SOTAH 23-25 - A week of study material has been dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov (Irving) ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.


KINUY OF AN ARUSAH OR SHOMERES YAVAM (Yerushalmi Perek 4 Halachah 1 Daf 18b)

מתני' ארוסה ושומרת יבם לא שותה ולא נוטלת כתובה שנאמר [במדבר ה כט] אשר תשטה אשה תחת אישה ונטמאה פרט לארוסה ושומרת יבם


(Mishnah): An Arusah (a wife between Kidushin and Nisu'in) or a Shomeres Yavam (she is awaiting Yibum) does not drink or receive a Kesuvah - "Asher Tisteh Ishah Tachas Ishah v'Nitme'ah" excludes an Arusah and a Shomeres Yavam;

אלמנה לכהן גדול גרושה וחלוצה לכהן הדיוט ממזרת ונתינה לישראל בת ישראל לממזר ולנתין לא שותת ולא נוטלת כתובה:


A widow married to a Kohen Gadol, a divorcee or Chalutzah (one who did Chalitzah) married to a regular Kohen, a Mamzeres (one who descends from Arayos forbidden by Kares) or Nesinah (one of the seven Kena'ani nations) married to a Yisrael, or a Bas Yisrael married to a Mamzer or Nasin, she does not drink or receive a Kesuvah..

גמ' וישקינה


(Gemara) Question: [Since an Arusah does not receive a Kesuvah, this shows that Kinuy took effect. Since she is not excluded from Kinuy,] he should be Mashkeh her!

גזירת הכתוב היא [שם טו] והביא האיש את אשתו אל הכהן.


Answer: It is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv "v'Hevi ha'Ish Es Ishto El ha'Kohen." (Ishto connotes Nesu'ah.)

ולא יקנא לה.


Question: [If so], he should not [be able to be] Mekanei her!

התורה אמרה וקנא את אשתו. וקנא את אשתו אפי' מקצת אשתו.


Answer: The Torah said "v'Kinei Es Ishto" [and repeats] "v'Kinei Es Ishto." [An exclusion after an exclusion comes to include, i.e.] even a partial wife.

(מתניתא דבית) [צ"ל מתני' דלא כבית - קרבן העדה] שמאי. דבש"א נוטלת כתובתה ולא שותה.


Assumption: Our Mishnah is unlike Beis Shamai, for Beis Shamai say that [if a Sotah's husband died], she receives her Kesuvah and does not drink. (They consider a document as if it was collected. Also here, since she cannot drink, she should receive her Kesuvah!)

אמר ר' יוסי תמן טעמייהו דב"ש (אומרים) [נראה שצ"ל אומרת] הביא לי בעלי ואני שותה [דף יט עמוד א] ברם הכא יודעת היית שאין ארוסה שותה למה הכניסה עצמה למספק המרובה הזה בשביל לפוסלה מכתובתה.


Rejection (R. Yosi): There, Beis Shamai's reason is, she can say 'give to me my husband, and I will drink!' However, here she knew that an Arusah cannot drink. Why did she enter herself into this great Safek? It was in order to forfeit her Kesuvah.

ר' יודה בעי כמה דתימר תמן וקינא את אשתו וקינא את אשתו אפי' מקצת אשתו ודכוותה תחת אישך אפי' מקצת אישך.


Question (R. Yehudah): Just like you say there, "v'Kinei Es Ishto... v'Kinei Es Ishto" [includes] even a partial wife, you should say similarly "Tachas Ishech" [includes] even a partial wife (also this is repeated)!

היך עבידה


Question: What is the law [of Kinuy of an Arusah or Shomeres Yavam]?

קינא לה עודה ארוסה וכנסה ונסתרה משקה אותה על קינויו.


Answer: If he was Mekanei her while she was an Arusah, and he entered her (Nisu'in) and she was secluded, he is Mashkeh her based on his Kinuy;

קינא לה עודה שומרת יבם וכנסה ונסתרה משקה אותה על קינויו.


