
What is the significance that his seed will always be?


Radak: They will always be in kingship.


What is the comparison of his throne to the sun?


Radak #1: Just like the sun exists forever, so his seed will always be in kingship. Similarly, "Lifnei Shemesh Yinun Shmo" (72:17) - as long as the sun endures.


Radak #2: The good ones of his sons will be bright and illuminate like the sun.


Malbim: Even though the throne will cease sometimes when they are not worthy, it will not cease permanently. This is like the sun and moon (verse 38); the sun's light is constant, and never lacking 1 ; it is from itself.


I.e. even though there are times when we do not see it, e.g. night. (PF)

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