


(Beraisa - R. Muna): If a man touches any of the following before washing his hands in the morning, his hand is worthy to be cut off [so it will not do so again] - his nose, mouth, ear, bloodletting wound, Ever, anus, or barrel of beer. (Rashi - in any case one may not touch the Ever or anus lest it cause seminal emissions; one should not touch the anus too often, lest it cause hemorrhoids. Aruch - he teaches that one should not drink beer regularly, lest he lose his source of income.)


Touching them can cause blindness, deafness, or bad breath.


(Beraisa - R. Noson): The Ru'ach that dwells on hands before washing is a Bas Chorin (dignified), it does not go away unless each hand is washed three times, alternating.


(R. Yochanan): Painting the eyes removes [damage done by] a Bas Chorin, inhibits tears, and increases the eyelashes.


(Mar Ukva): (Rashi - the following are eaten; Tosfos - they are put on the eyes.) Alin (a certain kind of leaves) do not heal eyes;


(Rav Yosef): Coriander does not heal eyes;


(Rav Sheshes): Hops does not heal eyes;


(Rav Yosef): Coriander pains even my eyes (he and Rav Sheshes were blind);


(Rav Sheshes): Gargira (rocket plant) is helpful even for me.


(Mar Ukva): All kinds of hops are permitted, except for Teruza (a certain hops).


Version #1 (Tosfos) (Rav Chisda): [On Shabbos] one may strain the juice of watermelon (one drinks it to loosen the bowels);


One may not strain soft-boiled eggs.


Version #2 (Rashi) (Rav Chisda): One may smear oil and soft-boiled eggs on [hot] roasted meat.


One may not scramble soft-boiled eggs (it looks like he intends to cook them).


Ze'iri's wife scrambled soft-boiled eggs for Chiya bar Ashi; he did not eat them.


Ze'iri's wife: I made them for your Rebbi (Ze'iri), and he ate them - you do not eat them?!


Ze'iri permitted it, like he taught elsewhere:


One may strain clear wine or clear water through a cloth - since it could be drunk without this, it is permitted.


Similarly, since the eggs could be eaten without scrambling, it is permitted.




(Mar Ukva): If one bruised his hand or foot, he may put it in wine to stop the bleeding.


Question: May he put it in vinegar to stop the bleeding?


Answer (Rav Hillel): The academy of Rav Kahana forbids this (it is very strong).


(Rava): People of Mechuza (Rava's city) are delicate, for them wine works like vinegar (it is forbidden).


Version #1: A donkey stepped on the back of Rav Ashi's foot; he put it in vinegar.


Ravina: Do you disagree with Rav Hillel?


Rav Ashi: The back of the hand and foot are different.


Version #2: Rav Ashi put his foot in wine.


Ravina: Rava forbids wine for delicate people - you are delicate!


Rav Ashi: The back of the hand and foot are different: (end of Version #2)


(Rav Ada bar Masnah): [A wound on] the back of the hand or foot is like an internal injury (there is mortal danger), one may Mechalel Shabbos for it.


(Beraisa #1): One may bathe in water of Gerar (even though they are a bit salty, it is not evident that this is for healing), Chamsan, Asya, or Tiverya, but not in the Yam ha'Gadol (Meditarranean Sea), in Mei Mishre (water in which flax was soaked) or in the Dead Sea.


Contradiction (regarding Yam ha'Gadol - Beraisa #2): One may bathe in water of Tiverya or Yam ha'Gadol, but not in Mei Mishre or the Dead Sea.


Resolution #1 (R. Yochanan): Beraisa #2 is R. Meir (who equates Yam ha'Gadol to all seas), Beraisa #1 is R. Yehudah:


(Mishnah - R. Meir): All seas are Mikva'os (they are Metaher only if the water is gathered, they are not Mayim Chayim required for a Zav, Metzora or Parah Adumah) - "Ul'Mikve ha'Mayim Kora Yamim".


R. Yehudah says, the Yam ha'Gadol is a Mikveh - it is called Yamim (plural) because it has many kinds of water;


R. Yosi says, all seas are Metaher even if the water is flowing [because water constantly flows in], they are Pesulim for a Zav, Metzora or Parah Adumah.


Objection (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): They argue regarding Tum'ah and Taharah - there is no source that they argue about healing!



Resolution #2 (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): It is forbidden if one stays in the water for a long time (it is evidently to heal), it is permitted to bathe quickly.


Objection: If Beraisa #2 discusses bathing quickly, it should be permitted even in Mei Mishre!


