
TOSFOS DH Lo Shahasah Kedei she'Tered... v'Chayeves b'Asham Taluy...

úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ùäúä ëãé ùúøã... [åçééáú áàùí úìåé]...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this does not depend on the argument elsewhere of Yesh Em l'Mikra or Mesores.)

úéîä àé ø''ò îåãä áøéùà ëãîùîò ãìà ôìéâ àìà àñéôà à''ë ñáø éù àí ìîñåøú


Question #1: If R. Akiva agrees in the Reisha (that she brings Asham Taluy), like it connotes that he argues only in the Seifa, if so, he holds that Yesh Em l'Mesores (we expound based on the way words are written in the Torah);

åáô''÷ ãñðäãøéï (ãó ã.) àéú ìéä ìø''ò éù àí ìî÷øà âáé øáéòéú ãí äáà îùðé îúéí ã÷àîø ðôùåú ÷øéðï


In Sanhedrin (4a), R. Akiva holds that Yesh Em l'Mikra (we expound based on the way words in the Torah are pronounced) regarding a Revi'is of blood that came from two Mesim. He says 'we pronounce it "Nafshos" (plural)!'

åìéëà ìîéîø ãäëà ôìéâ ðîé áøéùà


Suggestion: Here [R. Akiva] argues also in the Reisha.

ãäúðï ô' ãí ùçéèä (ëøéúåú ãó ëá:) áçúéëä ùì ÷åãù åçúéëä ùì çåìéï àëì àçã àú äøàùåðä åáà àçø åàëì àú äùðéä æä îáéà àùí úìåé åæä îáéà àùí úìåé ãáøé ø''ò


Rejection: A Mishnah in Kerisus (22b) says that if there was a piece of Kodesh and a piece of Chulin, and Reuven ate the first (we are unsure which it was), and Shimon ate the second, R. Akiva says that both of them bring an Asham Taluy;

åàîàé çééá äùðé äà áùòä ùàëì ìà äéå ìôðéå á' çúéëåú åìîàï ãáòé á' çúéëåú ôèåø áëä''â ëãàîø äúí áñåó ôø÷éï


Why is Shimon liable? At the time he ate it, there were not two pieces. According to the opinion that requires two pieces, he is exempt in such a case, like it says there at the end of the Perek!

åøáé ðîé àéú ìéä áô' ñô÷ àëì (ùí ãó éç.) äéëà ãàëì àú äøàùåðä áîæéã åäùðéä áùåââ ãçééá àùí úìåé òì äùðéä


Question #2: Also Rebbi holds there (18a) that when one ate the first b'Mezid and the second b'Shogeg, he is obligated Asham Taluy for the second;

åøáé ñáø áô''÷ ãñðäãøéï (ãó ã.) éù àí ìî÷øà


Rashi holds in Sanhedrin (4a) that Yesh Em l'Mikra!

åö''ì ãéù ùåí çéìå÷ áéï î÷øà ìîñåøú æä ìî÷øà åîñåøú ãòìîà


Answer: We must say that there is a difference between [Yesh Em l']Mikra and Mesores here, and elsewhere.

ãçééà áø øá ãáòé á' çúéëåú ñáø ãë''ò ñáøé äëà ãéù àí ìî÷øà åøá àñé ãôìéâ òìéä ñáø ãë''ò ñáøé éù àí ìîñåøú


Source: R. Chiya bar Rav, who requires two pieces, holds that everyone holds here that Yesh Em l'Mikra, and Rav Asi, who argues with him, holds that all hold that Yesh Em l'Mesores;

ëîå ùîöéðå (á''î ãó ëá:) âáé éåúï ãåîéà ãéúï åòåáã ãåîéà ãòáã (ôñçéí ãó ëå:) åòåðé ãåîéà ãòðé (ùí ìå.) åëôåú ãåîéà ãëôú (ñåëä ãó ìá.) åäúí éù èòîà àçøéðà


This is like we find (Bava Metzi'a 22b) regarding "Yutan" that is like "Yiten", "Uvad" that is like "Avad" (Pesachim 26b), "Oni" that is like "Ani" (Pesachim 36a), and "Kapos" that is like "Kapas", and there, there is another reason. (Maharsha - in all these cases, all agree that Yesh Em l'Mesores, i.e. we expound the Mikra only in a way that does not contradict the Mesores.)

