Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What is the point of marking a Kerem R'vai (a vineyard in its fourth year)?

(b)If one marks it with clods of earth, how does one mark a vineyard of Orlah?

(c)Why the difference?

(d)Later in the Mishnah, Raban Shimon ben Gamliel confines the obligation to mark both of the above to the Sh'mitah year. Why is that? What will be the Din in other years?

(e)What did the 'Tzenu'im' (people who performed Mitzvos meticulously) used to do?


(a)One marks a Kerem R'vai (a vineyard in its fourth year) - to inform people that it is a Kerem R'vai, and the fruit is forbidden as long as it has not been redeemed or taken directly to Yerushalayim.

(b)One marks it with clods of earth (see Tiferes Yisrael), but a vineyard of Orlah (see Tos. Yom-Tov.) - with clay ...

(c)... a sign that it is forbidden to benefit from (like clay in which barely anything grows [see Tos. Yom-Tov]), whereas Kerem R'vai is permitted to benefit from like earth, in which one can plant.

(d)Later in the Mishnah, Raban Shimon ben Gamliel confines the obligation to mark both of the above to the Shmitah year - when the fruit is Hefker; whereas in other years, where it belongs to the owner, and whoever picks it is guilty of theft, we say 'Stuff it down the Rasha's throat and let him die' (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(e)The 'Tzenu'im' (people who performed Mitzvos meticulously) - used to designate money on which they would redeem the fruit of Kerem R'vai in advance (but would specificlly state 'when it is picked' [see Toss. Yom-Tov]).


(a)Why does one mark graves (to warn Kohanim and Nezirim) with lime?

(b)What does one do before marking them?


(a)One marks graves (to warn Kohanim and Nezirim to keep away) with lime - because its whiteness is reminiscent of the bones that are buried there.

(b)Before marking them - one adds water, to make it whiter still.

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Tana mean when he says 'Kerem R'vai Hayah Oleh li'Yerushalayim Mehalech Yom Echad le'Chol Tzad'?

(b)What is the reason for this Takanah?


(a)When the Tana says 'Kerem R'vai Hayah Oleh li'Yerushalayim Mehalech Yom Echad le'Chol Tzad', he means - that within a day's radius of Yerushalayim, the Chachamim obligated the owners of Ma'aser Sheini to bring the actual fruit to Yerushalayim (see Tos. Yom-Tov) ...

(b)... in order to adorn the streets of Yerushalayim with fruit for the Olei Regalim.


(a)If the southern border was Eilat, and the northern border, Akrabas, what was the border in ...

1. ... the west?

2. ... the east?

(b)What ruling did the Chachamim issue when there was an abundance of fruit?

(c)What did they stipulate when they did that?

(d)According to Rebbi Yossi, the criterion for the previous ruling and stipulation was not whether there was a lot of fruit and the fact that it decreased again. What then, was it?


(a)The southern border was Eilat, and the northern border, Akrabas, the border in ...

1. ... the west was - Lud, and the one in ...

2. ... the east - the Jordan River.

(b)When there was an abundance of fruit, the Chachamim issued a ruling that - one was permitted to redeem it even just outside the walls of Yerushalayim (see Tiferes Yisrael).

(c)They stipulated however, when they did this - that should the situation revert to the way it was, a subsequent Beis-Din would have the authority to reintroduce the decree (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)According to Rebbi Yossi, the criteria for the previous ruling and stipulation was not whether there was a lot of fruit and the fact that it decreased again - but the fact that the Beis-Hamikdash was destroyed (and there was no point in adorning Yerushalayim's markets) and its being rebuilt (see Tos. Yom-Tov as to why the Rambam rules like Rebbi Yossi).

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)According to Beis Shamai, neither does the owner need to add a fifth when redeeming the fruit of Kerem R'vai, nor is it subject to Biy'ur in the fourth and seventh years. From where do they know that it is subject to Pidyon?

(b)What do Beis Hillel say?

(c)From where do they learn it?


(a)According to Beis Shamai, neither does the owner need to add a fifth when redeeming the fruit of Kerem R'vai, nor is it subject to Biy'ur in the fourth and seventh years. They learn that it is subject to Pidyon - from the Pasuk in Kedoshim "Kodesh Hilulim la'Hashem", which they interpret as "Chilulim" (meaning redeemed).

(b)Beis Hillel say - that it is also subject to Chomesh and Biy'ur, and

(c)... they learn it - from a 'Gezeirah-Shavah' ("Kodesh" "Kodesh" from Ma'aser Sheini).


