


(R. Yochanan): "V'Sachas Kevodo Yekad Yekod ki'Kod Esh" - [the bodies of Sancheriv's army, which are] under their Kavod (garments) were burned - their garments themselves were not burned;


R. Yochanan does not explain Kavod literally (their bodies) - he calls his garments Machbedosai.


(R. Elazar): Tachas (in place of) their actual Kavod (bodies, which were burned, will be ashes);


(R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): [Their Neshamos, which are] under their Kavod (bodies) were burned (but not their bodies), like the death of Nadav and Avihu.


Just like there, the Neshamos were burned and the bodies were intact, also here.


Question (Rav Acha): What is the source that changing garments shows honor to Hash-m?


Answer: "U'Foshat Es Begdav v'Lovash Begadim Acherim" (inferior garments are used to take ashes from the Mizbe'ach outside);


(Tana d'vei R. Yishmael): The Torah teaches proper conduct - one should not mix a cup for his master in the same garments he wore while cooking food.


(R. Chiya bar Aba): It is disgraceful for a Chacham to go out with patched shoes.


Question: But R. Acha bar Chanina went out with patched shoes!


Answer (Rav Acha brei d'Rav Nachman): It is disgraceful only if there is a patch on top of a patch.


(R. Chiya bar Aba): If Revav (Rashi - a stain of fat; Rif - of wax or pitch) is found on a Chacham's garment, he is Chayav Misah [bi'Dei Shomayim] - "Kol Mesan'ai Ohavu Maves" - we read this 'Masni'ai' (those who make people hate 'me' (Torah)).


Version #1 - Rashi - (Ravina): This applies to Revad (a stain of semen).


They do not argue - one is liable for Revav only on the outermost garment, one is liable for semen even on an inner garment.


Version #2 - Ran - (Ravina): This applies to Revad (dry blood, people will suspect that he had relations with a Nidah).


They do not argue - one is liable for blood only on the outermost garment, but on an inner garment people will attribute it to a louse.


Version #3 - Tosfos Avodah Zarah 33a - (Ravina): This is called Revad. (end of Version #3)


Question (R. Chiya bar Aba): What do we learn from "Ka'Asher Holach Avdi Yeshayahu Arum v'Yachef [Shalosh Shanim]"?


Answer: He was naked, i.e. in worn out garments; he was barefoot, i.e. in patched shoes.


(Mishnah): Revav on a [donkey] saddle is a Chatzitzah [regarding immersion];


R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, the Shi'ur to be Chotzetz is an Italian Isar (a coin).


Revav on both sides of a garment is a Chatzitzah, on one side it is not a Chatzitzah.


R. Yehudah says, even from one side it is Chotzetz.


Question (Reish Lakish): On a saddle, is it a Chatzitzah only from both sides, or even from one side?


Answer (R. Chanina): I did not hear about this, but we can learn from a related law:


(Mishnah - R. Yosi): A stain on a garment of Bana'im (this will be explained) from one side is Chotzetz, on a boor's garment it is Chotzetz only if it is on both sides.


A saddle should not be more prestigious than a boor's garment (on one side it is not Chotzetz)!




Question: Who are the Bana'im mentioned in the Mishnah?


Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): They are Chachamim, who engage in building the world all their days.


Question (R. Yochanan): Which Chacham is believed to say that he recognizes that a lost object is his [even though he cannot give a sign]?


Answer: It is one who is particular about his garment, that if he put it on inside-out he reverses it (Rashi; Maharsha - he is concerned for a stain even from one side, even if it will not show (therefore a stain on one side is Chotzetz). Shulchan Aruch also requires that he never lies, with only three exceptions, based on Bava Metzi'a 24A.)


Question (R. Yochanan): Which Chacham is qualified to be appointed over the Tzibur?


Version #1 (Rashi) Answer: He must know everything so well that he can answer questions on it, even 'Kalah' (a minor tractate, it can be found after Maseches Avodah Zarah).


Version #2 (Tosfos) Answer: He must know something so well that he can answer questions on it, even 'Kalah' (laws of the festival that are learned 30 days beforehand, most people are familiar with it).


Question (R. Yochanan): For which Chacham must residents of the city do his work?


Answer: It is one who abandons his business and engages [only] in spiritual matters.


He must know something so well that he can answer questions on it, even 'Kalah'.


This refers only to things like digging, i.e. essentials that he cannot do himself.


(R. Yochanan): A Chacham is one who can answer a question about any Halachah.


Question: What is the application of this?


Answer: It is to be appointed over the Tzibur - if he knows one Maseches, he can be appointed where they are learning that Maseches; if he knows everything, he can be appointed Rosh Yeshivah.


Answer #2 (Reish Lakish): Bana'im are bathhouse attendants, they have Ulyarim (special towels for important people).


Inference: [Since a small stain is a Chatzitzah,] this implies that Ulyarim are white (people are not concerned for small stains on colored clothing).