åúãò ãëé ôøéê äúí èåáà ìçééà áø øá åîùðé ø''à äéà ãîçééá àùí úìåé òì çìá ëåé


Support: We ask many questions there against R. Chiya bar Rav, and answer "[the Beraisa] is R. Eliezer, who obligates Asham Taluy for Chelev of a Kvi [even though there is only one piece].

åäà ëîä úðàé ôìéâé áî÷øà åáîñåøú åàîàé ð÷è èôé ø''à ãùîåúé äåà åâí äî÷ùä åëé ìà äåä éãò ãèåáà úðàé ôìéâé áî÷øà åáîñåøú


Question: Many Tana'im argue about Mikra and Mesores. Why did it mention R. Eliezer more than others? He is Shemuti (normally, the Halachah does not follow him)! Did he not know that many Tana'im argue about Mikra and Mesores?!

àìà ëãôøéùéú


Answer: Rather, it is like I explained. (There is a difference between [Yesh Em l']Mikra and Mesores here, and elsewhere.)

åòåã é''ì ãø''ò åøáé àééøå ãäøàùåï ìà àëì ëì äçúéëä àìà çöéä åëùàëì äùðéä äéå òãééï á' äçúéëåú ìôðéå


Answer #2: R. Akiva and Rebbi discuss when the first did not eat the entire piece, rather, only half. When the second ate, there were still two pieces in front of him.

åëòðéï æä îúøõ äéøåùìîé áäçåìõ (äâäú çù÷ ùìîä)


Support: The Yerushalmi in Yevamos answers like this.


TOSFOS DH Ha Ed b'Yadah v'Ein Ed b'Yadah Miba'i Lei

úåñôåú ã"ä äàé òã áéãä åàéï òã áéãä îéáòé ìéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we ask why the Beraisa did not say so explicitly.)

ôøù''é ãä''ì ìôìåâé äëì áùäúä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): It should have distinguished, [and established] everything when she delayed.

å÷ùä ãìîà îôìéâ áãéãä áàéï òã áéãä áéï ùäúä ììà ùäúä


Objection: Perhaps it does distinguish within the case when she does not have an Ed in her hand, between when she delayed and when she did not delay! (What is the basis of the Gemara's question?)

åðøàä ìôøù ãä''ì ìôøåùé ááøééúà áàéï òã áéãä ëéåï ãîúðéúéï àééøé áéù òã áéãä:


Explanation #2: The Beraisa should have specified that it is when there is no Ed in her hand, since the Mishnah discusses when there is an Ed in her hand.


TOSFOS DH k'Shamai d'Amar Dayah Shaitah

úåñôåú ã"ä ëùîàé ãàîø ãéä ùòúä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that sometimes even Shamai agrees.)

åî''î îåãä ùîàé áçã àçø ãèîà ùáòä ëéåï ãçééá àùí úìåé


Observation: In any case, Shamai agrees about one "after" (in the time to take an Ed from under the pillow) that he is Tamei seven days, since he is obligated Asham Taluy.


TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Lemafre'a v'R. Meir Hi

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá ìîôøò åø''î äéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves our Sugya with the Gemara in Yoma.)

