
SEPARATING FROM TAHOR ON TAMEI (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 2 Halachah 3 Daf 14a)

åàéï (äáéú) [ö"ì äëìé - úåñôåú ðãä æ:à] îöèøó.


Question: (Why does R. Eliezer require putting dough in between the Tahor and Tamei doughs?) Does not the Kli join?!

[ãó ëã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ãáø ùäåà î÷ôéã òì úòøåáúå àéï (äáéú) [ö"ì äëìé - úåñôåú] îöèøó åùàéï î÷ôéã òì úòøåáúå (äáéú) [ö"ì äëìé - úåñôåú] îöèøó.


Answer: Something that he is adamant about [avoiding] its mixture, the Kli does not join. Something that he is not adamant about its mixture, the Kli joins;

[ãó éã òîåã á] òéñä èîàä òéñä èäåøä òùå ëãáø ùäåà î÷ôéã òì úòøåáúå


A Tamei dough and a Tahor dough, they made them like something that he is adamant about its mixture.

(åòéñúä çìä) [åòéñä úçìä]. àáì áòéñä ùðéä àéï ìùðé îâò àöì äèáì.


Limitation: [Our Mishnah discusses] a dough that is a Rishon [l'Tum'ah], but if it were a Sheni, there is no [concern for] touching a Sheni to Tevel [to Chalah. He would not be adamant about their mixture, so the Kli joins, and he need not put dough in the middle. We explained this based on TOSFOS and GRA.]

úðé øáé ìòàéé àî' îùåí ø' ìéòæø úåøîéï îï äèäåø òì äèîà áìç.


(Beraisa - R. La'i citing R. Eliezer): We may separate Terumah from Tahor on Tamei [only] for something moist;

ëéöã ëáù æéúéï áèåîàä åäåà îá÷ù ìúåøîï áèäøä îáéà îùôê ùàéï áôéå ëáéöä åîîìà àåúå æúéí åðåúðå òì ôé çáéú åðîöà úåøí îï äîå÷ó.


How is this? If he pickled olives b'Tum'ah, and wants to tithe them b'Taharah, he brings a funnel whose mouth does not hold k'Beitzah, fills it with olives, and puts it on the mouth of the barrel, and it turns out that he separates Terumah Min ha'Mukaf.

ìîä ìé ôçåú îëáéöä àôéìå ëáéöä. åìà ôéøåøéï àéðåï.


Question: Why must [the funnel's mouth hold] less than k'Beitzah? Even if it is k'Beitzah, are [the olives] not crumbs (each is less than k'Beitzah, so they cannot be Metamei those on top of them)!

ùìà ìèîàåú æéúéí äøáä.


Answer: This is lest he be Metamei many olives. (Those in its mouth become Tamei from the brine in the barrel.)

àîøå ìå àéï ìê ÷øåé ìç àìà ééï åùîï áìáã.


Chachamim (to R. Eliezer): The only [fruit juices] called wet are wine and oil. (Brine of olives is considered dry, and the decree against tithing Tahor on Tamei applies to everything dry.)

äéê òáéãà [ãó ëã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ÷åøä àçú ìùúé áåøåú. ùúé ÷åøåú ìáåø àçã.


[According to Chachamim,] how does he do (to be Torem from Tahor on Tamei for wine or oil)? One beam is [pressing liquid from the fruits] into two pits, or two beams [press] into one pit (both of these are called Min ha'Mukaf).

îëéåï ùðèîà î÷öúå àéï ëåìå èîà.


Question: [When there are two beams and one pit,] once part became Tamei, is not all Tamei?!

øáé äéìà áùí øáé éñà úéôúø ùäéä áãòúå ìòùåúï úôéñä àçú åðîìê åòùàï ùúé úôéñåú.


Answer (R. Heila citing R. Yosa): The case is, he intended to make one pit, and he made two. (Due to his initial intent, this is called Min ha'Mukaf. We explained this like MAHARA FULDA, GRA.)

à"ø éåñé áé ø' áåï äãà ãúéîø ëùðéèîà (áùùéìä) [îùùéìä] åîù÷éôä ùëáø ðøàä ìúåøîï áèäøä. àáì àí ðéèîà òã ùìà ùéìä åòã ùìà ÷éôä ìà áãà.


Limitation (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): This is when it became Tamei after Shiluy (scooping it into barrels) and Kipuy (removing the grape skins and pits that float on top), for then it was proper to take Terumah [after final processing] b'Taharah. However, if it became Tamei before Shiluy and Kipuy, it was not said [that one may be Torem from Tahor on Tamei].

øáé èáé øáé éàùéä áùí øáé éðàé äìëä ëø' (ìòæø) [ìéòæø].


(R. Tavi citing R. Yoshiyah citing R. Yanai): The Halachah follows R. Eliezer.

øáé éöç÷ áø ðçîï áùí øáé äåùòéä [äìëä] ëø' ìéòæø.


(R. Yitzchak bar Nachman citing R. Hoshayah): The Halachah follows R. Eliezer.

øáé äåðà áùí øáé çðéðà àéï äìëä ëø' ìéòæø.


(R. Huna citing R. Chanina): The Halachah does not follow R. Eliezer.

øáé éåñé áé ø' áåï øá éäåãä áùí ùîåàì àéï äìëä ëø' ìéòæø.


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun citing Rav Yehudah citing Shmuel): The Halachah does not follow R. Eliezer.

àúà òåáãà (÷åîéä) [ö"ì ÷åîé ø' àéîé, ëáúøåîåú á:à] åìà äåøé àîø úøúéé ëì ÷áì úøé àéðåï.


A case came in front of R. Imi, and he did not rule [either way]. He said, there are two opinions [on each side, i.e. R. Yanai and R. Hoshayah against R. Chanina and Shmuel. The others merely cited them.]

à"ì åäà øáé éöç÷ áø ðçîï (îåãé) [îåøé].


They said to him 'R. Yitzchak bar Nachman ruled' [like R. Eliezer, like he taught in the name of R. Hoshayah. We may rely on what was done in practice! - MAHARA FULDA]

àôéìå ëï ìà äåøé:


Even so, [R. Imi] did not rule.

äãøï òìê ôø÷ ôøåú çåöä ìàøõ