(a)Beis Shamai also hold that Kerem (or Neta) R'vai is subject to Peret and Ol'los. Why is that?

(b)What do the poor therefore do with it once they have taken it?

(c)What do Beis Hillel say?


(a)Beis Shamai also hold that Kerem (or Neta) R'vai is subject to Peret and Ol'los - because in their opinion, it is Mamon Ba'alim (the personal property of the owner, and not Mamon Gavohah like Ma'aser Sheini).

(b)Consequently, once the poor have taken it - they must redeem it and take the money to Yerushalayim (or the fruit itself, should they so wish).

(c)Beis Hillel learn "Kodesh" "Kodesh" from Ma'aser - that Neta R'vai is Mamon Gavohah, and that all the grapes of Kerem R'vai go to the wine-press (there is no Din of Peret and Ol'los).

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)At which stage does the fruit of Kerem (or Neta) R'vai that the owner wishes to redeem need to be assessed?

(b)How many experts are required to assess it?

(c)Considering that the number of assessors required to assess Ma'aser Sheini depends on whether the price of the fruit is known or not (as we learned above (in Perek 4 Mishnah 2), why is the number here fixed?

(d)How does one then proceed to assess it?

(e)What does the owner then do after the assessment is complete?


(a)The fruit of Kerem (or Neta) R'vai that the owner wishes to redeem, needs to be assessed - whilst it is still attached to the ground ...

(b)... by three experts.

(c)In spite of the fact that that the number of assessors required to assess Ma'aser Sheini depends on whether the price of the fruit is known or not (as we learned above (in Perek 4 Mishnah 2), the number is fixed here at three - because, since the fruit is still attached, the exact price of the expenses involved in cutting and transportation cannot be known in advance.

(d)One then proceeds to assess it - by inquiring how much a person who wished to redeem a Sela's-worth would be willing to pay (bearing in mind that he would have to foot the cutting and transportation costs out of his own pocket).

(e)After the assessment is complete - the owner then puts down a Sela coin or coins, and transfers the Kedushah of whatever he will now pick on to the coins, according to the assessed price.

Mishnah 5
Hear the Mishnah


(a)How does the redemption in the Sh'mitah year differ from that of other years?

(b)Does one also add the cost of harvesting?

(c)What is the Din regarding Neta R'vai which the owner declared Hefker? What is the person who acquires it from Hefker entitled to deduct?

(d)What major Chidush is the Tana coming to teach us? What might we otherwise have thought?


(a)The redemption in the Sh'mitah year differs from that of other years - in that it is assessed according to its value, without adding the cost of guarding it and working the land until it is harvested (in which case, presumably it requires only one assessor).

(b)One does not add the cost of harvesting (since it is not customary to hire harvesters [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).

(c)Whoever acquires Neta R'vai which the owned declared Hefker - is entitled to deduct the cost of harvesting the fruit (since he does it himself).

(d)We might otherwise have thought - that Hefker is not subject to Neta R'vai at all, and the Tana is coming to teach us that it is.


(a)The Mishnah obligates the owner who redeems Neta R'vai to add a fifth. Who is the author of the Mishnah?

(b)What does the Tana mean when he extends this ruling even to someone who received it as a gift? Under which circumstances is that permissible?


(a)The Mishnah obligates the owner who redeems Neta R'vai to add a fifth - like Beis Hillel, who learns Neta R'vai from Ma'aser Sheini (as we learned earlier).

(b)When the Tana extends this ruling even to someone who received it as a gift - he means the owner gave him the grapes when they were 'S'mader' (when they are still buds), because once they are ripe, one is not permitted to give grapes of Neta R'vai as a gift (just like Ma'aser Sheini [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).

Mishnah 6
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Which Mitzvah is the Pasuk "Miktzeh Shalosh Shanim Totzi es Kol Ma'asar Tevu'ascha" (in Re'ei) referring to?

(b)On which two dates was this Mitzvah performed?

(c)What do we learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Miketz" from the Pasuk in Ki Savo) "Miktzeh Sheva Shanim be'Mo'ed"?

(d)What do we learn from the beginning of the latter Pasuk "Ki Sechaleh le'Aser"?


(a)The Pasuk "Miktzeh Shalosh Shanim Totzi es Kol Ma'asar Tevu'ascha" (in Re'ei) is referring to the Mitzvah of - Biy'ur Ma'asros ...

(b)... which was performed on Erev Pesach (see Tos. Yom-Tov) of every fourth and seventh year.

