
TOSFOS DH veha'Basar Lerabos Etzim u'Levonah

úåñôåú ã"ä åäáùø ìøáåú òöéí åìáåðä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what Chibas ha'Kodesh helps for.)

îäëà ðô÷à ìï ãçéáú ä÷åãù îëùøú


Observation: From here we learn that Chibas ha'Kodesh is Machshir.

åî÷ùéí äà ãàîø áô' ÷îà ãôñçéí (ãó èæ.) îù÷é áé îãáçéà ãëï ëâåï ééï åùîï àîàé ìéúëùøå áçéáú ä÷åãù ëîå òöéí åìáåðä


Question: It says in Pesachim (16a) that liquids of Bei Midbechai (the Mizbe'ach) are Tahor (are not Mekabel Tum'ah), e.g. wine and oil. They should be Huchshar through Chibas ha'Kodesh, just like wood and Levonah (frankincense)!

é''ì ãçéáú ä÷åãù îäðéà ìùååéé àåëì îåëùø îéãé ããîé ìàåëì ëâåï òöéí åìáåðä ùäåà ãáø òá å÷ùä ëòéï àåëì


Answer: Chibas ha'Kodesh helps to make like a Huchshar food, something that resembles food, e.g. wood and Levonah, which is thick and hard, like a food;

àáì ìùååéé äîù÷ä ëàåëì îåëùø ìà îäðéà çéáú ä÷åãù


However, Chibas ha'Kodesh does not help to make a liquid like a Huchshar food.

åàí úàîø äà ãàîø áô' ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ëã.) åäáùø àùø éâò áëì èîà ìà éàëì ìîä ìé àí àéðå òðéï ìâåôå ãðô÷à ìéä îìà úåëì ìàëåì áùòøéê úðäå òðéï ìëì àéñåøéï ùáúåøä


Question - Citation (Pesachim 24a): Why do we need "veha'Basar Asher Yiga b'Chol Tamei Lo Ye'achel"? If it is not needed for the law itself, which we learn from Lo Suchal Le'echol bi'She'arecha, use it to teach about all Isurei (Achilah) in the Torah (that one may not benefit from them).

äà àéöèøéê ìâåôéä ãì÷é àòöéí åìáåðä


We need it for the law itself, that one is lashed for wood and Levonah!

åéù ìåîø ëéåï ãàéúøáàé òöéí åìáåðä îééúåøà ãåäáùø îîéìà àùîòéðï ãì÷é îìà úåëì ìàëåì áùòøéê


Answer: Since we include wood and Levonah from the extra verse "veha'Basar", automatically we know that one is lashed due to Lo Suchal Le'echol bi'She'arecha.

åãáøé úéîä äåà îðìï ãàúà ìøáåú òöéí åìáåðä ãéìîà ãåå÷à ìáùø ÷àúé ãîäðéà ìéä çéáú ä÷ãù åìà áòéà äëùø


Question: What is the source that it comes to include wood and Levonah? Perhaps it is only for meat, that Chibas ha'Kodesh helps for it, and it does not require Hechsher!


TOSFOS DH v'Afilu Hachi Ravinhu Kra

úåñôåú ã"ä åàôé' äëé øáéðäå ÷øà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that this is a real Drashah.)

îùîò ùäéà ãøùà âîåøä åìà àñîëúà


Opinion #1 - Inference: This is an absolute Drashah, and not an Asmachta.

åëï îùîò áôø÷ ùðé ãçåìéï (ãó ìå:) ãçéáú ä÷åãù ãàåøééúà


Support: Also Chulin (36b) connotes like this, that Chibas ha'Kodesh is mid'Oraisa.

åìà ëôéøåù ä÷åðè' ãì÷îï áñåó ô' áéú ùîàé (ãó îå:) ã÷àîø åäàîø îø åäáùø ìøáåú òöéí åìáåðä åîùðé ìôñåìà áòìîà åôé' á÷åðèøñ îãøáðï


Opinion #2: This is unlike Rashi explained below (46b). It says there 'it was taught that "veha'Basar" includes w7f', and answers that it is a mere Pesul. Rashi explained that this is mid'Rabanan.

åëï áôñçéí áôø÷ ëì ùòä (ãó ìã:) ã÷øé ìéä îòìä ôéøù á÷åðèøñ îòìä ãøáðï


Opinion #2 (cont.): Also in Pesachim (34b) it is called a Mailah (attribute). Rashi explained that Mailah is mid'Rabanan.

