


(Beraisa): In the days of R. Dosa ben Harkinas, Tzaras ha'Bas was permitted to the brothers.


Conclusion: This proves that they followed their own teachings.


(Beraisa): In the days of R. Dosa, Tzaras ha'Bas was permitted. Chachamim were very pained, because (they thought that he permitted it, and) he was a great Chacham but he could not come to the Beis Medrash because he was blind. Three Chachamim came to him.


Chachamim: What is the law of Tzaras ha'Bas?


R. Dosa: Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel argue about this. The Halachah follows Beis Hillel.


Chachamim: We heard in your name that the Halachah follows Beis Shamai!


R. Dosa: Did you hear this in my name, or in the name of Ben Harkinas?


Chachamim: We heard only 'Ben Harkinas'.


R. Dosa: It was my brother Yonasan, a student of Shamai. Beware! He has 300 proofs to permit Tzaras ha'Bas. I testify that Chagai the Navi said three laws in this place:


Tzaras ha'Bas is forbidden;


In Amon and Mo'av, we separate Ma'aser Oni in Shemitah (the seventh year).


We accept converts from Karduyin and Tarmudim.


Yonasan encountered R. Akiva, stumped him, and insulted him. R. Akiva bore it gracefully with humility.


(Beraisa): In Amon and Mo'av, we separate Ma'aser Oni in Shemitah.


We learned that many cities were conquered by Bnei Yisrael that left Mitzrayim, but were not conquered by the exiles who returned from Bavel;


The first Kedushah of Eretz Yisrael was not permanent. The returning exiles left some cities without Kedushah so they could be (farmed and) a source of food for the poor in Shemitah.




(Beraisa #1): We accept Karduyim and Tarmudim to become converts.


Version #1 - Contradiction (Rami bar Yechezkel's Beraisa): We do not accept Karduyim!


Answer (Rav Ashi): He taught that we do not accept Kartuyim.


This is like people say, that Kartuyim are Pesulim (regarding lineage).


Version #2 (Rami bar Yechezkel - Beraisa): We do not accept Kartuyim.


Suggestion: Kartuyim and Karduyim are the same (and this contradicts Beraisa #1)!


Rejection (Rav Ashi): No, they are different.


This is like people say, that Kartuyim are Pesulim.


(R. Yochanan and elders): We do not accept converts from Tarmod.


Question: R. Yochanan taught otherwise!


(Mishnah): Stains (of blood on garments) that come from Rekem are Tehorim;


R. Yehudah says they are Tamei, because they are converts who erred. (Rashi - they abandoned Torah. Chachamim decreed that their stains are Tamei, like Dam Nidah of Yisraelim.)


Stains that come from Nochrim are Tehorim.



Inference: The Mishnah did not specify. This implies that stains of all Nochrim are Tehorim, even from Tarmod!


(R. Yochanan): This teaches that we accept converts from Tarmod (and may marry them. We are not concerned lest they are (Mamzerim) Yisraelim.)


Answer: R. Yochanan observed that the Mishnah holds that way; he himself disagrees.


Question: R. Yochanan taught that the Halachah follows a Stam Mishnah!


Answer: Amora'im disagree about the opinion of R. Yochanan. (He taught only one of these.)


Question: What is the reason not to accept converts from Tarmod?


Answer #1 (R. Yochanan or the elders): (We are concerned lest they descend from) the slaves of Shlomo;


Answer #2 (The other of R. Yochanan and the elders): (Perhaps they descend from) girls of Yerushalayim (this will be explained).


We understand Answer #1. He holds that the child of a Bas Yisrael from a Nochri or slave is a Mamzer.


Question: According to Answer #2, what was the problem with Benos Yerushalayim?


Answer (Rabah bar bar Chanah and Chachamim): When the Nochrim entered the Heichal (at the time of the first Churban), most Nochrim engaged in taking gold and silver. Twelve thousand men and (or including) 6,000 archers turned to Benos Yerushalayim - "They afflicted women in Tziyon, virgins in the cities of Yehudah."




(R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): "I was a youth, I grew old" - this verse was said by the world minister (the angel Metatron).


Hash-m could not have said it, for He does not age. (Igros Moshe (YD 5:30) - also angels that exist forever do not age! "Zakanti" is a mere metaphor. However, it is improper to say so about Hash-m, even as a metaphor.) (However, Chazal attribute the appearance of Ziknah to Hash-m in Yeshivah (Chagigah 14a; R. Chananel - judgment) and at Matan Torah (Shemos Rabah 28:3)! - PF);


David could not have said it, for he did not live to be so old!


Rather, the world minister must have said it.


(R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): "The afflicter spread his hand on all its treasures" refers to Amon and Mo'av;


When Nochrim entered the Heichal, all others engaged in taking gold and silver, and they turned to the Sefer Torah.


They said 'the Torah forbids (converts from) Amon and Mo'av to marry into the congregation of Hashem' - it will be burned!


(Rav): "Hash-m commanded that Yakov's enemies surround him" - such as Humniya (Yevanim), who harass Yisraelim in Fum Nahara.




(Rav Yehudah): If a Nochri was Mekadesh a Bas Yisrael, we are concerned for this. Perhaps he is (a Yisrael) from the 10 tribes.


Question: We should assume that he is from the majority of people, who are not from the 10 Shevatim!


Answer: We are concerned in places where they (the 10 Shevatim) settled. (Rashi - there they are 'fixed', so it is considered an even Safek. Tosfos - there, they are the majority.)