(c)We learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Miketz" from the Pasuk "Miktzeh Sheva Shanim be'Mo'ed" (in Ki Savo) - that it falls due on a Yom-Tov.

(d)And we learn from the beginning of the latter Pasuk "Ki Sechaleh le'Aser" - that this Yom-Tov must be Pesach (since that is the Yom-Tov on which one concludes giving all one's Ma'asros [see Tos. Yom-Tov]), and not Succos.


(a)The owner must distribute any remaining Terumah and T'rumas Ma'aser to the Kohanim. According to the Tana Kama, what does he do with the remaining ...

1. ... Ma'aser Rishon and Ma'aser Ani, respectively?

2. ... Ma'aser Sheini and Bikurim?

(b)What does Rebbi Shimon say? What is his reason?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?

(d)According to Beis Shamai, a cooked dish containing Shevi'is (see Tos. Yom-Tov) or Ma'aser Ani is subject to Biy'ur. What do Beis Hillel say?


(a)The owner must distribute any remaining Terumah and T'rumas Ma'aser to the Kohanim. According to the Tana Kama, he ...

1. ... distributes any remaining Ma'aser Rishon - to the Levi'im (see Tos. Yom-Tov) and Ma'aser Ani, to the poor.

2. ... destroys Ma'aser Sheini and Bikurim (since the Torah writes "I destroyed the Kodesh from the house").

(b)According to Rebbi Shimon - Bikurim too, is given to the Kohanim, since the Torah refers to it in Ki Savo as Terumah.

(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.

(d)According to Beis Shamai, a cooked dish containing Shevi'is (see Tos. Yom-Tov and Tos. R. Akiva Eiger) and Ma'aser Ani are subject to Biy'ur. Beis Hillel maintain - that it is Bateil and may therefore be eaten.

Mishnah 7
Hear the Mishnah


(a)According to Beis Shamai, someone who owns Ma'aser Sheini fruit nowadays (when there is no Beis-Hamikdash) should transfer the Kedushah on to a silver coin. When should he do it?

(b)What is the source for this?

(c)How does one fulfill the Mitzvah of Biy'ur on a coin (see Tiferes Yisrael)?

(d)On what grounds do Beis Hillel object to this ruling?


(a)According to Beis Shamai, someone who owns Ma'aser Sheini fruit nowadays (when there is no Beis-Hamikdash) should transfer the Kedushah on to a silver coin (see Tiferes Yisrael) - when the time of Biy'ur arrives.

(b)The source for this is - the Pasuk in Re'ei "ve'Tzarta ha'Kesef be'Yad'cha" (see Tos Yom-Tov).

(c)One fulfills the Mitzvah of Biy'ur on a coin, says the Tiferes Yisrael - by defacing it and throwing it into a river.

(d)Beis Hillel object to this ruling - due to the fact that, since the money requires Genizah (burial) no less than the fruit, what is the point of the transfer?

Mishnah 8
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Rebbi Yehudah refers to an announcement that Beis-Din used to issue to all landowners as the time of Biy'ur for each species of fruit drew near. What was the gist of the announcement?

(b)Why did they stop this practice?


(a)Rebbi Yehudah refers to an announcement that Beis-Din used to issue to all landowners as the time of Biy'ur for each species of fruit drew near. The gist of the announcement was - to hurry and rectify their fruit (i.e. to quickly pick what was not yet picked and distribute the T'rumos and Ma'asros to their rightful owners).

(b)They stopped this practice - following Rebbi Akiva's ruling that fruit that has not yet reached the stage of Ma'asros (as explained in the first Perek of Ma'asros) is not subject to Biy'ur.

Mishnah 9
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What is one obligated to do in the event that the time of Biy'ur arrives and one is not in the vicinity of one's fruit (assuming it has already reached the stage of Ma'asros, see Tos. Yom-Tov)?

(b)Besides Rebbi Yehoshua and Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah, who was on the ship together with Raban Gamliel, when Erev Pesach of one of the years of Biy'ur arrived?

(c)What did Raban Gamliel add, when giving the Ma'aser Rishon that he was about to designate to Rebbi Yehoshua, who was a Levi (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?

(d)Why did he do that?


(a)In the event that the time of Biy'ur arrives and one is not in the vicinity of one's fruit - one is obligated to designate the fruit and to specify the recipient of each designation (i.e. a Kohen, a Levi or a poor man [see Tos-Yom-Tov]), as we shall now see .

