
CLARIFYING THE OPINIONS OF R. ELIEZER & R. YEHOSHUA (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 4 Halachah 7 Daf 23a)

äëà ø''à îçîéø åøáé éäåùò îé÷ì [äëà ø''à î÷éì åøáé éäåùò îçîéø]


Question: Why are R. Eliezer stringent and R. Yehoshua lenient here (when black figs fell into white ones) but in the case of a Litra of Terumah figs pressed onto a jug, it is the opposite?

[ãó ëâ òîåã á] àîø øáé éåçðï úðééï àéðåï


Answer (R. Yochanan): There are two opinions. (One understands that just as R. Eliezer is stringent when white figs fell into black figs, he's also stringent when the Litra of Terumah figs were pressed onto a jug. And the other understands that just as R. Yehoshua is stringent in the pressed Litra, he's also stringent when black figs fell into white figs.)

[ãó îá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ðîöàú àåîø áéãåò ìà úòìä ùàéðå áéãåò úòìä ãáøé ø' àìéòæø ø' éäåùò àåîø áéï áéãåò áéï áùàéðå éãåò [ìà] úòìä ãáøé øáé îàéø


(Baraisa): R. Eliezer says that if it was known which color fell, it is not annulled, since only 50 can be used to annul it. And R. Yehoshua says - whether or not it is known, it is not annulled. This is R. Meir's version of their disagreement.

øáé éäåãà àåîø áéï áéãåò áéï áùàéðå éãåò ìà úòìä ãáøé ø' àìéòæø ø' éäåùò àåîø áéï áéãåò áéï áùàéðå éãåò úòìä


But R. Yehuda said that R. Eliezer says - whether or not it's known, it's not annulled; and R. Yehoshua says - whether or not it is known, it's annulled.

åøáé ò÷éáä àåîø áéãåò ìà úòìä áùàéðå éãåò úòìä.


(R. Akiva): When it's known, it's not annulled; when it's not known, it's annulled.

ìéèøà ÷öéòåú ùãøñä òì ôé çáéú åàéï éãåò äéëéï ãøñä òì ôé ëååøú åàéðå éãåò äéëéï ãøñä


If there was a Litra of dried Terumah figs pressed onto the mouth of a jug or a circular basket and it's not known where it was pressed...

ø' àìéòæø àåîø àí éù ùí îàä ìéèøéï úòìä åàí ìàå ìà úòìä ø' éäåùò àåîø àí éù ùí îàä ôåîéï úòìä åàí ìàå äôåîéï àñåøéï åäùåìééí îåúøéï ãáøé (ø' éäåãà)[ø' îàéø]


(R. Meir): R. Eliezer says that only if there are 100 Litra it's annulled. R. Yehoshua says that if there are 100 mouths, it is annulled. If not, the (figs at the) mouths are prohibited and the figs underneath are permitted.

(ø' îàéø)[ø' éäåãä] àåîø ø' àìéòæø àåîø àí éù ùí îàä ôåîéï úòìä åàí ìàå äôåîéï àñåøéï åäùåìééí îåúøéï ø' éäåùò àåîø àôéìå éù ùí ùìù îàåú ôåîéï ìà úòìä


(R. Yehuda): R. Eliezer says that if there are 100 mouths, it is annulled; if not, the mouths are prohibited and underneath are permitted. R. Yehoshua says that even if there are 300 mouths, it is not annulled.

äãà àîøä ôåîéï òùå àåúï ëãáø ùãøëå ìäéîðåú


This understanding of R. Yehoshua shows that the mouth of a barrel is considered something that is normally counted (i.e. sold by number).

äãà îñééòà ìøáé éåçðï ãå àîø úðééï àéðåï


This supports R. Yochanan, who said that there are two opinions as to the disagreement between R. Eliezer and R. Yehoshua.

äãà îñééòà ìî''ã ãáøé øáé îàéø ëì äãáøéí î÷ãùéï äãà îñééòà ìî''ã úðééï àéðåï


(In a Mishnah in Maseches Orlah 3:7, R. Meir and the Chachamim disagree. According to R. Meir, any prohibited items that are usually sold by count prohibit a mixture. The Chachamim applied this rule to only 6 items. The Amoraim later disagreed in understanding the opinion of R. Meir.) This supports the one that holds that all items that are sometimes sold by count prohibit (and aren't annulled).

äãà àîøä ãìòú àôéìå àçã îîàä áä àåñø


This also teaches that if a gourd of Terumah becomes mixed with Chulin gourds - even one into 100 prohibits.

[ãó îâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ãøñä åàéðå éåãò äéëï ãøñä ã''ä úòìä


(Baraisa continues): If a person pressed a Litra of pressed Terumah figs onto the mouth of a jug or basket, but he does not know where (on the jug) he pressed it, all agree that it is annulled.

