
Having informed us (in Pasuk 4) that Aharon had to Tovel and wash hands and feet when changing from one set of Begadim to another, why does the Pasuk need to repeat it here?


Rashi: The earlier Pasuk teaches us that he must Tovel and wash when changing from the Bigdei Zahav to the Bigdei Lavan, whereas the current Pasuk teaches us the obligation to wash when changing from Bigdei Lavan to Bigdei Zahav.


What is the significance of the fact that the Torah places "Ve'rachatz es Besaro ?" in between "u'Fashat es Begadav" - in Pasuk 23 - and "Velavash es Begadav"?


Yoma, 31b: To teach us that, just as by Levishah the Kohen Gadol makes Kidush Yadayim ve'Raglayim after putting on the Begadim, so too by Peshitah, does he make Kidush Yadayim ve'Raglayim before removing them. 1


Yoma, 32a: It teaches us that each Tevilah required two Kidushin, one before removing one set of Begadim and one after putting on the other set - as if the Torah would have written 'u'Fashat Velavash'. 2


See Torah Temimah, note 108.


See Torah Temimah, note 110, who explains that this D'rashah is the the opinion of Rebbi and is Halachah.


What are the connotations of "be'Makom Kadosh"?


Rashi: It means that the Tevilah had to be in a location that had the Kedushah of the Azarah. 1


Rashi: In fact, it was located on the roof of the Beis ha'Parvah (See Sifsei Chachamim). The other Tevilos also took place there, except for the first Tevilah in the morning, which took place in a Chulin location. (Some texts mistakenly have the text 'be'Cheil' - PF).


Which clothes is "Begadav" referring to?


Rashi (in Yoma, 32a): It refers (not to his personal clothes, but) to his eight Bigdei Kehunah.


Which sins are the two Olos coming to atone?


Seforno: They atone for inappropriate thoughts, 1 as Olos generally do. 2


Refer to 1:4:3:2.


And as befits those with clean hands and pure hands (Seforno).


According to Rebbi (Yuma 70b), "Olas ha'Am" is the ram of Musaf Yom Kipur (Bamidbar 29:8). Why is it mentioned here, and the other Musafim are not?


Refer to 16:5:151:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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