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4. אין הסריס נידון כבן סורר 5. לימא תיהוי תיובתא דרב המנונא

Allan katz asks:

Ailonit, Saris - why is not having a period on the list

Allan katz,

The Kollel replies:

Shalom Allan,

Correct me if I didn't understand, but it sounds like you are seeing "not having a period" on the list of signs for being an Ailonis, and you are wondering why it is there. I have trouble finding the place in the Gemara (Yevamos 80) to which this question would be referring. I looked at the line "And who is considered an Ailonis?" on Amud Beis, and I don't see a discussion of this issue there. Can you help me pinpoint where your question applies? Or maybe you are asking about amenorrhea and what Chazal have to say about it? Thank you for clarifying if possible!

Best wishes,

Yishai Rasowsky

Allan Katz adds:

Thanks, checked out amenorrhea - and see that one can get pregnant without having periods, so it makes sense that not having periods is not a criterea for ailonit

The Kollel replies:

Great to hear that you found the insight you were looking for!

Yishai Rasowsky