Mishnah 1
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(a)Of the five people who are not eligible to separate Terumah, the Mishnah lists someone who does not own the crops and a Nochri. On what condition ...

1. ... is the Terumah separated by the former not valid?

2. ... is it valid?

(b)What are the remaining three?

(c)We learn most of them from the same Pasuk (in Terumah). What do we preclude from the Pasuk ...

1. ... "Daber el Bnei Yisrael"?

2. ... "Me'es Kol Ish"?

3. ... "asher Yid'venu Libo"?

4. ... "ve'Zos ha'Terumah asher Tikchu me'Itam"?

5. ... "Kein Tarimu Gam Atem"?

(d)Why can we not learn a Katan too, from "asher Yidvenu Libo"?

(e)What will be the Din in the event that any of the five did separate Terumah?


(a)Of the five people who are not eligible to separate Terumah, the Mishnah lists someone who does not own the crops and a Nochri .

1. If the former separated Terumah without being appointed, it is not valid.

2. But if he was appointed, the Terumah is valid since we learn from the words "Gam Atem" (in Korach) that one is permitted to appoint a Sheli'ach to separate Terumah.

(b)The remaining three are - Cheresh, Shoteh (who destroys whatever one gives him) and Katan (see Tiferes Yisrael).

(c)We learn most of them from the same Pasuk (in Terumah). We preclude ...

1. ... a Nochri (who separates Terumah from his own crops) from "Daber el Bnei Yisrael".

2. ... a Katan from "Me'es Kol Ish".

3. ... a Cheresh and Shoteh "Asher Yidvenu Libo".

4. ... Reuven who separates Terumah from Shimon's crops without permission "ve'Zos ha'Terumah Asher Tikchu me'Itam".

5. ... a Nochri who separates Terumah from the crops of a Yisrael "Kein Tarimu Gam Atem".

(d)We cannot learn a Katan from "Asher Yidvenu Libo" - because then a Katan who has reached the age of twelve (a Katan ha'Mufla le'Ish) and who knows in whose name he is separating Terumah, would not be precluded.

(e)In the event that any of the five did separate Terumah - their Terumah is invalid.

Mishnah 2
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(a)What does the Tana say in a case where a Cheresh who is able to speak separates Terumah?

(b)What is the definition of the Cheresh' referred to in the previous Mishnah and throughout Shas?

(c)Of what significance are Chagigah and Chalitzah in this regard?


(a)The Tana rules that if a Cheresh who is able to speak separates Terumah - his Terumah is valid.

(b)The definition of the Cheresh' referred to in the previous Mishnah and throughout Shas is - one who can neither hear nor speak.

(c)This rule does have exceptions however - inasmuch as both in connection with Chagigah and Chalitzah, 'Cheresh' refers to one cannot hear but who is able to speak.

Mishnah 3
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(a)What does Rebbi Yehudah say about a Katan whose pubic hair has not yet grown? Why is that?

(b)What does Rebbi Yossi say? In which case does he agree with Rebbi Yehudah?

(c)What appears to be the Machlokes between Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Yossi?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)Rebbi Yehudah holds that if a Katan whose pubic hair did not yet grow (see Tosfos Yom-Tov. According to others, Rebbi Yehudah is talking about a Gadol) separated Terumah - his Terumah is valid.

(b)Rebbi Yossi says agrees with Rebbi Yehudah - with regard to a Katan who has reached Onas Nedarim (twelve for a boy, eleven for a girl [equivalent to Mufla ha'Samuch le'Ish]).

(c)Rebbi Yehudah disagrees with the Tana Kama (in the opening Mishnah) in that he does not hold of the Derashah "me'es Kol Ish", 'Prat le'Katan' (Rebbi Yossi it seems, holds that a Mufla ha'Samuch le'Ish is included in "Ish" [see Tosfos Yom-Tov Mishnah 1. and Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger there).

(d)The Halachah is like - Rebbi Yossi.

Mishnah 4
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(a)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Korach "ka'Dagan min ha'Goren" (from what is ncomplete on to what is complete)?

(b)According to Beis Hillel, if the owner did so, his Terumah is invalid (see Tosfos Yom-Tov). What do Beis Shamai say?


(a)We learn from the Pasuk in Korach "ka'Dagan min ha'Goren" (from what is complete on to what is complete) - that someone who has olives and oil or grapes and wine that are ready to Ma'aser (a term incorporating Terumah as well) - is not permitted to cover the oil when he Ma'asers the olives, or the wine when he Ma'asers the grapes.

(b)According to Beis Hillel, if the owner did so, his Terumah is invalid (see Tosfos Yom-Tov); Beis Shamai maintain - that what he Ma'asered on the olives or the grapes themselves is valid.

