[19a - 44 lines; 19b - 39 lines]

1)[line 2]מחיצות לאכסדרה הוא דעבידיMECHITZOS L'ACHSADRAH HU D'AVIDI- the partitions [of Pi Tikrah that Halachically descend] are intended to enclose the [area underneath] the Achsadrah

2)[line 6]כשהשוה את קירויוKESHE'HISHVAH ES KIRUYO- [the case discussed by our Mishnah is one in which] the Sechach was placed on the same level [as the overhang of the Achsadrah, thereby obscuring the edge of the roof]. (Pi Tikrah Yored v'Sosem applies only when the edge of the roof is clearly discernable.)

3)[line 16]אחוי ליהACHAVI LEI- [Rav Kahana] showed him

4a)[line 17]נראה מבפנים ושוה מבחוץNIR'EH MIBI'FNIM V'SHAVEH MIBA'CHUTZ- [that the Tefach-long extension of the third wall was] discernable from the inside, but not from the outside [which was where Rav was standing]

b)[line 18]נראה מבחוץ ושוה מבפניםNIR'EH MIBA'CHUTZ V'SHAVEH MIBI'FNIM- [that the Tefach-long extension of the third wall was] discernable from the outside, but not from the inside [which was where Rav was standing]

5)[line 20]נידון משום לחיNIDON MISHUM LECHI- is considered a Lechi [that enables one to carry within a Mavoy together with a Shituf Mevo'os (see Background to 18:9)]

6)[line 21]פסלPESEL- kosher Sechach ("Pesel" refers to the "Pesoles" - that which is left over from the grapes and grain after they have been processed)

7)[line 25]צלתה מרובה מחמתהTZILASAH MERUBAH ME'CHAMASAH- [a Sukah] which provides more shade than sunlight allowed

8a)[line 27]לגוואי עבידיL'GAVA'I AVIDI- [that the a) middle wall (RASHI); b) Sechach (TOSFOS)] is intended for the inner [Sukah]

b)[line 27]לבראיL'BARA'I- for the outside [Sukah]

9)[line 29]לפנים מן הסוכהLI'FNIM MIN HA'SUKAH- into the Sukah; i.e., beyond the open wall of an assumed three walled Sukah

10)[line 29]משכא ואזלא חדא דופן בהדייהוMASHCHA V'AZLA CHADA DOFEN BA'HADAIHU- one wall extends along the length of the [extended] Sechach

11)[line 30]האHA- that [section of Sechach that extends beyond the main Sukah]

12)[line 34]תפסל בהך פורתאTIPASEL B'HACH PORTA- [that the area under] that part [of the Sechach] is invalid [as a Sukah]

13a)[line 36]הכשר סוכהHECHSHER SUKAH- the minimum requirements of a Sukah (in this case, that its Sechach must provide more shade than allow sunlight)

b)[line 38]תורת סוכהTORAS SUKAH- that which is valid for a Sukah (in this case, that which is kosher for Sechach)


14)[line 1]טיט הנרוקTIT HA'NIROK- mud [loose enough to be] poured [from one utensil to another]

15)[line 1]ארבעים סאהARBA'IM SE'AH (MIKVAH)

(a)If a person (or utensil) becomes Tamei, then he (or it) must be immersed in either a Mikvah (a cavity of gathered rainwater) or a spring as part of the purification process.

(b)A Mikvah must contain at least forty Se'ah of rainwater for it to be Metaher. This is equal to approximately 288, 331.78 or 576 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.

(c)Rainwater cannot be Metaher when it is flowing. This is derived from the verse which describes a "Mikveh Mayim" - an accumulation of water (Vayikra 11:36). Furthermore, the rainwater in the Mikvah must have fallen into it directly or have flown into it along the ground. Any water that has been drawn in a vessel is termed "Mayim She'uvin" and is disqualified for use as a Mikvah. After a Mikvah has forty Se'ah in it already, Mayim She'uvin may be added. If three Lugin (approximately 36, 41.47, or 72 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) are added prior to that stage, however, then they render the Mikvah invalid.

16)[line 2]הטובל בוHA'TOVEL BO- a) one who immerses in the Tit ha'Nirok that joined with the water in the Mikvah (RASHI); b) in forty Se'ah of Tit ha'Nirok (TOSFOS DH Tit)

17a)[line 3]כמין צריףK'MIN TZERIF- like a tent, in which the two walls lean upon each other at an angle

b)[line 3]שסמכה לכותלSHE'SAMCHAH L'KOSEL- that he leaned [material kosher for Sechach] against a wall [at an angle such that it formed a lean-to]

18a)[line 6]הגביהה מן הקרקע טפחHIGBIHAH MIN HA'KARKA TEFACH- he raised [either the tent or the lean-to] from the ground the height of a Tefach a) without filling the space in between, since Lavud fills in the space at a right angle to the ground (RASHI); b) and he filled in the space at a right angle to the ground (TOSFOS DH she'Im)

b)[line 6]הפליגה מן הכותל טפחHIFLIGAH MIN HA'KOSEL TEFACH- he distanced the top of the lean-to from the wall a distance of a Tefach a) without filling the space in between, since Lavud fills in the space at a right angle to the wall (RASHI); b) and he filled in the space at a right angle to the wall (TOSFOS DH she'Im)

19)[line 8]שיפועי אהלים כאהלים דמוSHIPU'EI OHALIM K'OHALIM DAMEI- the slanted wall of a tent has the same Halachic status (namely, that of an "Ohel") as a wall that rises perpendicular to the ground

20a)[line 9]גניGANI- sleeping

b)[line 10]בכילת חתניםB'KILAS CHASANIM- in a tent created by draping a sheet over a bar that runs from a post rising from the middle of the head of a bed to another rising from the middle of the foot of the bed.

21)[line 10]כמאן, כר' אליעזר?K'MAN, K'REBBI ELIEZER?- Rav Yosef obviously rules that a tent with sloped walls and no roof is not considered an Ohel, or else he would not have been in the Sukah while in the Kilas Chasanim.

22)[line 14]מתניתין יחידאה היאMASNISIN YECHIDA'AH HI- [that which] our Mishnah [states that Rebbi Eliezer rules stringently and the Chachamim rule leniently] is the opinion of an individual

23)[line 17]מחצלת קנים גדולהMACHATZELES KANIM GEDOLAH- a large reed mat