[17a - 28 lines; 17b - 40 lines]

1)[line 2]תיקוTEIKU

The Pri Megadim (in his Igeres preceding his introduction to Orach Chaim, #9) quotes and discusses various explanations for the word Teiku:

1.It is sealed in its container ("Tik") (ARUCH, Erech Tik).

2.Tehei Ka'i - "Let it (the question) stand" (MUSAF HA'ARUCH).

3.Tishbi Yetaretz Kushyos v'Ibayos - "Eliyahu ha'Navi will answer difficulties and questions" (TOSFOS YOM TOV, end of Eduyos).

2)[line 3]תלה עצמו באויר עזרהTALAH ATZMO B'AVIR AZARAH- he (a person who was Tamei) suspended himself in the airspace of the Azarah (and remained there long enough to bow down)

3)[line 7]טימא עצמו במזידTIMEI ATZMO B'MEZID- he intentionally made himself Tamei while in the Beis ha'Mikdash

4)[line 11]נזיר בקברNAZIR B'KEVER- a Nazir standing on a grave. If a Nazir made himself Tamei (see Background to Nazir 2:1a) after he was warned not to, he receives Malkus. The Gemara here discusses a case in which a Nazir entered a cemetery in a permissible manner (such as in a carriage, trunk, or closet, which serves as a barrier between him and the Tum'ah), and then he became Tamei unavoidably. The Nazir was then warned to leave the cemetery, but he disregarded the warning and remained there. However, he remained there less than the amount of time that it takes to bow down.

5)[line 16]אפילו עקב בצד גודלAFILU EKEV B'TZAD GUDAL- even if he walked heel to toe (he would be exempt, as long as he walked the shortest path)

6)[line 18]ותיפשוט ליה מדידיהV'SIFSHOT LEI MI'DIDEI- and let him answer it from his own statement

7)[line 23]לא נתנה ארוכה להדחות אצלוLO NITNAH ARUCHAH L'HIDACHOS ETZLO- the prohibition against exiting via the longer path is not given to be overridden for him

8)[line 24]טמא ששימש במיתהTAMEI SHE'SHIMESH B'MISAH - a Kohen who serves in the Beis ha'Mikdash while Tamei is liable for the death penalty (AVODAH: TUM'AH)

(a)A Kohen who performs the Divine Service must be Tahor in order to do so (except for a limited number of exceptions). The verse (Vayikra 22:2) commands the Kohanim to separate themselves from all Kodshim (consecrated items) while they are Teme'im.

(b)A Kohen who performs the Divine Service while he is Tamei is liable to Misah b'Yedei Shamayim (See Sanhedrin 83a). (The Mishnah in Sanhedrin (81b) cites the practice of the Kohanim to kill a Kohen who willingly disgraces the Avodah by performing it b'Tum'ah.)

9)[line 28]דאניס נפשיה בקצרה ועבד עבודהD'ANIS NAFSHEI BA'KETZARAH V'AVAD AVODAH- that he (the Kohen) pushed himself and ran out via the short way, and he performed the Avodah. If the total amount of time between the moment he became Tamei and the moment he exited the Beis ha'Mikdash is the amount of time it would take to exit by the shortest way, he is liable for only Misah b'Yedei Shamayim, and not Kares.


10)[line 3]שבא בקצרה והפך בצינוראSHE'BA BA'KETZARAH V'HAFACH B'TZINURA- the Kohen came (out of the Beis ha'Mikdash) the short way and turned over with a fork [the offering that was burning]

11)[line 7]לא מיעכליLO MI'ACHLEI- they would not have been consumed

12)[line 9]בתרתי שעיB'TARTI SHA'EI- in two hours

13)[line 10]בחד שעתאB'CHAD SHA'ATA- in one hour

14)[line 10]דכל קרובי עבודה עבודה היאD'CHOL KERUVEI AVODAH AVODAH HI- because anything that hastens the Avodah is considered like the Avodah itself

15)[line 11]בעינא דאימא מילתא ומסתפינא מחבריאBA'INA D'EIMA MILSA U'MISTEFINA ME'CHAVRAYA- I want to say something but I am afraid of my colleagues

16)[line 13]דרך אחוריוDERECH ACHORAV- backwards

17)[line 13]חוץ מחוטמוCHUTZ ME'CHOTMO- except for his nose

18)[line 18]גגין הללוGAGIN HALALU- these roofs

19)[line 21]היכא קאיHEICHA KAI- to which case does it refer?

20)[line 23]אשם תלויASHAM TALUY

If a person is in doubt whether or not he committed a transgression for which one must bring a Korban Chatas, he temporarily brings a Korban Asham Taluy, which is a ram worth two Sela'im (Vayikra 5:17-19). If he later discovers that he did indeed sin, he must offer a Korban Chatas; the Asham Taluy only provides temporary atonement during the period of doubt.

21)[line 31]היה משמש עם הטהורה ואמרה לו נטמאתי ופירש מידHAYAH MESHAMESH IM HA'TEHORAH V'AMRAH LO "NITMESI," U'PIRESH MIYAD- if he was having relations with a woman who was Tahor and she said to him, "I have become Tamei," and he withdrew immediately. In such a case, if the Sanhedrin makes a mistake and rules that the man should withdraw immediately, they are obligated to bring a special Chatas offering. See Background to Horayos 2:1.

22)[line 32]שיציאתו הנאה לו כביאתוSHE'YETZI'ASO HANA'AH LO K'BI'ASO- [he is liable] because his exit is pleasurable to him like his entry

23)[line 37]הוי בה (רבה) [רבא]HAVI BAH RAVA- Rava asked a question about it

24)[line 38]סמוך לוסתהSAMUCH L'VESTAH- the day or night adjacent to the time when she regularly becomes a Nidah