NIDAH 5 (5 Sivan) - Dedicated l'Zecher Nishmas Reb Chaim Aryeh ben Aharon Stern Z'L by Shmuel Gut of Brooklyn, N.Y.


TOSFOS DH u'Beraisa Divrei ha'Kol

úåñôåú ã"ä åáøééúà ãáøé äëì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he retracted.)

ãùìà áùòú åñúä îèîà ìîôøò àáì ìâîøé ìà àúé ëøáðï ãìãéãäå àôé' áùòú åñúä ðîé


Explanation: Not at the time of her Veses, she is Temei'ah retroactively. However, it is not totally like Rabanan, for they say so even at the time of her Veses.

åà''ú îòé÷øà îàé ñáø ãàîøé' àéôëà åìà àîøé' ìçåîøà


Question: Initially what did he think, that we say oppositely, and we do not say stringently?

åéù ìåîø ãîòé÷øà áòé ìàå÷åîé îúðéúéï ëë''ò àáì ëùäáéà äáøééúà ìà îöé ìàå÷îé ëë''ò äãø áéä å÷àîø ìçåîøà


Answer: Initially, he wanted to establish the Mishnah like everyone. However, when he brought the Beraisa, he cannot establish [both the Mishnah and Beraisa] like everyone, he retracted and explained stringently.


TOSFOS DH Ha She'ar Nashim she'Amru Chachamim Dayan Shaitan Kisman ki'Re'iyasan

úåñôåú ã"ä äà ùàø ðùéí ùàîøå çëîéí ãééï ùòúï ëúîï ëøàééúï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this is not because they are more lenient than one who has a Veses.)

îùîò ùéù ìäçîéø áéù ìä åñú èôé îáã' ðùéí


Inference: It is proper to be stringent about one who has a Veses more than the four women;

à''ë ø' ãåñà ãàîø áéù ìä åñú ãéä ùòúä ëì ùëï ãàéú ìéä áã' ðùéí


If so, R. Dosa, who said that when she has a Veses, Dayah Shaitah, all the more so he holds so about the four women.

å÷ùä ãà''ë ì÷îï (ãó æ:) ãôñé÷ ëøáé àìéòæø áã' àîàé çùéá äê áäãééäå ëéåï ãøáé ãåñà ñáø ëåúéä ìà ä''ì ìîéçùá ãëä''â àîøéðï ì÷îï


Question: If so, below (7b) that [Shmuel] rules like R. Eliezer in four Halachos, why does he include this among them, since R. Dosa holds like him? He should not have counted it, like we say below!

åé''ì äà ãáéù ìä åñú ëúîä èîà ìîôøò ìàå îùåí ãçîéø èôé îã' ðùéí àìà îùåí ãâæåø áùòú åñúä àèå ùìà áùòú åñúä àò''â ãáøàééä ìà âæøéðï:


Answer (and retraction from Inference): When she has a Veses, her Kesem is Tamei retroactively - this is not because she is more stringent than the four women. Rather, they decreed about at the time of her Veses due to not at the time of her Veses, even though regarding a sighting [of blood], we do not decree.


TOSFOS DH R. Meir Hi d'Machmir bi'Kesamim

úåñôåú ã"ä ø''î äéà ãîçîéø áëúîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that he is more stringent than Chachamim are.)

ôéøù''é ãîçîéø áëúîéí èôé îáøàééä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): He is more stringent about Kesamim than about a sighting.

åàéï ðøàä ãà''ë îä ìå ìäù''ñ ìäàøéê åìåîø ãîçîéø áëúîéí äåä ìéä ìîéîø ø''î äéà ãúðéà åëå' åìà éåúø


Objection #1: If so, why does the Gemara elaborate to say that he is stringent about Kesamim? It should have said "it is R. Meir", and no more!