(b)Besides Rebbi Yehoshua and Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah - Rebbi Akiva was on the ship together with Raban Gamliel, when Erev Pesach of one of the years of Biy'ur arrived.

(c)When giving the Ma'aser Rishon that he was about to designate to Rebbi Yehoshua, who was a Levi (see Tos. Yom-Tov) - Raban Gamliel added that the current location of the fruit was rented to him too.

(d)He did that - because it was the most convenient way for him to acquire the fruit (Kinyan Metaltelin Agav [together with] Karka [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).


(a)Why did he give the Ma'aser Ani to Rebbi Akiva?

(b)What did he give to Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah?

(c)Why did he not also give him Terumah Gedolah?

(d)How did the three recipients acquire their rented locations?


(a)He gave the Ma'aser Ani to Rebbi Akiva - in his capacity as the Gabai on behalf of the poor.

(b)To Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah, he gave - T'rumas Ma'aser ...

(c)... whereas Terumah Gedolah - he did not need to give, due to the Chazakah that Talmidei-Chachamim give Terumah Gedolah already in the granary.

(d)The three recipients acquired their rented locations - by paying a nominal fee (for the location)to Raban Gamliel (see Tos. Yom-Tov and Tos. R. Akiva Eiger]).

Mishnah 10
Hear the Mishnah


(a)When does one say the Viduy (the confession that is part of the Mitzvah of Biy'ur Ma'asros)?

(b)Why not say immediately after having performed the Biy'ur?

(c)Which two Matanos are contained in the current Pasuk "Bi'arti ha'Kodesh min ha'Bayis"?


(a)One says the Viduy (the confession that is part of the Mitzvah of Biy'ur Ma'asros [see Tos. Yom-Tov] see also Tiferes Yisrael) - at Minchah of the last day of Pesach ...

(b)... not immediately after having performed the Biy'ur - to ensure that one has enough food to eat on Yom-Tov (see Tiferes Yisrael).

(c)The current Pasuk "Bi'arti ha'Kodesh min ha'Bayis" contains - Ma'aser Sheini and Neta R'vai (which both have the status of Kodesh).


(a)If "Nesativ la'Levi" refers to Ma'aser Rishon, which two Matanos does "ve'Gam" come to include?

(b)Besides Ma'aser Ani, which three things "la'Ger, la'Yasom ve'la'Almanah" incorporate?

(c)What is noteworthy about these three things?

(d)And to what does "min ha'Bayis" refer?


(a)"Nesativ la'Levi" refers to Ma'aser Rishon, whilst "ve'Gam" (which implies 'besides something else that I gave') comes to include - Terumah and T'rumas Ma'aser (see Tos. Yom-Tov as to why the Tana does not mention Bikurim).

(b)Besides Ma'aser Ani, "la'Ger, la'Yasom ve'la'Almanah" incorporates - Leket, Shikchah and Pe'ah ...

(c)... even though they are not crucial to the Viduy (and one may recite it, even if he did not give these to the poor).

(d)"min ha'Bayis" refers - to Chalah (see Tiferes Yisrael).

Mishnah 11
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah learn from the Pasuk in Ki Savo "ke'Chol Mitzvascha asher Tzivisani"? Which order must the owner therefore maintain?

(b)Which multiple Isur does the Tana learn from "Lo Avarti mi'Mitzvosecha" (see Tiferes Yisrael)?

(c)And what does he finally learn from "ve'Lo Shachachti"?


(a)The Mishnah learns from the Pasuk "ke'Chol Mitzvascha asher Tzivisani" - that the separation of the Matanos must follow the prescribed order Terumah, Ma'aser Rishon and Ma'aser Sheini (or Ani [see Meleches Shlomoh]) .

(b)The Tana learns from "Lo Avarti mi'Mitzvosecha" that one may not separate one species on to another, from what is detached on to what is attached or vice-versa, not from one year's produce on to another (see Tiferes Yisrael).

(c)And he finally learns from "ve'Lo Shachachti" - that one is obligated to recite a B'rachah over the separation of Ma'asros.


(a)What is the significance of 'min ...

1. ... ha'Talush al ha'Mechubar'?

2. ... ha'Mechubar al ha'Talush'?

(b)From where do we learn that each year's produce must be Ma'asered independently?

(c)Which Halachah is shared by the Mitzvah of Terumah, Ma'aser Rishon, Ma'aser Sheini, Pidyon Ma'aser Sheini, Ma'aser Ani and Chalah?


(a)'min ...

1. ... ha'Talush al ha'Mechubar' is - the same as 'min ha'Chiyuv al ha'Petur', and 'min ...

