
How much of Moshe's face did the mask cover?


Rashi: It covered his forehead and the area of is eyes.


When did Moshe wear the mask?


Rashi and all the commentaries: He wore it whenever he was not speaking to the people or to Hashem. 1


Rashi: He donned it after speaking with Hashem until he spoke to the people, when he removed it - Seforno: Because, as the Navi writes in Yeshayah, 30:2. "And your eyes shall behold your teachers!" See also Eruvin, 13b.


What purpose did the mask serve? Why did Moshe wear it?


Rashi #1, He wore the mask in honor of the Karnei Hod, so that the people should not gaze at them.


Rashi #2: Refer to 34:30:1:1.


Moshav Zekenim #1 (in Pasuk 30): He wore the mask so that the people should not constantly benefit from the radiance of the Shechinah.


Moshav Zekenim #2 citing R. Yehudah ha'Chasid): When his face radiated, Yisrael came to him, and he taught them. When he donned the mask, it was a sign that he had finished. Shortly afterwards, he removed it. 1


Moshav Zekenim: This is difficult However, since "ve'Heishiv es ha'Masveh" implies that he wore it for an extended time?


Why does the Torah mention Moshe's name three times in this Pasuk?


Oznayim la'Torah: They correspond to his three greatest acchievements on behalf of Yisrael - "Vera'u es P'nei Moshe" - who redeemed them from Egypt; "Ki Karan Or P'nei Moshe" - who received the Torah and "Veheishiv Moshe" - who saved Yisrael from extinction after the sin of the Eigl and returned their hearts to their Father in Heaven.

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