åà''ú ãáô''÷ ãéåîà (ãó á.) úðï îôøéùéï ë''â îáéúå æ' éîéí ãùîà éáà òì àùúå åúîöà (äâää áâìéåï) ñô÷ ðãä


Question: In Yuma (2a), a Mishnah says that we separate the Kohen Gadol from his house seven days [before Yom Kipur], lest he will have Bi'ah with his wife and she will be found to be Safek Nidah;

å÷àîø ëîàï ëø''ò ãàîø àó îèîàä àú áåòìä å÷àîø øá çñãà ãàúé àôéìå ëøáðï åáçã àçø îåãå ãáåòìä èîà æ'


Citation (2a): Is this like R. Akiva, who says that she is Metamei [retroactively] even one who has Bi'ah with her? Rav Chisda said, it is even like Rabanan. Regarding one "after", they agree that one who has Bi'ah with her is Tamei seven days.

àîàé ìà îùðé ùîà úîöà ëúí ãäà îåãéí çëîéí ìø''ò áøåàä ëúí


Why doesn't it answer that perhaps she will find a Kesem? Chachamim agree with R. Akiva about one who finds a Kesem!

åé''ì îùåí ùîåàì ãàîø äëà îëàï åìäáà


Answer #1: It is because Shmuel says here from [she is Metamei him seven days only] from now and onwards (after she saw the Kesem).

åòåã é''ì ãäéà úáãå÷ çìå÷ä ÷åãí ôøéùúå åàæ ìà ðèîà äëäï ÷åãí áãé÷ä


Answer #2: She will check her garment before his separation. Then, the Kohen will not become Tamei before the Bedikah.


Note: The Acharonim say that Tosfos' words are awkward. He means that she will check her garment before having Bi'ah with him. Rashash asks that if later she finds a Kesem, she is Temei'ah retroactively until right after the Bedikah, i.e. before Bi'ah, so she is Metamei him! Perhaps Tosfos means she will check so close to the time of Bi'ah that we are not concerned lest the blood came after Bedikah and before Bi'ah (PF).

åà''ú àîàé ÷àîø ùîà úîöà àùúå ñô÷ ðãä ìéîà åãàé ðãä àí úáãå÷ ùéòåø åñú ñîåê ìáòéìä


Question: Why does it say "perhaps his wife will be found to be Safek Nidah"? We should say lest she be found to be Vadai Nidah [at the time of Bi'ah], if she checks within Shi'ur Veses after the Bi'ah!

åé''ì ãäà ìà ùëéçà


Answer: It is not common [that she checks so quickly]. (Aruch l'Ner - we must say that also it is not common to find blood on his Ed.)


TOSFOS DH Hachi Garsinan Lo Shanu Ela she'Lo Hegi'a Sha'as Vestah

úåñôåú ã"ä äëé àéúîø ìà ùðå àìà ùìà äâéò ùòú åñúä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he retracted.)

ìà äéä ìå ìçæåø îîä ùàîø úçìä ìà ùðå àìà ùàéï ìä åñú ãàîú äåà ãäéà áçæ÷ú èäøä ëãàîøéðï áô''÷ (ìòéì éá.) ëì ìáòìä ìà áòéà áãé÷ä àôéìå àéï ìä åñú


Implied question: [The Gemara] should not have retracted from what [Rav Huna] said initially "we learned this (she has Chezkas Taharah) only in a case that she does not have a Veses", for it is true, that she is in Chezkas Taharah, like it says above (12a) that always, she does not need Bedikah for her husband, even if she does not have a Veses!

åäéä éëåì ìäåñéó åéù ìä åñú ðîé ëùìà äâéò ùòú åñúä ëå'


It could have added that also when she has a Veses, when the time of her Veses did not come (she has Chezkas Taharah).

àìà îééùá äìùåï ùàîø úçìä áìà úåñôú


Answer: Rather, it resolves the expression he said before, without addition.


TOSFOS DH Afilu Hegi'a Zman Vestah Muteres

úåñôåú ã"ä àôé' äâéò æîï åñúä îåúøú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why she is permitted afterwards.)

úéîä äéàê îåúøú äà àîøéðï áùáåòåú ô''á (ãó éç:) åì÷îï ôø÷ äàùä (ãó ñâ:) àæäøä ìáðé éùøàì ùéôøùå îðùåúéäï ñîåê ìåñúï


Question: How is she permitted? We say in Shevuos (18b) and below (63b) that ["v'Hizartem... mi'Tum'asam"] warns Bnei Yisrael to separate from their wives shortly before their Vestos!