Mishnah 5
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(a)The Tana presents a list of items from which one cannot separate Terumah. What does he mean when he inserts Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah (which are not Chayav Ma'asros anyway)?

(b)He also includes Hefker and Ma'aser Rishon whose Terumah has already been taken, in the list, which he learns (and presumably, the previous three as well) from the Pasuk in Re'ei "u'Va ha'Levi, ki Ein Lo Chelek ve'Nachalah Imach". How does he learn it from there?

(c)Why does the Tana does not contend with the Terumah Gedolah that the Levi is Chayav to separate from his Ma'aser?

(d)From where do we know that a ben Levi is able to include other Tevel in T'rumas Ma'aser?

(e)What do we then learn from the Pasuk there "es Mikdesho mimenu"?


(a)The Tana presents a list of items from which one cannot separate Terumah. When he inserts Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah (which are not Chayav Ma'asros anyway), he means - that the owner is not permitted to Ma'aser from the Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah that are in his domain to cover a pile of Tevel that is waiting to be Ma'asered (see also Tosfos Yom-Tov).

(b)He also includes Hefker and Ma'aser Rishon whose Terumah has already been taken, in the list, which he learns (and presumably, the previous three as well) from the Pasuk in Re'eh "u'Va ha'Levi, ki Ein Lo Chelek ve'Nachalah Imach" - implying that one is obligated to Ma'aser produce which a Levi (or a Kohen) does not have as much right as himself (namely Hefker).

(c)The Tana does not contend with the Terumah Gedolah that the Levi is Chayav to separate from his Ma'aser - because he is speaking in a case where the ben Levi received his Ma'aser before when it was still in the pile (before it was taken to the granary for the Kohen to receive his Terumah).

(d)We learn from the Pasuk in Korach "ki es Ma'asar Bnei Yisrael Asher Yarimu la'Hashem Terumah" that a ben Levi is able to cover other Tevel with Terumas Ma'aser ...

(e)... and we learn from the Pasuk there "es Mikdesho Mimenu" - that this is confined to where the Terumas Ma'aser has not been separated; but once it has, he may no longer do so.


(a)In its ruling 'and not from Ma'aser Sheni or Hekdesh which have been redeemed', why does the Mishnah specifically mention 'Hekdesh she'Nifdeh' (that has been redeemed)?

(b)According to this Tana, what must be the status of Ma'aser Sheini?

(c)What is the case of 'Hekdesh she'Nifdeh'?

(d)'ve'Lo min ha'Chiyuv al ha'Petur, ve'Lo min ha'Petur al ha'Chayav'. What does 've'Lo min ha'Petur' mean?


(a)In its ruling 'and not from Ma'aser Sheini or Hekdesh which have been redeemed', the Mishnah specifically mentions 'Hekdesh she'Nifdeh' (not to preclude there where it was not redeemed [which is obviously forbidden], but) - to incorporate even if it was redeemed in the Halachah.

(b)The Tana must hold that Ma'aser Sheini - is the property of Hash-m.

(c)'Hekdesh she'Nifdeh' speaks - where the owner declared it Hekdesh when it was still Tevel, and the treasurer of Hekdesh performed the Miru'ach (which normally renders Tevel Chayav Ma'asros) and then redeemed it.

(d)'ve'Lo min ha'Chiyuv al ha'Petur, ve'Lo min ha'Petur al ha'Chayav'. ve'Lo min ha'Petur' means - not from crops that have not yet reached one third of their full growth.


(a)Which statement does the Tana make, based on the Pasuk in Korach (in connection with Terumah) ...

1. ... "va'Harimosem"?

2. ... "mimenu"?

(b)And what does he mean when he says 've'Lo ha'Chadash al ha'Yashan, ve'Lo min ha'Yashan al ha'Chadash'?

(c)What does he learns from the Pasuk in Re'ei - "ha'Yotzei ha'Sadeh Shanah Shanah"?

(d)What is the final case in the Mishnah's list (based on the Pasuk in Bechukosai "ve'Chol Ma'asar ha'Aretz mi'Zera ha'Aretz")?


(a)Based on the Pasuk in Korach (in connection with Terumah) ...

1. ... "va'Harimosem" (implying that the crops are detached), the Tana adds - 've'Lo min ha'Talush al ha'Mechubar' (see Tiferes Yisrael).

2. ... "Mimenu" (implying that the Ma'asros should be in the same state as the crops that are being Ma'asered) he adds 've'Lo min ha'Mechunar al ha'Talush'.

