
TOSFOS DH Shachat v'Acher Kach Chatach Pesulah

úåñôåú ã"ä ùçè åàç''ë çúê ôñåìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the blood is not Batel.)

ããí ôñåì àéðå áèì áøåá ëãîåëç ô' äúòøåáú (ì÷îï ãó òè:) áääéà ùîòúà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ãâæøé' âæéøä áî÷ãù:


Explanation: Pasul blood is not Batel in a majority, like is proven below (79b) in the Sugya of "we make a decree in the Mikdash."


TOSFOS DH Chatach v'Acher Kach Shachat Kesherah

úåñôåú ã"ä çúê åàç''ë ùçè ëùøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with Shmuel's Drashah below.)

åáñîåê ã÷àîø åäáéàåí ëúéá ùúäà ëåìä ìôðéí


Implied question: Below, it says "v'Hevi'um la'Shem" - it must be entirely inside [the Mikdash]!

äééðå ìëúçìä ò''ë


Answer: That is l'Chatchilah.


TOSFOS DH Shma Minah Dam ha'Muvla b'Evarim Dam Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä ùîò îéðä ãí äîåáìò áàáøéí ãí äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses in what way it is considered blood.)

ôé' á÷åðè' åðô÷à îéðä ùçééáéï ëøú òì àëéìúå


Explanation #1 (Rashi): A consequence is that one is Chayav Kares for eating [blood absorbed in limbs].

åàé àôùø ìåîø ëï ãäà ÷é''ì áëøéúåú (ãó ëà:) ããí äàáøéí áìàå


Rejection: One cannot say so. We hold in Kerisus (21b) that a Lav forbids blood of limbs!

åàéï ìôøù ãîééøé äëà ìäúçééá òìéå îùåí ãí ÷åãí ùðôøù îï äàáø


Suggestion: Here we discuss to be liable for it due to blood before it separated from the limb.

ãôùéèà ãùøé áàëéìä ëãôéøùðå áçåìéï (ãó éã.) îëîä øàéåú


Rejection: Obviously one may eat it, like we explained in Chulin (14a) from several proofs!

åðøàä ìôøù ãàééøé äëà ìéôñì áéåöà


Explanation #2: Here we discuss to be disqualified through Yotzei;

åàôé' ìî''ã àéï éåöà ááùø á÷ãùéí ÷ìéí äééðå îùåí ãñåôä ìöàú


Even according to the opinion that Yotzei does not apply to meat of Kodshim Kalim [before Zerikah], that is because it is destined to leave [the Azarah. Blood is not destined to leave. Chomas Esh asks that Tosfos said one may eat blood that never separated. If so, it is destined to leave with the limb! He answers that after all Dam ha'Nefesh left, what remains is Batel to the limb. Here we discuss after Shechitah, before all Dam ha'Nefesh left.]

àé ðîé ìòðéï ãàéï îåòìéï áå åàéï çééáéï òìéå îùåí ôéâåì àå ìòðéï ãí çèàú ùðéúæ òì äáâã


Explanation #3: [It is considered blood] so that Me'ilah does not apply to it, and one is not liable for it for Pigul, or regarding Dam Chatas that splashed on a garment. (It must be laundered in the Azarah.)


TOSFOS DH Dilma b'Alyah v'Yoseres ha'Kaved

úåñôåú ã"ä ãéìîà áàìéä åéåúøú äëáã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara on 89b.)

åà''ú î''î úéôùåè ãàéîåøé ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ùéöàå ìôðé æøé÷ä ôñåìéï åì÷îï áôø÷ ëì äúãéø (ãó ôè:) øåöä ìåîø ãëùøéï


Question: In any case, we should resolve that Eimurei Kodshim Kalim that left before Zerikah are Pasul. Below (89b, the Gemara) wanted to say that they are Kosher!