åé''ì ëùùäúä àçø åñúä ùáòä éîéí ùéëåìä ìèáåì àééøé ãñô÷ èáéìä îåöéàä îéãé ñô÷ øàúä ëääåà ãø' éåçðï ãáñîåê


Answer: We discuss seven days after the Veses, for [even if she saw] she can immerse. The Safek Tevilah removes [concern for] a Safek sighting, like the case of R. Yochanan below (15b).

åìî''ã åñúåú ãàåøééúà àôéìå ùäúä ëùéòåø æîï èáéìä àñåøä ãåãàé øàúä çùáéðï ìä


According to the opinion that Vestos d'Oraisa, even if she delayed the amount of [time to enable] Tevilah, she is forbidden, for we consider that she Vadai saw.

åîúåê ëê éù ìã÷ã÷ ãñ''ì ìøáé éåçðï ãáñîåê åñúåú ãøáðï:


Consequence: From this, we can infer that R. Yochanan below holds that Vestos d'Rabanan.



TOSFOS DH Afilu Yaldah d'Baziza Lemitval

úåñôåú ã"ä àôéìå éìãä ãáæéæà ìîéèáì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why she is reluctant to immerse.)

ô''ä àôé' ðòøä ùáåùä ìèáåì åîùðé åãàé øàúä îé à''ø éåçðï äê ðîé ëéåï ùìà øàúä áåãàé ùøé øáé éåçðï


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [We ask, does R. Yochanan permit] even a Na'arah who is ashamed to immerse? We answer that R. Yochanan did not permit when she Vadai saw. Also here, since she did not Vadai see, R. Yochanan permits.

åàéðå îéåùá


Rebuttal: This is not resolved (correct).

åø''ç îôøù åëï ø''ú àôé' éìãä ãáæéæà ìîéèáì ôé' ùäåìéãä åîôçãú ìèáåì úåê ì'


Explanation #2 (R. Chananel, R. Tam): Even a Yaldah who is Baziza to immerse, i.e. she give birth, and she is afraid to immerse within 30 days;

ëãàîø áô' îôðéï (ùáú ãó ÷ëè.) ãáú øá çñãà èáìä úåê ùìùéí ììéãä åçìúä åàîèåä ìòøñà áúøéä ãøáà (ëï öøéê ìäâéä) åàéúñéàú


Source: It says in Shabbos (129) that Rav Chisda's daughter (Rava's wife) immersed within 30 days, and became sick, and they brought her bed to Rava [and they had relations] and she recovered.

åäùúà àúé ùôéø ãà''ì åãàé øàúä îé à''ø éåçðï à''ë éåìãú àôéìå ìà äéúä ãåàâú ìèáåì ìà éúéø øáé éåçðï ãñô÷ èáéìä àéðå îåöéàä îéãé åãàé øàúä


Support: Now it is fine that [R. Aba] said "did R. Yochanan permit when she Vadai saw?!" If so, a Yoledes, even if she did not fear to immerse, R. Yochanan would not permit her, for Safek Tevilah does not remove [concern for] a Vadai sighting (or birth, which makes her Vadai Temei'ah).

åáæéæ ìùåï ôçã ëääéà ãô''á ãéáîåú (ãó ëå.) ìà îéáòéà àáéå ãáæéæ áøéä îéðéä


"Baziz" is an expression of fear, like in Yevamos (26a) "not only his father, that his son fears him (so the father may marry a woman that the son permitted, and we are not concerned lest the son be Mezanah with her)..."

