ã÷ñáø àéðå áëìì ùàø àùîåú îùåí ãàéðå áà àìà ìäëùéø


Answer (Rashi): He holds that it is not included in other Ashamos, because it comes only to be Machshir (permit the Metzora to the Mikdash and Kodshim).

÷ùä äà àîøéðï ôø÷ ÷îà (îëàï îòîåã á) ãéáîåú (ãó æ.) åì÷îï áøéù àéæäå î÷åîï (ãó îè.) ìôé ùéöà àùí îöåøò ìéãåï áãáø äçãù ááäï éã åááäï øâì éëåì ìà éäà èòåï îúï ãîéí åàéîåøéí ìâáé îæáç


Question: This is difficult, for we said in Yevamos (7a) and below (49a) "because Asham Metzora was given a new law, that [some of the blood is put] on the thumb and big toe, one might have thought that it does not require Matan Damim and Eimurim on the Mizbe'ach!"


ú''ì ëçèàú ëàùí äåà ìëäï îä çèàú èòåðä åëå'


Citation (7a): It says "ka'Chatas ka'Asham Hu la'Kohen." Just like Chatas requires...

åàí ëï ðéîà îä çèàú èòåðä ñîéëä åîúï ãîéí åàéîåøéí ìâáé îæáç àó àùí ëå'


Summation of question: If so, we should say that just like Chatas requires Semichah and Matan Damim and Eimurim on the Mizbe'ach, also Asham...!


TOSFOS DH l'Inyan Malkos Itmar

úåñôåú ã"ä ìòðéï îì÷åú àéúîø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why Taharas Metzora overrides partial Bi'ah.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ àáì ìà ìòðéï ëøú ãúåúáéä îöåøò ùøàä ÷øé


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [Partial Bi'ah is considered Bi'ah regarding lashes,] but not regarding Kares, that you would ask from a Metzora who saw Keri.

åä÷ùä ä''ø çééí ãàëúé àéëà ìà÷ùåéé ãàéï òùä ãåçä ìà úòùä åòùä ìàå ãåàì äî÷ãù ìà úáà àé áéàä áî÷öú ùîä áéàä åòùä ãäëà èîà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) éäéä ìøáåú èáåì éåí


Question #1 (R. Chaim): Still, we can ask that an Aseh is not Docheh a Lo Sa'aseh v'Aseh - the Lav of "v'El ha'Makdish Lo Savo", if partial Bi'ah is considered Bi'ah, and the Aseh here "Tamei Yihyeh" to include a Tevul Yom!

åòåã ÷ùéà ìéä àôéìå ìàå âøéãà äéëé ãçé ìéä äà áòéãðà ãîéò÷ø ìàå ìà îé÷ééí òùä


Question #2: Even a Lav alone, how does it override it? At the time the Lav is uprooted, he does not fulfill the Aseh!

åéù ìåîø ãòùä ùéù áå ëøú çîåø åãçé ìäå ëãàùëçï áôø÷ úîéã ðùçè (ôñçéí ðè.) ãòùä ùéù áå ëøú ãåçä òùä ãäùìîä àò''â ãáòìîà àéï òùä ãåçä òùä


Answer: We can say that an Aseh with Kares is severe, and overrides them (a Lo Sa'aseh v'Aseh, and not at the time that the Aseh is fulfilled), like we find in Pesachim (59a) that an Aseh with Kares overrides the Aseh of Hashlamah, even though normally an Aseh is not Docheh an Aseh.

åàí úàîø åäìà âáé òùä ãîöåøò ãçîéø îùåí ùìåí áéú åãçé òùä àôéìå äëé ìà ãçé ìà úòùä áäãé òùä ëã÷àîø âáé ùéìåç ä÷ï (çåìéï ÷îà.) ìà öøéëà ùðèì' ò''î ìùìçä ãìàå ìéëà


Question: The Aseh of [Taharas] Metzora is severe, due to Shalom Bayis (it permits him to his wife), and it overrides an Aseh. Even so, it does not override a Lo Sa'aseh together with an Aseh, like it says in Chulin (141a) "we need [to teach that Taharas Metzora does not override Shilu'ach ha'Kan in a case that] he took [the mother] with intent to send her. There is no Lav [if he keeps the mother. Even so, the Aseh of Taharas Metzora does not override the Aseh of Shilu'ach!]