åé''ì ãîëàï àéï øàéä ããìîà ëø' àìéòæø ñ''ì ãôñéì áéåöà äúí (úåñôåú)


Answer: There is no proof from here. Perhaps he holds like R. Eliezer, who disqualifies Yotzei there;

ãà''ø àìéòæø àéîåøé ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ùéöàå ìôðé æøé÷ä ôñåìéí áéåöà åàéï çééáéï òìéäï îùåí ôéâåì åëå'


Citation (89b - R. Eliezer): Eimurei Kodshim Kalim that left before Zerikah are Pasul due to Yotzei, and one is not liable for them for Pigul...

àáì øáé ò÷éáà îçééá áôéâåì åðåúø åèîà îùåí ãìà îôñì áéåöà (äâää áâìéåï)


However, according to R. Akiva he is liable for Pigul, Nosar and Tamei, because it was not disqualified through Yotzei!

åîéäå ÷ùä (äâää áâìéåï) ìøá ôôà ãàîø äúí áãòééìéðäå ìâåàé áùòú æøé÷ä ìà ôìéâé ôéøåù ãàéðí ôñåìéï äìà äëà ÷àîø ôñåìä


Question: It is difficult for Rav Papa, who said there that when one brought them inside at the time of Zerikah, they do not argue. I.e. they are not Pasul. Here it says that it is Pasul!

åìéëà ìôøåùé äëà ãçæøä ìàçø æøé÷ä


Implied suggestion: Here we discuss when it returned after Zerikah.

ããåîéà ãìòéì áëùøä äåé ãîééøé áçæøä ÷åãí ÷áìä


Rejection: We discuss similar to above, that it is Kosher, which is when it returned before Zerikah!

åé''ì ãä''ô òééìéðäå ìâåàé ìà ôìéâé ôéøåù ãåãàé çééáéï òìéäí îùåí ôéâåì ãæøé÷ä îåòìú ìçééá îùåí ôéâåì òì éåöà ëé äàé ãìôðé æøé÷ä åäéä ìôðéí áùòú æøé÷ä


Answer: [Rav Papa] means as follows. If one brought them inside, they do not argue. I.e. surely one is liable for them for Pigul, for Zerikah helps to obligate for Pigul in such a case of Yotzei before Zerikah, that it was inside at the time of Zerikah;

àáì îëì î÷åí ðôñì áéåöà ìëåìé òìîà ëãàéúà áùîòúéï


However, in any case it is disqualified due to Yotzei according to everyone, like it says in our Sugya.

ëé ôìéâé áòééìéðäå áúø æøé÷ä àé çééáéï îùåí ôéâåì ãäà òééìéðäå àå ìàå:


They argue about when one brought them inside after Zerikah. Is one liable for them for Pigul, since he brought them in, or not?



TOSFOS DH Amar Shmuel Pasul Basar Aval Ba'alim Niskapru

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ùîåàì ôñåì áùø àáì áòìéí ðúëôøå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether or not Shmuel refers to our entire Mishnah.)

ðøàä ã÷àé àðéúðéï ìîòìä ùðúðï ìîèä åìîèä ùðúðï ìîòìä


Explanation #1: He refers to [blood] that should be put above that was put below, or that should be put below and it was put above;

àáì àðéúðéï òì âáé äëáù ìà ÷àé ãáäà ëåìé òìîà îåãå ãùìà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) áî÷åîå ãìàå ëî÷åîå ãîé


However, he does not discuss what was put on the ramp. About this, all agree that not in its place is not like in its place.

àò''â ãáô' äîæáç î÷ãù (ì÷îï ôæ.) îøáä ëáù ëîæáç ìòðéï ÷éãåù ãàí òìå ìà éøãå


Implied question: Below (87a, the Gemara) includes the ramp like the Mizbe'ach regarding Kidush, and Im Alah Lo Yered;

åáô' ëì äîðçåú (îðçåú ðæ:) ìòðéï ä÷èøä ãäîòìä îëåìï ò''â äëáù ìø' éåçðï çééá


Strengthening of question: In Menachos (57b, we include the ramp like the Mizbe'ach) regarding Haktarah. One who brings any of them on the ramp is liable according to R. Yochanan.

