[75a - lines; 75b - lines]

1a)[line 1]בצנעהB'TZIN'AH- in private, i.e. not in the presence of ten Jews

b)[line 2]בפרהסיאB'FARHESYA- in public, i.e. in the presence of ten Jews

2)[line 3]והעלה לבו טינאHE'ELAH LIBO TINA- his heart filled with impure thoughts, i.e. a burning passion seized him to the point of illness

3)[line 18]"מַיִם גְּנוּבִים יִמְתָּקוּ, וְלֶחֶם סְתָרִים יִנְעָם""MAYIM GENUVIM YIMTAKU, V'LECHEM SESARIM YIN'AM"- "Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant" (Mishlei 9:17).


4)[line 25]משמעות דורשין איכא בינייהוMASHMA'US DORSHIN IKA BEINAIHU- the difference of opinion between them (Rebbi Yishmael and Rebbi Akiva, see Gemara Daf 76b) is the implication of the verse, i.e. how to explain the words "אֹתוֹ וְאֶתְהֶן" "Oso v'Es'hen" in the verse that deals with this topic (Vayikra 20:14)

5)[line 26]חמותו לאחר מיתה איכא בינייהוCHAMOSO L'ACHAR MISAH IKA BEINAIHU- the difference of opinion between them is whether a man who has relations with his mother-in-law after his wife's death is also liable to the death penalty of Sereifah (Rebbi Yishmael) or has transgressed an "Isura b'Alma" (Rebbi Akiva) and (a) is liable to the Kares punishment (RAMBAM Hilchos Isurei Bi'ah 2:8, BAHAG Hilchos Arayos, TOSFOS to Yevamos 94b DH me'Isura); (b) has transgressed the verse "אָרוּר שֹׁכֵב עִם חֹתַנְתּוֹ" "Arur Shochev Im Chosanto" (Devarim 27:23), but is not liable to punishment (RASHI to Sanhedrin 76b, RAMBAN and RASHBA to Yevamos 98b)

6)[line 30]"אִישׁ אֲשֶׁר יִקַּח אֶת אִשָּׁה וְאֶת אִמָּהּ""ISH ASHER YIKACH ES ISHAH V'ES IMAH..."- the full verse in Parshas Kedoshim reads, "וְאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר יִקַּח אֶת אִשָּׁה וְאֶת אִמָּהּ, זִמָּה הִוא; בָּאֵשׁ יִשְׂרְפוּ אֹתוֹ וְאֶתְהֶן, וְלֹא תִהְיֶה זִמָּה בְּתוֹכְכֶם" "v'Ish Asher Yikach Es Ishah v'Es Imah, Zimah Hi; ba'Esh Yisrefu Oso v'Es'hen, v'Lo Siheyeh Zimah b'Sochechem" (Vayikra 20:14).

7)[line 34]ונאמר להלן "זמה"V'NE'EMAR LEHALAN "ZIMAH"- it states there [in Parshas Acharei Mos] "עֶרְוַת אִשָּׁה וּבִתָּהּ לֹא תְגַלֵּה; אֶת בַּת בְּנָהּ וְאֶת בַּת בִּתָּהּ לֹא תִקַּח לְגַלּוֹת עֶרְוָתָהּ, שַׁאֲרָה הֵנָּה זִמָּה הִוא" "Ervas Ishah u'Vitah Lo Segaleh; Es Bas Benah v'Es Bas Bitah Lo Sikach l'Galos Ervasah, Sha'arah Henah, Zimah Hi" (Vayikra 18:17).

8)[line 36]ומה כאן (למעלה כלמטה) [למטה כלמעלה], אף להלן למעלה כלמטהU'MAH KAN (L'MA'ALAH K'L'MATAH) [L'MATAH K'L'MA'ALAH] AF LEHALAN L'MA'ALAH K'L'MATAH- (this is the correct Girsa, according to the MAHARSHA and the DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #6, who quotes the Basilia manuscript. RASHI to Amud Beis DH Rav Ashi also quotes this line according to this Girsa)

9)[last line]השתא אם חמותו לא קמה לןHASHTA EM CHAMOSO LO KAMAH LAN- at this point, the mother of his mother-in-law has not been established (that she is prohibited and that he and she incur the Sereifah penalty)


10a)[line 1]שְׁאֵר הבא ממנוSHE'ER HA'BA MIMENU- the descendants (lit. flesh) who issue from him (i.e. his daughter from a woman to whom he was not married, the daughter of his son from a woman to whom he was not married and the daughter of his daughter from a woman to whom he was not married)

b)[line 2]כִּשְׁאֵר הבא ממנהSHE'ER HA'BA MIMENAH- the descendants (lit. flesh) who issue from her (his wife) (i.e. his wife's daughter, the daughter of his wife's son and the daughter of his wife's daughter)

11)[line 5]אתיא "הֵנָּה" "הֵנָּה"; אתיא "זִמָּה" "זִמָּה"ASYA "HENAH" "HENAH"; ASYA "ZIMAH" "ZIMAH" - it comes through the double Gezeirah Shavah that compares two verses that contain the word "Henah" and two verses that contain the word "Zimah"

(a)Chazal (here and Yevamos 3a) use a double Gezeirah Shavah to prove that relations between a man and his daughter (who is not his wife's daughter) or with his granddaughter (who is not his wife's granddaughter) incurs the capital punishment of Sereifah, a fact that is not explicit in the verses. The Halachos that a Gezeirah Shavah teaches, however, are considered as if they are explicit in the verses.

