CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.


SPECIES THAT ONE MAY BUY FROM ANYONE IN SHEVIIS (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 9 Halachah 1 Daf 24b)

îùðä äôéâí åäøéáåæéï äùåèéï åäçìåâìâåú ëåñáø ùáäøéí (åëåñáø)[åëøôñ] ùáðäøåú åâøâéí ùáðäøåú [ãó ñè òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ùì àôø ôèåøéï îï äîòùøåú åðì÷çéí îëì àãí áùáéòéú ùàéï ëéåöà áå ðùîø


(Gemara): Rue, wild asparagus, purslane, mountain coriander, river parsley and meadow berries are all exempt from Ma'asros and may be bought from anyone on Sheviis, because people don't usually save them. (They are usually unwanted and Hefker.)

øáé éäåãä àåîø ñôéçé çøãì îåúøéï ùìà ðçùãå òìéäï òåáøé òáéøä


(R. Yehuda): Sefichin (aftergrowths) of mustard are permitted as people aren't suspected of planting them in sin.

ø''ù àåîø ëì äñôéçéí îåúøéï çåõ îñôéçé ëøåá ùàéï ëéåöà áäï áéø÷åú äùãä


(R. Shimon): All Sefichin are permitted except Sefichin of cabbage since people don't usually grow them.

åçëîéí àåîøéí ëì äñôéçéí àñåøéí:


(Chachamim): All Sefichin are prohibited.

âîøà äôéâéï åäøéáåæéï ëå'. ñéøåâéï åçìâìåâåú åîé âãåì áçëîä åáùðéí àöøëú ìçáøéà àîøéï ðéñ÷ åðùàì ìàéìéï ãáéú øáé


(Gemara): Rue, wild asparagus etc. (R. Chagai said that the following three things were asked to the students of Rebbi and they didn't know their explanation) Sirugin, Chalaglogos and who is honored first - one who is great in wisdom or in years...? They said - let's go to the house of Rebbi and ask him.

ñì÷åï îéùàì [àîøéï ééòåì ôìï ÷ãîà ééòåì ôìï ÷ãîàé] åéöàú ùôçä ùì áéú øáé åàîøä ìäï äëðéñå ìùðéí )àîøéï ééòåì ôìï ÷ãîà ééòåì ôìï ÷ãîàé)


When they got to his door, one said, "Ploni should go in first'' and Ploni said "No, Ploni should go in first'' (as they showed great respect for each other). A maidservant of Rebbi's house came out and said to them, "Let the older one come in (first)''. (This answered ones of their questions.)

ùåøéï òììéï ÷èòéï ÷èòéï àîøä ìäï îôðé îä àúåï ðëðñéï ñéøåâéï ñéøåâéï


They began to come inside in small groups (rather than everyone at the same time). She said, "Why are you coming inside Sirugin Sirugin (in fragments)?'' (This answered another of their questions.)

[ãó ò òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] çã ø' äåä èòåï ôøôçåðé' áâåìúé' åðôìåï îéðéä àîøä ìéä ùôçä ùì áéú ø' ø' ðúôæøå çìåâìâåúéê


One of them was carrying a vegetable called a Parpachunia in his garment. It fell down and she said to him, "Your Chalaglogos (purslane) have scattered''. (This answered the last of their questions.)

îäå ëøôñ ùáðäøåú øáé éåñé á''ø àîø ôéèøåñìéðï åìîä ìà úðéðéï äñéàä åäàéæåá åä÷åøðñ òîäï


Question: What is 'River Parsley'? Pitroslinan. Why weren't Si'ah (savory), Eizov (hyssop) and Kurnas (thyme) taught in the list (as they are also usually Hefker)?

ùìà úàîø àìà ðùîøéí áçöø çééáéï åàìå ðùîøéí áçöø ôèåøéí àìà àéìå åàéìå àí äéå ðùîøéï áçöø çééáéï


Answer: You should not answer that Si'ah etc. are different in that if one would bring them into one's courtyard, they are obligated in Maaser since he's keeping them there, but the Mishnah's examples are exempt even if he did that! That is not true, as even the Mishnah's examples would be obligated in that case.

åàéìå ðùîøéí áâéðä çééáé' åàéìå ðùîøéí áâéðä ôèåøéï àìà àìå åàìå àí ðùîøéí áâéðä ôèåøéï åìîä ìà úðéðï


You also should not answer that if Si'ah etc. are kept in the vegetable garden, they are obligated but if Peigam etc. are kept there they are exempt - that's not true, as if any of them were to be kept in a vegetable garden, they would be exempt. So why weren't Si'ah etc. also taught in the Mishnah?