î''î ìòðéï ãîéí ìà îöéðå áùåí î÷åí ëáù ëîæáç


Answer: Regarding blood, we do not find anywhere that the ramp is like the Mizbe'ach.

ãì÷îï áô' ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí (ãó ñã:) âáé òåìä åâáé çèàú îîòèéðï îãëúéá ÷éø äîæáç åìà ÷éø äëáù


Source: Below (64b), regarding Olah and Chatas, we exclude [the ramp] since it says "Kir ha'Mizbe'ach", and not the wall of the ramp.

åòì ëøçéï ùîåàì ìàå àëåìä îúðéúéï (äâää áâìéåï) ÷àé ãðéúðéï áôðéí ùðúðï áçåõ åáçåõ ùðúðå áôðéí ìë''ò ìàå ëî÷åîï ãîé


Support: You are forced to say that Shmuel does not refer to our entire Mishnah, for [blood] that should be put inside that was put outside, or what should be put outside that was put inside, all agree that it is not like in its place;

ëãîåëç ô' ëì äôñåìéï ì÷îï áñåôå (ãó ìä:) ãà''ø éäåãä çéùá ìäðéç ãîå ìîçø ôñåì ãñáø îçùáä ëîòùä


This is proven below (35b). R. Yehudah said that if one intended to leave over the blood until tomorrow, it is Pasul. He holds that intent is like action;

åôøéê (ùí ìå.) åìéôìåâ áñéôà òì ðéúðéï ìîèä ùçùá ìéúðï ìîòìä ùéäà ôñåì åîùðé ÷ñáø ø' éäåãä ùìà áî÷åîå ëî÷åîå ãîé åôøéê úå åìéôìåâ áðéúðéï áôðéí ùðúðå áçåõ (äâää áâìéåï)


[The Gemara] asks (36a) that he should argue about [blood] that should be put below, and he intended to put it above, that it is Pasul, and answers that R. Yehudah holds that not in its place is like in its place. It asks further that he should argue about [blood] that should be put inside that he [intended to] put outside.

åäùúà àîàé äãø ôøéê åìéôìåâ ø' éäåãä áðúï äðéúðéï áôðéí áçåõ åáçåõ áôðéí àìîà ãäðé [ìë''ò] ùìà áî÷åîå îé÷øé (ò''ë)


Summation of support: Why did it ask further that R. Yehudah should argue about what should be put inside that [he intended] to put outside, or what should be put outside that [he intended] to put inside? This implies that these, all agree that this is considered not in its place!

åîéäå ì÷îï ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãîäðéúðéï áçåõ ùçéùá ìéúï áôðéí ãå÷à ÷î÷ùé ãäúí åãàé àé äåä éäéá çèàú çéöåðä áôðéí îéôñìà ãëúéá åëì çèàú àùø éåáà åâå'


Rebuttal (of Support): Below (36a), Rashi explained that we ask only from what should be put outside that he intended to put inside, for there, surely if he put [blood] of an outer Chatas inside, it is Pasul, for it says "v'Chol Chatas Asher Yuva..."

àáì îçéùá ìéúï äðéúðéï áôðéí áçåõ ìà ôøéê


However, he does not ask from what should be put inside [that he intended to put] outside. (R. Yehudah could hold that not in its place is like in its place.)