åúå ãáñîåê úðéà äøåàä ëúí î÷åì÷ìú ìîðéðä åáøåàä ãí àéðä î÷åì÷ìú ìîðéðä


Objection #2: Below, a Beraisa teaches that one who sees a Kesem is confused about her count. One who sees blood is not confused about her count;

àìîà ùàø úðàéí ðîé àçîéøå èôé áëúîéí îáøàééä


Inference: Also other Tana'im are more stringent about Kesamim than about a sighting.

åàò''â ãäê áøééúà ëø''î ã÷úðé îèîàä àú áåòìä ìîôøò åáôø÷ ëì äéã (ì÷îï ãó èå.) àîøéðï ãå÷à ìø''î îèîàä áåòìä ìîôøò


Implied question: This Beraisa is like R. Meir, for it teaches that she is Metamei retroactively Bo'alah (the man who had Bi'ah with her), and below (15a) we say that only R. Meir holds that that she is Metamei retroactively Bo'alah!

îëì î÷åí äà ãî÷åì÷ìú ìîðéðä îéäå àúé ëë''ò


Answer: The Beraisa's law that she is confused about her count is like everyone.

åëï ùéìäé áà ñéîï (ì÷îï ðâ:) úðéà äøåàä ëúí îèîàä òöîä ìîôøò á÷ãùéí åäééðå ìòðéï ùî÷åì÷ìú ìîðéðä ëîå ùàôøù ùí áò''ä


Support: Below (53b), a Beraisa teaches that one who sees a Kesem is Metamei herself retroactively for Kodshim. This means that she is confused about her count, like I will explain there with Hash-m's help.

åðøàä ìôøù øáé îàéø äéà ãîçîéø áëúîéí ùäåà øâéì ìäçîéø áëúîéí èôé îøáðï ëãúðï ôø÷ áà ñéîï (ùí ðá:) äøåàä ëúí çåùùéï îùåí æåá ãáøé ø''î åçëîéí àåîøéí àéï áëúîéí îùåí æåá


Explanation #2: R. Meir is stringent about Kesamim. He is often stringent about Kesamim more than Rabanan, like the Mishnah below (52b) "one who sees a Kesem is concerned for Zov. R. Meir says so. Chachamim say, Zov does not apply to Kesamim";

åàîøé' äúí îàï çëîéí ø' çðéðà áï àðèéâðåñ ãîé÷ì éåúø áëúîéí ëãàîøéðï äëà


We say there "who are Chachamim? They are R. Chanina ben Antigenus", who is more lenient about Kesamim, like we say here.

åáëîä ãåëúé îçîéø ø''î ëãàîøéðï ì÷îï (ãó ðè:) âáé àùä ùòåùä öøëéä åáôø÷ ëì äéã (ì÷îï ãó éã.) àîøéðï áã÷ä áòã [ùàéï] áãå÷ ìä åäðéçä á÷åôñà åìîçø îöàä òìéå ãí ø''î îèîà åçëîéí îèäøéï


Support: In several places R. Meir is stringent, like we say below (59b) regarding a woman who urinates, and below (14a) we say that if she checked with a cloth that was not checked, and left it in a box, and tomorrow she found blood on it, R. Meir is Metamei and Chachamim are Metaher;

åìëê ÷àîø äëà ø''î ãîçîéø áëúîéí


Therefore, we say here that R. Meir is stringent about Kesamim.

åàò''â ãáô' äàùä (ì÷îï ãó ñ.) úðéà äùàéìä çìå÷ä ìðëøéú àéðä úåìä áðëøéú ø''î àåîø úåìä áðëøéú àìîà îé÷ì èôé îøáðï


Implied question: Below (60a), a Beraisa says that if she lent her garment to a Nochris, she may not attribute [a Kesem on it] to the Nochris. R. Meir says, she may attribute to the Nochris. This shows that he is more lenient than Rabanan!

î''î áøåá î÷åîåú îçîéø


Answer: In any case, in most places he is more stringent.


TOSFOS DH Kol ha'Nashim Kisman Tamei Lemafre'a v'Nashim she'Amru v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì äðùéí ëúîï èîà ìîôøò åðùéí ùàîøå ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that the latter clause includes and adds to the first.)

