NIDAH 10 (10 Sivan) - dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and he is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.


ONE WHO SEES FOR THE FIRST TIME (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 5 Daf 4b)

æ÷éðä ùäôñé÷ä ùìù òåðåú ãééä ùòúä çæøä åäôñé÷ä ùìù òåðåú åàçø ëê øàú ãééä ùòúä [ö"ì çæøä åäôñé÷ä ùìù òåðåú åàçø ëê øàúä äøé äéà ëëì äðùéí åîèîàä îòú ìòú åîô÷éãä ìô÷éãä - âìéåï àôøéí]


If a Zekenah ceased [to see] for three Onos, she is Dayah Shaitah. If [after this sighting] she ceased for another three Onos and afterwards saw, she is Dayah Shaitah. If she ceased for another three Onos and afterwards saw she is like all women, and she is Metamei me'Es la'Es or from her last Bedikah (whichever is less).

áùìà ëéååðä îçîú äååñú áùôçúä àå äåúéøä ùàéìå ëéååðä ð÷áòä ååñúä.


Limitation: This is when she did not see at the same interval, due to a Veses, rather, she saw after a smaller interval. If she saw at the same interval, she fixed a Veses [and Dayah Shaitah. We explained this like GILYON EFRAYIM.]

ø' éåãï áòé øàú øàééä øàùåðä åùðééä åäôñé÷ä ùìù òåðåú åìà øàú [ãó ä òîåã à] åàç"ë øàú ëååñú àøåëä äéà ùúèîà îòú ìòú àå ëäôñ÷ òåðä äéà ùúäà ãééä ùòúä


Question (R. Yudan): If a girl [who did not reach the age to see] saw her first sighting, and a second, and ceased three Onos and did not see, and afterwards she saw - is this like a long Veses (interval, i.e. it is considered her third sighting), and now she is Metamei me'Es la'Es? Or, is it an interruption (her blood ceased, so her third sighting is like a Besulah's first sighting, that Dayah Shaitah?)

à"ì øáé éåñé îä àí áùòä ùòùéúä (ëëãîéï) [ö"ì ëëã ãîéï - âìéåï àôøéí] àú àîø ãééä ùòúä ëàï ùìà òùéúä (ëëãîéï) [ö"ì ëëã ãîéï - âìéåï àôøéí] ìà ëì ùëï


Answer (R. Yosi): When you make [one who reached the age to see] like one heavy with blood (her Kesem is Tamei retroactively), you say Dayah Shaitah, here that you did not make [one who did not reach the age] like one heavy with blood (even the one who is Metamei her Kesem, it is only from now and onwards), all the more so [she is Dayah Shaitah]!

à"ì åàéï ëéðé àôéìå øàú øàééä àçú ìà úèîà îòú ìòú òã ùúøàä ùìù àçø äôñé÷ä


Question (R. Yudan): If so (is it an interruption, and she is like a Besulah again), even if she saw once [more, i.e. a second time after the interruption], she should not be Metamei me'Es la'Es, [like a Besulah, who is not Metamei me'Es la'Es] until she sees three times after her interruption!

à"ì ãîééà ìååñú àøåëä.


Answer (R. Yosi): It is like a long Veses.

ëîä òåðä ðåúðéï ìä


Question: What Onah do we give to her?

òåðä áéðåðéú


Answer: We give to her the average Onah.

øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù áùí øáé éåãï ðùééà ðåúðéï ìä òåðä áéðåðéú ùìùéí éåí


(Reish Lakish citing R. Yudan ha'Nasi): We give to her the average Onah, i.e. 30 days.

åéúðå ìä òåðä


Question: We should give [to a girl who saw before her time to see] an Onah (and if she sees the second time after the Onah, she should be like all women)!

îàçø ùìà ðúáøøä áãîéí àéï ìä òåðä


Answer: Since she was not established (to see regularly), she does not have an Onah.

åîäå ùéäà ìä ëúîéï


Question: Does she (one who did not reach the age to see, and saw two sightings) have [to be concerned for] stains?

çæ÷éä àîø îàçø ùòùéúä ëëã îéí éù ìä ëúîéï


Answer #1 (Chizkiyah): Since you made her like one heavy with blood, she has stains.

ùîåàì àîø àôéìå ëì äñãéï ëåìå îìà èéôéï ùì ãí àéï ìä ëúîéï


Answer #2 (Shmuel): Even if the entire sheet is full of drops of blood, she does not have stains.

øáé éåçðï áùí øáé éðàé àôéìå øàú îàä ôòí àéï ìä ëúîéï


Answer #3 (R. Yochanan citing R. Yanai): Even if she saw 100 times, she does not have stains.

òã àéëï


Question: Until when is this?

òã ùúáåà ìéîé äðòåøéí


Answer: It is until the days of Na'arus.

åàéìå äï éîé äðòåøéí îùúáéà ùúé ùòøåú


What are the days of Na'arus? It is from when she brings two hairs.

øáé áà øáé çééä øáé éåçðï áùí øáé ùîòåï áï éåöã÷ øå÷ä èäåø îãøñä èäåø îâòä áøùåú äøáéí èäåø


(R. Ba citing R. Chiyah citing R. Yochanan citing R. Shimon ben Yotzadak): Her spit is Tahor. What she steps on is Tahor. What she touches in Reshus ha'Rabim (Safek Tum'ah in Reshus ha'Rabim is Tahor) is Tahor.

ñáøéï îéîø îòú ìòú:


Assumption: This refers to me'Es la'Es (before she saw).