[97a - 45 lines; 97b - 43 lines]

1)[line 4]דובבותDOVEVOS- move, quiver

2)[line 5]"וחכך כיין הטוב הולך לדודי למישרים דובב שפתי ישנים""V'CHIKECH K'YEIN HA'TOV, HOLECH L'DODI L'MEISHARIM, DOVEV SIFSEI YESHENIM."- "And your palate [words] should be like the choicest wine, that causes a sleeper's lips to murmur; I am true to my beloved!" (Shir ha'Shirim 7:10)

3)[line 7]כומר של ענביםKOMER SHEL ANAVIM- a utensil in which grapes are placed before pressing so that they will heat up and their wine will flow easily

4)[line 8]דובבDOVEV- the grapes, which are turning into a mass of wine-gel, quiver (O.F. fromier - to be restless)

5)[line 13]סריסSARIS- an impotent man

6)[line 13]והוא הסריסV'HU HA'SARIS- and he has shown signs or symptoms that he is a Saris

7)[line 18]סימני סריסSIMANEI SARIS- the signs of a Saris recorded in the Gemara on Daf 80b

8)[line 22]זילו אבריוהוZILU AVARYUHU- go make him healthy (i.e. feed him until he gains weight)

9)[line 23]זילו אכחשוהוZILU AKCHESHUHU- go weaken him (i.e. deprive him of food until he loses weight)

10)[line 23]סימניןSIMANIN- pubic hair

11)[line 24]דנתריD'NASREI- fall out


12)[line 29]הנטען מןהאשהH A'NIT'AN MIN HA'ISHAH- one who is suspected of having illicit relations with a married woman. The word Nit'an means loaded, as in "Ta'anu Es Be'irechem" - "Load your animals" (Bereishis 45:17), and in this context means that the man has been "loaded" with allegations of misconduct.

13)[line 41]כנף שראה אביוKENAF SHE'RA'AH AVIV- (lit. the cloak-border that his father has seen) a women with whom his father had relations

14)[line 42]מעילויה דקראME'ILAVEI D'KERA- from what is written before that verse (in the previous verse)


15)[line 1]אח מאב ולא מאםACH ME'AV V'LO ME'EM- He is my half-brother from my father but not from my mother

16)[line 1]והוא בעלה דאםV'HU BA'ALAH D'EM- and he is the husband of my mother

17)[line 1]ואנא ברתה דאנתתיהV'ANA BARTAH D'INTESEI- and I am the daughter of his wife

18)[line 3]אח הוא ובריהואA CH HU U'VRI HU- He is my brother and he is my son

19)[line 3]אחתיה אנא דהאי דדרינא אכתפאיACHASEI ANA D'HAI D'DARINA A'KASPAI- and I am the sister of this [baby] that I am carrying on my shoulder

20)[line 5]בעובד כוכבים הבא על בתוB'OVED KOCHAVIM HA'BA AL BITO- that is, not necessarily a Nochri; it could well be a wicked Jew

21)[line 5]שלמא לך בריSHELAMA LACH BRI- Peace to you, my son

22)[line 6]בת אחתיך אנאBAT ACHASICH ANA- I am the daughter of your sister

23)[line 7]דלאי דדלו דוולאDELA'EI D'DALU DAVLA- (a) You workers who water fields! (RASHI); (b) You Chachamim who draw the waters [of wisdom] from deep wells! (ARUCH Erech Dal)

24)[line 8]ליפול בכו סתר פתרLIPOL BECHU SESER PESER- here is a riddle (lit. a riddle has fallen among you) for you to decipher

25)[line 8]דהאי דדרינא הוא ברD'HAI D'DARINA HU BAR- this [baby] that I am carrying is my son

26)[line 10]בייא בייא מאח והוא אבBAIYA BAIYA ME'ACH V'HU AV- Shame on you, my brother, who is my father

27)[line 12]פיתאPITA- bread, provisions

28)[line 13]לאחוה יתמי בני ברתיהL'ACHUHA YASMEI BENEI BARTEI- to his brothers, the orphans, who are the sons of his daughter (they are not necessarily orphans but are forlorn since no one is providing them with sustenance)

29)[line 15]אנא ואת אחי אנא ואבוך אחי אנא ואמך אחיANA V'AT ACHEI, ANA V'AVUCH ACHEI, ANA V'IMECH ACHEI- You and I are siblings [from our father]; your father and I are siblings [from our mother]; your mother and I are siblings [from our parents]

30)[line 17]וקריא ליה אחתיה דאימאV'KARYA LEI AHCASEI D'IMA- and his mother's sister calls to him

31)[line 17]אנא ואת בני אחיANA V'AT BENEI ACHEI- you and I are sons of siblings (i.e. sisters)

32)[line 23]בני יודן אמתא אשתחרורBENEI YUDAN AMSA ISHTACHRUR- the sons of Yudan the maidservant were freed

33)[line 24]למינסב נשי דהדדיL'MINSAV NASHEI D'HADADEI- to marry each other's wives (should one of them divorce his wife or die, but not for the purpose of the Mitzvah of Yibum)