2. ... ha'Mechubar al ha'Talush' - as 'min ha'Petur al ha'Chiyuv'.

(b)We learn that each year's produce must be Ma'asered independently - from the Pasuk in Re'ei (in connection with separating Ma'asros) "ha'Yotzei ha'Sadeh Shanah Shanah".

(c)The Mitzvah of Terumah, of Ma'aser Rishon, Ma'aser Sheini, Pidyon Ma'aser Sheini, Ma'aser Ani and Chalah - all require a B'rachah with Shem and Malchus (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 12
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah learn from the Pasuk ...

1. ... "Lo Achalti be'Oni mimenu"?

2. ... "ve'Lo Vi'arti mimenu be'Tamei"?

(b)How do we define Aninus ...

1. ... d'Oraysa?

2. ... de'Rabbanan?


(a)The Mishnah learns from the Pasuk ...

1. ... "Lo Achalti be'Oni mimenu" - that someone who did eat Ma'aser Sheini whilst he was an Onen cannot recite the Viduy.

2. ... "ve'Lo Vi'arti mimenu be'Tamei" - that neither can he recite it if he separated Ma'aser Sheini from Tahor Tevel whilst he was Tamei (Tiferes Yisrael).

(b)One is an Onein ...

1. ... de'Oraysa - on the day when one's relative dies and is buried.

2. ... de'Rabbanan - either on the night following the death, or on the day when he is buried if it does not coincide with the day that he died.


(a)What does the owner mean when he says 've'Lo Nasati mimenu le'Meis'?

(b)On what basis is this forbidden even if it is not for a dead person?

(c)Then why does the Tana not rather present a case where one anointed a dead person with Ma'aser Sheini oil (which would be permitted to do to a live one)?

(d)What else does the Onein incorporate in this statement?

(e)If "Shamati be'Kol Hash-m Elokai" refers to bringing the Ma'aser Sheini to the Beis-Hamikdash, what does "Asisi ke'Chol asher Tzivisani" refer to?


(a)When the owner says 've'Lo Nasati mimenu le'Meis', he means - that he did not (even) use it to purchase a coffin or shrouds ...

(b)... though it is forbidden even if it is not for the benefit of a dead person - since one is obligated to buy food with it (as we already learned [see Tos. R. Akiva Eiger and Tiferes Yisrael]).

(c)The Tana does not rather present a case where one anointed a dead person with Ma'aser Sheini oil (which would be permitted to do to a live one) - because purchasing a coffin and shrouds is a bigger Chidush (since "mimenu", which precludes a Meis, implies direct use, such as anointing, yet the Tana forbids it).

(d)The Onein also incorporates in this statement - that he did not give any of the Ma'aser to other Onenim (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(e)"Shamati be'Kol Hash-m Elokai" refers to bringing the Ma'aser Sheini to the Beis-Hamikdash, and "Asisi ke'Chol asher Tzivisani" to - rejoicing with it and making others happy, too.

Mishnah 13
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah comment on the Pasuk there ...

1. ... "Hashkifah mi'Me'on Kodshecha min ha'Shamayim"?

2. ... "u'Varech es Amcha es Yisrael"?

3. ... "ve'es ha'Adamah asher Nasata Lanu"?

4. ... "Ka'asher Nishbata la'Avoseinu Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash"?


(a)The Mishnah comments on the Pasuk there ...

1. ... "Hashkifah mi'Me'on Kodshecha min ha'Shamayim" - that having done what Hash-m decreed upon us to do, He should now do what He promised to do.

2. ... "u'Varech es Amcha es Yisrael" - that He bless us with sons and daughters (see Tiferes Yisrael) ...

3. ... "ve'es ha'Adamah asher Nasata Lanu" - with dew and rain (incorporating good crops and fruit) and animals giving birth ...

4. ... "Ka'asher Nishba'ta la'Avoseinu Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash" - with nice-tasting fruit (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 14
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What do Chazal preclude based on the Pasuk "ve'es ha'Adamah asher Nasata lanu"?

(b)Is a Mamzer obligated to recite Viduy Ma'asros?

(c)Why does Rebbi Meir add Kohanim and Levi'im to the preclusion?

(d)On what grounds does Rebbi Yossi object to this?


(a)Based on the Pasuk "ve'es ha'Adamah Asher Nasata lanu" Chazal preclude - Geirim and Avadim Meshuchrarim (set-free slaves [neither of whom have a portion in the land]) from the Viduy.

