[17a - 35 lines; 17b - 41 lines]

1)[line 2]שלשה טפחיםSHELOSHAH TEFACHIM- three Tefachim [horizontally]

2)[line 2]נפחתNIFCHAS- it[s roof] fell in

3)[line 5]חצר שהיא מוקפת אכסדרהCHATZER SHE'HI MUKEFES ACHSADRAH- a courtyard framed by connected houses bordering it on three sides. A continuous overhang juts out from the houses in the shape of a "U". Sechach is then placed across the "U" in order to convert the entire courtyard into a Sukah, using the outer walls of the houses as its walls.

4)[line 12]סכך כשר הואSECHACH KASHER HU- is [a material] kosher for Sechach (namely, boards)

5)[line 15]פוסלPOSEL- invalidates the Sukah. This is because the swath of invalid Sechach divides the Sukah in two. Therefore, the Sukah is invalid only if each remaining section is left with only two walls or an area smaller than seven by seven Tefachim. If each half has three walls and the required minimum size, then each functions as a separate kosher Sukah.

6)[line 16]ארבעהARBA'AH- four [Tefachim]

7)[line 16]אמינא להו אנאAMINA LEHU ANA- I said to them

8)[line 22]בר מינה דההיאBAR MINAH DEHA'HI- except for that; i.e., that is an exceptional case

9)[line 23]דופן עקומהDOFEN AKUMAH

(a)A Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai states that if a stretch of less than four Amos of invalid Sechach lies between a portion of kosher Sechach that measures at least seven by seven Tefachim and a wall, then that material may be considered part of the adjacent wall (Dofen) that bends (Akumah) to meet the Sechach.

10)[line 25]אויר פחות משלשהAVIR PACHOS MI'SHELOSHAH- less than three Tefachim of open space [next to it]

11)[line 26]מלייה בשפודיןMALYEI B'SHEPUDIN- [if he then] filled in [the open space] with metal spits [thereby extending the width of invalid Sechach to four Tefachim]

12)[line 27]ולא יהא אויר הפוסל בשלשה כסכך פסול הפוסל בארבעהV'LO YEHEI AVIR HA'POSEL BI'SHELOSHAH K'SECHACH PASUL HA'POSEL B'ARBA'AH?- should not open space, which [is more stringent as it] invalidates a Sukah at three Tefachim, have the same status as invalid Sechach which invalidates a Sukah at four Tefachim?


13)[line 1]משום שיעורא ולאו שיעורא הואMISHUM SHI'URA V'LAV SHI'URA HU- [whether or not the Sukah is invalid] is dependant upon whether or not there is the [Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai specified] Shi'ur

14)[line 3]שיעור משום הפלגהSHI'UR MISHUM HAFLAGAH- the Shi'ur [of four Tefachim] is [logically] due to [how far of a distance is considered a separation between two domains]

15a)[line 7]סוכה קטנהSUKAH KETANAH- in a Sukah that is the minimum size of seven-by-seven Tefachim

b)[line 7]מי לא שוו שיעורייהו?MI LO SHAVI SHI'URAIHU?- are the amounts [of both open space and invalid Sechach that will invalidate the Sukah] not equal? This is because once there are three Tefachim of anything other than Sechach, it is a significant enough area that it cannot be considered along with the Sechach (RASHI; see Insights)


(a)A Zav, Zavah, Yoledes (see Background to Yoma 55:17), or Nidah (see Background to Pesachim 23:62) cause objects underneath them to become Avos ha'Tum'ah whether or not they come into contact with them. The status of such an object is that of a Tamei Midras (lit. that which is treaded upon), also known as a Mishkav or Moshav ha'Zav/Zavah, or the "Tachton" of a Zav or Zavah. An object beneath a Zav or a Zavah becomes a Midras only if it is designed for lying, sitting, or leaning upon. Earthenware objects (Klei Cheres) cannot receive Tum'as Midras.

(b)Different materials receive Tum'as Midras at different minimum sizes. Each Shi'ur depends upon what amount of the material is comfortable to sit upon. A piece of cloth less than three Tefachim square will not become Tamei if it is sat or lain upon by a Zav, etc. Material woven from goats' hair requires four square Tefachim, of leather five square Tefachim, and a woven reed mat six square Tefachim.

(c)One who comes into contact with or carries a Midras becomes a Rishon l'Tum'ah. As well, his clothes and any other utensils (other than earthenware utensils) that he is touching receive this level of Tum'ah.

17a)[line 12]שקSAK- material woven from goats' hair

b)[line 13]עורOR- leather

c)[line 13]מפץMAPATZ- a woven reed mat

18)[line 15]מצטרפין זה עם זהMITZTARFIN ZEH IM ZEH- combine with one another. This means that a material held to more stringent standards can complete the Shi'ur of materiel held to less stringent standards. For example, one Tefach of cloth, which can receive Tum'as Midras at three square Tefachim, can be added to three Tefachim of Sak to complete its Shi'ur of four Tefachim. One Tefach of Sak, however, cannot be added to two Tefachim of cloth in order to complete its Shi'ur of three Tefachim (RASHI; see Insights).

19)[line 16]הואיל וראוי לטמא מושבHO'IL V'RA'UY LI'TAMEI MOSHAV- a) Since each [of these materials] are fit to receive Tum'as Moshav [at the same Shi'ur, under certain conditions] (first explanation of RASHI); b) Since [these materials combine to create that which is sat upon and therefore] receives Tum'as Moshav [under certain conditions] (second explanation of RASHI).

20)[line 17]המקצע מכולן טפח על טפחHA'MEKATZE'A MI'KULAN TEFACH AL TEFACH- a) if one evened the edges of a Tefach square piece [of any the above materials] (first explanation of RASHI DH Ho'il); b) if one sewed together the edges of Tefach square pieces [of all the above materials] (second explanation of RASHI DH Ho'il); c) if one cut out a Tefach square piece [of any of the above materials] (RAMBAM Hilchos Kelim 23:3)

21)[line 20](ליטלו) [לטלאי] על גבי החמור(LITLO) [L'TELAI] AL GABEI HA'CHAMOR- to fashion it as a patch on [the worn out part of] a donkey's saddle

22)[line 21]אמרי להא שמעתא בהאי לישנאAMREI L'HA SHEMAITA B'HAI LISHNA- they related this teaching (namely, the disagreement over whether invalid Sechach in the middle of a Sukah divides the Sechach on one side of it from that on the other at a width of four Amos or four Tefachim) as it was just expressed

23)[line 25]נסרNESER- a board

24)[line 30]שני סדינין מצטרפיןSHNEI SEDININ MITZTARFIM- (the Gemara currently interprets this to mean that) [if] two sheets (which are Mekabel Tum'ah and are therefore invalid as Sechach) [lie next to one another in the middle of the Sechach a Sukah and have a combined width of four Tefachim, then they] combine [to invalidate the Sukah]

25)[line 37]קניאKANYA- sticks

26)[line 39]ארזEREZ- cedar