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Tzvi Pittinsky asked:

I believe that on Line 14 there should be a Girsa change which you did not mention to background to the daf and does not appear in the Bach or other addendum on the daf. It says "Bishul Kol Sorkho Akhal Hamin" I think that it should be Bishul Kol Sorkho, Aval Hamin". This seems to be the only sensible reading of the Braita.

I also checked the Hebrew University Kitvei Yad that are available online at and in Babylonischer Talmud, Pergamenthandschrift, Frankreich (?) 1342, Signatur: Cod. hebr. 95 it clearly says Aval and not Akhal. What do you think?

Kol Tuv,

Tzvi Pittinsky, West Orange, NJ

The Kollel replies:

Tzvi, you are quite correct in noting the printing mistake. The reason that nobody (including us) pointed it out is because it is a fairly recent mistake, apparently cropping up only in the Vilna Shas. (It did not appear in any of the previous printed editions, such as the Warsaw Shas or Shas Yonasan that were printed just before the Vilna print.)

In fact, most Vilna typos have been corrected in later prints that were based on the Vilna print, so most of the Vilna-style Gemaras available today (Wagshall, Rav Frank, Oz v'Hadar) have already corrected it inside the text of the Gemara.

Did you also notice the Vilna typo on Daf 4b, line 4, "Kelutah b 'Mi she'Hunchah"?

Be well,