îéäå áô' àìå ãáøéí (ôñçéí ãó òá:) îùîò ùäåà ìùåï áåùú âáé éáîúå áæéæ îéðä åáô' á''ù (éáîåú ãó ÷éá.) îáææ áæéæ îéðä (äâäú äøù"ù)


Question: However, in Pesachim (72b) it connotes that it is an expression of shame, regarding "his Yevamah, [the Yavam] is Baziz Minah (ashamed to ask her whether she is Samuch l'Vestah)", and in Yevamos (112a) [we say that a man could refrain from doing Yibum for 30 days, for] he is Baziz Minah!

îéäå âí éù ìôøù ìùåï ôçã åáòøåê ôé' ìùåï áåùú


Answer: We can also explain [there] that it is an expression of fear. The Aruch explained that it is an expression of shame.


TOSFOS DH Chaver she'Mes v'Heni'ach Megurah Mele'ah Peros v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä çáø ùîú åäðéç îâåøä îìàä ôéøåú ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is unlike the case of Safek Shechitah.)

áô''÷ ãçåìéï (ãó é.) âáé ùçè åðîöà ñëéï ôâåîä ÷àîø ðîé àéï ñô÷ îåöéà îéãé åãàé åìà îééúé îäê ãçáø åùôçä


Implied question: Also in Chulin (10a), regarding one who slaughtered and found that the knife is nicked, it says "a Safek [Shechitah] does not remove [concern for] a Vadai [Isur of an animal that was not slaughtered]", and we do not bring the cases of a Chaver (separating Terumah) or a Shifchah (regarding Tum'ah)!

îùåí ãäëà äåé ñô÷ èåá åøâéì åàôé' ì÷åìà îåöéà îéãé åãàé


Answer: This is because here, it is a good, common Safek. We are even lenient to say that it removes [concern for] a Vadai.

åä''ð ìà ùééê ìàúåéé ääéà ãäúí ãèáì åòìä ãàúé ñô÷ åîåöéà îéãé åãàé ãäúí äééðå îùåí ãäåé ìçåîøà


Similarly, it is not appropriate to bring [here] the case there of one who immersed and came up [and found a Chatzitzah], that a Safek removes a Vadai, for there it is a stringency. (The rule that Safek does not remove a Vadai is only to be lenient.)


TOSFOS DH Behemto Ocheles

úåñôåú ã"ä áäîúå àåëìú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Heter is only for Achilas Arai.)

ãå÷à áäîúå ëãô''ä ãëì îä ùäéà àåëìú îé÷øé òøàé àáì àãí àñåø îãøáðï ìàëåì àëéìú ÷áò


Explanation: This is only his animal, like Rashi explained, that everything that it eats is called Arai (haphazard), but a person may not eat [without tithing] Keva (in a fixed way) mid'Rabanan.

åëï îùîò áúåñôúà åîééúé ìä áô''÷ ãáéöä (ãó éâ.) äëðéñ ìáéú ùáìéí ìòùåú îäï òéñä àåëì îäï òøàé åôèåø


Support #1: The Tosefta connotes like this, and it is brought in Beitzah (13a). If one entered into the house sheaves in order to make a dough, he eats from them Arai, and he is exempt.

åëï îùîò ðîé îãð÷è áäîúå


Support #2: Our Gemara connotes like this, since it mentioned his animal.

åäà ãôøéê áîðçåú áôø÷ øáé éùîòàì (ãó ñæ.) àîàé ã÷àîø îéøåç äòåáã ëåëáéí àéðå ôåèø îùåí áòìé ëéñéí ôéøåù òùéøéí ùîåëøéï úáåàúï ìòåáãé ëåëáéí ÷åãí îéøåç åçåæøéï å÷åðéï àçø îéøåç


Implied question: It asks in Menachos (67a) about the teaching that Miru'ach of a Nochri does not exempt due to Ba'alei Kisim, i.e. rich people who sell their grain to Nochrim before Miru'ach, and buy it back after Miru'ach...

àôùø ãòáã ëø' àåùòéà ôéøåù ùéåëì ìäòøéí åìôèåø ùéëðéñ äúáåàä áîåõ ùìä åîä äåòéìå çëîéí áú÷ðúí


[We ask that] he can do like R. Oshaya. I.e. he can scheme to exempt. He will enter the grain with its chaff. How did Chachamim's enactment (that Miru'ach of a Nochri does not exempt) help?

