
What is "Ma'aravah"?


Radak #1: The Hei is not a feminine pronoun, for there is no Dagesh. Rather, Ma'aravah is a feminine form, just like Ma'arav is masculine.


Radak #2: The Hei is a pronoun - [west of] the sun; sometimes Shemesh is feminine. Sometimes there is no Dagesh, even though it is a pronoun.


Why does it say from east to west, but not from north to south?


Radak: The entire world is settled from east to west, but not from north to south (people do not live at the north and south extremes of the world).


Malbim: Everyone recognizes east, from when light starts to shine, and west, where the sun sets.


Why does it say "Ki Efes Bil'adai... v'Ein Od"?


Malbim: There is only Me, the source of good. There is no source of evil and darkness.

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