
TOSFOS DH Korech Aleha Gemi b'Mikdash Aval Lo bi'Medinah

úåñôåú ã"ä ëåøê òìéä âîé áî÷ãù àáì ìà áîãéðä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos favors the explanation that it is forbidden outside due to Refu'ah.)

ôé' á÷åðè' âîé îøôà åàñåø îùåí ùçé÷ú ñîðéí


Explanation #1 (Rashi): A reed heals, and it is forbidden [outside the Mikdash] due to [a decree lest one] grind ingredients [to make a remedy].

åðøàä ìôøù âæéøä àèå ìäåöéà ãí


Explanation #2: It seems that it is a decree lest one extract blood.

åëï áëì äðäå (ãòéøåáéï (ãó ÷â.) éù ìôøù èòîà) ãàñéøé áîãéðä îùåí àéñåøà ã÷úðé áúø äëé ëàï åëàï àñåø


Observation: Similarly, in all the cases in Eruvin (103a), we can explain that the reason it is forbidden outside the Mikdash is due to the Isur taught afterwards - here and here (in the Mikdash and outside) it is forbidden [to intend to extract blood].

åîéäå áéøåùìîé îùîò ãèòîà îùåí ùçé÷ú ñîðéï ãîñé÷ ôø÷ ëì ëúáé ä÷åãù âáé øáé ùì÷ä áàöáòå áùáú åðúï òìéä ñôåâ éáù å÷ùø òìéä âîé îáçåõ


Support (for Explanation #1): However, the Yerushalmi connotes that the reason is due to grinding ingredients, for it concludes in Shabbos regarding Rebbi, whose finger was bruised on Shabbos, and he put a dry sponge on it and tied it with a reed from the outside...

å÷àîø äúí ãìîãðå îîðå â' ãáøéí ãñôåâ àéðå îøôà àìà îùîø åâîé îøôà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


... And it says there that we learn from this three things - that a sponge does not heal, just it guards, and a reed heals...

åàé îùåí äåöàú ãí äéàê äéä òåùä æä


If it were due to extracting blood, how could [Rebbi] do so?!

åáñîåê ðîé ÷àîø ÷à îùîò ìï ãâîé îñé îùîò ãäééðå èòîà ãàáì ìà áîãéðä


Support #2: Also below, it says that the Chidush is that a reed heals. This connotes that this is the reason why it is forbidden outside the Mikdash.


TOSFOS DH Mai Irya Gemi Lishmo'inan Tziltzul Katan

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé àéøéà âîé ìùîåòéðï öéìöåì ÷èï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)

úéîä äà àéöèøéê ìàùîåòéðï âîé îùåí àáì ìà áîãéðä ãèòîà ãùçé÷ú ñîðéí ìà ùééê áöéìöåì ãäà ìà îñé


Question: It needs to teach a reed, to teach that outside the Mikdash, no (it is forbidden). The reason of grinding ingredients does not apply to a small belt, for it does not heal.

åé''ì ãî''î äåä ìéä ìàùîåòéðï öéìöåì ãäåé çéãåù âãåì éåúø ãìà äåé ééúåø áâãéí îìàùîåòéðï àéñåø ùì âîé áîãéðä


Answer: In any case, [the Tana] should have taught a small belt, for it is a bigger Chidush, that it is not an extra garment, rather than teaching the Isur of a reed outside the Mikdash;

åîùðé ã÷î''ì ãâîé îñé îùåí ìùåï çëîéí îøôà


It answers that a reed heals, because the words of Chachamim [teach how to] heal.


TOSFOS DH Tefilin Mahu she'Yachotzu

úåñôåú ã"ä úôìéï îäå ùéçåöå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of the question.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ìîéäåé ééúåø áâãéí


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [We ask whether Tefilin is] considered an extra garment.

åàé àôùø ìåîø ëï ãäà ÷àîø ìéîåã òøåê ãúôéìéï çåööåú åáùì éã àééøé ãáùì øàù äà àîøéðï áñîåê ãàéï çåööåú


Objection: This cannot be, for it says "it is a clear teaching that Tefilin interrupts." This discusses the hand Tefilin, for we say below that head Tefilin is not a Chatzitzah;

åàé îùåí ééúåø áâãéí àôé' ãøàù ðîé


If the problem is an extra garment, even the head Tefilin also [should be a Chatzitzah]!

åîéäå ìîàï ãàîø ìòéì ìà àîøå ééúåø áâãéí àìà áî÷åí áâãéí àáì ùìà áî÷åí áâãéí ìà ðéçà ãùì éã äåé áî÷åí áâãéí åìà ùì øàù


Answer: According to the opinion above that extra garments [disqualify] only in the place of Bigdei [Kehunah], but not where the Begadim are not worn, this is fine, for the hand Tefilin is in the place of Begadim, but the head Tefilin is not.

åîéäå èôé ðøàä ìôøù ãîùåí çöéöä îîù ÷à áòé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ëããøéù áñîåê òì áùøå ùìà éäà ãáø çåöõ


Explanation #2: It seems better than to explain that he asks due to a real Chatzitzah, like [the Gemara] expounds below "Al Besaro" - nothing may interrupt.