àìà àéìéï äåà ùìà úàîø äåàéì åøåá äîéðéï äììå ðæøòéí åáàéï îï äàéñåø éäå àñåøéí ìôåí ëï öøéê îéîø îåúøéí


Rather, it's so that you shouldn't say that since most of these species taught in the Mishnah are planted and come through prohibition in Sheviis, we should say that they are prohibited because of each other; therefore, they Mishnah needed to teach that they are permitted.

[ãó ëä òîåã à] îäå ùéäå àñåøéï îùåí ñôéçéí


Question: Perhaps they should be prohibited as Sefichin?

[ãó ò òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ðùîòðà îï äãà øáé éåãà àåîø ñôéçé çøãì îåúøéï ùìà ðçùãå òìéäï òåáøé òáéøä åàìå äåàéì åìà ðçùãå òìéäï òåáøé òáéøä éäå îåúøéï


Answer: R. Yehuda says that Sefichin of mustard are permitted, since the sinners are not suspected of saving them. If this was the reason that he gave, this is also the reason why the other species at the beginning of the Mishnah are permitted.

òã ëãåï éø÷å æøòå


Question: (On R. Yehuda in the Mishnah) Would R. Yehuda also permit mustard leaves?

àôùø îéîø éø÷å îåúø æøòå ìë''ù


Answer: Couldn't you say that if the seed is permitted, the leaves are certainly permitted?!

ø''ù áï ì÷éù äåä áçé÷å÷ çîúåé îâìâìéï áäãéï çøãìà ðôì îéðéä åäåà ìà ðñá ìéä àîø îàï ãîééúé ìé çøãìà àðà îåøé ëøáé éåãà


Proof: R. Shimon ben Lakish was in Chikuk. He saw them treating mustard with disrespect as one of them dropped mustard and he didn't pick it up. R. Shimon said, "Whoever brings mustard to me, I'll rule for him like R. Yehuda (who said that Sefichin of mustard are permitted)''.

àîø øáé áà áø æáãé äåøé ø' çåðéà ãîï çååøéï ááéú çååøï ëäãà ãø' éåãà òàì ø' éåçðï åãøù ëøáðï ãäëà åëøáðï ãúîï


(R. Ba bar Zavdi): R. Chunia of Chavran ruled in Chavran like R. Yehuda. R. Yochanan entered the Beis Midrash and ruled like Rabbanan of our Mishnah (that all Sefichin are prohibited) and like the Rabbanan of Maseches Beitzah. (There is a disagreement there over an egg that was laid on Yom Tov as to whether it is permitted on the following day that occurred on Shabbos. R. Yehuda prohibited it because the two days are considered one long day. Rabbanan permit it as they view each day separately. R. Chunia had also ruled differently to R. Yochanan in that case.)

ø' àáà áø æîéðà áùí ø' éöç÷ îï ÷åîåé àéìéï úøúé îéìééà ðçéú ìéä ø' éåçðï îöéôåøéï ìèáøéä àîø îä àúéúï ìé äãéï ãééðà ñáà ãàé àðà ùøé åäåà àñéø àðà àñéø åäåà ùøé


(R. Abba bar Zamina citing R. Yitzchak): Based on this, R. Yochanan moved from Tzipori to Tiveria. He said to the people of Tzipori, "Why did you bring upon me a Dayan who is an Elder, that when I permitted, he prohibited (Beitzah); and when I prohibited, he permitted (Sefichin)?!

[ãó òà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé ååà àúà òåáãà ÷åîé øáé éåñé åáòé îéòáã ëøáé éåçðï ëã ùîò ãøá åø' çðéðà îúôìâéï ùøò îéðä


(R. Vava): A case came before R. Yosi (in the discussion of an egg laid) and he wanted to permit it like R. Yochanan. When he heard that Rav and R. Chanina disagreed, he avoided making a ruling.

ãàéúôìâåï ùéøé ôúéì' ùéøé îãåøä ùéøé ùîï ùëáå áùáú îäå ìäãìé÷ï áé''è


(Where do we find that Rav and R. Chanina disagreed with R. Yochanan?) May remains of a wick, a bonfire or of oil that went out on Shabbos be lit on Yom Tov (that immediately follows Shabbos)?

øá åøáé çðéðà úøååéäåï àîøéï àñåø åø''é àîø îåúø


Rav and R. Chanina both prohibit it and R. Yochanan permit it.

à''ø éåãï ÷åîé øáé îðà îä îôëà ìä âáé áéöä


Question (R. Yudan to R. Mana): Why are you comparing a wick to an egg? (They prohibit a wick because it appears as if he is preparing from Shabbos to Yom Tov. But an egg isn't something prepared by man and since each day is viewed separately, it is permitted on Yom Tov.)

à''ì îï ãàðï çîééï ãøáðï îãîéà ìä äãà àîøä äéà äãà äéà äãà


Answer (R. Mana): Since we see that the Rabbis did compare them, they must be the same.