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4. Wiping hands on waiter's head 5. Kos Shel Berachah 6. Ispargos
7. Zugos 8. Wiping hands on waiter's head 9. Kos Shel Berachah
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16. רש״י ד״ה וב"ה אומרים

JD Ram Jerusalem asks:

We seemed to conclude in our shiur today that a Kos shel Beracha at 'brichat hamazon' should be used for "special occassions", even by a 'yachid'. I always thought that this Kos shel Beracha was to be used when there was a 'mezuman'. Further, it also seems that most people use a Kos when there is a 'zimun' of 10 or more, but are not makpid on a Kos if the group numbers less than that. Are they being 'lax', or is there some basis for using a Kos only for 10 or more?


Jeff Ram

The Kollel replies:

The Shulchan Aruch O.C. 182:1 writes 3 opinions: A Kos is required

1. even for an individual.

2. Only when there is a zimun .

3. Not at all.

The Rama writes that Mitzvah Min ha'Muvchar is to use a Kos although in Para. 2 he adds that an idividual should not hold the Kos in his hand.

The Aruch ha'Shulchan 182:1 writes that we assume the Halacha to be like opinion 3 and therefore are not particular to use a Kos, however there are people who are paricular to use a Kos on Shabbas and Yom Tov. It seems that Birkas ha'Mazon without a Kos is appropriate and the Kos is a Hidur which can be added.

Yours, Ilan