
Why does the Pasuk write "Ki Ani Hashem Elokeichem" before commanding Yisrael to be holy?


Rashi and Seforno: To teach Yisrael to follow in the footsteps of Hashem 1 and be holy, 2 just as He is holy. 3


Hadar Zakeinim (in Pasuk 24): "Ki Kadosh Ani" - it is befitting for One who is Holy that His servants should be holy too. 4


In keeping with the Mitzvah to go in the ways of Hashem ("ve'Halachta bi'Derachav"


Why does the Torah repeat "Vehiskadishtem, Vi'h'yisem Kedoshim"?


Rashi: The Pasuk is saying that if you comply and live with Kedushah, then Hashem will sanctify you in Heaven and in the World to Come.


Moshav Zekenim #1: Angels are called "Kedoshim". They however have no Yeitzer ha'Ra, people do! So Hashem added a second Kedushah for people.


Moshav Zekenim #2: This can be compared to a king whose nation made three crowns for him. He put one on his head, and put two on his sons' heads. Similarly, the angels crown Hashem with three Kedushos, one of which He placed on His own head, and two on the heads of Yisrael.


Yoma 39a: If one sanctifies oneself a little, Hashem will sanctify him a lot; 1 if he sanctifies himself below, Hashem will sanctify him above; if he sanctifies himself in this world, Hashem will sanctify him in the world to come. 2


B'rachos, 53b: "Vehiskadishtem"


Rashi (in Yoma, 39a): As Chazal have said (in Shabbos, 104a) 'ha'Ba Litaher, Mesayin oso'.


Lev Eliyahu (Sh'mos p.64): As the Mishnah states in Avos 4:9


What are the implicastions of "Ki Kadosh Ani"?


Seforno: Bearing in mind that Kedushah is snonymous with eternity, it implies that, if Yisrael go in Hashem's ways and refrain from sinning, they will be holy and eternal


See Torah Temimah, note 201.


Why does the Torah write "ha'Sheretz ha'Romeis" and not ha'Sheretz ha'Shoretz"?


Sifra: In order to incorporate vermin that are not created through the mating of a male and female. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 202.


Why, in the current Pesukim, does the Torah issue a number of La'avin with regard to eating Sheratzim?


Rashi: To render someone who eats them Chayav Malkos for each La


As the Gemara explains in Makos, 16b 'Someone who eats a Putisa (a water-insect), is subject to four sets of Malkos, an ant, five, and a hornet, six (Rashi).

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