(b)When the Tana says 've'Lo ha'Chadash al ha'Yashan, ve'Lo min ha'Yashan al ha'Chadash' - he means that one is not permitted to Ma'aser from this year's crops on those of last year, and vice-versa (see Tiferes Yisrael) ...

(c)... which he learns from the Pasuk in Re'ei - "ha'Yotzei ha'Sadeh Shanah Shanah".

(d)The final case in the Mishnah's list (based on the Pasuk in Bechukosai "ve'Chol Ma'asar ha'Aretz mi'Zera ha'Aretz") is - 've'Lo mi'Peiros ha'Aretz al Peiros Chutz la'Aretz ... ' (see Tiferes Yisrael and Mishnah Rishonah).


(a)What is the Din with regard to separating Ma'asros from the fruit of Eretz Yisrael to include fruit that grew in Syria (which is subject to Ma'asros like Eretz Yisrael)?

(b)In the latter cases the Tana speaks only about separating Ma'asros. what will be the Din regarding separating Terumah from one on to the other?


(a)With regard to separating Ma'asros from the fruit of Eretz Yisrael to cover fruit that grew in Syria (which is subject to Ma'asros like Eretz Yisrael) - Syria will have the same Din as Chutz la'Aretz (seeing as its Chiyuv is only mi'de'Rabbanan).

(b)In the latter cases, even though the Tana refers specifically to the Din of Ma'aser - we apply the same ruling to that of Terumah (see Tosfos Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 6
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(a)Our Mishnah discusses five people who may not separate Terumah. Which two does it add to a person who is dumb, drunk or naked?

(b)What is the reason for the prohibition regarding ...

1. ... someone who is dumb or naked?

2. ... drunk or blind? What is the definition of 'drunk'?

3. ... a Ba'al Keri?

(c)What will be the Din in the event that any of the above did Ma'aser?


(a)Our Mishnah discusses five people who may not separate Terumah; a person who is dumb, drunk, naked - blind or a Ba'al Keri.

(b)The reason for the prohibition regarding ...

1. ... someone who is dumb or naked is - because he is unable to recite a Berachah.

2. ... drunk (to the extent that he is unable to speak before a king) or blind - because, based on the Pasuk in Korach "mi'Kol Chelbo, es Mikdesho Mimenu", the person who is Ma'asering must be able to pick the best of the crop.

3. ... a Ba'al Keri - because at that time, he was forbidden to recite a B'rachah (as we learned in a Mishnah in Berachos), thought this Takanah was eventually repealed.

(c)In the event that any of the above did Ma'aser - Bedi'eved his Ma'asros are valid (see Tosfos Yom-Tov and Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger).

Mishnah 7
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(a)What does the Tana learn from the Pasuk in Korach "ve'Nechshav lachem T'rumaschem"? How should one not Ma'aser?

(b)Bearing in mind that this Pasuk is written in connection with T'rumas Ma'aser, how do we know that it pertains to Terumah Gedolah?

(c)What does the Tana say about Ma'asering Tevel that has been measured, weighed or counted?


(a)The Tana learns from the Pasuk in Korach "ve'Nechshav Lachem Terumaschem" - that one must Ma'aser by assessment, and not by measuring, weighing or counting (see Meleches Shlomo).

(b)Despite the fact that this Pasuk is written in connection with Terumas Ma'aser, it must pertain to Terumah Gedolah (because Terumas Ma'aser, which has a fixed amount, must be measured ... [see Tosfos Yom-Tov about the order of priorities], since there is a fixed amount that one is obligated to give).

(c)The Tana - permits Ma'asering Tevel that has been measured, weighed or counted.


(a)What does the Mishnah say about ...

1. ... filling a measuring basket or box with Ma'asros?

2. ... filling half or a third of a measuring basket or box with Ma'asros?

(b)Why is filling the basket or box forbidden?

(c)And what does the Tana say about half filling a measuring vessel of a Sa'ah which sometimes has a marking for half a Sa'ah?


(a)The Mishnah rules that ...

1. ... filling a measuring basket or box with Ma'asros is forbidden.

2. ... filling half or a third of a measuring basket or box with Ma'asros - is permitted.

(b)Filling the basket or box is forbidden - because people may think that one is measuring the Ma'asros.

(c)And the Tana forbids half filling a measuring vessel of a Sa'ah which sometimes has a marking for half a Sa'ah - because he may to Ma'aser using a measuring vessel (see also Mishnah Rishonah).

Mishnah 8
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(a)What does the Torah say about separating Ma'asros from oil on pounded olives or wine on trodden grapes?

(b)What do Chazal say about that?


(a)According to Torah law, one is permitted to Ma'aser oil on pounded olives or wine on trodden grapes.