If he was Mekanei her while she was a Shomeres Yavam, and he entered her (Yibum) and she was secluded, he is Mashkeh her based on his Kinuy;

קינא לה עודה ארוסה (וכנסה ונסתרה) [צ"ל ונסתרה וכנסה - קרבן העדה] וידע בה תצא בכתובתה ואם לאו תצא בלא כתובה.


If he was Mekanei her while she was an Arusah, and she was secluded, and he entered her (Yibum) and she was secluded - if he knew [of seclusion before he did Nisu'in], she is divorced and gets a Kesuvah. (The Yerushalmi holds that one can pardon Kinuy even after seclusion. Making Nisu'in shows that he pardoned. If he says that he did not, he must divorce her and pay her Kesuvah.) If not, she is divorced and does not get a Kesuvah (it was a Mekach Ta'os).

קינא לה בעלה ומת ונפלה לפני היבם וכנסה ונסתרה משקה אותה על קינויו.


If her husband was Mekanei her and he died, and she fell in front of the Yavam, and he entered her and she was secluded - he is Mashkeh her based on his [brother's] Kinuy;

לא קינא לה בעלה ומת ונפלה לפני היבם וקינא לה ולא הספיק לכנוס עד שמת ונפלה לפני אחיו אינו משקה אותה שלא נפלה לו אלא מחמת אחיו הראשון.


If her husband was not Mekanei her and he died, and she fell in front of the Yavam, and he was Mekanei her and before he entered her he died and she fell [to Yibum] to his brother, he is not Mashkeh her, for she fell to him only due to his first brother (and his first brother was not Mekanei her);

אבל אם קינא לה היבם וכנסה ומת ונפלה לפני היבם וכנסה ונסתרה משקה אותה על קינויו.


However, if the Yavam was Mekanei her and entered her and he died, and she fell in front of the [second] Yavam, and he entered her and she was secluded, he is Mashkeh her based on [the first Yavam's] Kinuy (since she fell from him. We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)


SOTOS WHO MAY NOT REMAIN MARRIED (Yerushalmi Perek 4 Halachah 1 Daf 19a)

תמן תנינן איילוני' וזקינה ושאינה ראויה לוולד לא שותה ולא נוטלת כתובתה. שנאמר [במדבר ה כח] ונקתה ונזרעה זרע הראויה להזריע זרע. יצאת זו שאינה ראויה להזריע זרע.


(Mishnah): An Ailonis or Zekenah does not drink or receive her Kesuvah, for it says "v'Niksah v'Nizre'ah Zara" - one who is proper to bear children. This excludes this one, who is not proper to bear children.

התיבון הרי אלמנה לכהן גדול הרי היא ראויה להזריע זרע.


Question: A widow to a Kohen Gadol is proper to bear children (yet she does not drink)!

שנייא היא דכתיב [ויקרא כא טו] ולא יחלל זרעו בעמיו.


Answer #1: She is different, for it says "v'Lo Yechalel Zar'o b'Amav." (Her children from him are Chalalim. They are not proper Zera.)

תמן תנינן ממזר פוסל ומאכיל כיצד. והכא הוא אמר הכין.


Question (Mishnah): A Mamzer can disqualify [his grandmother from Terumah, e.g. if she is a Bas Kohen widowed from a Yisrael and her children died] or permit to eat (if his grandmother is a Bas Yisrael who married a Kohen. This shows that a Mamzer is called Zera), and here you say so?!

אמר רבי תנחומא תמן [שם כב יג] וזרע אין לה מכל מקום. ברם הכא זרע (אין לה) כשר לא זרע פסול.


Answer (R. Tanchuma): There it says "v'Zera Ein Lah" - at all (even Pasul Zera is called Zera). However, here it refers to Kosher Zera, and not Pasul Zera.

אמר רבי יוסי בי רבי בון כלום המים באין אלא להתיר' לביתה. וזו כיון (שנסתרה) [צ"ל שאסורה - קרבן העדה] אומר לו הוצא:


Answer #2 (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): The water comes only to permit her to her husband. This (widow to a Kohen Gadol), since she is forbidden to him, [in any case] we tell him to divorce her.