More Discussions for this daf
1. Women at funerals 2. Havdala 3. Rav Nachman and Yalsa
4. Wiping hands on waiter's head 5. Kos Shel Berachah 6. Ispargos
7. Zugos 8. Wiping hands on waiter's head 9. Kos Shel Berachah
10. Hats and Jackets 11. How to make Havdalah 12. Looking at one's fingernails during Havdalah
13. The Malach ha'Maves at a funeral 14. Send her another cup 15. אספרגוס, פגישת הנשים אחרי לוויה
16. רש״י ד״ה וב"ה אומרים

Jeffrey Gesser asked:

Dear Rabbis Kornfeld and Pearlman, shlita:

Thank you for your previous reply.

In the incident with Ula and R' Nachman and the Kos shel Brocha, after the latter's wife had destroyed the bottles of wine having not been given to tast from the Kos, why did R' Nachman order to send another Kos to his wife and purport that this was Kos shel Brocha when in fact it wasn't more than an ordinary cup of wine?

Thank you

Y. Gesser

The Kollel replies:

If you are asking Rav Nachman should not have misled his wife, the answer is that it is permissible to mislead someone in order to maintain the peace (Bava Metzia 23b, see Insights to Yevamos 65:1).

-M. Kornfeld