åé''ì ãòùä ãîöåøò àó ò''â ãçîéø ëéåï ãìéëà ëøú ìà ãçé ìúøåééäå àáì áôñç àéëà ëøú


Answer: The Aseh of Metzora, even though it is severe, since there is no Kares, it does not override both of them. However, there is Kares for [neglect of] Pesach.

äëé âøñéðï øáé éåçðï àåîø àéðå ìå÷ä


Remark: The text says "R. Yochanan says, he is not lashed."

âáé çåîøåú ãúøåîä ã÷àîø ùëï îçô''æ äåä îöé ìîéçùá ðîé ðâéòú ÷åãù ãìå÷ä áúøåîä åìà á÷åãù ìøáé éåçðï


Observation: Regarding stringencies of Terumah [over Kodshim], it says that they are MaChPaZ (Misah, Chomesh, Pidyon, Zarim). It could have listed also touching Kodesh]! One is lashed for Terumah, but not for Kodesh, according to R. Yochanan!

åòåã éù çåîøåú äøáä ëãôéøù' áéáîåú


There are many other stringencies [of Kodshim over Terumah that the Gemara did not mention], like I explained in Yevamos (73b DH she'Chen Panka'aks).


TOSFOS DH ha'Hu bi'Terumah Kesiv

úåñôåú ã"ä ääåà áúøåîä ëúéá

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not learn to Kodesh.)

ä÷ùä ä''ø çééí îëì î÷åí ìéì÷é á÷åãù ëãàùëçï áô''÷ ãëøéúåú (ãó ã:) ãàåëì çìá äîå÷ãùéï ìå÷ä ùìù îùåí åëì æø ìà éàëì ÷åãù àò''â ãáúøåîä ëúéá ëéåï ãëúéá ìùåï ÷åãù


Question (R. Chaim): Still, he should be lashed for Kodesh, like we find in Kerisus (4b) that one who eats Chelev of Kodshim is lashed three times (sets of 39 lashes) - [one is] due to "v'Chol Zar Lo Yochal Kodesh", even though it is written about Terumah, since it is written in an expression of Kodesh!

åúéøõ ãäúí àéëà îòéìä ùäåà ðäðä éìôé' çè çè îúøåîä ëãàîø âáé äæéã áîòéìä åáëì ãåëúà éìôéðï îòéìä çè çè îúøåîä


Answer #1 (R. Chaim): There, there is Me'ilah, for he benefits. We learn from [a Gezeirah Shavah] "Chet-Chet" from Terumah, like it says about one who was Mezid about Me'ilah. Everywhere, we learn Me'ilah "Chet-Chet" from Terumah;

àáì ìòðéï ùàø ìàåéï ìà éìôéðï ìì÷åú òì ÷åãù ëîå òì úøåîä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


However, regarding other Lavin, we do not learn to lash for Kodesh like for Terumah.

åä''ø éò÷á ãàåøìéð''ù ìà âøéñ åëì æø ìà éàëì ÷åãù àìà åæø ìà éàëì ëé ÷åãù äí [ãëúéá âáé ÷åãù òöîä åîúøåîä ìà éìôéðï]


Answer #2 (Ri of Orlins): The text [in Kerisus] does not say "v'Chol Zar Lo Yochal Kodesh", rather, "v'Zar Lo Yochal Ki Kodesh Hem" which is written about Kodesh itself, and we do not learn from Terumah.


TOSFOS DH Azharah l'Ochel Besar Kodesh Minayin

úåñôåú ã"ä àæäøä ìàåëì áùø ÷åãù îðéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn from a different verse.)