(Beraisa #3): One may bathe in water of Tiverya, Mei Mishre or Dead Sea, even if he has sores on his head (this also contradicts Beraisos #1 and #2 regarding Mei Mishre and the Dead Sea);


This is if he bathes quickly - it is forbidden to stay in the water for a long time.


Resolution #3 (regarding Yam ha'Gadol): It is permitted to bathe in parts of Yam ha'Gadol where the water is nice, it is forbidden where the water is bad.


Resolution (regarding Mei Mishre and the Dead Sea): Beraisa #3 permits bathing quickly, Beraisos #1 and #2 forbid staying in a long time.




(Mishnah): One may not eat Ezovin on Shabbos because healthy people do not eat it (the entire Mishnah will be explained).


One may eat Yo'ezer and drink Avuvaro'ah;


One may eat any food, or drink any drink for a cure, except for Mei Dekalim or a cup of Ikarim because they are for jaundice;


One may drink Mei Dekalim to quench his thirst or anoint with a oil of Ikarim not for the sake of a cure.


(Gemara - Rav Yosef): Ezov (hyssop required for sprinkling for a Metzora or a Tamei Mes) is what we call Evrasah bar Hemeg (it grows among bulrushes);


Ezovin [of our Mishnah] is what we call Evrasah bar Hinag (it grows among thorn bushes).


The household of Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah served to Ula [a plant called] sage; he said that this is Ezov of the Torah.


(Rav Papi): Shumshuk is Ezov of the Torah.


(R. Yirmiyah mi'Difti): Presumably, Rav Papi is right:


(Mishnah): The Mitzvah is to have three Ezov branches, each with one shoot. (Rashash - Rashi explains that each has three shoots, like R. Yehudah (who argues in the Seifa of this Mishnah), for from this we prove that it is Shumshuk.)


Shumshuk has shoots like this!


Question: Why do people eat it?


Answer: It helps get rid of intestinal worms.


Question: With what does one eat it?


Answer: He eats it with seven black dates.


Question: What causes the worms?


Answer: They come from barley flour at least 40 days old.




(Mishnah): One may eat Yo'ezer.


This is mint; people eat it to get rid of worms in the liver, with seven white dates;


The worms come from eating any of the following on an empty stomach, and drinking water afterwards:


Meat [roasted on coals], fatty meat, ox meat, nuts, shoots of fenugreek.


If not (one does not have mint, or if it did not help), one should swallow white cress;


If not, one should fast, put fatty meat on coals, suck a nice limb and swallow vinegar.


Some say not to use vinegar, for it is bad for the liver.


If not, one should take bark peeled off a bush from top to bottom (but not vice-versa, lest this cause the worms to leave through his mouth) and cook it with beer in the cemetery;


The next day he should close his nostrils (so he cannot smell; alternatively - also his ears, lest the potency leave him) and drink it; when he needs to eliminate, he should do so where a date tree was pruned.


(Mishnah): One may drink Avuvaro'ah.


Avuvaro'ah is Chumtriya.


Question: What is this?


Answer: It is a tree that goes straight up, without branches.


It cures one who drank water that was left exposed (we are concerned lest a snake drank from it and put venom in it).


If not, he should take five roses and five cups of beer and cook them until only a Revi'is remains, and drink it.


Rav Achdevoy bar Ami's mother prepared this for a man, using one rose and one cup of beer. She cooked it and gave to him to drink; she lit the oven, swept out the coals [to temper the heat] and put a brick for him to sit on [lest he get burned] - he vomited out the poison, it was like a green palm leaf.


Rav Avya said, one should drink a Revi'is of milk from a white goat;


Rav Huna bar Yehudah says, he should hollow out a sweet Esrog and fill it with honey, and put it among glimmering coals, and eat it [after it cooks].


R. Chanina says, one stung by a wasp should drink a tiny cup (an eighth of a Revi'is) of 40 day old urine (alternatively - of a 40 day old baby);


For a scorpion bite he should drink a Revi'is, half a Log for exposed water, a full Log helps even against witchcraft.


(R. Yochanan): The following help against [venom which might have been ingested in] exposed water and witchcraft - water in which were cooked beets or a certain herb, and sap.


If one swallowed a snake, he should eat hops in brine and run three Mil.


Version #1: Rav Simi Bar Ashi saw a man who swallowed a snake; Rav Simi made himself look like a soldier [to frighten him], he made him eat hops in brine and run three Mil in front of Rav Simi - the snake came out piecemeal.


Version #2: Rav Simi swallowed a snake; Eliyahu appeared to Rav Simi like a soldier, made him eat hops in brine and run three Mil - the snake came out piecemeal.


If one was bitten by a snake, he should bring a fetus from a white donkey that was not Treifah, tear it and put it on the wound.