KERISUS 14 (4 Elul) - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Chaim Yisachar (ben Yaakov) Smulewitz of Cleveland on his Yahrzeit, by his son in law, Dr. Eli Turkel of Raanana, Israel.


R. YOSI'S OPINION (Yerushalmi Orlah Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 7a)

ø' éåñé àåîø àó éúëåéï åéì÷åè åéòìå áàçã åîàúéí.


(Mishnah - R. Yosi): He may even intend and harvest, and they are Batel in 201.

î"è ãøáé éåñé ùëï ãøê áðé àãí ìäéåú [ãó æ òîåã á] îéãì áâôðéí.


What is R. Yosi's reason? It is normal for people to be Meidal vines (remove some when they are too dense. Therefore, it is not evident that he intends for Bitul.)


Note: OHR ZARU'A (1:320) asks that here he merely harvests. This is unlike Meidal! R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO says that he lightens the vine (removes grapes. I.e. also this is called Meidal.)

úîï úðéðï ñàä úøåîä ùðôìä ìîàä èçðï åôçúå ëùí ùôçúå äçåìéï ëê ôçúä äúøåîä åîåúø.


(Mishnah): If a Se'ah of Terumah [grain] fell into 100 [of Chulin], if he grinded them and they decreased [in volume], just like the Chulin decreased, so the Terumah decreased, and it is permitted. (If there are [slightly] less than 100, and he grinded them and they increased, it is permitted if we know that the Chulin is better quality, for it increased more.)

(úðé àó) [ö"ì åúðé òìä èåçï ìëúçéìä åîúéø - ø"ù ñéøéìéå]


About this [Seifa], a Beraisa taught 'he may grind l'Chatchilah and permit.'

[ö"ì îúðé' ãøáé éåñé ãúðéðï øáé éåñé àåîø àó - ø"ù ñéøéìéå] éúëåéï åéì÷åè åéòìå áàçã åîàúéí.


This Beraisa is like R. Yosi, for R. Yosi says, he may even intend and harvest, and they are Batel in 201.

àîø øáé æòéøà ãáøé äëì äéà ùëï ãøê äëäðéí ìäéåú èåçðéï îãåîò ìúåê áúéäåï.


Rebuttal (R. Ze'ira): It is like everyone, for so is the way of Kohanim, to grind Meduma in their houses. (It is not evident that he intends for Bitul.)

îä ðô÷ îï áéðéäåï


Question: [According to R. Ze'ira,] what is the difference [between R. Yosi and Rabanan]?

ëìàé äëøí. òì ãòúéä ãøáé éåñé èåçï åîúéø. òì ãòúåï ãøáðéï àéï èåçï åîúéø:


Answer: [They argue about] Kil'ai ha'Kerem. According to R. Yosi, one may grind and permit. According to Rabanan, one may not grind and permit (the only reason to grind is in order to be Mevatel, so it is evident. We explained this like GRA.)


Note: SEFER NIR asks, above we said that R. Yosi permits because one can say that he is Meidal! It seems that that was unlike R. Ze'ira. R. Ze'ira holds that R. Yosi permits without any 'excuse' (a reason why he would do so not for Bitul), and Rabanan agree when there is a reason.


DO ORLAH AND OTHER ISURIM APPLY ONLY TO PEROS? (Yerushalmi Orlah Perek 1 Halachah 5 Daf 7b)

îúðé' [ãó éã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äòìéí åäìåìáéí åîé âôðéí åäñîãø îåúøéï áòøìä åáøáòé åáðæéø åàñåøéï áàùéøä.


(Mishnah): Leaves, Lulavim, vine water (what comes out when it is cut) and Semader (unripe grapes) are permitted regarding Orlah, Revai and a Nazir, and from an Asheirah they are forbidden;

øáé éåñé àåîø äñîãø àñåø îôðé ùäåà ôøé.


R. Yosi says, Semader is forbidden, for it is Pri.

øáé ìéòæø àåîø äîòîéã áùøó äòøìä àñåø.