îéäå äà ãúðéà àéðï çåööåú åàå÷îéðï ìä áùì øàù ìà äåé ùåí çéãåù ùìà éäà çöéöä ëé àí ùàéðï [îùåí] ééúåø áâãéí


Implied question: However, the Beraisa that teaches that they are not a Chatzitzah, and we establish it to discuss the head Tefilin, this is no Chidush, if not that it is not an extra garment!

àí ìà ãúàîø ã÷î''ì ãùòøå äéä ðøàä


Answer #1: We can say that the Chidush is that his hair was seen.

à''ð ÷î''ì ãìà çöéöé úçú ôúéìé äöéõ:


Answer #2: The Chidush is that it is not a Chatzitzah under the threads that hold the Tzitz.



TOSFOS DH v'Chukah Kesiv Behu Li'akvu

úåñôåú ã"ä åçå÷ä ëúéá áäå ìéòëáå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos shows how this is even like the opinion that Chukah is Me'akev only Avodas Panim.)

àôé' ìîàï ãàîø (éåîà ãó ñ.) ãìà ëúéáà çå÷ä àìà [áãáøéí äðòùéí] ááâãé ìáï áôðéí


Implied question: According to the opinion (Yoma 60a) that Chukah is written only regarding matters done in the white (pure linen) garments inside [the Heichal, why should Kidush be Me'akev]?

ìëì äôçåú ÷éãåù ãäåé áéï áâãé æäá ìáâãé ìáï ìéòëá ãöåøê ôðéí ëôðéí


Answer: At least washing his hands and feet [when changing] from the gold garments to the white garments should be Me'akev, for a need of [Avodah] inside, is like inside;

ëãàîø ùéìäé äåöéàå ìå (ùí ãó ñ:) ã÷èøú ùçôðä ÷åãí ùçéèú äôø ôñåìä ãöåøê ôðéí ëôðéí ãîé


Source: This is like it says in Yoma (60b) that if the Kohen took a double-handful of Ketores before Shechitah of the bull, it is Pasul (even though he does so outside), for a need of [Avodah] inside, is like inside.


TOSFOS DH Iy Hachi d'Tzafra Nami

úåñôåú ã"ä àé äëé ãöôøà ðîé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this objection.)

úéîä îàé ÷åùéà ëéåï ãäåé áîéúä àúé á÷ì åçåîø îéåùá ùàéðå áîéúä åàí òáã çéìì


Question: What was the question? Since he is Chayav Misah, we learn from a Kal v'Chomer from sitting, which is not Chayav Misah, and if he served, he disqualified!

åëé úéîà îä ìéåùá ëå' åðéìó îéåùá åçã îäðê


If you will say that we cannot learn from sitting [because it is Pasul for testimony], we can learn from sitting and one of the other [Pesulim]!

åòåã ãùí éåùá ìà ôøéê åàîàé çùéá ìéä åé''å ààåôúà


Also, we do not ask from the name of sitting (which disqualifies). Why is this considered a poor answer?


TOSFOS DH v'Chavero Mesay'o

úåñôåú ã"ä åçáéøå îñééòå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether this is unlike the Gemara in Tamid.)

áîñëú úîéã (ãó ëç. ôø÷ à î''ã) îùîò ãàåúå [ùäéä äåìê ìúøåîú äãùï] äéä îäìê éçéãé


Implied question: In Tamid (28a) it connotes that the one who went to Terumas ha'Deshen went alone!

åääéà ôìéâà


Answer #1: That argues [with our Gemara].

àå äéä ùí ãáø ùäéä îñééòå


Answer #2: There was something there that helped him [to stand during Kidush].


TOSFOS DH Amidah Min ha'Tzad Ika Beinaihu

úåñôåú ã"ä òîéãä îï äöã àéëà áéðééäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is not considered standing.)

ìøáðï ìà ùîéä òîéãä îï äöã


Explanation: According to Rabanan, it is not called standing.

åðøàä ëù÷åøéï áúåøä ùìà ìñîåê îùåí ãàîø (øáé) áîâéìä ôø÷ ä÷åøà àú äîâéìä òåîã (ãó ëà.) ãáúåøä áòé òîéãä


Consequence: When reading from the Torah, one may not lean on anything, because it says in Megilah (21a) that [Kri'as ha']Torah requires standing.

åáéøåùìîé ðîé àîøéðï ãàñåø ìñîåê îùåí ãëùí ùðéúðä áàéîä ëê ðåäâéï àåúä áàéîä


Support: Also in the Yerushalmi we say that it is forbidden to lean, for just like [Torah] was given amidst fear, so we must conduct with it with fear.


TOSFOS DH v'Leisav Meisiv v'Likadesh

úåñôåú ã"ä åìéúá îéúéá åìé÷ãù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that really, this refers to leaning.)

ìàå éùéáä îîù ÷àîø ãàéï éùéáä áòæøä àìà ñîéëä


Explanation: This does not refer to truly sitting, for one may not sit in the Azarah! Rather, it refers to leaning.


TOSFOS DH Ela Hai b'Gishtam Miba'i Lei lechid'Rav Acha bar Yakov

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà äàé áâùúí îéáòé ìéä ìëãøá àçà áø éò÷á

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that also Rebbi can expound this.)

àó òì âá ãáéåîà îùîò ãøáé ðîé àéú ìéä ãøá àçà áø éò÷á


Implied question: In Yoma it connotes that also Rebbi holds like Rav Acha bar Yakov!

ã÷ñáø ãúøúé ùîò îéðä:


Answer: He holds that we learn both from this.