
What are the implications of "u'Mitzrayim Nasim Likraso"?


Rashi: Refer to 4:24:4:1*.


Seforno: The moment Hashem began to wreck havoc with them (from the beginning of the morning watch), they turned around and fled in the direction of the opening through which they had entered the channel; they continued to flee until dawn-break, when Hashem sent the water crashing down upon them, which means that they were fleeing towards the oncoming water.


Rashbam: After trying unsuccessfully to turn their wheels in the opposite direction to flee, 1 they finally succeeded, just as the water began to crash down upon them, and they found themselves facing the oncoming water.


Targum Onkelos: It implies that Mitzrayim was fleeing from before it.


Hadar Zekenim: It implies that if an Egyptian turneed to flee, the sea came to meet him.


Refer to 14:25:1:2.


What is the meaning of the word "Va'yena'er Hashem ... be'Soch ha'Yam"? What are its ramifications?


Rashi #1: It implies that Hashem stirred the water 1 so that the Egyptians proceeded to rise to the top and sink to the bottom, their bones breaking in the process. 2


Rashi #2: It means that Hashem caused them to die of asphixication (Yeshayash 33:9) or by crashing against the sea-bed (Tehilim, 88:16). 3


Seforno: It implies us that Hashem emptied (shook) them from their chariots to the bottom of the sea. 4


Targum Yonasan: Hashem gave them the strength 5 to withstand the suffering that they were going through, in order to receive the punishment that they deserved (for their cruel subjugation of Yisrael).


Hadar Zekenim: He handed the Egyptians over to youthful, cruel angels that would not have mercy on them.


Like one stirs a pot (Rashi). bearing in mind that the word 'Niy'ur' also means to stir,


Refer also to 15:1:5:1.


See Rashi in Yeshayah, Ibid. and in Tehilim, Ibid.


As in Nechemyah, 5:13 and Yeshayah 52:2 [Seforno]).


He invigorated them with the strength of youth ("Ve'yena'er" from the Lashon 'Na'arus [youth] - Na'ar Yonasan).

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