åëï îåëç (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) îã÷îùðé ÷ñáø øáé éäåãä áòéðï î÷åí ùäåà îùåìù áãí åááùø åáàéîåøéí


Support: This is proven from the answer "R. Yehudah holds that we require a place in which three things are put - blood, meat and Eimurim";

ôéøåù ãâáé îçùáú çåõ ìî÷åîå ëúéá ùìéùé åãøùéðï ùéäà àåúå (ùìéùé) çåõ ìî÷åîå îùåìù áãí åáùø åàéîåøéí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) ãäééðå çåõ ìòæøä îîù


Explanation: Regarding intent Chutz li'Mkomo, it is written "Shelishi", and we expound that Chutz li'Mkomo (where he intended to offer or eat) is the place of three things - blood, meat and Eimurim", i.e. truly outside the Azarah;

ùáùòú äéúø äáîåú ðùúìù áëì àìä (úåñôåú) åäåúøå (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) ùí


At the time when Bamos were permitted, all three applied, and were permitted there;

ìàôå÷é ôðéí ùìà äåúøå îòåìí ìéëðñ ùìùúï ããí çèàú àñåø ãëúéá åëì çèàú àùø éåáà îãîä åëï àéîåøéï ëúéá åòåìä ìà éòìå òìéå (ò''ë)


This excludes inside [the Heichal], which was never permitted to bring all three in. Dam Chatas is forbidden, for it says "v'Chol Chatas Asher Yuva mi'Damah." Also Eimurim may not be brought there, for it says "v'Olah Lo Ya'alu Alav."

åàðéúðéï áôðéí ùðúðï áçåõ ìà ùééê äàé ùéðåééà


This answer does not apply to [blood that should be put] inside that was put outside.

åîéäå îöéðå ìîéîø ãáòé' ðîé ùéäà äîçùáä áî÷åí îùåìù


Rebuttal (of Support (g)): However, we can say that we require also intent in a place where all three apply (only there it disqualifies. Therefore, we asked also from blood that should be put inside that he intended to put outside.)

úãò ãàé ìàå äëé ìî''ã ùìà áî÷åîå ìàå ëî÷åîå ãîé îàé äåä îùðé îáôðéí àçåõ


Proof: If not, the opinion that not in its place is not like in its place, what would he answer for [intent for blood that should be put] inside to [put it] outside (why is R. Yehudah Machshir)?

îéäå ø' éäåãä àéú ìéä ëî÷åîå ãîé


Retraction: However, R. Yehudah holds that it is like in its place.

(äâäú áøëú äæáç) (úåñ') åø' éåçðï ãàîø áñîåê ùìà áî÷åîå ìàå ëî÷åîå ãîé äééðå ãå÷à ìøáðï àáì ìø' éäåãä àéú ìéä ëî÷åîå ãîé àôé' ìø' éåçðï


And R. Yochanan, who says below that not in its place is not like in its place, this is only according to Rabanan, but according to R. Yehudah, he holds that it is like in its place, even according to R. Yochanan;

ëãîùðé ôø÷ ëì äôñåìéï (âí æä ùí) òì ðéúðéï ìîòìä ìîèä åìîèä ìîòìä åä''ä ãñáø ëï áðéúðéí áôðéí ùðúðï áçåõ


This is like [the Gemara] answers below (36a) about blood that should be put above [and he intended to put it] below, or vice-versa. (R. Yehudah holds that this is like putting in its place.) Likewise, he holds so about blood that should be put inside that was put outside;

åäúí ìà ôøéê àìà îðéúðéí áçåõ ùðúðï áôðéí ãå÷à ëãôé' øù''é îùåí ãðôñì áùòä ùäåáà áäéëì


And there, we ask only from what should be put outside that was put inside, like Rashi explained, because it was disqualified when it was brought into the Heichal;

åà''ë îöé ùîåàì ÷àé àëåìäå


Consequence: If so, Shmuel can refer to all [cases in our Mishnah]!

àáì ìà îöé ìîéîø ëî÷åîå ãîé òì áçåõ ùðúðå ìôðéí ùðôñì ááéàúå áäéëì ÷åãí ùðúðï òì îæáç äæäá (ò''ë)


Limitation: However, he cannot say that it is like in its place regarding what should be put outside that was put inside, for it was disqualified when it was entered into the Heichal, before it was put on the golden Mizbe'ach.