åàé àôùø ìåîø ëï ãäëé ðîé äáéà ëôøúå àåëì á÷ãùéí ÷àîø äúí îòìä ãàåøééúà äåà ãî÷øàé ðô÷à ìï áô' äòøì (éáîåú òã:)


Rejection: We cannot say so. Also "after he brought his Kaparah, he may eat Kodshim", it says there that it is a Mailah. It is mid'Oraisa, for we learn from verses in Yevamos (74b)!

åäà ã÷àîø ì÷îï ôñåìà áòìîà äééðå ãìéëà îì÷åú àìà àéñåø ãàåøééúà


Below it is called a mere Pesul, i.e. there are no lashes, but there is an Isur Torah.

åöøéê ìã÷ã÷ àé àúéà îéìúà ãàáéé ãäëà ëäðé úøé ìéùðé ãì÷îï ôø÷ á''ù (ãó îå:)


Question: We must be meticulous [to determine] whether Abaye's teaching here is like the two versions below (46b).


TOSFOS DH she'Kidesh bi'Chli

úåñôåú ã"ä ù÷ãù áëìé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how this applies to wood.)

úéîä îä ÷éãåù ëìé éù áòöéí


Question: What Kidush through a Kli applies to wood?

ãàé îä ùîá÷òéï àåúå á÷åøãåí ëùäéå îúìéòéí àåúå


Suggestion: They chop it with an ax when removing wormy [parts of dry wood].

äà ÷åøãåí àéðå ëìé ùøú ëãîùîò áúåñôúà ëãúðéà äùåàì ÷åøãåí ùì ä÷ãù á÷ò áå åáà çáéøå åá÷ò áå ëåìï îòìå ðúðä ìçáéøå åçáéøå ìçáéøå äøàùåï îòì åäùðé ìà îòì


Rejection: The ax is not a Kli Shares, like the Tosefta connotes, like a Beraisa taught "if one borrowed a Hekdesh ax and chopped with it, and his friend came and chopped with it, all of them transgressed Me'ilah. If he gave it to his friend, and his friend gave it to his friend, the first was Mo'el, and the second was not Mo'el";

åáòåìä àéðå ëï ðúðä ìçáéøå åçáéøå ìçáéøå ëåìï îòìå


Citation (Tosefta - cont.): The law of an Olah is different. If he gave it to his friend, and his friend gave it to his friend, all of them were Mo'el, and the second was not Mo'el. (Since it has Kedushas ha'Guf, it is not profaned through Me'ilah. If an ax were a Kli Shares, likewise it would remain Kodesh, and everyone would be Mo'el!)

åá÷åðèøñ ôéøù ãîééøé äëà áòöéí ùçúä áîçúú ëìé ùøú îòì äîæáç òí âçìéí


Answer #1 (Rashi): Here we discuss wood that he scooped in an incense pan, which is a Kli Shares, from the Mizbe'ach, with coals.

åàéï îùîò ãáîñ' úîéã (ãó ëç:) îùîò ùäéä çåúä îï äîàåëìåú äôðéîéåú


Rebuttal: It does not connote like this. In Tamid (28b), it connotes that he scooped inner consumed (coals, i.e. the wood was totally burned).

åîéäå é''ì ìà áúøåîú äãùï îééøé àìà áéåä''ë ùçåúä âçìéí ì÷èøú


Defense: We can say that [Tamid] does not discuss Terumas ha'Deshen, rather, on Yom Kipur, when he scooped coals for the Ketores (but for Terumas ha'Deshen, we do not require consumed coals).

åðøàä ã÷éãåù ëìé ãòöéí äééðå ãîùôé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) ìäå ìâéæøéï


Answer #2: Kidush Kli of wood is when he smoothes it into logs;

àò''â ã÷åøãåí ìàå ëìé ùøú äåà çúåëå åúé÷åðå çéùá ìäå ëìé ùøú ëãàîø áôø÷ é''á ãîðçåú (ãó ÷à.) òöéí ëîä ãìà îùôé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìäå ìâéæøéï ìà îéúëùøé


Even though the ax is not a Kli Shares, its cutting and fixing is considered [like] a Kli Shares [to give to the wood Kedushas ha'Guf], like it says in Menachos (101a) that wood is not Kosher [for the Mizbe'ach] until it is smoothed into logs.

