[113a - 40 lines; 113b - 41 lines]

1)[line 14]והשנייהSHENIYAH (SHENIYOS)

(a)In addition to the forbidden relationships (Isurei Ervah) prohibited by the Torah and punishable with Kares (Vayikra 18:6-30, 20:10-22, et. al.), the Chachamim decreed to prohibit certain relatives who are permitted mid'Oraisa. This decree of Sheniyos (lit. "secondaries") was meant to distance a person from engaging in relationships that are prohibited by the Torah. Although the Chachamim lent severity to this Isur by showing hidden inferences to Sheniyos from various verses in the Torah (Yevamos 21a), nevertheless the prohibition of Sheniyos is only mid'Rabanan. Therefore, if a man betroths a Sheniyah, his Kidushin is valid, and the resulting child is not a Mamzer as the child of an Ervah mid'Oraisa would be. If a Yevamah is a Sheniyah of the Yavam, she and her Tzarah (co-wife) must do Chalitzah and not Yibum.

(b)In some cases Sheniyos were prohibited only in a single generation, while in other cases they were prohibited in subsequent generations as well. For example, not only is one's mother's mother a Sheniyah, his mother's mother's mother is a Sheniyah as well; not only is one's son's daughter-in-law a Sheniyah, his son's son's daughter-in-law is a Sheniyah as well. The general rule is that if there is an Ervah mid'Oraisa in one generation (in the above example, one's mother or daughter-in-law) the associated Sheniyah was prohibited in all previous generations and subsequent generations as well; that is, the Sheniyah was prohibited "without a Hefsek" (RASHI 21a DH v'Eshes Achi ha'Av - There are several exceptions to this rule; see Chart #6 to Yevamos 21a-22a and footnotes 2, 3.)

(c)There are those who prohibited Sheniyos based on the principle that "any relative who, as a female, is Asur as an Ervah, as a male his wife is Asur mid'Rabanan (i.e. a Sheniyah)." For example, since a man's daughter's daughter is prohibited to him, the Chachamim decreed that the daughter-in-law of his daughter is prohibited to him as a Sheniyah (GEMARA Yevamos 21b; see TOSFOS ibid. DH Lo Asru)

2)[line 22]לזוק בנכסיוLAZUK BI'NECHASAV- (lit. to cause damage to his possessions) to waste his money

3)[line 27]בשבבותיהB'SHIVEVUSEI- in his neighborhood

4)[line 27]אנסביה איתתאANASVEI ITESA- he (Rav Malchiyo) married him off

5)[line 28]ארבע מאה זוזי מנכסיהARBA ME'AH ZUZEI MI'NICHSEI- [and Rav Malchiyo wrote a Kesuvah for her worth] four hundred Zuz from his (the Cheresh's) possessions

6)[line 28]חכיםCHAKIM- wise

7)[line 29]אילו רצה שפחה לשמשו מי לא זבנינן ליהILU RATZAH SHIFCHAH L'SHAMSHO MI LO ZAVNINAN LEI?- had he wanted a maidservant to serve him, would he not have bought one for himself?

8)[line 30]אשם תלויASHAM TALUY

The Korban Asham Taluy is a ram worth two Sela'im that is offered when a person is in doubt as to whether he committed a transgression for which he must bring a Korban Chatas (Vayikra 5:17-19). If he later discovers that he did indeed sin, he must offer a Korban Chatas; the Asham Taluy only provides temporary atonement during the period of doubt.

9)[line 35]חתיכה משתי חתיכותCHATICHAH MI'SHTEI CHATICHOS

Certain Tana'im rule that a person is obligated to bring an Asham Taluy only if there are "two pieces, one of which was eaten." If a person ate one out of two pieces of fat, where one was Shuman (permitted fat) and the other was Chelev (forbidden fat), and he later found out that he may have eaten the forbidden piece, he must bring an Asham Taluy.

10)[line 36]כויKOY

There is a Machlokes Tana'im as to which animal Chazal (Mishnah Chulin 83b, etc.) refer to as a "Koy." Some Tana'im say that it is a crossbreed between certain species of goats and deer, while others say that is an independent species (Chulin 80a). The Koy shows signs of both a domesticated animal (Behemah, of which the Chelev is prohibited) and a wild animal (Chayah, of which the Chelev is not prohibited).

11)[last line]דעתא קלישתאDA'ATA KELISHTA- his understanding is weak, deficient

12)[last line]דעתא צילותאDA'ATA TZILUSA- his mind is clear


13)[line 4]דעתים חלים ועתים שוטהD'ITIM CHALIM V'ITIM SHOTEH- a person who is at times normal and at times senseless or deranged (lit. a fool)

14)[line 19]שמשלחה ואינה חוזרתSHE'MESHALCHAH V'EINAH CHOZERES- he sends her away and she does not come back

15)[line 23]לא ליפקאLO LIFKA- [her husband] should not divorce her (lit. send her out)

16)[line 38]בטולי בטליהBETULEI BATLEI (GET: BITUL HA'GET)

See Background to 90:13.

17)[line 40]כיסופאKISUFA- shame, embarrassment

18)[line 40]אירכסו ליהIRKESU LEI- he lost