[69a - 50 lines; 69b - 41 lines]

1)[line 1]ביני חטיBEINEI CHAITEI- (a) between the lines of a letter (RASHI); (b) between the stitches used to sew the parchments (of various other questions) together (TOSFOS, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)

2)[line 1]האחין ששיעבדוHA'ACHIN SHE'SHI'ABDU- brothers who caused properties of their father's estate to be subject to a different person

3)[line 24]ואם איתא נימא ליה מאן אמרהV'IM ISA NEIMA LEI MAN AMARAH?- that is, if Rebbi Yochanan was not aware of Rebbi's ruling, he should have asked Rebbi Chanina, "Who is it that said 'Motz'in'?" (and upon hearing that it was Rebbi, he would have admitted to his mistake).

4)[line 26]דאיכא רווח ביתאD'IKA REVACH BEISA- there is ample revenue in the house (she has sufficient provisions since she inherits half of the estate)

5)[line 29]בת יורשת הויאBAS, YORESHES HAVYA- a daughter's claim of a tenth of the estate is the claim of an heir (and she can collect her claim from any or all of the fields of the estate)

6)[line 30]אילו בעי לסלוקה בזוזיILU BA'I L'SALUKAH B'ZUZEI- if the brothers want to give her money in lieu of her share of the property

7)[line 30]הכי נמי דלא מצי לסלוקהHACHI NAMI D'LO MATZI L'SALUKAH?- would you also say that they cannot give her money?!

8)[line 32]בת בעלת חוב הויאBAS, BA'ALAS CHOV HAVYA- a daughter's claim of a tenth of the estate is the claim of a debtor (and the brothers can pay her claim with a field of their choice or money)

9)[line 35]דשמעי מאחיD'SHAM'EI ME'ACHEI- we heard from her brothers

10)[line 37]לבינונית שלא בשבועה וזיבורית בשבועהL'BEINONIS SHE'LO BI'SHEVU'AH / ZIBURIS BI'SHEVU'AH

(a)A person may pay his debts by transferring his ownership of a plot of land into the hands of his creditor. For this purpose, Chazal classified plots of land using three levels of quality: Ziburis (poor quality land), Beinonis (average quality land), and Idis (high quality land). Damages (Nezikin) are reimbursed with Idis. Standard loans (Halva'os) and debts (Chovos) are repaid with Beinonis. Any debt owed by an orphan and the value of a Kesuvah may be paid even with Ziburis (poor quality land). The Gemara explains the reason for these differences (Mishnah, Gitin 48b, and Gemara ibid.)

(b)When a person collects a debt from orphans, he must take an oath that he did not receive payment from their father.

11)[line 42]מאיצטרובלאM'ITZTEROVLA- from the lower millstone (which is immovable)

12)[line 43]מעמלא דביתיME'AMLA D'VEISEI- from the rent of houses

13)[line 43]הונא חברין שלםHUNA CHAVRIN, SHELAM- Huna our colleague, Shalom

14)[line 44]זיל אימא ליה ובשמתא יהא מאן דלא אמר ליהZIL EIMA LEI, UV'SHAMTA YEHEI MAN D'LO AMAR LEI- Go tell him [these words], and if you do not tell him you shall be excommunicated

15)[line 46]ומאן יתיב בי מרזיחא ברישאU'MAN YASIV BEI MARZEICHA B'REISHA- and who sits at the head of a table in a house of mourning

16a)[last line]אימא לי איזיEIMA LI EIZI- Tell me, my close friend (MAHARSHAL to Bava Metzia 70a)


b)[line 1]גופא דעובדא היכי הוהGUFA D'UVDA HEICHI HAVAH?- what was the incident?

17)[line 6]"אבחר דרכם...""EVCHAR DARKAM..."- "I chose out their way, and sat like a chief, and dwelt like a king in the army, like one who comforts the mourners." (Iyov 29:25)

18)[line 9]ינחם כתיבYINCHAM KESIV- it is written as if it said, "[... like a mourner] who is being comforted."

19)[line 10]"וסר מרזח סרוחים""... V'SAR MIRZACH SERUCHIM."- "[Therefore now they shall go into exile at the head of the exiles,] and the revelry of those who stretched themselves [out on their beds (a reference to Amos 6:4)] shall pass away." (Amos 6:7) - Chazal make a play on the word "v'Sar" ("and it shall pass away"), rendering it as if it were written with the letter Sin ("v'Sar," "and he will be a minister"). The second half of this verse is thus translated as, "and the Mirzach (the mourner who was Mar v'Zach - bitter and distracted) will be a minister over Seruchim (important personages who come to comfort him)."

20)[line 13]המשליש מעות לבתוHA'MASHLISH MA'OS L'VITO- a person who gives to an agent money with which to buy land when the time comes for her to get married

21)[line 36]תלא נפשיהTALAH NAFSHEI- he suspended himself

22)[line 36]באיסקריא דמכותאB'ISKARYA D'MACHUSA- on the mast of a [ship on which a] sail [hangs]