åäà ãàîø áä÷åîõ øáä (ùí ëà.) éöàå òöéí ùàéï î÷áìéí èåîàä


Implied question - Citation (Menachos 21a): This excludes wood, which is not Mekabel Tum'ah.

äééðå ÷åãí ÷éãåù ëìé


Answer: That is before Kidush Kli.


TOSFOS DH Osah Tochelu

úåñôåú ã"ä àåúä úàëìå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that R. Yochanan's question is from the Seifa.)

àñéôà ñîéê ã÷úðé áúåøú ëäðéí àéï ìé àìà áòùä áìà úòùä îðéï


Explanation: He relies on the Seifa. It teaches in Toras Kohanim "I would know only that an Aseh (forbids other species). What is the source that there is a Lav?"


TOSFOS DH she'Eino k'Ma'avir Al Devarav

úåñôåú ã"ä ùàéðå ëîòáéø òì ãáøéå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he is not considered a transgressor.)

àò''ô ùàéï æä îáéà àìà çéä ìáãä


Implied question: (Why do we say that he did not transgress the command, rather, he added to it?) He brought only a Chayah!

ëéåï ãîøöåðå îáéà ä÷øáï àéï æä îòáéø ùäøé úìä áãòúå


Answer: Since he brought a Korban on his volition, he does transgress, since [the Torah] made it dependent on his will (he brings if he wants).


TOSFOS DH Ela k'Ma'avir Al Devarav

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ëîòáéø òì ãáøéå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere this is a monetary question.)

ö''ò áîòéìä (ãó ë:) åáô' àìîðä ðéæåðú (ëúåáåú öç:) âáé æáï ìé ìéúëà åàæéì åæáï ìéä ëåøà:


Question: This requires investigation in Me'ilah (20b) and Kesuvos (98b) regarding "sell for me half a [Beis] Kor", and [the Shali'ach] sold a full Kor.



TOSFOS DH Pasul Mahu she'Ya'aseh Shirayim

úåñôåú ã"ä ôñåì îäå ùéòùä ùéøéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes like Rashi's Perush.)

ìãí ùáöåàø áäîä åìà éäéä òåã ú÷ðä àå éçæåø äëùø åé÷áì åéæøå÷


Explanation #1: [Does he make Shirayim] the blood in the animal's neck, and there will be no solution? Or, can a Kosher go back and do Kabalah and Zerikah?

áôñåì ù÷áì ìà îéáòéà ãäúðï éçæåø äëùø åé÷áì àìà áôñåì ùæø÷ îéáòéà ìéä ëãôéøù á÷åðèøñ


If a Pasul did Kabalah, we do not ask. The Mishnah (32a) taught that a Kosher goes back and does Kabalah! Rather, we ask about a Pasul who did Zerikah, like Rashi explained.

åîîúðé' ìéëà ìîéã÷ ÷áìå àéï æø÷ ìà


Implied question: We should infer from our Mishnah! If [a Pasul] did Kabalah, yes (a Kosher can fix this), but if he did Zerikah, no!

ãàéëà ìãçåéé ëãàîøéðï áôéø÷éï ãìòéì ìà úéîà æø÷å ìà àìà àéîà ùçèå ìà


Answer: We can reject this like we said above (26b) - do not say that if [a Pasul] did Zerikah, no (it cannot be fixed), rather, say that if he slaughtered, no.

åîéäå ìîàï ãàîø ùìà áî÷åîå ëî÷åîå ãîé îåëç ìòéì ãäåà äãéï áæø÷ äôñåì ùéçæåø äëùø åé÷áì


Observation: However, according to the opinion that [blood put] not in its place is like in its place, it is proven above that the same applies if a Pasul did Zerikah. A Kosher returns and does Kabalah.

åä''ø àôøéí îôøù ãäê áòéà àîúðé' ãëì äôñåìéï ùòìå ìà éøãå ÷àé ãìëúçìä ìà éòìå


Explanation #2 (R. Efrayim): This question (of our Sugya) refers to all Pesulim that Im Alu Lo Yerdu (if they ascended on the Mizbe'ach, we offer them. We do not take them down.) L'Chatchilah, one may not take them up;

å÷îéáòéà àí æø÷ ôñåì îäå ùéòùä îåúø äãí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ùéøéí ìäéåú ðùôëéï ìëúçìä ìéñåã ëîå áëì ùéøé äãí


We ask, if a Pasul did Zerikah, does he make the remaining blood Shirayim, to spill it l'Chatchilah on the Yesod, like all Shirayim of blood?

