
Why did he say "u'Mi Yishma Lachem"?


Malbim: According to you, that the ones who caused the victory get everything, the ones who stayed should get everything!


He should have put first the portion of those who stayed, for this is the bigger Chidush!


Malbim: Indeed, the victory was primarily due to their merit of Bitachon; the bigger Chidush is those who went! 1


Malbim assumes that the bigger Chidush is first. Indeed, we find like this "v'Hayah ka'Tzadik ka'Rasha" (Bereishis 18:25), "ka'Katan ka'Gadol Tishma'un" (Devarim 1:17), "k'Ami ch'Amecha" (Melachim 1 22:4). However, sometimes the bigger Chidush is last, e.g. "ka'Chatas ka'Asham" (Vayikra 7:7) - Pesikta Zutresa and other Midrashim learn Asham from Chatas, which was taught earlier! To equate the laws of converts and native Yisraelim, it says "ka'Ger ka'Ezrach" (Vayikra 24:22), but also "Kachem ka'Ger" (Bamidbar 15:15)! (PF)


What is the meaning of "Yachdav Yachaloku"?


Radak: Everyone will get an equal share.

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