Question: But R. Yanai told his children 'Do not bury me in black clothing - perhaps I will merit to be in Gan Eden, I will look like a mourner among Chasanim (people rejoicing);


Also, do not bury me in white clothing - perhaps I will be in Gehinom, I will be like a Chasan among mourners!


Rather, bury me in Ulyarin garments of overseas.


Answer: Outer Ulyarin garments are red, inner Ulyarin garments are white.




(Mishnah - R. Yishmael): One may fold...


(Beraisa - R. Yishmael): "Olas Shabas b'Shabato" (we expound as if it says 'b'Shabas'), Chelev of [Korbanos of] Shabbos may be offered on [another Shabbos, i.e.] Yom Kipur;


R. Akiva says, it teaches that Chelev of Shabbos may be offered on Yom Tov.


Suggestion: Perhaps it may be offered even on Yom Kipur!


Rejection: "B'Shabato" excludes this.


R. Yishmael holds that we may bring Nedarim and Nedavos on Yom Tov - we do not need a verse to permit Chelev of Shabbos on Yom Tov, therefore it teaches about Yom Kipur;


R. Akiva holds that we may not bring Nedarim and Nedavos on Yom Tov, so we need the verse to permit Chelev of Shabbos on Yom Tov.



(Beraisa): When Yom Kipur is on Erev Shabbos, they do not Toke'a (blow the Shofar at the beginning of Shabbos (35B) - Teki'ah shows that the coming day is more Kodesh);


When Yom Kipur is on Motzei Shabbos, we do not say Havdalah [in Shemoneh Esre - Havdalah shows that the day that ended was more Kodesh].


(R. Zeira): In Bavel, we used to say that all agree to this Beraisa;


In Eretz Yisrael, Yehudah the son of R. Shimon ben Pazi said that it is like R. Akiva - but R. Yishmael would say that we Toke'a (when Shabbos follows Yom Kipur; R. Chananel - when Yom Kipur follows Shabbos), to publicize that [Shabbos is more Kodesh, i.e.] we may offer Chelev of Shabbos on Yom Kipur


I told him that Kohanim are zealous (they already know this; we need not Toke'a for them).


Question (Mar Kashisha brei d'Rav Chisda): We do not say that Kohanim are zealous!


(Mishnah): [The Teki'os in the Mikdash on Erev Shabbos include] three to cease people from Melachah, and three to separate Kodesh from profane.


Answer (Rav Ashi): Elsewhere, Abaye answered, they are for others (not Kohanim) in Yerushalayim - here also, they are for others in Yerushalayim.


Question: [According to everyone] we should Toke'a to publicize that Kenivas Yerek (Rashi - cutting vegetables; Ran - rinsing them) is permitted on Yom Kipur from the time of Minchah [to be eaten at night, on account of Inuy (Rashi - he deals with food but may not eat it, increasing anguish; Ba'al ha'Ma'or - to lessen his anguish that he will not have food ready to break his fast after dark) - this is forbidden on Shabbos]!


Answer #1 (Rav Yosef): We do not override Shevus (the Isur mid'Rabanan of Teki'ah) to publicize that something is permitted.


Answer #2 (Rav Shisha brei d'Rav Idi): We override Shevus only for something that applies right away, but not for Kenivas Yerek (R. Chananel - it is not permitted until Minchah; Rashi - the suggestion was to Toke'a when Shabbos begins on Motzei Yom Kipur, to teach about future years).


Objection: We do not always override Shevus for something that applies right away!


(Mishnah): When Yom Tov is on Motzei Shabbos, they do not Toke'a, we say Havdalah.


According to Rav Shisha, we should Toke'a to publicize that one may slaughter immediately!


Conclusion: We must answer like Rav Yosef.


(R. Zeira): When Yom Kipur is on Shabbos, Kenivas Yerek is forbidden.


Support (Rav Mana - Beraisa) Question: What is the source that when Yom Kipur is on Shabbos, Kenivas Yerek is forbidden?


Answer: It says "Shabason" - cease.


Question: What does this teach about?


Suggestion: It forbids Melachah.


Rejection: It explicitly says "Lo Sa'aseh Chol Melachah"!


Answer: It forbids Kenivas Yerek.


(R. Yochanan): When Yom Kipur is on Shabbos, Kenivas Yerek is permitted [after Minchah].


Question (Beraisa) Question: What is the source that when Yom Kipur is on Shabbos, Kenivas Yerek is forbidden?


Answer: "Shabason" - cease.


Question: What does this teach about?


Suggestion: It forbids Melachah.


Rejection: It explicitly says "Lo Sa'aseh Chol Melachah"!


Answer: It forbids Kenivas Yerek.


Answer (and Defense of Suggestion): Really, it adds an Isur [derived from an] Ase in addition to the Lav forbidding Melachah.


Support (for R. Yochanan - Beraisa): When Yom Kipur is on Shabbos, Kenivas Yerek is permitted [after Minchah].