àå ìà åàñåø ìæåø÷í ìëúçìä åéùôëå ìàîä


Or not, and it is forbidden to spill it l'Chatchilah [on the Yesod], and it is spilled to the Amah (a stream that goes through the Azarah)?

å÷ùä ìôé' æä ãäåä ìéä ìîéîø îäå ùéòùä ùéøéí àå ãçåé ëã÷àîø áàéãê áòéà ëåñ îäå ùéòùä àú çáéøå ùéøéí àå ãçåé


Question #1: According to this, [Reish Lakish] should have said "does he make Shirayim, or Dichuy?", like he said in the other question "does a cup make another [cup] Shirayim, or Dichuy?"!

åòåã àîøéðï áäãéà áøéù îñëú îòéìä (ãó ä.) âáé çèàú ôñåìä àéï ãîä èòåï ëéáåñ äà ÷î''ì ãàò''â ã÷éáì ôñåì åæø÷ å÷áì ëùø åæø÷ ìàå ëìåí äåà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) îàé èòîà ùéøéí ðéðäå


Question #2: We say explicitly in Me'ilah (5a) regarding a Pasul Chatas that its blood (spilled on a garment), it does not obligate laundering it (in the Azarah), the Chidush is that even though a Pasul did Kabalah and Zerikah, and a Kosher did Kabalah and Zerikah, it has no effect. What is the reason? It is Shirayim.

åôøéê åäà áòé îéðéä ø''ì îø' éåçðï ôñåì îäå ùéòùä ùéøéí åà''ì àéï òåùä ùéøéí ëé àí çåõ ìæîðå îàé ìàå àáì ùàø ôñåìéï àéðï òåùéí ùéøéí


Citation (5b) Question: Reish Lakish asked R. Yochanan whether a Pasul makes Shirayim, and he answered that only Chutz li'Zmano [and Chutz li'Mkomo] make Shirayim. Doesn't this mean that other Pesulim do not make Shirayim?!

åîàé ÷ùéà ìéä äà îåãä øéù ì÷éù ìëì äôçåú (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ùéøéí äåé àáì îéáòéà ìéä ãùîà àôéìå ãçåé äåé åàí ëï îîä ðôùê àéï èòåï ëéáåñ


What was difficult? Reish Lakish agrees that at least [the remaining blood] is Shirayim, just he asks whether it is even Dichuy! If so, in any case it need not be laundered!

åì''ð ãìà ÷ùéà îéãé ãàé ùéøéí äåé à''ë äåé ëùàø ãîéí ëùøéï ùäùéøéí ðùôëéï ìéñåã


Answer: This is not difficult at all! If it is Shirayim, it is like other Kosher blood, for Shirayim are spilled on the Yesod;

àáì ùéøéí ã÷àîø äúí ãàéï ãîä èòåï ëéáåñ äééðå ùéøéí åôñåì


However, the Shirayim that it says there that they do not obligate laundering, that is Pasul Shirayim. (Since the Mishnah exempts from laundering, we infer that a Pasul disqualifies Shirayim, unlike R. Yochanan's answer!)

àáì ÷ùä (áñéôà) ã÷àîø îàé ìàå áø îùàø ôñåìéï åîàé ôøéê àé ùàø ôñåìéï àéðï òåùéí ùéøéí à''ë ìéäåé ãçåé åëì ùëï ãàéï ãîä èòåï ëéáåñ


Question: However, it is difficult that [in Me'ilah, it says] "doesn't this exclude other Pesulim?!" What is difficult if other Pesulim do not make Shirayim? If so, it is Dichuy, and all the more so the blood does not obligate laundering!

àáì ìôé' øù''é àúé ùôéø ãàé àéðå òåùä ùéøéí éçæåø äëùø åé÷áì åäåé ãí ëùø åèòåï ëéáåñ. áøå''ê


Remark: However, according to Rashi it is fine. If he does not make Shirayim, a Kosher returns and does Kabalah and it is Kosher blood, and obligates laundering. This is from R. Baruch.