úéîä úéôå÷ ìéä îìà úåëì ìàëåì áùòøéê ëé äéëé ãðô÷à ìï áô' äòøì (éáîåú ãó òâ:) îòùø åáéëåøéí ãàåëìï áèåîàú òöîï ìå÷ä


Question #1: We should know this from "Lo Suchal Le'echol bi'She'arecha", just like we learn [from it] in Yevamos (73b) that one who eats Ma'aser or Bikurim b'Tum'as Atzman (when the food is Tamei), he is lashed!

îãëúéá ìà úåëì ìàëåì áùòøéê åìäìï äåà àåîø áùòøéê úàëìðå äèîà åäèäåø éçãå (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) ãàôé' èîà åèäåø àåëìéï á÷òøä àçú å÷àîø øçîðà ìê áùòøéê úàëìðå


Source: It is written (about Ma'aser, Bikurim and other matters) Lo Suchal Le'echol bi'She'arecha", and below it says (about a blemished Bechor) "bi'She'arecha Tochalenu ha'Tahor veha'Tamei Yachdav" - even a Tamei and Tahor may eat from the same bowl (even though the food becomes Tamei), and the Torah said bi'She'arecha Tochalenu;

äëà ìà úåëì ìàëåì åáéï áèåîàú äâåó åáéï áèåîàú òöîï àééøé ÷øà


Here (Ma'aser and Bikurim, which are in the first verse) Lo Suchal Le'echol. The verse discusses both Tum'as ha'Guf (when the person is Tamei) and Tum'as Atzman!

åáääåà ùîòúà âåôä ÷ùä ã÷àîø âáé îòùø åáéëåøéí èåîàú äâåó áäãéà ëúéá áéä ìà éàëì îï ä÷ãùéí ëé àí øçõ åàîàé àéöèøéê åäìà îäàé ÷øà úéôå÷ ìï úøåééäå èåîàú äâåó åèåîàú áùø


Question #2: That Sugya itself it is difficult! Regarding Ma'aser and Bikurim, the Torah explicitly [forbids] eating them b'Tum'as ha'Guf - "Lo Yochal Min ha'Kodoshim Ki Im Rachatz." Why do we need this? We learn both of them, Tum'as ha'Guf and Tum'as Atzman, from this verse (Lo Suchal Le'echol bi'She'arecha...)!

åéù îôøù ãìà îöé ìàôå÷é îäàé ÷øà àìà èåîàä äðåäâú áîòùø ãëúéáé á÷øà äéìëê öøéê ÷øà áèáåì éåí ùîåúø áîòùø ùîåæäø òì àëéìú ÷ãùéí


Answer #1: Some say that we can learn from this verse only a Tum'ah that applies to [forbid] Ma'aser, which is written in the verse. Therefore, we need a verse for a Tevul Yom, who is permitted to Ma'aser and forbidden to eat Kodshim.

å÷ùä îãàîøéðï áôø÷ ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ëã.) åäáùø àùø éâò áëì èîà ìà éàëì ìîä ìé îìà úåëì ìàëåì áùòøéê ðô÷à


Question - Citation (Pesachim 24a) Question: Why do we need "veha'Basar Asher Yiga b'Chol Tamei Lo Ye'achel"? We know this from Lo Suchal Le'echol bi'She'arecha!

äà ìà ðô÷à ìï îäúí àìà èåîàä äðåäâú áîòùø åàéöèøéê åäáùø ìèîàéí ãèäåøéí áîòùø


[According to Answer #1,] we learn from [Lo Suchal] only a Tum'ah that applies to Ma'aser. We need "veha'Basar..." for Temei'im (e.g. a Tevul Yom) who are Tehorim for Ma'aser!