îùîò ãìâîøé ôèåø


Inference: [One who does like R. Oshaya] is totally exempt (i.e. even if he will eat Keva)!

ä''ô òáéã ìéä ëøáé àåùòéà åáîéãé ãîàëì áäîä îä äåòéìå çëîéí áú÷ðúí


Answer #1: [We asked that] he can do like R. Oshaya, so regarding animal foods, how did Chachamim's enactment help?

îéäå àé îéøåç äòåáã ëåëáéí àéðå ôåèø ø÷ òøàé ëîå ùäéä ÷åãí îéøåç àúé ùôéø


Answer #2: However, if [even without an enactment] Miru'ach of a Nochri exempts only for eating Arai, just like [one could eat Arai without tithing] before Miru'ach, this is fine (it is better than Answer #1, which is difficult. The enactment was to obligate one who eats Arai, so we ask that R. Oshaya's scheme makes the enactment futile.)

àê ö''ò áùéìäé ô''÷ ãáëåøåú (ãó éà:)


Question: Bechoros (11b) requires investigation. (The Gemara expounds that if a Nochri did Miru'ach, it is exempt from Ma'aser. We read "Deganecha (your grain)" like "Diguncha" (your Miru'ach). This connotes that a Nochri's Miru'ach is totally exempt!)

åäùúà ÷ùä ëéåï ãäåé åãàé èáì ìòðéï àëéìú ÷áò àôéìå äëðéñä áîåõ ëãôøéùéú äéëé àúé ñô÷ åîåöéà îéãé åãàé ãçùáéðï ìäå áçæ÷ú îúå÷ðéí


Question: Since it is Vadai Tevel regarding eating Keva, even if it he entered it with the chaff, like I explained, how does a Safek (that he tithed it) remove [concern for] Vadai? We consider that the Peros were fixed!

åìéëà ìîéîø ãñô÷ îåöéà îéãé åãàé ãøáðï


Suggestion: A Safek removes [concern for] Vadai [Isur] mid'Rabanan.

ãäà áôø÷ ÷îà ãôñçéí (ãó è.) ôøéê îéðéä àäà ã÷àîø äúí ëì î÷åí ùçåìãä åáøãìñ îöåééï ùí àéï öøéê áãé÷ä äà åãàé çîõ öøéê áãé÷ä ãñô÷ àëì àéï îåöéà îéãé åãàé


Rejection: In Pesachim (9a), we ask from this against what it says there "wherever a weasel or Bardelas is common, Bedikah is not needed. If there were Vadai Chametz, Bedikah would be needed! The Safek that it ate it does not remove from Vadai;

åôøéê îäê ãçáø åîùðé ñô÷ åñô÷ äåà ëãøáé àåùòéà


We ask from the case of a Chaver, and answer that it is a Safek and a Safek, like R. Oshaya.

åäùúà î''î çæéðà äëà ãîåöéà îéãé åãàé ãøáðï åáãé÷ú çîõ ðîé äåé ãøáðï ãîãàåøééúà ááèåì áòìîà ñâé


Summation of question: Now, in any case we say that [Safek] removes from Vadai mid'Rabanan. Also Bedikas Chametz is mid'Oraisa, for mid'Oraisa mere Bitul suffices!

åàåîø ø''é ãîúðéúé' ãäúí àééøé ùìà áèìå ãäåé åãàé ãàåøééúà


Answer #1 (Ri): Our Mishnah there discusses when he was not Mevatel [his Chametz], so it is a Vadai mid'Oraisa Isur.

åòåã àåîø ø''é ãäà ã÷àîø äëà ãäåå áçæ÷ú îúå÷ðéí äééðå áäðê ãìà çæå àìà ìáäîä


Answer #2 (Ri): We say here that the Chazakah is that they are fixed, i.e. those that are proper only for animals.