ìà æå àó æå ÷úðé


Explanation: The latter clause is a bigger Chidush than the former.


TOSFOS DH Tani u'Meshameshes

úåñôåú ã"ä úðé åîùîùú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Mishnah's Chidush according to this text.)

àó òì ôé ùàîøå ãéä ùòúä


Explanation: [She must do Bedikos before and after Bi'ah] even though they said that Dayah Shaitah.


TOSFOS DH Hashta me'Es la'Es Mema'etes

úåñôåú ã"ä äùúà îòú ìòú îîòèú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Kal v'Chomer.)

ôéøåù äùúà îòú ìòú ãôùòä åìà áã÷ä ùçøéú ëé áã÷ä òøáéú åîöàä èîàä áãé÷ä ùì öäøéí ãìàçø úùîéù îéòèä ãìà îèîàä îòú ìòú


Explanation: Now, [retroactive Tum'ah of] me'Es la'Es, for one who was negligent and did not check in the morning and checked at night and found that she is Temei'ah, checking in the afternoon, after Bi'ah, diminishes [the retroactive Tum'ah], and she is not Metamei me'Es la'Es;

ëì ùëï ëùáã÷ä ùçøéú åìà ôùòä ëìåí ãîîòèú ãìà îèîàä îùçøéú:


All the more so when she checked in the morning, and she was not negligent at all, it diminishes, and she is not Metamei from [before the Bedikah in] the morning!



TOSFOS DH Mesaye'a Lei l'Ze'iri

úåñôåú ã"ä îñééò ìéä ìæòéøé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions how the Mishnah supports Ze'iri.)

úéîä ãîîúðé' ìà ùîòéðï ìèîà àãí åáâãéí


Question: We do not learn from our Mishnah to be Metamei people and clothes!


Note: The Ramban says that our Mishnah discusses a bed to teach that she is Metamei retroactively a Mishkav. Maharam says that perhaps it teaches that the bed is Metamei people, but the people are not Metamei Begadim. Alternatively, the Chidush of a bed is that we do not consider this Ein Bo Da'as Lish'ol.


TOSFOS DH Michdi Mitah Ein Bo Da'as Lish'ol

úåñôåú ã"ä îëãé îèä àéï áå ãòú ìéùàì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not ask that also Taharos are Ein Bo Da'as Lish'ol.)

îèäøåú ìà ôøéê ãëéåï ùòñå÷éï áäï îé÷øé ùôéø éù áå ãòú ìéùàì ëãôéøù ä÷åðèøñ


Explanation: We do not ask from Taharos, for since she engages with them, this is called Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol, like Rashi explained.


TOSFOS DH keshe'Chevroseha Nos'os Osah b'Mitah

úåñôåú ã"ä ëùçáøåúéä ðåùàåú àåúä áîèä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why this is considered Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol.)

îùîò äëà ãôùéèà ãëéåï ãçáøåúéä ðåùàåú àåúä áîèä ãî÷øé îèä ãáø ùéù áå ãòú ìéùàì


Inference: Obviously, since her friends carry her in the bed, the bed is called Davar she'Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol.

åúéîä ìøéá''à ãáñåó ô''÷ ãôñçéí (ãó éè.) ÷àîø åòì äîçè ùðîöà ááùø ùäñëéï åäéãéí èäåøåú


Question (Riva): In Pesachim (19a) it says that if a needle was found in meat, the knife (that touched it) and the hands are Tehorim;

åîå÷é ìä áîçè èîà îú åèäåøåú îùåí ãòæøä øä''ø äåà àáì àé äåä øä''é äåä èîà


[Rav Ashi] establishes it to discuss a needle that was Tamei Mes, and [the knife and hands] are Tehorim because the Azarah is Reshus ha'Rabim, but if it were Reshus ha'Yachid, they would be Tamei;

åôøéê àîàé åäà àéï áå ãòú ìéùàì äåà ãàîø ëøáé éåçðï ãàîø ñô÷ èåîàä äáàä áéãé àãí ðùàìéï òìéä


We ask why this is, for Ein Bo Da'as Lish'ol, [and answer that Rav Ashi] teaches like R. Yochanan, who says that Safek Tum'ah that comes through man, it is considered like Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol.