(b)Chazal however, decreed - that someone who does so, must Ma'aser a second time once he completes the pounding or the treading (see Tosfos Yom-Tov).


(a)What the Tana mean when he says ...

1. ... 'ha'Rishonah Medama'as'?

2. ... 've'Chayavin alehah Chomesh'?

(b)What will be the equivalent Din with regard to the second batch of Terumah?

(c)How will we reconcile this Mishnah with the Mishnah that we learned earlier, which rules regarding someone who Ma'asers olives to include oil, 'Ein Terumaso Terumah'?


(a)What the Tana says ...

1. ... 'ha'Rishonah Medama'as', he means - that should the first batch of Terumah fall into less than a hundred of Chulin, it becomes forbidden to a Zar (a Yisrael), and the owner must then sell it to a Kohen (see Tosfos Yom-Tov).

2. ... 've'Chayavin Alehah Chomesh', he means - that a Zar who eats it (be'Shogeg) is obligated to pay a Kohen for what he ate, plus a twenty-five per-cent fine.

(b)The equivalent Din with regard to the second batch of Terumah is - that he pays for what he ate, but without adding the fine (since min ha'Torah, it has a Din of Tevel [for Ma'aser and Terumah Gedolah], but not of Terumah), which still requires separation.

(c)In spite of this Mishnah, the Mishnah that we learned earlier regarding someone who Ma'asers olives to cover oil, rules 'Ein Terumaso Terumah' - because there, the owner causes the Kohen a loss (forcing him to produce his own oil or wine), which is not the case here.

Mishnah 9
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Tana permits separating Ma'asros from oil on olives that have been pickled in wine or in vinegar. What is the fundamental difference between pickled olives and pounded ones (which the previous Mishnah forbade)?

(b)What does 'Nigmerah Melachto' mean?

(c)What does the Mishnah say about separating wine on grapes that have been designated for making raisins?


(a)The Tana permits separating Ma'asros from oil on olives that have been pickled in wine or in vinegar. The fundamental difference between pickled olives and pounded ones (which the previous Mishnah forbade) is - that the former is considered Nigmerah Melachto, whereas the latter is not.

(b)'Nigmerah Melachtan' means - that it has reached the stage when it is ready to be Ma'asered.

(c)The Mishnah also permits - separating wine on grapes that have been designated for making raisins.


(a)What is the Din regarding Ma'asering olives or oil on olives, or wine or grapes on grapes, that have been designated for eating?

(b)What does the Mishnah then say in this case, in the event that the owner changes his mind and decides to use the olives to produce oil or the grapes to produce wine?

(c)Why is that?


(a)One is permitted to Ma'aser olives or oil on olives, or wine or grapes on grapes, that have been designated for eating.

(b)Consequently, says the Mishnah, even in the event that the owner then changes his mind and decides to use the olives to produce oil or the grapes to produce wine - it is not necessary to Ma'aser them again ...

(c)... since the first separation was one hundred per cent legal.

Mishnah 10
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah forbids the separating of Ma'aros from something which the Tana describes as 'Davar she'Nigm'rah Melachto' on something which is not. What is a 'Davar she'Nigm'rah Melachto' with regard to corn?

(b)What does he say about the reverse case (where he separates a Davar she'Lo Nigm'rah Melachto on something which is Nigm'rah Melachto')?

(c)And what does the Tana learn from the Pasuk in Korach "ka'Dagan min ha'Goren ve'cha'Melei'ah min ha'Yekev"?

(d)What will be the Din if one contravened this ruling and Ma'asered from one on the other?

(e)What is the one dual exception to this ruling? By which of the above two cases does the Tana hold 'Ein Terumasan Terumah'?


(a)The Mishnah forbids the separating of Ma'asros from something which the Tana describes as 'Davar she'Nigmerah Melachto' on something which is not. A 'Davar she'Nigmerah Melachto' with regard to corn is - after the 'Miru'ach' (flattening of the pile that forms after winnowing) has been performed ...

(b)... and the same ruling applies to the reverse case (where he separates a Davar she'Lo Nigmerah Melchachto on something which is Nigmerah Melachto').

(c)The Tana learns from the Pasuk in Korach "ka'Dagan min ha'Goren ve'cha'Melei'ah min ha'Yekev" - the Limud that we just discussed.

(d)If one contravened this ruling and Ma'asered from one on the other - the Terumah is valid Bedi'eved ...

(e)The one dual exception to this ruling is - someone who separated from olives on oil or from grapes on wine, where the Tana hold 'Ein Terumasan Terumah' (since he causes the Kohen a loss, as we learned above).