
What is the meaning of "Ba Zadon va'Yavo Kalon"?


R. Yonah: The 'offspring' of Zadon is to disgrace and revile people. He disgraces his colleague and lowers his honor due to temporary pleasure, to be honored via the other's disgrace, or he did not want to bear the temporary pain of ruling over his anger. Can a greater Zadon be found than this that comes from words of disgrace and lowliness?!


Malbim: Zed is one who argues with the ways of Chachmah and Emes, with claims and comparisons. He is Mezid to transgress with contempt. It is the opposite of modesty - hiding his face from ascending levels, and knowing his standing, like "va'Yaster Moshe Panav" (Shemos 3:6). When Zadon comes, disgrace comes with it, for it is the opposite of honor. His ways that he chooses are disgraced, and the opposite of the honored ways of Chachmah.


What is the meaning of "v"Es Tzenu'im Chachmah"?


Rashi: Chachmah will come [with the modest]. Malbim - the ways of Chachmah are fixed only in the heart of one who believes, accepts and hears from his teachers, and he is not Mezid to argue with them.


R. Yonah: Modesty prevents a person from disgrace and lowliness. Minimizing words is a Midah of the modest. Modesty brings Chachmah to those who conduct modestly; it is a Midah of Chachamim with which Chachmah is acquired. The modest hear and hearken. They do not desire to reveal their hearts - "Gam Evvil Macharish Chacham Yechashev" (17:28).

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