åäùúà îàé î÷ùä äúí åîä öøéê ìàúåéé äê ãøáé éåçðï ãëéåï ãàãí úåôñ àú äñëéï çùåá ãáø ùéù áå ãòú ìéùàì àôéìå áìà øáé éåçðï ëãîùîò äëà


Summation of question: What was the question there, and why did we need to bring R. Yochanan's teaching? Since a person holds the knife, it is considered Davar she'Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol, even without R. Yochanan's teaching, like it connotes here!

åé''ì ãäëà çùéá èôé ãáø ùéù áå ãòú ìéùàì ëùçáøåúéä ðåùàåú àåúä áîèä îùåí ãðãä ðîé äîèîàä éù áä ãòú ìéùàì


Answer #1: Here it is considered more Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol when her friends carry her in a bed, because also the Nidah who is Metamei [the bed] Yesh Bah Da'as Lish'ol.

àé ðîé îùåí ùâí çáøåúéä äðåùàåú âí äí èîàåú áîùà äðãä


Answer #2: [Here it is considered more Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol] because also her friends who carry her become Tamei through carrying a Nidah;

àáì äúí àéï äàãí èîà àìà äñëéï ùðâò áîçè


However, there the person is not Tamei, rather, the knife that touched the needle.

åäùúà ðîé àúé ùôéø ãôøéê áñîåê ìøáé éåçðï îäéä îúòèó áèìéúå åìà ôøéê ðîé ìæòéøé îùåí ãàãí äúåôñ äèìéú ìà ãîé ìçáøåúéä ùâí äï èîàåú åéù áäï ãòú ìéùàì


Support: Now it is fine that below, we challenge R. Yochanan from one who wrapped himself in his Talis, and we do not challenge also Ze'iri, because the person who holds the Talis is unlike her friends, for also they [become] Temei'os, and Yesh Bahen Da'as Lish'ol.


TOSFOS DH Safek Tum'ah ha'Ba'ah bi'Ydei Adam...

úåñôåú ã"ä ñô÷ èåîàä äáàä áéãé àãí...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains R. Yochanan's Chidush.)

åà''ú îàé ÷î''ì øáé éåçðï îúðé' äéà (èäøåú ô''â î''ç) úéðå÷ ùðîöà áöã äòéñä ëå' ãçëîéí îèîàéï îùåí ãòùå ìúéðå÷ ëéù áå ãòú ìéùàì àò''ô ùäòéñä àéï áä ãòú ìéùàì


Question: What is R. Yochanan's Chidush? Our Mishnah (Taharos 3:8) teaches this! If a toddler is next to a dough... Chachamim are Metamei, because they made the toddler as if Yesh Bo Da'as Lish'ol, even though the dough is Ein Bo Da'as Lish'ol!

åáîñ' èäøåú ô''ã (î''è) úðï èîà ùôùè øâìå ìáéï äîù÷éï ñô÷ ðâò ñô÷ ìà ðâò èîà áøä''é


In Taharos (4:9), a Mishnah says that if a Tamei stretched his foot among liquids, and it is a Safek whether or not he touched, it is Tamei in Reshus ha'Yachid.

òåã úðï äúí áñéôà äéä î÷ì áéãå åáøàùå îìàä îù÷éï èîàéï åæø÷ä ìáéï äëëøåú ñô÷ ðâò áå èäåø


Also the Seifa there teaches that if there was a stick in his hand, and the end was full of Tamei liquids, and he threw it among loaves, if it is a Safek whether or not it touched, it is Tahor;

åèòîà îùåí ãèåîàú îù÷éï ìèîà àçøéí ìàå ãàåøééúà åä''ì ñô÷ [ìèîà àçøéí] ãøáðï ëãîôøù äúí äà ìàå äëé ñô÷å èîà


The reason is because Tum'ah of liquid to be Metamei others (foods) is not mid'Oraisa, so the Safek to be Metamei others is mid'Rabanan, like it explains there. If not for this, the Safek would be Tamei!

