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1. People don't become angels 2. Question on Insights 3. The Gezeiras ha'Meraglim
4. Achiyah 5. יום שנתנו הרוגי ביתר לקבורה 6. אחיה השילוני ראה את עמרם
7. אחיה השילוני ראה את עמרם

1. Meir Eliezer Bergman asks:


Bava Basra 121b discusses Achiya who didn't die in the midbar.

First the Gemoro says he was from Shevet Levi, who did not die in the midbar. Rashbam brings a posuk that Achiya was a levi.

The Gemoro then brings in Yair, and says "Ela..." that those over 60 at Yetzias Mitzraim did not die. Rashbam says even if Achiya was not a levi, he could have been over 60 hence didn't die.

Why does the Gemoro say "Ela" - seems chozer from first theory! But Rashbam brought a posuk that he was a levi!

Is this saying that it might be a different Achiya?!

I understand that the over 60 answer is needed for Yair, just why does the Gemoro say "Ela"?

Meir Eliezer Bergman

Manchester UK

2. The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

The Gemara is merely coming to amend its original suggesstion that Achiyah must have been a Levi, since no Yisrael over the age of twenty entered Eretz Yisrael. Having ascertained that those over sixty did enter the Land, the Gemara therefore concludes that 'Ela' - Even if Achiyah was not a Levi ... .

Or perhaps as you suggest - even if the Achiyah listed in Divrei ha'Yamim is a different Achiyah, there is no problem, seeing as the over 60's entered.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler