
LIABILITY FOR PEBBLES (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 7a)

[ãó æ òîåã à] îúðé' ëéöã äøâì îåòãú ìùáø áãøê äéìåëä. äáäîä îåòãú ìäìê ëãøëä åìùáø


(Mishnah): How is Regel Mu'ad to break things while walking? An animal is Mu'ad to walk normally and break.

äéúä îáòèú àå ùäéå öøåøåú îðúæéï îúçú øâìéä åùéáøä àú äëìéí îùìí çöé ðæ÷.


If it was kicking, or pebbles were being strewn by its feet and Kelim were broken, it pays half-damage.

ãøñä òì äëìé åùáøúå åðôì òì ëìé àçø åùáøå òì äøàùåï îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí åòì äàçøåï îùìí çöé ðæ÷:


If it trampled on a Kli and broke it, and (fragments) broke another Kli, it pays full damage for the first Kli, and half-damage for the second.

âî' åàéï ãøëä ìäúéæ öøåøåú.


(Gemara) Question: Is it not normal to strew pebbles?! (Why was it taught with kicking, to pay half damage?)

àîø øáé àîé ëùäéä ëìé ðúåï áéãé àãí àáì àí äéä îåðç áøùåú äøáéí äåàéì åæä îåðç áøùåú åæå îäìëú áøùåú ôèåø.


Answer (R. Ami): The case is, the Kli [that was broken] was in a person's hand. (Normally, he guards it and himself, therefore breaking such a Kli is like a Shinuy - OHR HA'YASHAR.) However, if it was resting in Reshus ha'Rabim, since he had permission to place it, and [the animal] is permitted to walk, he is exempt (like Regel in Reshus ha'Rabim).

øáä áø îîì àîø áä ùúé ãøëéí àçú éù áä òùáéí åöøåøåú åàçú àéï áä òùáéí åöøåøåú äðéçà àú ùàéï áä òùáéí åöøåøåú åäìëä áæå ùéù áä òùáéí åöøåøåú àó òì ôé ùäåà îåðç áø''ä (ôèåø) [ö''ì çééá - îäø''à ôåìãà]


(Rabah bar Mamal): If there were two paths, one has grass and pebbles and one does not have grass and pebbles, if it abandoned the path without grass and pebbles, and went on the path with grass and pebbles, even if it was resting in Reshus ha'Rabim, he is liable (for going on this path is like a Shinuy - MAHARA FULDA).

øáé ìòæø àåîø ëì ãáø ùäåà çåõ ìâåôä ìà çì÷å áå çëîéí áéï áøä''é áéï áø''ä [ãó æ òîåã á] (ìçöé ëåôø -ðåòí éøåùìîé îåç÷å îëàï åâåøñå ì÷îï)


(R. Lazar): Anything that is outside of its body (e.g. pebbles that it strews up), Chachamim did not distinguish between Reshus ha'Yachid and Reshus ha'Rabim. (Do not say that pebbles are a Toldah of Regel to be exempt in Reshus ha'Rabim.



îäå ùú÷áì äòãàä áãáø ùäåà çåõ ìâåôä


Question: Can it receive Ha'adah (become Mu'ad through repeated occurrences) for something outside of its body (pebbles, and pay full damage)?

[ãó å òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø' æòéøà àîø î÷áìú


Answer #1 (R. Ze'ira): It can receive [Ha'adah].

øáé àéìà àîø àéðä î÷áìú.


Answer #2 (R. Ila): It cannot receive.

àîø ø' æòéøà îúðéúà ôìéâà òìåé ùåø ùîúçëê áëåúì åðôì òì äàãí åäøâå çééá áëåôø åôèåø îîéúä åëé éù ëåôø áúí


Question (R. Ze'ira, against R. Ila - Beraisa): If an ox was scratching against a wall and fell on a person, [the owner] is liable to pay Kofer (compensation for killing a Yisrael), and [the ox] is exempt from Misah. Is there [full] Kofer for a Tam?! (Rather, we must say that it became Mu'ad!)

[ö''ì ìçöé ëåôø - ðåòí éøåùìîé]


Answer: [It pays] half Kofer.

åàôéìå ëøáé (àéìà) [ö''ì æòéøà - ðåòí éøåùìîé] ìéú äéà ôìéâà. åìîä ôèåø îîéúä áùäåòãä ìäéåú îôìú àú äëúìéí


Question: It this not unlike even R. Ze'ira? Why is it exempt from Misah, if it became Mu'ad to knock down walls [and kill people]?

ëùäôéìä àú äëåúì ìà äéä àãí ùí.


Answer: [The first three times] when it knocked down the wall, there was not a person there. (Even so, we estimate that if one was there, he would have been killed. Therefore, it is Mu'ad, and pays Kofer. We explained this like NO'AM YERUSHALMI.)

à''ø ìòæø äèéìä âììéí îùìí ðæ÷ ùìí


(R. Lazar): If it excreted [and this damaged in the victim's Reshus], it pays full damage.

ãì ëï îä àðï àîøéï öøéê ùéäà äî÷ìåè áéãå.


Proof: If not (rather, this is a Shinuy), will you say that [if one wants to take his animal in Reshus ha'Rabim and not pay,] he must [follow his animal] with a Malkot (a Kli to collect excrement) in his hand?!

äãà ãúéîà áùàéï ãøëä ìëï àáì áùãøëä ìëï öøéê ùéäà äî÷ìåè áéãå.


Limitation: This (he need not follow it holding a Malkot) is when the animal does not normally [excrete constantly], but if it normally [excretes constantly], he must follow it with a Malkot in his hand. (MAHARA FULDA)


LIABILITY DEPENDS ON RESHUS (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 7b)

øáé äåùòéä øáä åøáé éåãï ðùééà äååï éúéáéï òàì øáé áà áø îîì åùàì ëéùëùä áæðáä ëâåï àéìéï ôéøãúà îäå. åìà àîøéðï ìéä ëìåí


R. Hoshayah Rabah and R. Yudan ha'Nasi were sitting. R. Ba bar Mamal ascended and asked, if [an animal] wagged its tail [and damaged], like these mules, what is the law? They did not say anything to him.

áúø ëï à''ì øáé äåùòéä øáä ãì ëï îä ðï àîøéï öøéê ùéäà úåôù áæðáä.


Afterwards, Rav Hoshayah Rabah said to him [obviously this is normal, and he is exempt in Reshus ha'Rabim and liable in the victim's Reshus]. If not, will we say that one must hold its tail?!

äãà ãúéîø áùàéï ãøëä ìëï àáì áùãøëä ìëï öøéê ùäåà úåôù áæðáä.


Limitation: This is when the animal does not normally [constantly wag excessively], but if it normally [constantly wags excessively], he must hold its tail.

[ãó ç òîåã à] åîä ôùéèà ìåï áðæ÷ ùìí åîä öøéëä ìåï áçöé ðæ÷:


It is obvious to us [that in Reshus ha'Rabim he does not pay] full damage. (If it is normal, he is exempt!) The question was to pay half damage (if it is considered abnormal).