
What is the meaning of "v'Hayah Im Zara Yisrael"?


Radak: It is when they would seed. This is like "v'Hayah Im Ba El Eshes Achiv" (Bereishis 38:9), "v'Im Yihyeh ha'Yovel" (Bamidbar 36:4).


Chomas Anach: Most people refrained from sowing, due to the affliction of Midyan. If an individual sowed (Midyan came); the singular hints to this .


What is the reason for the repetition "v'Alah Midyan... v'Alu Alav... va'Yachanu Aleihem" (verse 4)?


Malbim: V'Alu Alav refer to the crops; va'Yachanu Aleihem is against Yisrael themselves.

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