
What does "Pinisa Lefaneha" refer to?


Rashi: You cleared out in front of Yisrael those who dwelled [in Eretz Kena'an]. Radak - no one stood against Yisrael.


Malbim: Afterwards, You cleared out the nations around Eretz Yisrael 1 , so the vine can spread - both its roots under the ground, and above, "va'Temalei Aretz."


I do not know to whom this refers. If it refers to eradicating the kingdoms of Sichon and Og, why does Malbim say 'afterwards'? (PF)


What is the meaning of "va'Tashresh Sharasheha"?


Rashi: You made [Yisrael's] roots take root [in the land]. Radak - here it is Hif'il, placing the root [in the ground]. In the Pa'al conjugation, with a Dagesh 1 , it is uprooting, e.g. "uv'Chol Tevu'asi Sesharesh" (Iyov 31:12), "v'Shereshcha me'Eretz Chayim" (above, 52:7).


In our Seforim, none of these have a Dagesh. (PF)

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