TOSFOS DH Kedei she'Tehei Behemto Ocheles

úåñôåú ã"ä ëãé ùúäà áäîúå àåëìú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos infers that if he entered normally, it is forbidden.)

îùîò ãáèáì ùøàä ôðé äáéú àôéìå áäîúå ðîé ìà àëìä


Inference: Regarding Tevel that saw Pnei ha'Bayis (it entered through the doorway), even his animal may not eat.

åúéîä ìø''é î''ù îùàø äðàåú ãùøå ãìà îöéðå èáì ùéäéä àñåø áäðàä


Question (Ri): Why is this unlike other benefits? We never find that Tevel is Asur b'Hana'ah!

åé''ì ããøùéðï ááîä îãìé÷éï (ùáú ãó ëå.) âáé àéï îãìé÷éï áèáì èîà îùåí ãëúéá àú îùîøú úøåîåúé áùúé úøåîåú äëúåá îãáø àçú èäåøä åàçú èîàä


Answer: We expound in Shabbos (26a) that we do not light [Ner Shabbos] with Tamei Tevel, because it says "Es Mishmeres Terumosai" - the verse discusses two Terumos. One is Tahor, and one is Tamei;

îä èäåøä àéï ìê áä ôé' àëéìúä àìà îùòú äøîä åàéìê àó èîàä ëï ãäééðå äãì÷ä


Just like the Tahor, you have in it, i.e. permission to eat it, only after separating [Terumah], also Tamei, i.e. burning it [is permitted only after separating].

åäãø âîø èäåøä îèîàä ãîéúñøä áäãì÷ä ÷åãí äøîä åä''ä ìîàëéì ìáäîúå åëì ùàø äðàä ùì ëéìåé


We then learn Tahor from Tamei, that it one may not burn it before separating, and the same applies to feeding his animal and other benefit that consumes it.

åîäëà ðîé ùîòéðï ãàéï éùøàì îàëéì ìáäîúå ëøùéðé úøåîä [åò''ò úåñ' ôñçéí ìã. ã''ä îçîéï ìå]


Remark: From here we learn also that a Yisrael may not feed to his animal Karshinei Terumah (vetch). See also Tosfos Pesachim 34a DH Mechamin Lo.


TOSFOS DH b'Shifchaso Shel Masik

úåñôåú ã"ä áùôçúå ùì îñé÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos infers that Tum'as Yoledes applies to slaves.)

îùîò ãùôçä îèîàä áìéãä


Inference: The Shifchah is Tamei due to birth.

åëï îåëç áô' øáé àìéòæø ãîéìä (ùáú ãó ÷ìä:) ã÷àîø ì÷ç ùôçä åðúòáøä àöìå æäå éìéã áéú ùðéîåì ìùîåðä åäúí ÷àîø ëì ùàéï àîå èîàä ìéãä àéðå ðéîåì ìùîåðä


Support #1: This is proven in Shabbos (135b). It says that if one bought a Shifchah and she became pregnant while with him, this is "Yelid Bayis" who is circumcised on the eighth day, and there it says that whenever the mother is not Tamei due to birth, he is not circumcised on the eighth day.

åáú''ë úðéà ðîé áäãéà àéï ìé àìà áðé éùøàì âéåøú åùôçä áéï îùåçøøú åáéï ùàéðä îùåçøøú îðéï ú''ì àùä


Support #2 - Citation (Toras Kohanim): I would know [that Tum'ah Yoledes applies] only to Bnei Yisrael. What is the source to include a convert or slave, whether or not she was freed? It says "Ishah".

åðøàä ãäà ãéìéó ìàéðä îùåçøøú îàùä àñîëúà áòìîà äåà åàâá àçøéðé ð÷è ìä


Assertion: It seems that learning one who was not freed from "Ishah" is a mere Asmachta. It mentioned it along with the others.

