
What is the meaning of "v'Hayu Shasoseha Meduka'im [Kol Osei Secher]"?


Rashi: Secher is a dam. This is like "va'Yisakru Kol Maynos Tehom" (Bereishis 8:2). They block the water that goes outside of the banks and spreads and becomes a pond of gathered water. Fish multiply there. The foundations of what they dug will be crushed, and the ponds that they made will fall.


Radak: Shasoseha is like Rishtoseha (their nets); "ha'Shasos Yeharesun" (Tehilim 11:3). 'That Shusa that two were fighting over it' (Bava Kama 117a), i.e. net. They are broken, as if they are cut off. They will not trap in them, for there is no river or Ye'or.


Malbim: Shasoseha are people whose job was to build matters to channel water from the Nile, when its water increases, into cavities designated for this. They will be crushed with poverty.


What is the meaning of "[Meduka'im Kol Osei Secher] Agmei Nafesh"?


Rashi: The ponds are Agmei Sheves; Nafesh is like "Shavas va'Yinafash" (Shemos 31:17). The water rests and stands in one place.


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They made dams and gathered water, each man l'Nafshe (for himself).


Radak #1: People who close off water to make ponds, to trap fish in them, will be Meduka'im (broken-hearted) and Agmei (with an Ayin) Nefesh, i.e. distressed.


Radak #2: They are ponds with fish. Fish are called Nefesh.


Malbim: Some people's job was to make dams to seal the water, so it will stay there for when it is needed. They will be sad, due to lack of food.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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