
What is the meaning of "Lachen Anakasmo Ga'avah"?


Rashi: Because afflictions do not come on them, they are bestowed with pride. It comes on their beck.


Radak: From their pride, they make a necklace for their necks and throats.


Malbim: There is a necklace of pride around their necks. It wraps, covers and hides their robbery.


What is the meaning of "Ya'ataf Shis Chamas Lamo"?


Rashi: Their robbery causes their buttocks to be wrapped in fatty flesh.


Radak: They constantly clothe themselves with extortion. Just like a person wraps himself in his garments the entire day, so they put robbery the entire day.


Malbim: Even though there is shame due to their robbery, it is wrapped and hidden under their pride. I.e. due to their pride, people do not denounce them for their theft.

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