åùîà ÷øà ãìà úåëì äåä îå÷îéðà ãå÷à (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) áèîà äàåëì ãçîéø èôé àé ìàå ãëúáéä ÷øà áòìîà åàæäøä ìèåîàú áùø ìà äåä éãòðà


Answer #2: Perhaps we would establish the verse Lo Suchal only for a Tamei who ate, which is more severe, had the Torah not written it explicitly, and we would not know a Lav for Tum'as Basar.


TOSFOS DH Tanya Kevasei d'Reish Lakish b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga

úåñôåú ã"ä úðéà ëååúéä ãøéù ì÷éù áëì ÷ãù ìà úâò

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how we establish this verse.)

úéîä ãäëà îùîò ãäê áøééúà îå÷îà ìäàé ÷øà á÷åãù åìà áúøåîä


Question #1: Here it connotes that this Beraisa establishes this verse to discuss Kodesh, and not Terumah;

åáô' äòøì (éáîåú òä.) àîøéðï åàéáòéú àéîà ðâéòä ãúøåîä îäëà ðô÷à ãúðéà áëì ÷ãù ìà úâò åîééúé äê áøééúà


And in Yevamos (75a), we say 'alternatively, we learn touching Terumah from here, like a Beraisa teaches "b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga"', and it brings this Beraisa!

åéù ìåîø ãäúí ÷àé à÷øàé ãðâéòä ãîòùø åúøåîä ãìîä ãî÷ùä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) åàéôåê àðà öøéê ìçì÷ áéï ðâéòä ìàëéìä ãúøåîä


Answer: We can say that there, [the Gemara] was discussing the verses of touching Ma'aser and Terumah. According to the question "I can say oppositely!" (a Tevul Yom may touch Terumah, but not Ma'aser), he must distinguish between touching and eating of Terumah;

åìäëé îééúé øàééä îäê áøééúà ãâáé ÷åãù ðâéòä ëàëéìä åäåà äãéï áúøåîä


Therefore, [to reject this, the Tartzan] brings a proof from this Beraisa, that regarding Kodesh touching is like eating, and the same applies to Terumah.

åòåã ÷ùéà ãáääéà ùîòúà ãäúí åáôø÷ ÷îà ãùáåòåú (ãó æ.) àîøéðï áëì ÷åãù ìà úâò ìøáåú àú äúøåîä åáøééúà äéà áúåøú ëäðéí åáàëéìä ãúøåîä îééøé


Question #2: In that Sugya there, and in Shevuos (7a), we say that b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga includes Terumah, and it is a Beraisa in Toras Kohanim, and it discusses eating Terumah;

ëãîåëç ùîòúà ãäúí ã÷àé àäà ã÷àîø àé ñì÷à ãòúê ìúøåîä âéåøú åùôçä áðåú îéëì úøåîä ðéðäå


This is proven in the Sugya there, for it refers to what it says "if you will say that it discusses Terumah, may a female convert or Shifchah eat Terumah?!" (The verse is in Parshas Yoledes, and we expounded to include a Giyores and Shifchah. The Gemara could have said that a Kohen's Shifchah may eat Terumah, but it could not answer for a convert. Alternatively, "Shifchah" refers to a freed Shifchah.)

åàé áîâò äà åãàé áðåú îâò ðéðäå àìà áàëéìä îééøé


If it discusses touching, surely they may touch! Rather, it discusses eating.

åäùúà ääéà ãøùà ëîàï ìà ëøéù ì÷éù åìà ëø"é ãø"ì îå÷é ìéä àæäøä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìèîà ùàëì àú ä÷ãù îãàéú÷ù ÷åãù ìî÷ãù


Summation of question: Now, like whom is the Drashah? It is not Reish Lakish, and not R. Yochanan! Reish Lakish establishes the Lav for a Tamei who ate Kodesh from the Hekesh of Kodesh to the Mikdash...