åé''ì ãîöé ìîéîø ùäòéñä åäîù÷éï åäëëøåú áéãé àãí å÷î''ì øáé éåçðï àôéìå îåðçéí ò''â ÷ø÷ò àå èäøåú áéã èäåø åèåîàä îåðçú ò''â ÷ø÷ò


Answer: We can say that the dough, liquids and loaves are in people's hands. R. Yochanan's Chidush is that [the same applies to] even if they are resting on the ground, or the Taharos are in a Tahor's hands, and the Tum'ah rests on the ground.


TOSFOS DH Hayah Mis'atef b'Taliso

úåñôåú ã"ä äéä îúòèó áèìéúå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains three possible cases.)

ôéøåù èìéúå èîà åèäøåú áöãå àå èìéúå èäåø åèîàåú áöãå ëâåï ùøõ åàéðå éåãò àí ðâò áå


Explanation: His Talis is Tamei, and Taharos are next to him, or his Talis is Tahor, and Tum'os are next to him, e.g. a Sheretz, and he does not know whether or not it touched it;

àå èåîàä åèäøåú ìôðéå åèìéúå èäåø åàéðå éåãò àí ðâò ìèåîàä åàç''ë ìèäøåú


Alternatively, Tum'ah and Taharos are in front of him, and his Talis is Tahor, and he does not know whether it touched Tum'ah and afterwards Taharos;

å÷î''ì ãìà äåé ñô÷ ñô÷à ùîà ìà ðâò äèìéú áùøõ åàôéìå ðâò ñô÷ ìà ðâò áèäøåú ãàí ðâò áùøõ ëîå ëï ðâò áèäøåú


The Chidush is that this is not a Sefek Sefeka, i.e. perhaps it did not touch the Sheretz, and even if it touched, perhaps it did not touch the Taharos, for if it touched the Sheretz, similarly it touched the Taharos.


TOSFOS DH v'Im Iy Efshar Ela Im Ken Naga Tamei

úåñôåú ã"ä åàí àé àôùø àà''ë ðâò èîà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is not precise.)

åà''ú ôùéèà ëéåï ãàé àôùø åãàé ðâò


Question: This is obvious, since it is impossible that it did not touch!

åé''ì ãìàå à''à ëìì ÷àîø àìà ëìåîø ÷øåá ìåãàé


Answer: It is not totally impossible, rather, it is close to Vadai [that it touched].

åáúåñôúà ðîé úðéà àí àé àôùø àà''ë ðâò ñô÷å èîà îã÷àîø ñô÷å èîà îùîò ãìà äåé åãàé ðâò


Support #1: The Tosefta (Taharos 4:1) says "if it is impossible without touching, the Safek is Tamei." Since it says "Safek", this implies that it did not Vadai touch.

åëï îã÷àîø øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîøéí ìå ùðä


Support #2: R. Shimon ben Gamliel said "we tell him to repeat";

ãìéëà ìîéîø ãàøéùà ÷àé ã÷àîø ñô÷å èäåø å÷àîø àéäå àåîøéí ìå ùðä åàí ðâò èîà ãà''ë ìà äåé ôìéâé øáðï ìåîø àéï ùåðéï áèäøåú


We cannot say that he refers to the Reisha, in which [the first Tana] said that the Safek is Tahor, and [R. Shimon ben Gamliel] says that we tell him to repeat, and if it touches, it is Tamei, for if so, Rabanan would not argue to say "we do not repeat regarding Taharos!"

ãáôø÷ äøåàä (ì÷îï ðç.) àîøéðï ããå÷à ìä÷ì àéï ùåðéï àáì ìäçîéø ùåðéï


Source: Below (58a) we say that only to be lenient, we do not repeat, but to be stringent, we repeat.