TOSFOS DH Lemi'utei Shirayim sheb'Tzavar Behemah

úåñôåú ã"ä ìîòåèé ùéøéí ùáöåàø áäîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara above.)

åäà ãàîø (ìòéì ëä.) ãöøéê ùé÷áì ëì ãîå ùì ôø


Implied question: It says above (25a) that he must receive all the bull's blood!

äééðå ìîöåä


Answer: That is the Mitzvah l'Chatchilah. (We discuss if not all was received.)


TOSFOS DH v'Lihavi Dichuy

úåñôåú ã"ä åìäåé ãçåé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses in which case this is asked.)

úéîä àí ðúï ìôñåì îä áëê îòùä àéöèáà äåà îé âøò îðúï òì äàáï


Question #1: If he gave to a Pasul, what is the problem? [The Pasul] merely served as a platform [on which he rested the blood]! Is this any worse than putting [blood] on a rock?!

ùäøé ìà ôøéê äëé àîúðéúéï ãàîø ôø÷ äåöéàå ìå (éåîà ðâ:) ã÷úðé éöà åäðéçå òì ëï äæäá ùáäéëì


[The Gemara] does not ask so (it should be Dichuy) on our Mishnah in Yoma (53b) which taught "he went out and left [the blood] on the gold base in the Heichal"!

åòåã úé÷ùé ìéä ÷øà ãîééúé ìòéì áôø÷ ÷îà (ãó éã.) åéæø÷å äëäðéí îéãí åò"ë îòùä àéöèáà äåà ìëì äôçåú (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


Question #2: It is difficult for [the Makshan] the verse brought above (14a) "the Kohanim threw from their hands" (Yisraelim held the buckets). You are forced to say that at the least, [the Yisraelim] acted like a platform!

åðøàä ãäà ãôøéê åìéäåé ãçåé ìà ÷àé àåðúï ìôñåì ãàéï æä àìà îòùä àéöèáà áòìîà


Answer: The question "it should be Dichuy!" does not refer to when he gave to a Pasul, for [the Pasul] merely served as a platform;

àìà ôøéê àðúï ìëìé çåì åàðùôê îï äëìé òì äøöôä


Rather, he asks about when he put [the blood] into a Chulin Kli, or when it spilled from the Kli to the floor.


TOSFOS DH Kol sheb'Yado Lo Havi Dichuy

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì ùáéãå ìà äåé ãçåé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why elsewhere, there is Dichuy when it is b'Yado.)

åòðáéå îøåáéï îòìéå ãäãñ ãîñ' ñåëä (ãó ìâ.) ãôñåì ãàîø äéëà ãàùçåø îòé"è (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) äåé ãéçåé îòé÷øà àò"â ãáéãå ìú÷ðå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


Implied question: When a myrtle branch has more berries than leaves (Sukah 33a), it is Pasul. It says that if it was black (more berries than leaves) before Yom Tov, it is Dichuy Me'ikara, even though it is b'Yado to fix it!

àéï æä áéãå ëéåï ãàéï îîòèéï áéåí èåá


Answer: This is not b'Yado, since we may not diminish (detach berries) on Yom Tov.

åâáé ëñåé äãí (çåìéï ãó ôæ.) ã÷øé ìéä ãçåé ëùëéñäå äøåç åðúâìä


Implied question: Regarding Kisuy ha'Dam (Chulin 87a), it is called Dichuy when the wind covered the blood and it became exposed (even though it is b'Yado to uncover it and cover it again)!

ëéåï ãàéï îöåä ìáèì äãçåé ãàéï îöåä ìâìåúå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìà çùéá áéãå åìà ãîé ìäëà ãîöåä ìàåñôå


Answer: Since there is no Mitzvah to be Mevatel the Dichuy, for there is no Mitzvah to expose [the blood], it is not considered b'Yado. It is unlike here, that it is a Mitzvah to gather [the blood].

åäôøéù ÷øáï åäîéø ãú ãìòéì áôø÷ ÷îà (ãó éá:)


Implied question: If one separated a Korban and became a Mumar (above, 12b, it is not called b'Yado even though he has a Mitzvah to repent)!

àéï æä ÷øåé áéãå ëéåï ãàéï ãòúå ìçæåø:


Answer: It is not called b'Yado because he does not intend to repent.