åîãàô÷éä ììà úâò áìùåï ðâéòä àôé÷ (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìàæäøä ìðåâò á÷åãù åîøáåéà ãáëì àæäøä ìàåëì ìôðé æøé÷ä


... And since [the Torah] expressed [the Isur to eat] as "Lo Siga", in an expression of touching, he derives a Lav for touching Kodesh, and from the inclusion "b'Chol" a Lav for eating before Zerikah;

àáì ìúøåîä ìà îå÷é ìéä ëìì àìà ðô÷à ìéä ìàæäøä ìàåëì úøåîä îàéù àéù


He does not establish it for Terumah at all. Rather, he learns a Lav for [Temei'im] eating Terumah from "Ish Ish".

åøáé éåçðï îå÷é ìà úâò àæäøä ìðåâò áúøåîä àáì ìàåëì ìà îå÷é ìéä


And [the Drashah is not like] R. Yochanan, [who] establishes it for a Lav against touching Terumah, but he does not establish it for eating Terumah!

åúéøõ ä''ø àôøéí äàé ãîå÷é ìéä áéáîåú [ãó òä. åùí ã''ä åäëúéá] àæäø' ìàåëì úøåîä äééðå ìîàï ãîå÷é ÷øà ãàéù àéù îæøò àäøï áæá áòì ùìù øàéåú åìà éàëì òã àùø éèäø òã ãîééúé ëôøä åì÷åãù ëã÷àîø äúí


Answer (R. Efrayim): [The Beraisa] in Yevamos (75a) that establishes [b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga] for a Lav against eating Terumah, is like the opinion that establishes "Ish Ish mi'Zera Aharon" to discuss a Zav who saw three sightings, and "Lo Yochal Ad Asher Yithar" until he brings Kaparah and for Kodesh, like it says there;

åàí ëï àæäøä ìàåëì úøåîä îðà ìéä àìà îáëì ÷åãù ìà úâò


If so, what is his source for a Lav against eating Terumah [b'Tum'as ha'Guf]? Rather, it is from b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga.

àò''â ãäúí ôøéê


Implied question: There, [Rav Shisha] asked [that b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga cannot discuss Terumah, for a convert may not eat Terumah!]

ìúðà ãîå÷é ìéä áæá áòì ùúé øàéåú


Answer: [Rav Shisha holds] like the Tana who establishes [Ish Ish] to discuss a Zav who saw two sightings [regarding Terumah, and b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga discusses Kodshim].


Note: There is an implied question. If Rav Shisha expound like a Tana, how could Rava challenge him there, and say that b'Chol Kodesh must discuss Terumah?!

îëì î÷åí ôøéê ùôéø ãäà àéëà îàï ãîå÷é ìéä áúøåîä àò''â ãâéåøú åùôçä ìàå áðåú îéëì úøåîä ðéðäå


Answer: Even so, he asks properly, for there is an opinion that establishes b'Chol to discuss Terumah, even though a female convert and Shifchah do not eat Terumah. (They are included in Parshas Yoledes for other laws, e.g. for Kodshim.)

àó òì âá ãáàëéìú ÷ãùéí îöøëéðï úøé ÷øàé çã áæá åçã áéåìãú


Implied question: Regarding eating Kodshim, we require two verses - one for a Zav, and one for a Yoledes! (Why do all agree that one verse suffices for Terumah?)

[âáé úøåîä ìà öøéëé ëéåï ãçæéðï ëáø áàëéìú ÷åãù ãæá åéåìãú ùåéï ä''ð âáé àëéìú úøåîä


Answer #1: Regarding Terumah, we do not need [two verses]. Since we already see that regarding eating Kodesh, Zav and Yoledes are the same, the same applies to eating Terumah.

åòåã éù ìåîø ãáúøåîä ãìà úìéà áëôøä ìà áòé úøé ÷øàé ìæá åéåìãú àìà ãåå÷à ì÷åãù (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ùöøéê ìäîúéï äëôøä:


Answer #2: For Terumah, which does not depend on Kaparah (a Mechusar Kipurim may eat Terumah), we do not need two verses for a Zav and Yoledes. [We need] only for Kodesh, for one must wait for [his or her] Kaparah.