(b)A Mamzer - is not precluded from reciting Viduy Ma'asros.

(c)Rebbi Meir adds Kohanim and Levi'im to the preclusion - because they too, do not inherit a regular portion in Eretz Yisrael.

(d)Rebbi Yossi objects to this - since they were given the Arei Migrash (the fields that belong to their forty-eight cities).

Mishnah 15
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Who was Yochanan Kohen Gadol?

(b)His negation of Viduy Ma'asros was due to a Takanah of Ezra. Which Takanah?

(c)Why did he then negate it?


(a)Yochanan Kohen Gadol was - Shimon ha'Tzadik's successor as Kohen Gadol (see Tiferes Yisrael).

(b)His negation of Viduy Ma'asros was due to a Takanah of Ezra - who transferred the Mitzvah of giving Ma'aser Rishon to the Levi'im from the Levi'im to the Kohanim (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)And he therefore negated it - since the Yisrael was no longer able to say 've'Gam Nesativ la'Levi'.


(a)He also nullified the Me'orerim and the Nokfim. What were ...

1. ... 'the Me'orerim'? What did the Levi'im used to say that might be misconstrued?

2. ... 'the Nokfim'? Why did the Kohanim used to do that to the Korban?

(b)Why did he nullify it?

(c)What did he institute in its stead?


(a)He also nullified ...

1. ... the Me'orerim, with reference to the Levi'im - who used to cite the Pasuk in Tehilim "Urah Lamah Sishan", which might be misconstrued to mean that Hash-m is actually sleeping (see Tos-Yom-Tov and Tiferes Yisrael).

2. ... 'the Nokfim', with reference to the Kohanim - who used to make a scratch between the horns of kid-goat Korbanos, causing it to bleed, so that it would not see what is happening and make it difficult for the Kohanim to tie it up and Shecht it.

(b)He nullified it - because it resembled a Blemish (see also Tiferes Yisrael).

(c)In its stead - he instituted the twenty-four rings on the floor besides the Mizbe'ach, into which the heads of the animals were placed.


(a)Until the time of Yochanan Kohen Gadol, the Tana concludes, the sound of a hammer could still be heard in Yerushalayim and one needed to query the Am ha'Aretz from whom one purchased crops about D'mai ('Da Mai'?). What does the Tana mean when ...

1. ... by implication, he says that Yochanan Kohen Gadol negated the sound of the hammer in Yerushalayim? To when does it refer? Why did he stop it?

2. ... he says that in his time, one no longer needed to ask the seller about D'mai?

(b)Why did he institute this regarding T'rumas Ma'aser? What was he afraid of?

(c)Why did he ...

1. ... not include Ma'aser Rishon and Ma'aser Ani in the Takanah of D'mai?

2. ... include Ma'aser Sheini in the Takanah?


(a)Until the time of Yochanan Kohen Gadol, the Tana concludes, the sound of a hammer could still be heard in Yerushalayim and one needed to query the Am ha'Aretz from whom one purchased crops about D'mai ('Da Mai'?). When ...

1. ... by implication, the Tana says that Yochanan Kohen Gadol negated the sound of the hammer in Yerushalayim, he means - that he stopped the use of hammers there on Chol ha'Mo'ed, even for a Davar ha'Aved (to prevent a monetary loss, which is generally permitted) - because he considered the constant sound of hammering throughout Yerushalayim a denigration of Chol ha'Mo'ed.

2. ... he says that in his time, one no longer needed to ask the seller about D'mai, he means - that Yochanan Kohen Gadol instituted the obligation to separate T'rumas Ma'aser and Ma'aser Sheini from all fruit purchased from an Am ha'Aretz.

(b)He instituted this - because not realizing that T'rumas Ma'aser is subject to Misah bi'Yedei Shamayim no less than Terumah Gedolah (the only Matanah that they all took seriously), the Amei-ha'Aretz were not separating it.

(c)He did ...

1. ... not include Ma'aser Rishon and Ma'aser Ani in the Takanah - because since there is no intrinsic Isur in eating them, he applied the principle 'ha'Motzi me'Chavero, alav ha'Re'ayah' (If the Levi and the poor man claim Ma'aser, let them prove that the original owner had not Ma'asered them), particularly bearing in mind that most Amei ha'Aretz separated Ma'asros anyway.

2. ... did however, include Ma'aser Sheini in the Takanah - due to the various restrictions as to how and where to eat it.

Hadran Alach 'Kerem R'vai' ve'Salik Maseches Ma'aser Sheini