åëï áøéù ùçéèú çåìéï (ãó á:) àîøéðï àé àîø áøé ìé ùìà ðâòúé ìàå ãå÷à áøé ãòæøä øä''ø ëãàîøéðï áôñçéí (ãó)


Support #3: In Chulin (2b), we say "if he says 'I am sure that I did not touch'..." Also this is not precise, for the Azarah is Reshus ha'Rabim, like we say in Pesachim (19b. Rashash - it suffices if he is close to Vadai. However, it cannot be an even Safek.)


TOSFOS DH u'Mah Kli Cheres she'Hu Mukaf Tzamid Pasil

úåñôåú ã"ä åîä ëìé çøñ ùäåà îå÷ó öîéã ôúéì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the Kal v'Chomer.)

åà''ú åðéîà ãéå ëîùëáåú ãàäì äîú ãìà îèîà àãí åáâãéí àå ãéå ëëìé çøñ ãîòú ìòú


Question #1: We should say Dayo (we cannot learn from a Kal v'Chomer more than the law of either source. We can learn only that a Nidah is Metamei a Mishkav) to be like Mishkevos of Ohel ha'Mes, which are not Metamei a person and his clothes, or Dayo to be like Klei Cheres of me'Es la'Es!

åòåã ðéîà ôëéï ÷èðéí éåëéçå ãèîàéí áîú åèäåøéí áîòú ìòú ùáðãä ãìà àúå ìëìì îâò àó îùëáåú ëîå ëï


Question #2: We should say that small flasks Yochichu (refute the Kal v'Chomer)! They become Tamei through Mes, but they are Tahor regarding me'Es la'Es of Nidah, for Tum'as Maga does not apply to them. (A Kli Cheres receives Tum'ah only from its interior. The openings of the flasks are too narrow to insert one's finger.) The same applies to Mishkevos!

åîéäå øù''é ôé' ãäëé òáéã ÷''å åîä ëìé çøñ ùèäåø áàäì äîú èîà áîòú ìòú ùáðãä ëîå áðãä òöîä


Answer #1 (Rashi): The Kal v'Chomer is from a Kli Cheres, which is Tahor in Ohel ha'Mes. It is Tamei regarding me'Es la'Es of Nidah, just like a Nidah herself;

îùëáåú åîåùáåú ãèîàéí áàäì äîú àéðå ãéï ùéèîàå áîòú ìòú ùáðãä ëðãä òöîä


Mishkevos and Moshevos, which are Temei'im in Ohel ha'Mes, all the more so they are Temei'im regarding me'Es la'Es of Nidah, like a Nidah herself!

åîéäå àëúé ÷ùä îä ìëìé çøñ ùëï àéï ìå èäøä áî÷åä, àå ùëï îèîà îàåéøå ëãôøéê áô' ëùí (ñåèä ëè:) (äâäú äøù"ù, òøåê ìðø)


Question: It is still difficult. [How can we learn from] a Kli Cheres, which cannot become Tahor through a Mikveh, or it becomes Tamei from its airspace (interior, even if the Tum'ah did not touch it), like we ask in Sotah (29b)!

åé''ì (ëï äåà áãôåñ åéðéöéä) ãùàø ëìéí éåëéçå ùàéï ìäí èåîàú àåéø åéù ìäí èäøä áî÷åä åèîàéï áîòú ìòú ùáðãä ëáðãä òöîä ùäí øàùåðéí


Answer: Other Kelim are Yochi'ach (prove that it does not depend on this). They are not Mekabel Tum'ah from their airspace, they can become Tahor through a Mikveh, and they are Temei'im regarding me'Es la'Es of Nidah, like through a Nidah herself. They become Rishonim [l'Tum'ah].

ãäà ôùéèà ìéä ãàôéìå îùëáåú èîàéï áîòú ìòú ëãàîø ááøééúà åòáéã ÷''å ìèîà àãí åáâãéí


It is obvious to him that even Mishkevos are Temei'im regarding me'Es la'Es of Nidah, like it says in the Beraisa, and he makes a Kal v'Chomer to be Metamei a person and his clothes.