(äâä''ä) åòåã ðøàä ãòì ëøçéï ëáù ðîé ëî÷åîå ãîé îãìà ôøéê ì÷îï ãìéôìåâ ø' éäåãä àçéùá ìéúðå òì âáé ëáù


Comment - Explanation #2: We are forced to say that also the ramp is like in its place, since we do not ask below "R. Yehudah should argue about when he intended to put it on the ramp!"

åëé úéîà îùåí ãéàñôðå åàéï ëàï áéú îéçåù îçùáú ôñåì ãäøé äåà ëçåùá ìùôåê îï äëìé òì äøöôä ãéàñôðå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìë''ò


Suggestion: This is because he will gather it, and there is no concern for Pasul intent, for he is like one who intends to spill from the Kli on the ground, that all agree that he gathers it. (Really, it is like not in its place!)

äà ì÷îï àîøé' ãìø' éäåãä ìà éàñôðå äéëà ã÷ìèé' îæáç åà''ë îäàé èòîà ìà éàñôðå îòì âáé ëáù ãëáù î÷ãù ôñåìéï ëîæáç


Rejection: Below (27b), we say that according to R. Yehudah, he may not gather it when the Mizbe'ach absorbed it. If so, for this reason he may not gather it from the ramp, for the ramp is Mekadesh Pesulim, like the Mizbe'ach (86a)!

åîéäå ëéåï ãôøéùéú ìòéì ãìòðéï ãîéí ìà äåé ëáù ëîæáç ìà ÷ìèéä åéàñôðå


Rebuttal (of Rejection): However, since I explained above that regarding blood, the ramp is not like the Mizbe'ach, it did not absorb it, and he gathers it.

åîéäå òì ëøçéê àëáù ðîé ÷àé ùîåàì ãì÷îï áùîòúéï ôøéê åø' éåçðï àé ùìà áî÷åîå ìàå ëî÷åîå ãîé à''ë æøé÷úå àéðä ëìåí ìéäåé ëðùôê îï äëìé òì äøöôä åéàñôðå


Conclusion: However, we are forced to say that Shmuel refers also to the ramp, for below in our Sugya (27a) it asks "if R. Yochanan holds that not in its place is not like in its place, if so his Zerikah is nothing. It should be as if [the blood] spilled from the Kli on the floor, and he gathers it";

îùîò ìùîåàì åìøéù ì÷éù ãàîøé ùìà áî÷åîå ëî÷åîå ãîé ðéçà


Inference: For Shmuel and Reish Lakish, who say that not in its place is like in its place, it is fine.

åàîàé ìãéãäå ðîé úé÷ùé îðéúðéï òì âáé äëáù åîðéúðéï áôðéí ùðúðï áçåõ


Question: What is the reason? We can challenge also them from our Mishnah "on the ramp", and our Mishnah "blood that should be put inside that was put outside!"

àáì òì ðéúðéï áçåõ ùðúðï áôðéí ãîåãå ëåìäå ãùìà ëî÷åîå ãîé ìà ùééê ìîéôøê àîàé (äâää áâìéåï) ôñåì ðéîà éàñôðå


However, "what should be put outside that was put inside", all agree that it is like not in its place. We cannot ask "why is it Pasul? We should say that he will gather it!"

ùäøé áìà ðéúðéï òì îæáç äæäá ëáø ðôñì ááéàúå áäéëì åàôé' ðùôê ùí ìà éäà ëùø ìàñôðå. ò''ë äâ''ä


This is because even without putting it on the gold Mizbe'ach it is Pasul through entering the Heichal, and even if it spilled there, it is not Kosher to gather it. Until here is a comment.


TOSFOS DH li'Kaparah Nesativ v'Lo l'Devar Acher

úåñôåú ã"ä ìëôøä ðúúéå åìà ìãáø àçø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere we exclude Me'ilah.)

áòìîà (ì÷îï ãó îå.) ãøùéðï ìëôøä ðúúéå åìà ìîòéìä


Observation: Elsewhere, we expound "I (the Torah) gave it for Kaparah, and not for Me'ilah."