R. Li'ezer says, one who curdles with sap of Orlah, it is forbidden.

àîø øáé éäåùò ùîòúé áôéøåù ùäîòîéã áùøó äòìéí åáùøó äòé÷øéí îåúø áùøó äôâéí àñåø îôðé ùäåà ôøé.


R. Yehoshua says, I explicitly heard that one who curdles with sap of leaves and sap of roots, it is permitted; with sap of Pagim (unripe figs), it is forbidden, for it is Pri.

òð÷å÷ìåú åäçøöðéí åäæâéï åäúîã ùìäï ÷ìéôé øéîåï åäðõ ùìå ÷ìéôé àâåæéí åäâøòéðéï àñåøéï áòøìä åáàùéøä åáðæéø åîåúøéí áøáòé.


Ankoklos (this will be explained), grape skins and pits, their Temed (water in which they are soaked; it becomes weak wine), pomegranate peels and its Netz (the flower at the top), nut shells and pits are forbidden in Orlah, Asheirah and Nazir, and permitted in Revai.

åäðåáìåú ëåìï àñåøåú.


Grapes detached through the wind, all of them are forbidden.

øáé éåñé àåîø ðåèòéï ééçåø ùì òøìä åàéï ðåèòéï àâåæ ùì òøìä îôðé ùäåà ôøé.


R. Yosi says, we plant a branch of Orlah, but one may not plant a nut of Orlah, for it is Pri.

åàéï îøëéáéï áëôðéåú ùì òøìä:


We may not graft Kafniyos (branches with unripe dates) of Orlah.

[ãó ç òîåã à] [ãó éã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] âî' äòìéí åäìåìáéí.


(Gemara - Mishnah): Leaves, Lulavim...

îúðéúà ãìà ëø' ìéòæø ãúðé áùí øáé ìéòæø [áîãáø å ã] îëì àùø éòùä îâôï äééï îçøöðéí åòã æâ ìà éàëì àó äòìéí åäìåìáéí áîùîò.


Our Mishnah is unlike R. Eliezer, for a Beraisa taught in the name of R. Li'ezer "mi'Chol Asher Ya'aseh mi'Gefen ha'Yayin me'Chartzanim v'Ad Zag Lo Yochel" - this connotes even leaves and Lulavim.

úðé øáé éåñé àåîø ñîãø àñåø [ö"ì áðæéø - ôðé îùä, äâø"à] îôðé ùäåà ôøé.


R. Yosi says, Semader is forbidden regarding Nazir, for it is Pri.

å÷ùéà àí àñåø áðæéø ìîä ìé ôøé àí ôøé äåà éäà àñåø áëì.


Question: If it is forbidden [only] for a Nazir, why must he say that it is a Pri? (A Nazir is forbidden even what is not Pri!) If it is a Pri, all matters should be forbidden!

îéìúéä ãø' éöç÷ àîø ùäåà àñåø áëì.


R. Yitzchak's teaching shows that all matters are forbidden;

ø' éöç÷ ùàì îàï úðà àéï îøëéáéï áëôðéåú ùì òøìä øáé éåñé.


(R. Yitzchak): Who taught that we may not graft Kafniyos of Orlah? R. Yosi did. (I.e. he forbids an unfinished Pri also regarding Orlah. MAHARA FULDA - if one could distinguish the Isurim, there would be no reason to establish the Seifa like R. Yosi.)

úðé ôøé àúä ôåãä åàéï àúä ôåãä ìà áåñø åìà ôâéí.


(Beraisa): [Regarding Revai it says "Piryo" -] you redeem a Pri, and you do not redeem Boser (unripe grapes) and not Pagim.

äåøé øáé æáéãà áàéìéï ôâé úîøä ùé÷áøå.


R. Zavida ruled about these Pagim dates [of Revai] that they must be buried.

øáé éåðä áòé òáø åôãéå ùîà àéðå ôãåé åúéîø èòåï ÷áåøä.


Question (R. Yonah): If one transgressed and redeemed them, are they not redeemed?! And you say that they must be buried?! ('You do not redeem' connotes l'Chatchilah. If there is no solution, this is b'Di'eved, so one may redeem them! - GRA)