åìà îöé ìîéòáã äëé ÷''å åîä ëìé çøñ ùàéðå îèîà îâáå áëì (äâäú ÷äéìú éò÷á) èîàåú èîà úåëå áîòú ìòú ùáðãä (ëï äåà áãôåñ åéðéöéä) îùëáåú ìà ëì ùëï


Observation: He cannot make the Kal v'Chomer as follows. A Kli Cheres is not Metamei from its back, in all Tum'os, but its inside is Tamei through me'Es la'Es of Nidah. All the more so Mishkevos (are Tamei through me'Es la'Es of Nidah)!

ëãàîø áôø÷ áäîä äî÷ùä (çåìéï òà:) àèå îâáå ÷àîøéðï îúåëå ÷àîøéðï åäúí îôåøù äôùè:


Source: We say like this in Chulin (71b). "Do we say from its outside? We say from its inside!" There, the simple meaning is explained.


Note: There, the Gemara learned from a Kli Cheres Mukaf Tzamid Pasil that it is easier to stop Tum'ah outside from breaking in, than to stop Tum'ah inside from breaking out, and applied this to what is swallowed in a person. It questioned this, for a Kli Cheres is not Mekabel Tum'ah from its exterior, but a person is. We answered that we do not learn from the outside of the Kli Cheres, rather, from its inside! I.e. the laws of its interior and exterior do not depend on each other. This explains why we cannot make the Kal v'Chomer that Tosfos suggested.


TOSFOS DH Hachi Garsinan ha'Nitzul b'Ohel ha'Mes v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä[ä"â äðéöåì áàäì äîú ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions the Kal v'Chomer, and resolves it.)

úéîä äà ãàéðå ðéöåì áîòú ìòú äééðå áäéñè ãçùéá ëàéìå ðâò áúåëå ãîøéáåéà ãîâò àúé


Comment - Question: This that it is not saved from me'Es la'Es, is regarding Heset (Tum'ah through moving), for it is considered as if he touched inside, for we learn (Heset) from an inclusion of [Tum'as] Maga (touching - 43a);

áîâò äîú (äâää áîäãåøú îñéáúà) ðîé èîà


Also through Maga of Mes (if Tum'as Mes were inside it) it is Tamei!

ãëê ö"ì áôø÷ ø"ò (ùáú ôã:) (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ã÷àîø îä ôëéï ÷èðéí ùèäåøéí áæá èîà áàäì äîú îôõ ùèîà áæá à"ã ùéèîà áàäì äîú


Source: We must say so in Shabbos (84b). It says [there] that small flasks, which are Tahor through a Zav, are Tamei in Ohel ha'Mes. A mat, which is Tamei through [Mishkav of] a Zav, surely it is Tamei in Ohel ha'Mes! (The mat is a Kli Etz without an interior, or it is of reeds. If it were not proper for Mishkav, it would not be Mekabel Tum'ah at all.)

ðéîà ëìé çøñ äîå÷ó öîéã ôúéì éåëéç àìà ëãôéøù'


We should say that a Kli Cheres Mukaf Tzamid Pasil is Yochi'ach! (It is Tamei through a Zav, and Tahor in Ohel ha'Mes.) Rather, it is like I explained. (We cannot refute the Kal v'Chomer, for also Mukaf Tzamid Pasil is Tamei through Maga of Mes.)

åé"ì ãäúí òáéã ÷"å îîãøñ åäùúà àéï ìåîø îå÷ó öîéã ôúéì éåëéç ãäà èäåø îï äîãøñ].


Answer: There, the Kal v'Chomer is from Midras. Now, we cannot say that Mukaf Tzamid Pasil is Yochi'ach, for it is Tahor from Midras. (Aruch l'Ner - Tosfos retracts from saying that Heset is like Maga, so this answers his question.)