(b)The verse that prohibits relations between a man and his granddaughter (who is not his wife's granddaughter) states, "כִּי עֶרְוָתְךָ הֵנָּה" "Ki Ervascha Henah" - "since they are your close relatives (lit. nakedness)" (Vayikra 18:10). Likewise, the verse that prohibits relations between a man and his wife's daughter and granddaughter (whether they are his descendants or not) states, "שַׁאֲרָה הֵנָּה זִמָּה הִוא" "Sha'arah Henah, Zimah Hi" - "they are your relatives (lit. flesh), it is the conduct of wrongdoers" (Vayikra 18:17). Just as the second verse contains the word "Zimah," the Gezeirah Shavah makes us consider the first verse as if it, too, also contains the word "Zimah." (And therefore, just as the second verse includes the (wife's) daughter and the granddaughter, so, too, the prohibition of the first verse includes the man's granddaughter and his daughter.)

(c)Next, the verse that specifies the punishment of Sereifah for relations between a man and two women who are mother and daughter states, "זִמָּה הִוא; בָּאֵשׁ יִשְׂרְפוּ" "Zimah Hi, ba'Esh Yisrefu" - "it is the conduct of wrongdoers, they shall be burned by fire" (Vayikra 20:14). As a result of this Gezeirah Shavah, all of those who transgress the above forbidden relations receive the Sereifah punishment.

12)[line 13]מנין לעשות שלשה דורות למעלה כשלשה דורות למטה?MINAYIN LA'ASOS SHELOSHAH DOROS L'MA'ALAH KI'SHELOSHAH DOROS L'MATAH?- From where do we learn that the woman who is in the third generation above a man's wife (i.e. his wife's mother's mother) is likened to the woman who is the third generation below a man's wife (i.e. his daughter's daughter or his son's daughter) [and she is prohibited to him, and he and she receive Sereifah if they have illicit relations together]?

13)[line 14]נאמר למטה זמה ונאמר למעלה זמהNE'EMAR L'MATAH ZIMAH V'NE'EMAR L'MA'ALAH ZIMAH- it states below (in the verse dealing with the lower generations, Vayikra 18:17) "Zimah" and it states above (in the verse dealing with upper generations, Vayikra 20:14) "Zimah"

14a)[line 15]ומה בעונש עשה למטה כלמעלהU'MAH B'ONESH ASAH L'MATAH K'L'MA'ALAH- and just like in the punishment (Sereifah) [the woman of the third generation] below is learned from (lit. is made like) [the woman of the third generation] above (Sereifah is written in the verse regarding a man who has relations with his mother-in-law - Vayikra 20:14)

b)[line 16]אף באזהרה נמי עשה למעלה כלמטהAF B'AZHARAH NAMI ASAH L'MA'ALAH K'L'MATAH- so, too, in the Azharah (the negative commandment) [the woman of the third generation] above is learned from (lit. is made like) [the woman of the third generation] below (the Azharah is the verse regarding a man who has relation with his wife's daughter and granddaughter - Vayikra 18:17)

15)[line 17]ומאי למטה? למטה באיסורU'MAI L'MATAH? L'MATAH B'ISUR- and what does the word "l'Matah" mean? "lower in [the stringency of the] prohibition"

16a)[line 17]אי מה היא, אֵם אמה אסורהIY MAH HI EM IMAH ASURAH- But [if you may say] just as [with regard to] her (the man's wife), her mother's mother is prohibited to him (as an Ervah)

b)[line 18]אף הוא, אם אמו אסורה?AF HU EM IMO ASURAH?- so should his own mother's mother be prohibited to him (as an Ervah)? (But the Mishnah - Yevamos 21a - lists one's mother's mother as a Sheniyah, who is only prohibited mid'Rabanan!)

17a)[line 20]דון מינה ומינהDON MINAH U'MINAH

Judge from it and [entirely] from it, i.e. an analogy must be carried through so that the case deduced agrees throughout with the case from which the deduction was made.

b)[line 20]דון מינה ואוקי באתרהDON MINAH V'UKI B'ASRAH

Judge from it but place the deduction in its own context, i.e. let the case deduced by analogy be regulated by the rules that are appropriate to that case itself.