
Who is "Ish Yeminecha"?


Rashi: It is Esav, whom Your right hand is destined to pay to him what he deserves. Return Your Makos to him!


Radak: It is Yisrael. Your right hand should protect him, for it acquired him from the house of slaves!


Malbim: It is the enemy, who comes with the strength of Hashem's right hand; He gave to him power to destroy lands.


What is the meaning of "v'Al Ben Adam Imatzta Lach"?


Rashi: On the one that You were strong to make his dwelling "mi'Shmanei ha'Aretz" (Bereishis 27:39).


Radak: This repeats the matter; You strengthened [Yisrael] to be Your nation, and You will be Elokim to them.


Malbim: This is a man who was empowered to destroy the building [that supports the vine]. May Your left hand strike the one whom Your right hand empowered!

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