ãáô''÷ ãëøéúåú (ãó æ:) îùîò îâ''ù ãìä ìä àúéà åáô' äòøì (éáîåú ãó òã:) ìà éìéó îàùä àìà âéåøú åîùåçøøú åùàéðä îùåçøøú àéðå îæëéø ùí


Source: In Kerisus (7b) it connotes that we learn from the Gezeirah Shavah "Lah-Lah", and in Yevamos (74b) we learn from "Ishah" only a convert and a freed slave. It does not mention there one who was not freed.


TOSFOS DH u'Va Kohen v'Hetzitz

úåñôåú ã"ä åáà ëäï åäöéõ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos says that he should not have done so.)

àåîø ø''ú ãëäï ùåèä äéä ãàôéìå àí ðàîø ãùì âáéøúä äéä åëäï æä ÷øåá äéä ìà äéä ìå ìèîàåú


Assertion (R. Tam): The Kohen was a lunatic. Even if you will say that [the miscarriage] was of the woman of the house, and the Kohen was a relative, he should not have become Tamei;

ãàîø áú''ë ãàéï ëäðéí îèîàéï ìðôìéí ãáòéðï ãåîéà ãàáéå åàîå åòåã ãëàï ìà äéä ìöåøê äîú


It says in Toras Kohanim that Kohanim may not become Tamei for Nefalim, for we require [a Mes] similar to his father or mother. Also, this was not for the need of the Mes.


TOSFOS DH Safek Gareruhu ha'Hi Shaita v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ñô÷ âøøåäå ääéà ùòúà ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses where the pit and the Kohen were.)

åà''ú åäàé áåø äéëà ÷àé


Question: Where was this pit?

àé áøä''ø àôéìå áñô÷à àçú èäåø


If it was in Reshus ha'Rabim, even a single Safek is Tahor;

àé áøä''é îàé îùðé ùäèéìä ëîéï ðôì ìáåø åäúðéà ãáøä''é ëì ñô÷åú ùàúä éëåì ìäøáåú èîà


If it was in Reshus ha'Yachid, what was the answer "she cast like a Nefel into a pit"? A Beraisa teaches that in Reshus ha'Yachid, even if there are many Sefekos, it is Tamei!

åé''ì ãâøéøú çåìãä åáøãìñ äåé ñô÷ äøâéì å÷øåá ìåãàé


Answer: (It was in Reshus ha'Yachid.) The Safek that a weasel or Bardelas dragged it is [very] common and close to Vadai.

åúãò ãàôéìå îéãé åãàé áòé ìîéîø ùîåöéà æä äñô÷


Support: We wanted to say that this Safek [that a weasel or Bardelas dragged it] removes [concern for] a Vadai [Isur].

åàåîø ø''é ãöøéê ìåîø ãøâìé äëäï äéå áøä''ø ãàé øâìéå äéå áøä''é ðéçåù ãìîà âøøåäå ëðâã øâìéå åèåîàä áå÷òú åòåìä


Explanation #1 (Ri): We must say that the feet of the Kohen were in Reshus ha'Rabim. If his feet were in Reshus ha'Yachid, we should be concerned lest they dragged it opposite (i.e. under) his feet, and the Tum'ah breaks through and goes up;

ãò''ë ìéëà áçåøéäï ôåúç èôç ãëé àéëà îàé îåòìú âøéøä åäà áôåúç èôç îáéà äèåîàä


You are forced to say that there is a cubic Tefach in their holes, for if there is, how does dragging it help? A cubic Tefach brings the Tum'ah!

åòåã é''ì ãøâìé äëäï áøùåú äéçéã åâøøåäå åàëìåäå äåé ñô÷ äøâéì


Explanation #2: Also we can say that the feet of the Kohen were in Reshus ha'Yachid, and it is a common Safek that they dragged it and ate it.



úåñôåú ã"ä îñé÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he was harvesting olives.)

áñî''ê âøñ ùäéä îåñ÷ æéúéí:


Explanation: The text is with a Samech. He was Mosek olives.