TOSFOS DH v'Iy she'Lo bi'Mkomo Dami Lamah Li Yachzor ha'Kosher v'Yekabel

úåñôåú ã"ä åàé ùìà áî÷åîå ëî÷åîå ãîé ìîä ìé éçæåø äëùø åé÷áì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Mishnah below.)

úéîä ãì÷îï áô' äúòøåáú (ãó òè:) úðï äðéúðéï ìîèä ùðúòøáå áðéúðéï ìîòìä ø' àìéòæø àåîø éúï ìîòìä åøåàä àðé àú äðéúðéï ìîèä ëàéìå äï îéí åéçæåø åéúï ìîèä


Question: Below (79b), a Mishnah says that what should be put below that became mixed with what should be put above, R. Eliezer says that he puts above, and I view what should be put below as if it is water. He returns and puts below;

ãéé÷ îéðä áâîøà ãø' àìéòæø ñáø éù áéìä


The Gemara infers that R. Eliezer holds that Yesh Bilah (we say that they mix uniformly).

åäùúà àîàé éçæåø åéúï ìîèä äøé ëáø ðúëôø


Why does he return to put below? He already atoned!

åé''ì ëéåï ãàéú ìéä øåàéí ëàéìå äï îéí ìà äåé ëîëåôø åìà éäéá ìéä ìùí ëôøú äúçúåï


Answer: Since he holds that we view [the wrong blood] as if it is water, it is not as if he atoned. He did not put for the sake of Kaparah for [what should be put] below.

åîéäå ÷ùä ìøáðï ãìéú ìäå øåàéï åîùîò äúí ãìøáðï éçæåø åéúï ìîèä ã÷úðé ðúï ìîòìä åìà ðîìê


Question: This is difficult for Rabanan, who do not hold "we view"! It connotes there that according to Rabanan, he returns and puts below, for it taught "if he put above and did not consult [both agree that he returns and puts below." This is a Beraisa (80b). Rashi explains that he did not consult initially, but asks now.] (Olas Shlomo - the Gemara there says that he puts l'Shem Shirayim! Tosfos asks according to the opinion that the place of Olah is not the place of Shirayim.)


TOSFOS DH Hacha b'Mai Askinan d'Yahavei Pasul

úåñôåú ã"ä äëà áîàé òñ÷éðï ãéäáéä ôñåì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Pasul must be a Tamei.)

úéîä àí ëï àôéìå ðúï áî÷åîå ðîé


Question: If so, even if he put it in its place, also (if Dam ha'Nefesh remains, a Kosher Kohen does Kabalah and Zerikah)!

åé''ì ãäàé ôñåì äééðå èîà ãàééøé áéä ìòéì ãàéú ìéä øéöåé á÷øáï öéáåø äìëê àé éäáéä áî÷åîå ëåìé òìîà îåãé ãäåé ãçåé ëì äãí åìà éçæåø äëùø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) åé÷áì


Answer: This Pasul is a Tamei, which we discussed above, who is Meratzeh a Korban Tzibur. Therefore, if he put it in its place, all agree that there is Dichuy on all the blood, and a Kosher Kohen does not return to do Kabalah;

ëãàîø áô''÷ ãîòéìä (ãó ä:) ãàéï ìê òåùä ùéøéí åôñåì àìà èîà äåàéì åîøöä á÷øáï öéáåø åçåõ ìæîðå åçåõ ìî÷åîå äåàéì åîøöä ìôéâåìå:


This is like it says in Me'ilah (5b) that no one makes [the remaining blood get the law of] Shirayim, and he is Pasul, except for a Tamei, since he is Meratzeh for a Korban Tzibur, and Chutz li'Zmano and Chutz li'Mkomo, since they are Meratzeh for (enable a Korban to get the law of) Pigul. (We require Zerikah with no other Pesul in order to have Kares for Chutz li'Zmano. Sefas Emes there explains that Chutz li'Mkomo is equated to Chutz li'Zmano, to teach that also its Zerikah makes Shirayim.)