[59a - 42 lines; 59b - 29 lines]

1)[line 2]ëéåøKIYOR- the large basin of water in the Azarah (see Background to Zevachim 19:35)

2)[line 3]îùåê ÷éîòà ëìôé äãøåíMASHUCH KIM'A KELAPEI HA'DAROM- it was drawn slightly to the south [of the Mizbe'ach]

3)[line 16]öôåï ôðåé îëìéíTZAFON PANUY MI'KELIM- the northern part of the Azarah should be empty of vessels

4)[line 20]îæáç ùðôâíMIZBE'ACH SHE'NIFGAM- the Mizbe'ach that was damaged [renders all of the Korbanos slaughtered there invalid]

5)[line 27]äééðå ÷øà ãàéùúîéè ìéä ìøáHAINU KERA D'ISHTAMIT LEI L'RAV- this is the verse that slipped away from Rav

6)[line 29]áòìé çééï àéðï ðãçéíBA'ALEI CHAYIN EINAN NIDACHIM - living things cannot become permanently rejected [from the Mizbe'ach] (DICHUY)

See Background to Zevachim 12:12.

7)[line 34]äà àéæ÷åï ìäåHA IZAKUN LEHU- [by the time the Mizbe'ach was built] they would have grown too old to be offered

8)[line 42]ãáøéí ëëúáïDEVARIM KI'KESAVAN- the words should be understood as they are written


9)[line 2]ááéú òåìîéíB'VEIS OLAMIM- the Beis Olamim is the Beis ha'Mikdash. It was called by this name, the "Eternal Dwelling," because once it was chosen, it became the permanent dwelling place of the Shechinah.

10)[line 7]ôìåðé ððñ äåàPELONI NANAS HU- so-and-so is a midget

11)[line 12]îàîöòéúåME'EMTZA'ISO- [the verse measures it] from its middle point

12)[line 14]"åäàøéàì ùúéí òùøéä àøê áùúéí òùøä øçá øáåò àì àøáòú øáòéå""VEHA'ARIEL SHTEIM ESREH ORECH BI'SHTEIM ESREH ROCHAV, RAVU'A, EL ARBA'AS REVA'AV"- "And the altar hearth shall be a square, twelve Amos long by twelve wide, square, to its four quadrants" (Yechezkel 43:16) - The Mizbe'ach was called "Ariel," "the lion of HaSh-m," because a fire came down from HaSh-m ("Kel") and rested upon the Mizbe'ach in the shape of a lion ("Ari"). The Mishnah in Midos (35b) explains that the words "El Arba'as Reva'av" mean that the twelve Amos were measured in four directions from the midpoint of the Mizbe'ach, resulting in a twenty-four Amah square.