àîø øáé àáéï åöøéê ùéäà áëì àçú ùðé ìéèøéï åëì ùäåà ëãé ùúéáèì áøåá:


(R. Avin): Each jug (or basket) must have a little over two Litra in order that the Terumah figs can be annulled in the majority.


TERUMAH THAT FELL ONTO A PILE IN A STORAGE ROOM (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 4 Halachah 8 Daf 23b)

îùðä ñàä úøåîä ùðôìä òì ôé îâåøä å÷ôàä


(Mishnah): If a Se'ah of Terumah fell onto a pile in a storage room (and became mixed with the top layer of produce) and a person skimmed off the top layer...

ø' àìéòæø àåîø àí éù á÷éôåé îàä ñàä úòìä áàçã åîàä


(R. Eliezer): If in the skimmed off produce there are 100 Se'ah (of Chulin aside from the Terumah), the Terumah is annulled.

åø' éäåùò àåîø ìà úòìä ñàä úøåîä ùðôìä òì ôé îâåøä é÷ôéàðä


(R. Yehoshua): It is not annulled. (Since by skimming off the top layer he's trying to annul the Terumah, it's not permitted). If a Se'ah of Terumah fell onto a pile in a storage room, he should remove any produce that might be Terumah (and the rest of the pile may be eaten as Chulin).

à''ë [ãó ëã òîåã à] ìîä àîøå úøåîä òåìä áàçã åîàä áùàéðå éåãò àí áìåìåú äï åàí ìàéæå äï ðôìå.


If so, when did they say that Terumah is annulled in 101 parts? When he doesn't know whether the top of the pile became mixed with the rest of it or into which pile the Terumah fell.

ùúé ÷åôåú ùúé îâåøåú ùðôìä ñàä úøåîä ìúåê àçú îäï åàéðå éåãò ìàéæä îäï ðôìä îòìåú æå àú æå


Two boxes or two storerooms, each of which contained 50 Se'ah, and he doesn't know into which box or storeroom the Terumah fell, they annul each other.

ø''ù àåîø àôéìå äï áùúé òééøåú îòìåú æå àú æå


(R. Shimon): Even if they are in two different cities, they annul each other.

à''ø éåñé îòùä áà ìôðé ø''ò áçîùéí àâåãåú ùì éø÷ ùðôìä àçú ìúåëï çöééä úøåîä åàîøúé ìôðéå úòìä ìà ùäúøåîä òåìä áçîùéí åàçã àìà ùäéå ùí îàä åùðé çöééí:


(R. Yosi): A case once came before R. Akiva of 50 bundles of vegetables into which fell a bundle of half Terumah and half Chulin. I told R. Akiva that it should be annulled, and he agreed. It's not because Terumah is annulled in 51 parts, but rather because there were 102 halves there.

[ãó îâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] âîøà îçìôà ùéèúéä ãø''à úîï äåà àåîø äúçúåðå' îòìåú àú äòìéåðåú äëà äåà àîø àí éù á÷éôåé äà àøòééúà ìà


(Gemara) Question: The opinion of R, Eliezer was switched - there he said that the lower ones annul the upper ones. Here he said that only if there are 100 Se'ah in the skimmed part is it annulled, but the Chulin at the bottom of the pile cannot annul?

ø' éøîéä øáé çééà áùí ø' éåçðï ùîòåï áø ååà áùí ëäðà ãáøé ø''à òùå àåúå ëîøáä îæéã


Answer (R. Yirmiyah/ R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan/ Shimon bar Vava citing Kahana): They viewed the case of R. Eliezer (in our Mishnah) like an intentional case.

øáé àéìà øáé àñé áùí øáé éåçðï ãáøé ø''à òùå àåúå ëñàä òåìä îúåê îàä


Answer #2 (R. Ila/ R. Asi citing R. Yochanan): They viewed his case like a Se'ah removed from 100 Se'ah.

òì ãòúéä ãø' àñé îåúø ìøáåú òì ãòúéä ãëäðà àñåø ìøáåú


According to R. Asi, it is permitted to intentionally skim off a thicker layer in order to increase the amount of Chulin. According to Kahana, it is prohibited.

÷ôä åçæø å÷ôä òì ãòúéä ãøáé àñé îåúø òì ãòúéä ãëäðà àñåø


If he skimmed and then again skimmed, according to R. Asi, it is permitted; according to Kahana, it is prohibited.

òì ãòúéä ãø' àñé àò''ô ùìà ùééø [ãó îã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] òì ãòúéä ãëäðà åäåà ùùééø:


According to R. Asi, even if he transferred the entire pile, it is annulled. According to Kahana, he must leave some behind.